*sigh* I've been doing so well lately! I wanna say I don't know what happened but I guess I can trace a few events that led to a crazy binge today.
Firstly.. Its the school holidays. My usual routine is up and down. Days off work mean eating two lighter meals rather than my usual one main meal. So being back at work, not eating all day, I was feeling hungrier than normal!
Secondly I've been losing 2lbs a week consistently recently but then my scales needed new batteries and suddenly added lbs on to my weight! This week I was expected to reach 9st 7lb but the scales are saying 9st 10lbs! So that sucks. I told myself it doesn't matter, that I am on vacation next weekend and was going to put weight on anyways and then have to refocus on weight loss anyways when I get back so it doesn't matter if the scales are already a little higher. But yeah, its drained some of my usual motivation and will power.
Thirdly I was frustrated today as I've been having some problems with my eyes. Sore, watering and pretty bad light sensitivity. Esp in the mornings. I couldn't even look at the TV screen today. I drove to work with sunglasses on but was still tricky. I phoned the doctors but they said I need to see the optician. Phoned the optician but they said they can't fit me in for five days. They suggested going to the eye hospital but I can't take time off work! And as a single mum I don't want to drag the kids to the hospital for hours! Oh, I got drops from the pharmacy few days ago but I swear they gave me wrong ones. I've had these symptoms before and think its allergy related. Usually optrex drops work fast! But pharmacy gave me drops "for bloodshot eyes". Don't think they are right? And not worked.
Anyways to cut this short... Frustrated and finding it hard to see at work today I ended up having apple crumble and cream!
BTW I have managed to get an opticians appointment for tomorrow...
Anyways at home I also pigged out on a box of chocolates my daughter got for her birthday and didn't like. They have been a terrible temptation for weeks and today I was just fed up of seeing them and figured I might as well eat them all so the temptation is gone for good from tomorrow!
I've also been tempted to get a take away but realised deep down I am not hungry and it would be a stupid waste of both calories and money!
So yeah... I've fallen today. And bad!
I promise I will be good tomorrow though! Its just a little scary to realise that really really deep down there still is a little bit of the old me still there! That it could still be easy to go back to old habits. I know am not going to but just proves how much you have to always be aware! Even when you have reached your goal!