Fallen off the wagon! : I don't really... - Weight Loss Support

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Fallen off the wagon!

CrimsonMama profile image
35 Replies

I don't really have a good excuse either! I'm finding motivation hard!

Friday I was doing fine but then was given a delicious Italian panettone as a gift! I told myself I would only have a little but it was so good I ate far too much of it. As I had now already "fallen" I had some extra food later at home too. Saturday I was determined to "get back on track" and was great ALL day. But then last thing at bedtime I just had a mad moment and took the kids to Burger king. Its so expensive and the foods not that great so I really don't know why I did it. Earlier my daughter was watching YouTube videos about these kids hypnotizing their mum to get unhealthy food at McDonald's! I think my daughter must have hypnotised me somehow lol

Then today I was feeling so fat and full I was sure I would not even need my usual calories let alone go over! But I have been redecorating and worked really hard to get it finished today. Which I did! But I missed my usual dinner time which was fine. But when I finally stopped this evening I ended up having my dinner plus extras! I feel really tired and still am craving more! I just wanna chill, watch TV and munch!

I know it's bad and I know I gotta get my head back in the right place! But I've lost my mojo and just can't seem to get fired up to pull myself together and control myself. I AM gonna try! But I want that extra oomph to actually want to do it and stick to it!!

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CrimsonMama profile image
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35 Replies

Panettone was my downfall this Christmas too! Fell off the wagon and still trying to recover 😂

But I know it’s not funny when you feel you are losing control again. All I can advise is come here as often as possible. Motivation will return but it takes some effort. Good luck CrimsonMama

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to

Good advise of course! I haven't been coming here much other than recording my weigh in.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

You know the drill hun, you've done it before, you can do it again! Get yourself over here ! :-) x


energy1 profile image

Don’t beat your self up ! Move forward reflect and start again ! You can do this we are all this together ! I have been off wagon for few weeks lately due to health problem have set goals this year to try move forward ! Just remember it’s ok to make a mistake we are human over all ! Mistake not failure it’s opportunity! Good luck you have got this we will do this together! X

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to energy1

I know! I just keep thinking I got this and restart but then let myself down again! At least if I was ill or something I could blame that but I don't have any good reason why. I gotta pull myself together somehow!

gman1961 profile image
gman1961HostRestart April 2024

Mince pies are mine ,CM you have been inspiring us for ages and you can do it again .

Many of us slip up.

Come on CrimsonMama,


CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to gman1961

Lol thank you! I wasn't going to write this as I was ashamed after all the good I've been doing! But being open about the ups AND downs is all part of the journey I guess! And I hope I can pull it around and show that slipping up is just temporary!

gman1961 profile image
gman1961HostRestart April 2024 in reply to CrimsonMama

If you feel ashamed after all the good you have done , I'm shocking im starting at my heaviest weight after getting down to within about 8lbs of my target.

Tomorrow is another day ,don't beat yourself up ,you are not alone .


in reply to gman1961

Good luck Gary. You’ve had a tough time, but you have taken the first step!

gman1961 profile image
gman1961HostRestart April 2024 in reply to

Making it my year this year.

Thanks Tt.


PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023 in reply to CrimsonMama

Yes! That openness is what is going to get you over the finish line. You can do it, CR! Big hug 🤗

Hope177TT profile image
Hope177TT in reply to CrimsonMama

Yes we appreciate hearing the downs and tips to get through them. I love cake and resolved to treat myself to coffee and cake out once a week and not buy any. And then a friend brought me round a home made cake! Oh well I've eaten it all now so hopefully back on track.

Missionwoman profile image
MissionwomanRestart Sept 2023 in reply to CrimsonMama

We all do what you have done so just dust yourself down and start now. I think if you've also been decorating your house it will be a bit out of kilter so a reason for being out of sync with your eating plan. Christmas is past and this is the start of a new year so a good time to get back on track. Best wishes.

sunny369 profile image
sunny369Restart Dec 2023 in reply to gman1961

Honestly it was only the 12th January yesterday and I was standing in the supermarket yesterday staring in disbelief at Easter eggs and hot cross buns! Honestly! My hubby picked up the hot cross buns (2 packs for a £1) and said shall we have these? NO!!!! step away from the hot cross buns! I was reminded of my late auntie (a Catholic) who would never have dreamed of eating a hot cross bun before Good Friday :)

Thank goodness all the mince pies should be gone now :)

Barcud profile image

Big hug, although my hugs, like yours, aren't nearly as big as they were. Be proud of how far you have come and when you are ready to get back to it. You have every reason to feel good about yourself but I can relate to the mojo disappearing now and again. Hope you find your can and will very soon!

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to Barcud

Thank you! I think that is part of the problem... Right now I am pretty OK with my size and body so there is less motivation to keep going ... But if I put weight on (which I have) its going to be a slippery slope and I won't stay the size I wanna be for long!

Plus this time of year (Jan to Mar) always makes my hunger out of control! I'm good with my exercise. Just need to control my appetite when I'm feeling cold!

Barcud profile image
Barcud48kg in reply to CrimsonMama

I can relate to that, much harder to stay motivated when you are nearly there, I'm finding that. I've joined the Easter Challenge so Lytham has to keep me on track. When I do reach maintenance I'm going for the traffic lights.....have a range that I'm happy with then that will be green lights, if it sneaks up 1 or 2kg that will be amber and if I go over that it will be RED. So will need to start doing something about it in the amber zone and get back to green. RED will obviously be a serious reassessment of what I'm doing wrong.

I too crave food when it gets chilly but have taken to pulling a hoody over my jumper or fleece, I seem to have quite a lot of baggy hoodies! Keeping warm seems to help.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Barcud

You can count on it ! The cameras never lie! :-) x

Barcud profile image
Barcud48kg in reply to Lytham

LOL, haven't got them in our nearest town so chances of having them in the village is fairly remote!

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator13kg in reply to Barcud

Ah Barcud ! Lytham uses drones.......😋😋😋

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to TheTabbyCat

Now there's a thought??? :-) x

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Barcud

LOL ! There's one in your kitchen, facing the fridge! :-) x

Barcud profile image
Barcud48kg in reply to Lytham

Oh that's what the plastic thing I found the dog crunching was!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Barcud

LOL LOL ! I thought I could see a big tongue?? :-) x

Wordsworth2 profile image

Hi CrimsonMama,

We all have fails and we all sometimes eat more than we should. However, this losing weight lark is a campaign, with battles won and lost daily. But you simply have to set your mind and get that little voice in your head telling you it's ok to say no to cravings. It's really ok to have a fail and pick up again, as long as you do.

I've had my fails, I've learned the mistakes that I made they led to the fails and made sure I didn't do those things again. By the sounds of it, you've noticed what made you trip up a little, so now you can learn and move on. Don't make the same mistakes again.

Don't waste your energy beating yourself up, use it to keep moving forward and keep losing the weight. You've come a long way and you'll continue to work your way towards your goal.

Good luck in your journey.

Stay strong.

CrimsonMama profile image

Yes I do believe its that little voice that is struggling! Over Xmas it was allowed to say yes yes yes to every treat and craving going. Then after Xmas I've still allowed it to say "one little biscuit won't hurt" or "shh, that Jaffa cake doesn't count. Its fine!" .... Now I need it to say NO to everything not on my plan!

I wish it was like a fitness app... Where I could just pick another instructor! Lol

Icandoit2019 profile image

Hi you have lost an amazing amount of weight!! Very inspiring but to get back to your post do you feel a bit complacent now and a false sense of security that you have come so far.

I think it’s great you recognize how slippery the slope can be and you don’t want to spiral. Also isn’t it quite scary how one can Easily pile in the lbs simply in a week. I know it’s water weight but I have been known to put on 6-7lbs in a week!

I have a complex relationship with food and It really isn’t as simple as stop when you’re full. Especially when you’re an emotional eater like myself.

But I do think you have got the right tools and know exactly how to get back on track.

Feeling your determination and won’t be long till you reach goal 💪

Nosuchthing profile image

I understand how you feel. I get like that too. Motivation can be hard I was invited out to Mcdonalds last night and they are nit renowned for their salids. Try not to beat your self up over the stumbles it's OK to go over board once in a while. The worse you make yourself feel the more you will eat (again personal experience). Try to focus on your achievements. It will help with motivation.

Tiggerr profile image

Sorry to hear you're struggling CrimsonMama, when I've always considered you one of the stronger minded of us all. You're normally really good at eating carbs in moderation so I'm not sure what to suggest but maybe I don't have to suggest anything as I'm sure you'll get into the swing of things shortly.

Good luck!

DottieDots profile image

Oh believe me I know exactly how you feel, sounds like I am reading about myself ! I was so motivated, lost over 2 stone but the last 6 mths it's just been creeping back, I'm good all day , then in the evening I start ! Just one piece of shortbread left from Xmas ( becomes 3 or 4 ) then a bite size choc bar which are usually my treats , now become regular, we'll get there I'm sure , just need to " try harder " :)

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to DottieDots

When I was in maintaining mode that one little biscuit didn't seem to harm! But now - back to trying to lose weight - it so easily makes you think "oh I've gone and done it now. Might as well have another and start afresh tomorrow!". But then tomorrow comes and it happens again!

I was doing just great until Xmas! Now both at home and work there are all those "little treats" lying around!!


Going to try my best to be good today!! Not even one biscuit at work!!

DottieDots profile image
DottieDots in reply to CrimsonMama

Sounds like a good plan !! :)

1dee profile image

Like you I haven't been on site for a long time and have put most of my weight back on. So this is the first day of the rest of our lives, let's do it together. Refocus on your goals, start small, say just a few pounds and change your normal routine so you don't feel your stuck in a rut. Here we go, we're on it.

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to 1dee

I think you are right! I keep seeing how far I have to go (and I know it's not as far as when I started but it still seems far!) And then each 'fail' means I put weight on and my target becomes even further away! Which is getting very daunting!

I will lower my expectation and make my goal smaller! That's how I did it in the beginning when losing 6 stone seemed impossible!

Lesley1234567 profile image

Ooh poor you. You are obviously feeling down at the moment especially as you have lost your job. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Try to keep focused and instead of going to Burger King make your own burgers, adding the flavours you and your children would like, not only cheaper for you but will occupy your time while you are not working.

Making your own food from scratch is not only cheaper but healthier too, you know what is going into the food.

Good luck with the job front, and making your own recipes.

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