Not the picture I thought I would be posting this week with Spring almost up on us. This photo was taken this morning, Pea’s paw prints as she enjoys her pre-breakfast walk. Hope everyone has managed to stay warm and dry.
This is an all inclusive club, to cover all activity and all abilities and the aim is for each of us to highlight our preferred activities to give us all new ideas for exercise. Please see for previous ideas.The idea is for you to post your exercise achievements from last week and your proposed goals for this coming week. This will not be a competition, but declared plans are easier to stick to and encouragement and support from fellow members are good motivators.By setting ourselves short, mid range and possibly long term goals we achieve a little at a time and with the forum family encouraging us each step along the way we may surprise ourselves by what we achieve. Any and all exercise counts, from housework to marathon running, armchair exercises to wheelchair basketball. Your only limitation will be your imagination.We love to see photos, so please post as many as you wish of when you're out and about, in the gym, at your fitness class, or boogying down in front of your TV. Please take some time to encourage your fellow FiF'ers, as this is all about giving each other support and inspiration.
My own exercise regime has been sadly lacking this past month. Life, illness and work can all change quickly and alter our plans. So anything we can do, planned or unplanned should be celebrated. Any activity is better than none. More importantly enjoyment is the key, if you don't enjoy it you wont repeat it. So do whatever takes your fancy and have fun. This coming week I hope to walk as much as possible and do some ‘silver swans ‘ ballet.
Looking forward to reading all about your achievements and enjoying your photos!