Hi! I was wondering if anyone had any similar experiences or had any input/advice for me. I am 23 yrs old and I was diagnosed with endometriosis in May of last year (almost by fluke actually) I kept having recurring pelvic and back pain that no doctor could explain and terrible flank pain that they kept thinking it was kidney stones (which it wasn't). One night i was in the ER on a morphine drip for unbearable flank pain, the doc ordered a CT of my kidneys and happened to notice on the bottom of the image two 4+cm hemorrhagic cysts on each ovary. This was when I got a referral to a Gynaecologist who immediately scheduled me for a lap as he was certain it was endo. Sure enough, it was. There was 3 lesions (he didn't say anything about the size or depth and no mention of scar tissue) and the pouch of Douglas was filled with endometrial tissue to the point where it had stretched and is currently sitting (ever so slightly) above my colon. The gynaecologist told me in my post op that he didn't correct that anatomy as it could cause further complications. He put me on a progesterone birth control and told me to come/call back should the pain come back. In December of that same year my husband and I decided to try and conceive. As soon as I went off the pill the pain was back, and this time with a vengeance. I called him back and he scheduled me in for another lap in February where even more endo was found and advised us to keep trying. The lap seemed to help, but only for a short time. My periods were more painful than they had ever been and by the beginning of June I was needing hefty pain killers everyday. I called him again and he explained that my symptoms were typical of a progressing disease and he would schedule another surgery. I am hoping for a cancellation as my appointment is not until October. I am in agony and my husband and I have given up trying to conceive for a while simply because it is far too painful.
(Sorry for the long post.. :s)
Any advice or stories of your experience are all welcomed!!!