Hi has anybody got advice on how to manage a prolapse. My GP said I had a partial prolapse of the urethra. It is so uncomfortable, burning,soreness aching 24/7. I think it was caused by constipation and severe straining. The gp advised oestrogen, Vagirux and also prescribed a moisturiser Yes. None of this has helped at all. Weak pelvic floor muscles also a problem.
prolapse : Hi has anybody got advice on how... - Women's Health

🙂 This has been mentioned on other Heathunlocked Forums..
oestrogen usually works very well but you might need to try different sorts to find one that suits you and does the job, it can take a while for everything to settle and it’s ongoing rather than a permanent cure. Ask for a referral to a gynaecologist and a pelvic floor physio, you will get more help from specialists.
Thank you for that advice. I’ve seen a Physio twice who showed me exercises but I haven’t felt any benefit from them as I’m sure I’m not getting them right they are such subtle movements I can’t feel a thing!
Pelvic floor exercises are not easy to get right, I have found doing Pilates with an instructor trained in dealing with prolapse and pelvic floor very helpful but it does take a while to notice the difference.
I would get that referral to a gynae ( make sure it’s a women !) and find out exactly what’s wrong, how advanced it is and what the best treatment is.
I muddled along with various GPs for years and got nowhere so I found my own Gynae and she was really helpful.
If you struggle with the exercises there is an affordable device that a specialist pelvic floor physio recommended for my daughter post bad labour, called Kegel. It helped her recognise when she was doing the exercises right .This was a couple of years ago now so there may be others now.
Buy a kegal.8 pelvic floor exerciser...I managed my prolapse for 10 yts with hrt that's a must stick with it take vit d also ...Good luck.x
I’m puzzled by the burning and pain you are experiencing. Have you been tested for a UTI?
I also have a partial urethral prolapse, but no pain at all, except when I have a UTI, which for awhile post-menopause was way too often.
My urologist prescribed taking sulfamethoxazole, just one tablet, after sex. Problem solved.
Good luck!
The burning and pain can be from the vagina especially when atrophy is an issue, this is where oestrogen and moisturiser helps.
My atrophied vagina only hurt during and after sex, my semi-prolapsed urethra never hurts.
The OP did not mention sex, but said her pain was 24/7, which is why I suggested a possible UTI, and the urologist’s tip about taking sulfa prophylactically after sex.