I need to lose weight: So last week I... - Weight Loss Support

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I need to lose weight

Carina1 profile image
9 Replies

So last week I started seriously trying to lose weight, for myself and for my son who has just turned 1

I have this last week lost 4 pounds, but have so much to go

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Carina1 profile image
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9 Replies
Carolee13 profile image

You did well to lose 4lbs in a week! Don't think of how far you have to go, but try to enjoy the journey. Good luck!

sueper profile image

4lb is a great start - well done :)

Well done, I too just started and have lost a similar amount but we both need to slow down a bit. The slower it comes off the more likely we are to keep it off. 1 to 2 lb is the recommendation. That said I think a bigger loss in the first week is not uncommon. View this as a marathon, a lifestyle change and make sure you don't feel deprived and hungry or you won't last the course.

Try not to look so much at how much you need to lose as how much healthier you are becoming for your son. You want to be fit and active for him. Love yourself enough to keep getting fitter.

Use all the encouragement you can from this forum.

andrewleeone profile image
andrewleeone in reply to

All of the above!!! Sound advice! 4Lbs is plenty next week you can loose Lb Number 5! Once they are gone they are gone! Enjoy the whole of the 12 weeks!

Jo4950 profile image

Every pound gone is a fantastic victory. Be proud of yourself you are worth it.

Dave1961 profile image

Thats a GREAT start.

Maybe you should cut your weight loss goals into smaller chunks?

For example - I have around 140 pounds to lose so all I am focusing on right now is getting that first 10 pounds off. 140 pounds seems overwhelming, too hard, too much work.

10 pounds? 10 pounds I can do.

And then the next.

And the next.

Do you have a final goal or reward you are working towards? A dress you want ot an event you want to go to or just to be able to wow your friends - think about a reward for all your effort because once you make it to your goal weight you will deserve one...and give yourself a few along the way as well...lets just not make them food rewards :D

As an example my "reward" is to run the 2016 Sydney City To Surf. I have exactly 13 months to get ready and when I cross that finish line I will be so excited and proud...right now I can not jog for more than 30 seconds without being puffed but knowing what I want to achieve keeps me going.

And once again - AMAZING first week! Go pick up 4 pounds of butter or flour next time you go shopping....you will be amazed that THAT is what you are no longer carrying :)

Carina1 profile image

Thanks everyone, Iam trying so hard, I know I should have started tying earlier, but the past year since my son been born I have had 2 bereavements of close family members, and everything just seems hard at the moment, I have started cycling to work, which is 4 miles there and 4 miles back which will help

My husband is very unsupportive, he is just constantly telling me what an embarrassment Iam to him and my son, just makes it so hard, all the time he just criticising me, I need to rove him wrong and that I can do it

Dave - Thank you for the advice. I have a lot of weight to lose - About 7 stone is what I need to lose, it is so hard

I dont have targets, I try to but then my husband does something to mess things up for me

Its great you have a target like that, its amazing for you to have that as a goal, I know you will do it :)


You need to do this for yourself and so you can be an active and healthy mummy to your son. In doing it for yourself you will also prove your husband wrong!

Sorry about your bereavements. Emotional eating is a common problem. Having someone critisising you and undermining your confidence can also drive you to take comfort in food.

BUT there are lots of people here who understand and if you choose to come here for encouragement and inspiration you will begin to make the changes you need to reach your goals and resist the urge to seek comfort in food.

We are better together.

Love yourself enough to keep to your calorie limit and to increase your activity. Push the buggy to the park. Push your baby in the swing . Take small actions that make you move a bit more and eat less.

Well done for facing the problem and good luck on the journey. You can do this x

in reply to

Oh and we'll done for cycling to work! !!! I couldn't cycle 4 miles and I have far less weight to lose. Go you!! You Rock! !

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