I am now 8 st and my usual weight has been from 6 st 12 lbs to 7 st until about 9 months ago.I have always been a size 8 but now I am between 10-12. I need to lose this weight as all of my clothes are too tight and I generally feel sluggish and generally very low in energy. I can not go any higher than a size 8 in trousers as I have small bony structure. My weight is round my midrift waist and abdomen. I know that this is a very dangerous area to carry weight.
I have a sweet tooth and currently my diet is very unhealthy.. The only time I was ever 8 st was when I was expecting my son who was 9 lb 6 Oz's. Total weight gain during my pregnancy was 14lbs. He is 52 years old today.
I am now 80 years. I am generally in pretty good health. I have hypertension and I have been on medication for around 8 years for this. I have had echo cardiogram and other than some mild calcifications on the aortic valve my heart is healthy
I have chronic urinary infections for around 2-3 years but I am now on permanent nitrofurantoin 50 mgms at night. I have had bladder biopsy which was benign. To have a further Cystoscopy in 2 months time. for the past 18 months I am still under the care of the Urologists. My family are unaware of how unhealthy my diet is.
I am feeling in low mood currently and as it is a new year I would like to reduce my weight but most of all to have more energy
I suffer from chronic pain and have had an implanted neurostimulator for over 30 years. I had a new battery to 8 months ago. I am on medication and an never pain free.but most of the time the pain is tolerable
I have had a problem with my colon for many years. The pain and the colon and anal.problem are as a result of a Kielands forceps in 1971 My Son is 52 years old today. I had 75 CMS of my colon removed 23 years ago.An attempt was made to repair the anal sphincter too but unsuccessfully. I use the Peristeen system and this has changed my life. I irrigate my bowel daily and I can go out confident that I will not be incontinent
This is very long winded but I am feeling down at the moment. I suffered very bad depression in my 30's and early 40's as a consequence of the chronic pain. I had 8 treatments of ECT in 1976 when my son was 5 years old. Although I remained on antidepressants for a further 3-4 years I was well and worked as a midwife for over 20 years. My husband died in 1996 aged 56 and I was 53. I have 6 grandchildren whom I adore. This time if year is never good for me. I need motivation and for this reason I am asking for your support.
I would appreciate any support you could offer me .