Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (28th March 2016) Morning Session.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
333 Replies

Hi everyone,

This week, I am pleased to announce that we have a new Fab 5’er, hence the thread name “Lowcal and the Fab 5’ers” is now true – the Fab 5’ers consist of Prin, Suzybenj, Ruth_Canal_Runner, Moreless and our new Fab 5’er: LotToLose. Hence if you join us for today’s weigh-in, one or more of us will respond to you. However, please be patient with us, as we do have other commitments, but we do our very best to get back to you as soon as we can. If you’d like to read LotToLose’s achievements then please see this link:

LotToLose is unlikely to be around this morning, but later this afternoon she’ll be around, and those of you who haven’t met her yet, can hopefully hear from her then. I know many of you have already come across her, as she is a motivating person within many of the current challenges that are going on in the forum.

Ok, so I’ll kick off with my weigh-in results: Last Monday I was 13 stone 0.8 pounds, and today I weigh: 12 stone 11.8 pounds, so I’ve lost 3 pounds this week!  

I have been inspired this week by Sueper's  Easter Bunny Challenge, which I will be looking forward to posting in later today. It has really kept me on track, and I was determined to achieve my goal to lose 2.8 pounds this week, and I am so happy that I managed 3 pounds!  

I managed to get to the gym once – instead of twice, but I did my Strength exercises (inspired by Ruth_Canal_Runner’s March Strength Challenge) so feel good about that. I have also kept up my Kms for FizzyLiz’s 20,000 Leagues under the Sea challenge and I’m on track for MarmiteRehoming’s 4th July Challenge.

So many great Challenges, and I would thoroughly recommend doing these and participating in them, if you are thinking about it. I know many of you are already involved – I’m sure you agree it’s motivating and great fun!

I have done the stats this week, and they are also inspiring:

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 115. 

Total overall weight lost: 62.6 pounds (28.39 kilos).

Total people who lost weight: 57 (101.75 pounds lost) (46.15 kilos).

Total people who gained weight: 23 (39.15 pounds gained) (17.76 kilos).

Total people who maintained their weight: 17.

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 15.

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 3.

Note for Newbies:

If you are joining this weigh-in group thread for the first time today, then welcome. Just introduce yourself and share your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so) and your initial weight loss goals – setting yourself mini-goals leading to your ultimate weight loss goal is particularly helpful. You could also make a note of your body measurements – sometimes the scales stick at a particular weight, but there can be body measurement changes which are very motivating. It’s not all about the scales afterall – it’s how you feel in yourself.

You can always refer to previous weigh-in threads if you want to see what other people typically post (just click on my profile, Lowcal, and you’ll be able to see a list of all previous posts which are all clearly dated).

Also, if you’ve not already seen it, then take a moment to read the ‘Welcome Newbie’ pack which is a Pinned post (situated on right hand side of homepage) which has been collated by Fab 5’er Moreless.

N.B. The Afternoon/Evening Session will be posted at approx midday – and if it has already been posted, then the link will be here:

11.55am Afternoon/Evening session has been posted, and the link is here:

Wishing you all a great weigh-in!

Lowcal ☺

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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333 Replies
Berylbee3 profile image

Well done LowCal! 3 lbs excellent news 🤗 I too am chuffed to report a 2 lbs loss so now 12 st 12 lbs - yay 🎉

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

HI Berylbee3,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is fantastic!!!  That's brilliant news and you're 'all the 12's now'.  Hope you have another great week ahead and thanks also for your kind words.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Berylbee3

Into the 12's Beryl! WOOHOO!! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi again, 

I forgot to mention that I've reported the lack of smiley faces to the Tech team, and Vesa from Healthunlocked has replied to say that the Tech team will be working on this and any other glitches that have been reported to them when they are back from the Easter break, which will be tomorrow.  So the good news is that they will be attempting to fix these for us from tomorrow. 

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Great news Lowcal, I really miss the smileys, as they form part of our personalities :)

fussybird profile image

wow, well done Lowcal, 3lbs loss is awesome, especially around Easter! Go you!

I've lost 1lb, from 14st to 13st 13lb, very pleased with this as no exercise and sitting doing paperwork solidly since Friday and eating Easter eggs yesterday. 

This time tomorrow we'll be at the airport ready to fly to our friends in the States who are getting married next weekend. A few sightseeing days planned, so hopefully walking a fair bit, and I'll go easy on the snacking as this is my downfall. I hear the meal portions are ridiculous there, so probably won't be able to manage any snacks.

I'll weigh in next week if they have scales at their house, they are slim and fit so may not. Failing that I'll be here in two weeks. 

Have a good one everyone :-)  

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to fussybird

Well done fussybird, that's an excellent result! :)

Hope you have a fab time in the states and we'll look forward to hearing all about it on your return :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fussybird

Hi Fussybird,

Thanks for your kind words.  It was sueper 's Easter Bunny Challenge that inspired me to lose so much over Easter, I was trying very hard to keep on track and not over-indulge, and it worked!  Very motivating.  :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week, and it's great that you're going to your friends' Wedding in the States tomorrow for some sightseeing days, and I hope their Wedding goes well next weekend.

Maybe you can ask them for smaller portions!  :-)

Look forward to catching up with you when you can get back for a weigh-in, so like you say, maybe next week or the week after.  Good luck, and enjoy your trip.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi all, Happy Easter Monday,

Lowcal, you star! What a fantastic result! All the challenges have certainly kept you focused and on track! WTG you! 12st 7lbs is soooooo close now! :)

LTL, I'm delighted that you're joining us as a Fab 5'er. We'd be hard pushed to find somebody more inspirational and motivational. Welcome to our happy band :)

My week has been something of a mixed bag, I'm delighted to report a 1lb loss, but my goodness, it's been a struggle. I couldn't find the balance between food and exercise and spent a lot of the week feeling tired and hungry.

I too have joined all the challenges and really want to use all the exercise challenges to help me get fitter and stronger, but I still have a lot of weight to lose, so don't want to be in the position of the exercise making me need more fuel and scuppering the weight loss. I'm afraid balancing the two, is a work in progress, so I shall just keep working at it :)

I hope everyone is enjoying the Easter break and that the coming week is a great one :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless, (Lovely Fab 5'er),

Thanks for your very kind and encouraging words.  :-)  My ultimate goal is in sight now...!  For now, I hope to stay in the 12's.  Actually, I was so excited by my result that I forgot to set myself a goal for this week, so I shall be thinking about that so I can post one this afternoon when I put up the midday thread.  

You've described your week as a 'mixed bag', and that you've struggled this week to find the balance between food and exercise, and I'm sorry to hear you felt tired and hungry during the week.  I am wondering if perhaps you're pushing yourself too hard - many Congratulations on losing 1 pound, that is great, but essentially do make sure you have sufficient food to feel comfortable and energised.  Like you say, that can be a difficult thing to balance, and I completely see what you're saying there.

However, feeling tired and hungry is perhaps a warning sign to you that you may be pushing yourself a little too much.  Or it could just be that you need a day to rest and recuperate.  I gave myself that day yesterday, and I feel much better for it.  My leg muscles were aching on Saturday evening, and I thought to myself 'I need to give my body a complete rest'.

Anyway Moreless, I wish you a fantastic week ahead, and I hope you feel better in yourself - less tired and more energised, and less hungry too.  

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, for your very wise words. I shall definitely be taking them on board :)

Gosh, I think all the challenges have you aiming for plenty of targets already! :)

in reply to moreless

Congrats Moreless on losing 1lb in what sounds like a particularly challenging week. You amaze us again and again! But I know what you mean with the difficulty of balancing fuelling with exercise on a calorie-controlled diet, and andrewleeone wrote about it too with his epic bike rides. Personally, I agree with you that you need to keep the exercise within a manageable range of what you can fuel yourself to do within your calorie allowance, otherwise you do end up likely to eat back your exercise calories. Whereas Andrewleeone looked at what those calories actually were and reminded himself they didn't have to be consumed through pub meals at the end of every ride, looked at other ways to fuel himself within the calorie allowance instead. Personally I think a banana before exercising helps a lot. Also the 'hunger' can sometimes be thirst. Have you looked at 'high 5 zero' tablets, they're like berocca for muscles and contain salts like potassium etc (which bananas also contain - which is why bananas are amazing). If you're getting dehydrated during all this exercise, something like that might help? I put half a high 5 zero tablet in a bottle of water when I cycle to work which is about a 20k round trip. And they seem to help... 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Ruth, that's a great tip. I've never actually heard of them before. 

I do try to keep hydrated and fill a 2 litre bottle with water every day. Funnily enough, I've gone from hating water, to it being my preferred "beverage". I even drink it instead of tea now!

I know I shall get on top of this eventually, but it's all new to me at the moment. I've never done this much exercise! :D

in reply to moreless

That's a really good way to make sure you have enough water. I agree you can really get into water - it tastes particularly amazing after a long run! There are lots of tips out there for how to eat in relation to exercise. I really just come back again and again to bananas though - they do help a lot. The high 5 zero tablets helped me out when I started getting cramps in my calfs, but I find they're all round a good supplement to have on hand. I think halfords sell them and holland & barratt definitely have them. They're considered a 'sports supplement'.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Pain in my muscles I can cope with, it's the bone weariness that's difficult. The feeling that you just want to crawl into bed. Maybe it's the granny in me and I should start having an afternoon nap! :D

Do you ever get restless legs? I wonder if the High 5 zero tablets will help that?

in reply to moreless

I always get restless legs, I don't know if it's exercise related though, I always thought it was a low-level stress thing - but maybe I'll see if that responds to high 5 zero tabs at all. It's a thought though... I think if you're getting bone weariness then a mineral supplement would help anyway. Maybe if not high 5 zeros, then a general mineral supplement with calcium and magnesium etc, osteocare etc? I've taken them in the past too, before I discovered the dedicated sports supplement.  Overall, exercise is meant to be great for strengthening bones, muscles etc, but I think sometimes we need to give our diet a helping hand to make sure it's getting the materials that it needs to do that strengthening...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Crumbs, I feel so stupid for not thinking of all these things, but I've never been an athlete and wouldn't consider myself one now, but it's likely I'm needing more than I'm getting at the moment, even though my diet is varied.

in reply to moreless

I went through all this too, the feeling something wasn't right, the realisation of why that was, then finding the solution. I also didn't know any of these things until I asked my fitter more athletic friends :) I realise I'm implying I'm your fitter more athletic friend, which sounds bonkers as I do a tenth of what you do! Ha ha! But I think as always trial and error gets us there in the end - keep trying and see what works for you - become your own expert :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

You are definitely my fitter, more athletic friend! I'm just the tenacious granny! :D

This will become my new project! I will definitely become my own expert! :D

in reply to moreless

And less hungry! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Yaaaaaaaaay! :D

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

I was thinking about you today with your exercise and bike riding you have been inspiring me to get started on the bike as we are going away in van on 22 April. Hope the weather improves, awful here today could hardly walk up garden to rescue flower pots, so going swimming, I get restless legs every night and have to sit with them up, however since I have lost the weight it is not so bad, also find the swimming 3 times a week has really helped with all over less muscle and bone ache . when I have done my swim I spend about 15 min doing all sorts of stretching exercises which really seem to have helped. You are doing really well and thanks for inspiring me x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Aww thank you Lizzie, what a lovely response :)

I wish I had the courage to go swimming. I used to go to a ladies' night, where they dimmed the lights, but my local pool doesn't have that option. Maybe one day I'll pluck up the courage.

I find I get the restless legs when I get into bed and it stops me from getting to sleep. Maybe I should do some stretching exercises last thing at night. It certainly couldn't hurt to try. Thanks for the tip :)

I hope your cycling's going well :)

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to moreless

Hi moreless i am on meds for fybromyalgia and i have restless less syndrome the meds i take are gabipentin but they do help with RLS quinine is supposed to help as well but it didn't help me, everyone is different, i advice asking your gp about it, i hope this helps 😁

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

Thanks for your advice Rosie :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to

Never heard of them, what see they?

in reply to Diana

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

I too have been ravenously hungry all week, Moreless, and have exceeded my calorie allowance a couple of times.

I think you have really increased your exercise so much over the past few weeks and maybe you do need to add in a small amount extra to enable you to workout effectively.  Your diet is different to mine, I have decided to increase my protein (in my case, beans, legumes and pulses), but maybe you need some extra carbs for energy?  Ignore me if that goes against your diet plan!

I also take a multivitamin every morning (which turns my pee a very amusing fluorescent yellow) just to be on the safe side while my calories are reduced, plus I also take a B12 supplement from the Vegan Society, oh and Omega 3 (vegan ones which are hard to find, grrr).  I am sure when I can eat 2000 calories a day, I won't need to take supplements, but while dieting, I feel it is safer.  No idea of any of that is helpful for you, but I thought I would mention it.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

It's exactly along the lines that I've been thinking myself LTL. The problem is getting the amounts right! It's similar to maintaining, I guess, not knowing how much extra to add, before starting to gain! :o

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to moreless

Hi moreless :-) it's great to hear that you have lost 1lb this week, well done hun :-) the hunger is just a phase which will pass. I go through phases of feeling more hungry at times and it can last anything up to a week or two weeks. This is something that happened in the earlier stages as I was getting used to the changes. Now it's just because I need some extra fuel as I am doing more in terms strength training. It is a work in progress and I hope you find the balance you are looking for very soon. 

I have most definitely enjoyed my Easter break and back from my stay at a hotel & leisure center and feeling very much relaxed. 

Have a lovely week ahead moreless :-)

T1 x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to trafford1

Thanks for the encouragement T1, I'll stick at it in the hope of it passing soon :)

I'm so pleased that you had a lovely relaxing time while you were away, you certainly deserved it! :)

Diana profile image

So very pleased for you Lowcal, hard earned.........I finally lost after 3 weeks, driving me nuts my gains, now 10st 6 3/4, after being 10st 8, my clothes are starting to feel better again!

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Diana

I forgot to add I was 10st 8 1/4, so a total of 1 1/2lbs, I just had make sure I was a lot more careful !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Diana

HI Diana,

This is fantastic progress, Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week, and your diligence to being more careful, and perservering despite 3 weeks of gains has clearly paid off.   Really great!

Thanks also for your kind words on my loss.  I am thrilled!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Zest

Thank you, it was annoying me the gain, and not losing!   Just proves the small stuff ( with me its nibbles pays off)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Diana

Well done Diana, that's a fabulous loss! Well done you! :)

It's surprising how quickly things can get away from you, when you loosen the reins a bit. Tightening things up has obviously done the trick :)

Here's to another great week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

7am  I'm going to have some breakfast now.  I'll be back later.  :-)

joe58 profile image

13 stone 7 lbs nothing lost but most importantly nothing gained. Had 2 meals with family to celebrate easter as well as dining out with friends. This accounts for not losing anything but it meant that my exercise was cut a bit. At least this week I am able to concentrate on my exercise more. Haven't got back to 7 miles a day yet but will do my best to achieve that goal again. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to joe58

Wow Joe, a maintain is a terrific result, considering all the celebratory meals and reduced exercise, well done you! :)

Good luck with your goal of 7 miles/day and let's hope that next monday you'll have a loss to celebrate :)

AvatheGardener profile image

Wow Lowcal losing 3lb is an amazing result- I'm doubly impressed this week in particular! And you're into the 12s by a few pounds well done! You must be so proud! 

I have gained 2lb this week. I'm totally not surprised. I've strayed a long way from the path, had drinks with friends, eaten excessive amounts of hot cross buns, chocolate and cheese, and yesterday had cake whilst meeting my neice's newborn baby Ella followed by a fabulous Persian lamb dinner- the lamb was so good I had seconds.

Whilst I managed to swim a km on Friday I haven't achieved as much walking as I wanted and still haven't got back to running. 

This week I really need to get my focus back and I aim to spend a little time thinking through an approach and preparing for it today. The house is chocolate and hot cross buns and cake free, I now need to reset my mind!!!!

Good luck everyone!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

Hi rainshine, Easter is a really difficult time to get through, with all the temptations thrown in our paths. Chocolate and hot cross buns are virtually impossible to resist! ;)

I'm sure that now you've cleared all the goodies out of the house and with the lighter evenings, you'll be able to get right back on track and get shot of those extra 2lbs :)

Swimming a kilometre is no mean feat and is an excellent form of exercise! We'll keep our fingers crossed for some fine weather, to enable you to get out for some walks and maybe get back into running again :)

Have a great week :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to AvatheGardener

Morning RS- Easter is very challenging- particularly with family and young peeps. However it is also for celebrating- and we need to build this into our lives too.

Back on the wagon this week:-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to AvatheGardener

I am sure you will manage to get back on track now and well done for getting the temptation out of the house, it is the only way I can cope!

3lbs off, well done. I've almost shifted the 1.5kg holiday gain. Last week I was 69.7kg and this week 68.5 so a loss of 1.2kg.

Feeling positive.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Fantastic loss Ceriandblue! No wonder you're feeling positive! Well done you! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Wow, that is a great turnaround - well done!

Sprout15 profile image

Last week I was 14 st 10lbs, this week I am 14 st 7.5lbs. I have lost 2.5 lbs!! This is a great result and shows that I can have a good holiday, come back and get focused again and lose that holiday weight. I have also lost another inch off my waist, a total of 2.5 inches in total since I started in February, so I am chuffed about that too. 

I have survived Easter without having an Easter egg or eating chocolate. Who knew that was possible, I certainly didn't so that's a revelation!  I bought myself some beautiful tulips instead, and I had a slice of simnel cake which was delicious. 

Congratulations on reaching the '12's', you got  there!! Well done on staying focused. 

My first mini goal is to lose 1 lb this week so that next week I can tell you that I have lost my first stone. I also plan on walking after work now that the evenings are staying lighter. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sprout15

Yaaay Sprout! My goodness, haven't you done well?! :)

Fab hol, fab weight loss and fab loss of inches! You really are on a roll! :)

I shall keep everything crossed for you losing a pound this week, to achieve your first stone! :)

Enjoy those evening walks! :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Sprout15

WTG you- very impressive.  Good luck for next week- I will be watching for that first stone post:-)

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardener7lbs in reply to Sprout15

Well done Sprout! I am very fond of Simnel cake - lovely treat and how very restrained of you avoiding the chocolate! I love tulips, what a great idea to have flowers as a treat rather than food treats. Inspirational!

suzybenj profile image

I am already completely impressed by today's posts-folk have really managed to stick to there guns.  

LC really great result - I would skipping around if I were you. Then also felt a minor amount of selfish sadness- that you would be at goal- I am assuming you won't abandon us- I would be pressure then:-) good luck for next few pounds- and congratuations for really demonstrating that the weightloss journey is a long haul effort.

So there you have been quietly getting on with losing 3 pounds. I meantime have been very noisy about losing a significant few pounds.  I have managed to lose 1 pound. Note to self - less chat and more concentration on the task in hand:-)

Easter was very challenging for me- all v enjoyable- I now have 5 days of concentrated effort before I go away for weekend:-)

Have a good week everyone😍

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

Well done Suzy and with quiet, concentrated effort, you could lose another pound before the weekend ;)

Good luck! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzy (lovely Fab 5'er),

Just to reassure you that if and when I hopefully get to my ultimate goal, I won't be abandoning the forum, because I've pledged to be here all year, and in anycase I would be looking to 'maintain' which will take ongoing discipline, and I know I'll value the support of this Monday group weigh-in thread and all your lovely people to help me keep on track with that.  I will then re-pledge next year, as I take things year by year.  So I don't have plans to leave the forum.  It's a fantastic place.  I would never have maintained my total weight loss if I hadn't been - I'm pretty sure of that.  :-)

Thanks for your kind words, and I am really happy to hear you've lost 1 pound yourself this week, as that is excellent!  (I nearly said 'eggcellent' then - but we mustn't mention those things...! Even after I asked family for a pledge not to buy any edible gifts, they still made me come home with a Chocolate Orange and some small chocolate eggs - tiny but still chocolatey eggs - oh no!!!).  I need to think what to do with them now.  Maybe have one per day instead of my usual piece of chocolate that I allow myself.  Or maybe just have them on the weekends, instead of another 'treat' I allow myself for weekends.  Dilemmas.  ;-) Maybe I shouldn't eat them at all.  I'm not sure yet, will keep them well out of sight in the meantime, till I decide what to do with them. 

Good luck with this week Suzy, you're doing brilliantly! 

Lowcal :-)

p.s.  I've just realised writing this that I'm finally beginning to 'believe' I might actually make it to my ultimate goal of 12 stone 7 pounds, this is amazing to me, because it's taken me well over a year to get into the 12's, so the fact I feel I might actually get to 12 stone 7 pounds within this year is phenomenal. 

Great that you've got a weekend away to look forward to next week Suzy!  :-)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Zest

You will get there, it's just seemed so unachievable,  btw what was your starting weight?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Diana

My starting weight was 18 stone 8 pounds.  I started before I joined this forum at that weight.  Seems incredible to think I was that weight when I think of it now, but I was.  :-)

Foodie87 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Well done on your loss!

I've finally clocked the gain - was to be expected. 

Gain of 0.2kg from 67.6kg to 67.8kg since Wednesday.

I have been lazy when it came to exercise last week, hope to do better this week.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

Hi Foodie, that's a miniscule gain and I'm sure you'll see it off this week :)

With the lighter evenings, you'll be encouraged to go out for nice long walks and with all the Easter goodies behind you, getting back on the wagon will be much easier :)

Onwards and downwards! :)

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

Unfortunately the Easter goodies are still here! But I will try to ignore them.

I ought to do a shop, my fridge has been empty for over a week now, making me go through the freezer or opting for whatever ready meal is available at the local supermarket, probably not a good option either!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

Ooh crumbs! That's not so great, but if you get some shopping in, you can be tempted by some yummy, healthy meals instead :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Foodie87

Hi Foodie87,

I agree with moreless , do that food shop!  You will be better off with the healthy foods in stock.  Hide those Easter goodies out of sight would be my suggestion.

Lowcal :-)

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to Zest

Mr Sainsbury's is delivering on Wednesday. Bringing me the ingredients for my partner's birthday cake (I will try and not have any of it when it's done - but I've got until early next week to ignore all that... there is another Monday morning weigh in before the cake is due ;)) and a load of healthy stuff. 

Will need to pick up on exercise as well though. Just wish I wouldn't manage to twist my right ankle on every mountain walk - this is my excuse for now - can't get into my hiking boots properly with the swollen foot! (it's not that bad really ;))

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Foodie87

I tend to use veg as a filler..........and aim for the healthy stuff, cures the nibbles, love my nut butter too, a teaspoon can do wonders, one tho!

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to Diana

Hi Diana

I have a load of veg on order, courgettes, aubergines, peppers etc. Will do a moussaka with lentils (skipping the potatoes) which will be a true tummy filler.

My mid morning walk ended at WHS and I picked up a copy of a "New Covent Garden" soup cook book, 365 recipes for £5, so guess I will add a lot more veg to my shopping in a minute :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Foodie87

I love Moussaka.  Mmmmm!  :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Me too! :D

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Foodie87

Hey, that isn't too bad at all, you will knock that back off and a few more next week!

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to LessToLose

LotToLose, I was expecting it put up after the past 2 weeks of not sticking to any healthy behaviour! In fact, I was expecting more. But I'm almost back on track. (I just devoured a cadbury's egg and spoon, I promise, it was the last one) ;)

Amazing Lowcal well done. Just a quick catch up 10 st 7 lbs today so a loss of half a pound. This is the end of the 12 weeks for me, so a quick recap. Start 11st 12 lbs, bmi 30.5 waist 33 inches, after 12 weeks loss of 1 stone 5 lbs, bmi 27.1 and waist 29 inches.  Here's to the next 12 weeks. Hope you have all had a good Easter. Xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Oh Mimsta, what fabulous stats! WTG you! I couldn't be happier! :)

The next 12 weeks will be just as fab!

Onwards and downwards! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Well done Mimsta (and didn't those 12 weeks go fast!), you have done really well and I am sure the next 12 weeks will be just as successful!

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Congratulations Mimsta on completing your 12 weeks on the plan :-) you have done amazing and have listed some great results :-) You should be so proud of all you have achieved on your journey and best wishes on your continued journey :-)

Keep going cause your worth it hun x

DownwardSpiral profile image

Good Morning all! & Well done Lowcal on your loss! Well I managed to maintain since last weigh in on Monday. BUT I did weigh Fri and I'd lost a lb since Mon so if I'm being completely honest I actually put on 1lb over the Easter Period which I'm a bit gutted about as I did have some treats but definitely not over the top & still stayed within my Cals. On the positive side I wore mt jeans on that were sooo tight to get on b4 and the r comfy at last! Still feeling positive that I can sort it out by next week tho. So still at 9st 4lb today. Have a good day everyone! xxx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to DownwardSpiral

Hi Downwardspiral,

Thank you so much!  Congratulations on maintaining your weight since last Monday.  I know you weighed on Friday and that you realised you put on 1 pound over the Easter weekend, but we take the weight Monday to Monday, so please stick with your 'maintain' as that is the reality of the situation.  You maintained and didn't gain over the whole week.  

It's very unusual to lose weight over Easter, and it's taken me years to be able to finally report a loss at this time of year.  It's not typical for me, certainly, and not for most people.  But I think the forum is particularly strong this year, as there's been quite a few challenges and these all help to keep us motivated, and so more of us have been able to report a maintain or a loss than ever before.  Remember, a maintain is better than a gain - so Congratulations!

Great that those jeans are fitting you so well.  That must feel good!

Well done for coping so well with the Easter weekend, you've stayed within your calories, and that's brilliant! 

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal!  Have a great week x

asics profile image

Wow lowcal, well done!!! Dancing a jig for you!

I weighed 10 13.3 last week and despite 5 days at the seaside and the arrival of my lowcal, I weigh....(imagine X factor pauses here 😊 ) 10 12.4 a loss almost a pound (0.9). 

Am delighted as I always put on naturally with my period so I feel there is extra waiting to be shed!

My average loss in this challenge remains at 1lb per week as I have lost 12.3 lbs in  12 weeks. So going for 3 with you lowcal was a little optimistic but I do believe the effort probably has prevented me from staying the same or gaining! 

Still on for Marmite's July challenge aiming for 1 per week.

One thing I really am delighted with is my appearance in mirror. I am so much more like my old self, I feel so sort of... lean! 

Have great weeks everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hi Asics,

It's great to see you, after your holiday at the seaside, and I hope you had a really lovely time!  I missed your Daily pledges, and I didn't manage to do any of those myself either, so hope you'll be doing more of those.

Great to hear you've lost 0.9 pound - despite being away on holiday and also having your monthly.  That is a really great achievement you know, as it's so much more usual for people to gain weight after a holiday and also during or after a monthly.  So all credit to you!

Fabulous that you've lost a total of 12.3 pounds in 12 weeks.  Great that you're still on for Marmite's July challenge - and good luck with achieving 1 pound per week for that.  I shall be popping in to Marmite's post later today to update my results for that Challenge too.  

Brilliant that the person looking back at you in the mirror is more like your old self - as that is clearly your 'new' self, and you're feeling and looking good!  :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

asics profile image
asics in reply to asics

Oooo...weight loss goal 1lb again this week would be good.

However if I can just lose 1.7lbs I will be recording my first stone as....GONE! So ... throwing caution to the wind let's go for 1.7lbs!! 😀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hey, caution to the wind, that sounds like a good goal!  :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to asics

Good luck in achieving this goal you have set asics :-) your well on your way x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to asics

What a lovely post Asics, it's so positive and motivating! Congratulations, what a fab job you're doing :)

Happy Easter Monday to All of You  :-)

We had lent at church and I did my short fast from Good Friday till this morning.

Well and I dropped some pounds and I am feeling well. Yes I was eating, but lean foods mostly and ended up with ~ 600kcal daily. But I had at Easter morning our church breakfast where I had scrambled eggs and a slice of sweet white bread.

And I am with 91.3kgs this morning. And I thought I am not getting the hang of it anymore to shift my weights a little bit. Now back to sort of normal eating again...

Hope you All had also a happy weekend with calm situations finding the lost Easter Egg   ;-P  , hahaha

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flower-Arranger,

Happy Easter!  Yes, you have lost quite a few pounds, and as you've given your weight in kgs, I've worked the total weight loss out in kgs for you, from last week's weight, and you've lost 2.7kg!!!   Wow!!!  That fasting you did for Lent has clearly made a difference.  I bet you enjoyed that delicious Church breakfast of scrambled eggs and bread.

Hope you have another great week ahead, and that you cope ok with getting back to a normal routine.

Lowcal :-)

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024

Wonderful loss Lowcal well done. I was 16 stone 2.6 or 102.8 kg, now 15 stone 12.6 or 101.0 kg. I lost 3.9 pounds and 3 cm from waist. Happy but want to get under 100 kg! Going to increase activity level on week 2, as I didn't do much last week, will try to hit 150 minutes and maybe also find some strength exercises on Internet. Can't wait to smash that 100 kg hopefully next Monday. Katty

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to tidirhin2548

Hi Katty,

Thank you!  

You have done brilliantly this week - wow, losing 3.9 pounds and also 3cm from your waist.  Really great!!!  :-)  You're getting closer to being under 100kg.  Not long now!

Good luck with increasing your activity levels for week 2, and hope you enjoy the strength exercises too, and that you find some good ones on the Internet.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Gonaslim profile image

Wow, well done all for managing the chocolate fest of Easter. Unfortunately I wasn't quite as disciplined as I had hoped to be but managed to maintain. I continued to walk every day, clocking up more than my 10000 every day so pleased with myself about that. So Monday has arrived and I intend getting back to positive thoughts and healthy eating. Will let you know how I get on next Monday. Have a great week everyone.😄

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonaslim

To have managed to maintain Gonaslim, shows a remarkable level of discipline, so well done you! :)

Well done for managing to clock up at least 10,000 steps/day, that's no mean feat! I know that sometimes you can feel as if you've been on the go all day and it's nowhere near 10,000 steps! :)

Keep hold of those positive thoughts and have a great week! :)

Gonaslim profile image
Gonaslim in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless, fortunately I enjoy walking and I find walking in between meetings at work actually reduces my stress. I used to have a very active job but now pretty much office based so it can be hard finding the time to walk. Someone put a post up last week I think about breaking it up into sections so I've taken that on board so start my day early and walk between 2000 and 4000 before work, walk to meetings when I can and walk the rest on the way home. Really looking forward to Spring arriving it makes it a pleasant task watching the gardens come into bloom, already seeing the beautiful daffodils and spring bulbs blooming and the first blossom is appearing on the trees, what more do you need to start your day positively 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonaslim

Oh I agree! I do all my best thinking when I'm walking and put my life back into perspective! :)

Spring is such a lovely time of the year - so full of promise :)

ScoobaSteve profile image

Fantastic work this week LC, i'm proud of you :)

I've had a birthday bash weekend, so everything went out the window the whole week lol (Even though my birthday isn't until tomorrow)

But I've only gained 0.6lb which will be lost quickly. I'm weighing in at 11st 4.4lb today and hope to be 11st 3lb next week.

All the best for the week ahead.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ScoobaSteve

Oh quite right Steve, birthdays should always be celebrated for at least a week! At least when you're young, anyway! :D Have a very Happy Birthday tomorrow :)

As you say, that tiny loss will be gone by next week and I'm certain you'll meet your 11st 3lb target! :)

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to moreless

ThAnKs MoReLeSs?!

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to moreless

(trying to be childish WHILE I STILL CAN. I turn 20 tomorrow :(

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ScoobaSteve

Oh my gosh! 20??!! No longer a teenager! You really will be old! :o :D :D :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ScoobaSteve

Happy Birthday for tomorrow ScoobaSteve!!!!  :-)

kuddlykathy profile image
kuddlykathy in reply to ScoobaSteve

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Steve, hope you have a great day x

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to ScoobaSteve

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Steve! :)

Fitforit75 profile image

Woo hoo - you're well and truly in the 12's now Lowcal!!! :)

I have managed another 1lb this week so am now 17st7lbs. I'm happy with this because although I've done a lot of walking, I haven't done any high impact exercise so my body doesn't think there's anything different going on yet..

Am now participating in 5x50 as well as 20'000 leagues so I would expect to see a bigger difference next week.. We'll see (it might all just make me very hungry ;)

Have a good week all :)

Kate x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fitforit75

Woohoo Kate, that's great news! :)

Walking is fantastic exercise, high impact stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be! ;)

Well done for signing up to the 5 x 50, I really hope it doesn't make you hungry, because that's what extra exercise has done for me! :o Please learn from my mistakes and listen to what your body's telling you - take rest days! :)

Wishing you a fab week! :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Fitforit75

Well done on your 1 lb loss this week Kate :-) 

kazzajogger profile image

Wow! A 3lb loss that is great! I was 11 stone 9 lb last week, and now 11stone 7lb this week, so I that's another 2lb gone!!! I am really happy with that as have eaten mainly sensibly, but had some treats too, including easter eggs yesterday.. Done lots of walking, and also did my first 5km park run on Saturday!! Am loving feeling healthier and more energetic. Hope everyone else has good results too. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kazzajogger

Wow kazzajogger, 2lbs down is fantastic, especially as you treated yourself to chocolate egg too! Well done you! :)

Lots of walking and your first 5K park run too! Woohoo! Wtg you! :)

Enjoy the healthier, more energetic you and have another fab week :)

kars1111 profile image

Morning all,

Well done lowacal on your 3lb loss thats fantastic.  Me on the other hand have stayed the same again which im surprised at as i was expecting a gain as have not been good withe my food control but started the 5x50 challenge yesterday so feeling more positive this week.

Good luck all for this week x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kars1111

Fantastic to maintain when you were expecting a gain kars! :)

If you can tighten up your eating a bit, that, hand -in-hand with the 5 x 50, should get you right back to a downward trend for your weight :)

Have a great week :)

Hi Lowcal well done on your weight loss. Brilliant. Well i am back after Easter as I said but am lacking me motivation. Really trying to get my head space back to deal with this. As the GP needs me to reduce my medication for my tummy problems it means being strict with the lowfodmap diet which i don't find easy but it really does keep the pain away. So today I am 88.7 kilos. Now to get back into exercise and weight loss mode. 

Hope everybody has a good week.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Getting on top of meds and trying to control pain - is very challenging.  Despite that challenge -Hope you have some results this week -  Exercise is always good for the soul and our bodies:-)

hope you feel better and good luck for next week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Welcome back Pog :)

Read through the posts, join some challenges and hopefully you'll get your motivation back. Being pain free must be a good motivator :)

You haven't actually said whether your weight is up, down, or the same ;)

You can do this Pog! Onwards and downwards! :)

in reply to moreless

My weight is pretty much the same. Maintainence is better than a gain.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I couldn't agree more! :)

Hello Lowcal,

Today I'm starting week two and I had to stand on the scale three times to believe it. 80,7 kg! That means 4,3 kg down in the first week! 

There's been actually few factors into this as I was on my period, had very fewer calories than 1400 everyday and yesterday it was less than 1000 cause I felt sick and slept before dinner. I also drank a jug of pu-erh and green tea every other day and never binged even once since the beginning of week 1. I added a little bit of strength workout to my daily routine and tomorrow I'm starting Couch to 5k plan.

Thanks to you guys I feel that I'm on the right way.


suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Flipping heck - WTG you.  Clearly something is working must be the green tea:-)

I am a great advocate of exercise - and C25K programme changed my life - and doing the programme was hugely enjoyable:-)

You maybe won't lose as much this week - but you have had a great start.  good luck for next week.

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024 in reply to

That's a fantastic result mamiyou woohoo! Have a great week 2 :) Katty

han_ingham profile image

Well done all! I have only lost 0.75 lbs this week, which is still a nice shock after eating lots of naughty foods this week!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to han_ingham

'only 0.75"    that is a perfectly respectable loss - well done.  And you ate 'naughty foods' so double well done.

Good luck for next week:-)

want-2-b-slim profile image

Well after totally over indulging since Thursday and eating everything in sight oh and drinking loads of wine I wasn't surprised to have gained 3lbs and am now back to where I started but I have had a talk to myself and am now back on track

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to want-2-b-slim

Hi Elacol68,

Firstly, glad to hear you're starting off the week having taken stock and getting back on track, that's an excellent start to the week.  I know you've gained 3 pounds this week, but you completely know why - you ate everything in sight (memo to others: keep those goodies 'out of sight' - good tactic) - and you drank lots of wine.  Lethal combination in some ways - as it also stimulates the appetite and is disinhibitory, leading to likelihood to eat more.  

But I hope you enjoyed your week, as it was Easter and therefore a celebratory time for those of us who celebrate it.

I'd like to wish you a great week ahead, and now you're back on track, you'll soon lose those 3 pounds - no problem!

Lowcal :-)

want-2-b-slim profile image
want-2-b-slim6lbs in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal,  I nearly didn't post but thought ok its a gain and I should shame myself by putting it out there, my car broke down on a very busy road on Thursday and I was terrified so think that is where it all started from then had my daughter, mum and dad and mother in law round for dinner on easter sunday, so that didn't help either. Got my new smartwatch all set up and with its help I will be moving much much more this week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to want-2-b-slim

Hi Elacol68,

I am so glad you did post.  It's never a shame to share a gain, it can really help to 'own it' and just move on from it, and getting support from the group is what counts.  

You've had some stress this week with your car breaking down.  I can imagine you felt frightened in that situation, it's horrible feeling out of control in such circumstances.  Well done for getting through that.  

Easter weekend is challenging - so well done for getting through that too.  It's great that you've got your new Smartwatch set up, and that should be very motivating and help you go forward with the exercise side of things, which will complement your healthy eating plan.  Fantastic!  

Have a great week. 

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to want-2-b-slim

I can very much understand how this threw you.  Apparently stress-eating is not our fault, but it is hard-wired very deep in the oldest part of our brains.  Ancient man's main cause of stress was lack of food, so the first thing the ancient part of our brain does in response to stress it so eat.  Best thing is to acknowledge it, forgive yourself (that is very important because you do not need to give yourself any more stress) and move on.

I hope you have a better week next week!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

Wow LTL, I've never heard that before and it makes perfect sense! :o

want-2-b-slim profile image
want-2-b-slim6lbs in reply to LessToLose

Thanks LTL oh  and the review of my new Samsung gear 2 is that it is fab-u=lous, I love it

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to want-2-b-slim

Thanks Elacol, that is really helpful for me as I am still looking to buy some kind of fitness monitor and really having a hard time deciding which one. Now the Samsung Gear has gone to the top of my list!

6lbs off this week (week 7), but that is thanks mainly to having picked up tonsillitis!  

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Postmanmatt,

Oh no!  Sorry to hear you've had tonsillitis - I hope you're recovering well from that, and hope it goes away really soon.  Wow, you've lost so much weight this week as a result - 6 pounds!!!  I guess that is a bonus, but what a pity you lost it that way.  I'd rather you were healthy and lost it, than poorly.

I'll still say Congratulations on your weight loss though.  I suspect your weight will probably bounce back up again to level itself out a bit by next week, so don't be too disappointed if that happens.  

Most importantly, I wish you good health and a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Good morning Lowcal and everyone. Wow Lowcal amazing to hear you lost 3lbs this week - you must be absolutely grinning - everything paid off at last. I have lost 1lb this week down to 9st12 so I'm also very happy. The scales did a tiny flicker back to 9st13, but then stayed definitely on 9st12 so I think I'm only just there, but I'm definitely there, if you see what I mean. I'm aiming for 9st11 at the moment - so I think this is definitely achievable in the next week or 2 - feeling very confident about it. Although next week I may struggle to find my scales in all the packing and unpacking of moving...

I also think the strength exercising has made a big difference for me, even though I haven't done as much as I'd like. Also my eating has been erratic but sensible - I've been using up everything in the fridge & freezer before I move - but realised yesterday I hadn't had any fresh fruit and veg for a couple of days so went out and bought some bananas, satsumas, an apple, tomatoes and a cucumber, and had some fruit and a chopped tomato and cucumber salad with my dinner. I've also run out of cider but I didn't top up on that - shows my attitude is changing a lot! Especially at a stressful time like this! Hopefully the satsumas will see me through :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth (lovely Fab 5'er),

Thank you soooo much for your very kind words.  Yes, I have been grinning, and also dancing about, in excitement for my 3 pound loss.  

I am thrilled to hear you've also lost more weight this week, as you've been consistently losing this past few weeks, and you've achieved another 1 pound off, wow!  Congratulations!!!  :-)  You're feeling confident to achieve your goal to get to 9 stone 11 pounds in the next week or so.  Good luck with your house move, and I hope you cope ok with all of that.  Lots of 'strength moves' in addition to the ones you do for the March Strength Challenge.  Thank you so much for setting that Challenge, it has really helped me to keep going with the strength exercises, and they definitely help a lot.

Great that you've stocked up your fridge with some healthy fruit and vegetables, and interesting to hear that the cider wasn't re-stocked.  I've also cut down on cider - I usually had a bottle on the weekend, but recently I've only had 1 bottle per month!  I've also cut down on my wine consumption, which was only a glass with a meal, but many times I've chosen to have a pot of tea instead.  It's saved me some money when I eat out already!  :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.  I know you're going to do our stats again next week, so thanks so much for taking that back on again.  You are an amazing stats woman, and you do a great job with it.  :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Yay glad to hear I'm not the only one cutting down on alcohol. I've been having water or tea instead too. Yes I will be back on the stats this week. They do make good reading - thank you so much for doing them while I was in my job crossover - which thankfully ended this week!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Ruth, you're doing amazingly! How on earth you've managed to lose weight and keep up your strength exercises and do all those jobs and moving is beyond me! Are you Wonder Woman perchance??? ;)

You're doing brilliantly with the alcohol too! Satsumas are soooo much better for you! :D

Keep up the great work, Skinny Minny! :)

in reply to moreless

I think I've become 'too busy to eat'! My time gets filled so quickly at the moment - by the time I think of having a snack it's the next mealtime already. I just hope I don't go back to my old ways now my old job is finished! Also - I had a blip when I reintroduced wheat for my allergy testing, gaining a few lbs in the process, but partly I think this was due to bloating. I'm now having a little wheat every day without too much bloating, which I think is helping things too.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to

The two egg and banana pancakes are fab, with red fruit and the merest dash of honey, yummy for b'fast, a detour from nut butter/scrambled eggs on toast

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Wow RCR 9 st 12 lbs WOW!!!  you are doing amazing and with all you have to contend with in relation to packing up and moving home. Good to hear you have been eating sensible and that you didn't top up on the cider :-) you sound so focused despite the stress and I couldn't be happier for you and where you are on your journey hun. 

Well done Ruth x

Betterat40 profile image

Morning All, Now Easter is over and with it, the numerous family gatherings and food and drink, I've decided to start following the plan properly. 

I can reveal that my start weight is 19st 04lbs and 3/4 OMG, my previous heaviest weight was two stone lighter, and I'd promised myself I'd never get that big again. It's not a good look on a 5'6 frame, and my current BMI is 43.7 :(

I would like to weigh 13 stone, not a healthy BMI, but a weight I am comfortable with and that I feel good at, I have been 11st which was very slim, but I'm not sure that I could stay at that weight realistically. To start with though I would just like to get back into the 18 stones!

Because I'm so heavy I have to be careful about walking as I have arthritic knees, so I'll probably get back to swimming, but this depends on work and timings, I'm going to be doing a lot of spring cleaning over the next week as I'm helping my sister clean her house before she moves, so that should burn a few calories :)

Here we go!...

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Betterat40

Betterat40 - welcome from me.  Well done for 'fessing up- nothing like looking the stark truth in the eyes and saying enough!!

I would break all of this up in to small goals - otherwsies it will be overwhelming.  Look at moreless and nusseybah and Gont's progress - they have have lost loads - on the slow and steady path.  Which all of us would advocate - 1 or 2 pounds a week- a weightless that is manageable  and sustainable.  Not wishing to interfere in your plans- but things I would point you to is as follows:

1 look at NHS 12 week plan - see pinned post - it is not about deprivation - it is about managed eating.

2 If you have not done so yet -look up My fitness pal - it is free - you log all your food , agree your calorie count for eh day.  But is nothing else record your weight, hips, waist , BMI etc so you can track and see your progress.  ( this is a real help when things go off track and you see your overall progress)

3Check out Marnmite Rehoming 4 July challenge - just to see what can be done in 14 weeks - I am aiming for a stone

4 Aim to be in the 18s in the next few weeks- that would be a great motivating start;-)

Good luck and do post back next week - whatever the scales say - you will be supported here:-)

Betterat40 profile image
Betterat40 in reply to suzybenj

Thank you! Looking up my fitness pal next xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Betterat40

Hi Betterat40,

Great!  Welcome!  Just to say the people suzybenj  mentioned are: moreless  , Nussaybah  , and Gonti  - if you click on those links you can see their profiles and they have written some great update posts on their progress.  :-)

Lowcal :-)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to Betterat40

Please don't panic about not being able to hit the gym or feel the burn or all that kind of stuff!  I have arthritis too.  So, I'm losing weight atm purely through altering what I eat.  I am obese, so a long way to go yet.  I started early September last year and yes, there were a few hiccups along the way, but I've lost 3 stone 2.  The main trend is downwards...don't beat yourself up if you have a gain one week just keep on keepin on, don't look back, and eventually it evens itself out and continues downwards.  The good folk here will help you through the tougher times, they are great!  Anyway, I just really wanted to encourage you by saying that you can do this just through altering what you eat.  I'm hoping less pain will follow as I get lighter, I wish the same for you too.  Best of luck on your journey!

Bluewings profile image

Hi, this is my first weigh in! I'm currently 215lbs. I want to lose 1-2lbs per week and have achieved 1lb this last week so that's pretty encouraging. My BMI has come down a bit too. I've been really focusing on activity this week so, rain or shine, my twins and I have been out with the buggy and smashing our 10000 steps :) I feel better already so, I'm hoping I can keep my motivation levels up. Well done to all those who have lost weight over Easter... not an easy time to stay on track. Happy Easter xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluewings

Hi Bluewings,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in.  I'm really happy you've decided to join us, and I can't remember if you've already seen the Welcome Newbie thread, which moreless  has put together, but here it is:

Thanks for sharing your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so.  It's often the most daunting step, but from now on you'll hopefully be lighter as time goes on.  It can be good to also take note of your body measurements, as sometimes the scales don't always budge, and it's on those occasions that seeing changes in your body measurements can be extremely motivating.  I usually take account of mine monthly (or thereabouts) and I measure chest, waist, and hips, but some people take more measurements than that.  It is an option of course!

For out stats, I'll leave it to Hidden  to decide whether she'll count you as a Newbie or whether she'll count the 1 pound loss you've already achieved - as she is doing our stats this week.  I'd like to Congratulate you on a great start - as 1 pound is a really good loss.   Well done!  

Also, it's great to hear you're already smashing 10,000 daily steps, and you've got the added 'strength exercises' of taking the buggy with your twins in it, so that's bound to increase your calorie burn!  Wow!  

Hope you have a great week, and we'll look forward to seeing you in future weigh-ins.  Have a look through the Welcome Newbie thread to see if there's any other Challenges you'd like to join in, or any information there that you find helpful.  Also, the Pinned Posts are quite good - as there's some recipe ideas there and other things of interest.  Pinned Posts are in the top right-hand-side of the homepage.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Nelliecat4 profile image

Down by just under a pound today, to 9 stone 8.2 lbs, so still slow progress, but I did eat half the shell of an Easter egg yesterday which clocked up a rather massive 270 calories that I didn't really need!  Never mind, that's Easter weekend out of the way, so onwards and downwards!  :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Nelliecat4

Well done Nelliecat - good progress I say - and you got to eat the egg as well.  I have not touched mine yet .....might have to do a piece a day..

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nelliecat4

Hi Nelliecat4,

Fantastic that you've lost just under 1 pound this week, and hope that you enjoyed the Easter weekend.  It's amazing how many calories can be in the Easter egg shells, but you only ate half the shell, it could have been far more.  Well done on your ability to limit yourself to the amount you hopefully wanted to eat.  The great thing about the NHS 12 week plan is that no food is banned, it's all about planning and balance, and choosing appropriate portion sizes etc.  

You've done really well to lose weight over Easter, it is an achievement!  

Wishing you a great week ahead.  Onwards and downwards!

Lowcal :-)

merrymanda profile image

Wow, Lowcal. In the 12's with a 3 lb loss, that's amazing. Congratulations :)

I wish I could say I'd lost that much this  week too. Unfortunately, I have had a cold for the last 3 days, thankfully not as bad as the last one which left me hacking for weeks. I have done much better with my k' s this week but the scales have not moved, I am still 14st 3lb. I have moved so much more this week despite the cold so don't know what is going on. Perhaps my scales are broken! 

This means I now have admit that my Easter challenge target was not met, I will post on that challenge later. 

Feeling despondent and yet determined to get 13st something by next week. Any ideas?

Merrymanda :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to merrymanda

Merry manda - being ill  is crummy and your body is probably hibernating so you can recover.

Don't be despondent...pick yourself up gently- these are the things i do when i feel stuck, off track and a bit down:

1check out pinned post on NHS eating well site- always good to remind ourselves about healthy food and portion control

2 check out My fitness pal stats--i look a them and revise goals progress etc

3- you are moving around - keep at it - it will pay off - and it is good for us

Small steps - but achievable.  I hope you have a better week and feel well.Good luck for next week:-)

merrymanda profile image
merrymanda in reply to suzybenj

Thank you, I will check those out, and hopefully stay motivated suzybenj :)

Shortcake69 profile image

Hi everyone

Lowcal  well done on your 3lbs loss that's brilliant. Hope everyone had a fab week and we'll done to all of you lovely people you're all an inspiration. Last week 16st 10lbs this week 16st 8lbs that's 2lbs done for me this week 😀 really happy as I hurt my foot so not much exercise if this keeps up I'll be laughing come June for my hols. 

Looking forward to another great week. Keep up all the fabulous work ladies and gents we rock 😀 


suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Shortcake69

Shortcake69 - really well done - 2 pounds off is a great achievement.

Thank you for your very cheery post - - it is making me smile:-) :-)

Hope the foot heals - and Good luck for next week:-)

Nonsuch profile image

Great result Lowcal!   I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend for those who celebrate it.  We've woken this morning to gale force winds and bins and paper scattered up our road.... 

I have changed scales this week from mechanical to electronic.  This has meant that at i weighed myself on Thursday to find myself 5lbs heavier at 15.5stone.  So here is my report

Lost 1lb so now 15.4 st.  but according to my weight last week I've gained 4lbs.  Taken walks and some exercise this week

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Nonsuch

Call it the new scale   re- boot - and that it is a fresh start.  One pound lost i would say:-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Nonsuch

I hate it when that happens!  I like what Suzy says, start afresh this week!

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to Nonsuch

That's annoying, but look at it this way: you still lost weight, irrespective of your starting weight.  You were successful and achieved what you wanted to achieve - weight loss!  Congratulate yourself on what you've lost so far and look forward to losing more, because you know you can do it!

Alisonayb profile image

Well done lowcal.  You have been very patient and it has finally paid off and then some.

I have maintained this week which I am okay about given the bank holiday.  I have managed some additional exercise this week which I am pleased about.  Planning on more next week.

Good luck everyone.  Enjoy your bank holiday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Alisonayb

Hi Alisonayb,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words.  Much appreciated!  

Congratulations on maintaining your weight this week, despite all the challenges of the Bank Holiday weekend.  I think that's a great result, and a maintain is always better than a gain! 

Great that you've managed some additional exercise this week too - that is really good.  Good luck with your plan to add in some more next week.  Do pace yourself and make sure you allow your body to recover though as well.  It is important not to overdo it too.  Balance can be key.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday! 

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Alisonayb

I always think a maintain is better than a gain and I am sure you will do well next week!

kantara71 profile image

Brilliant loss Lowcal! 

I can report a 3lb loss too, last week I was at 16st 0lbs and this morning I weighed in at 15st 11lbs, really pleased that I continue to lose at a steady pace and I am just 1lb away from no longer being obese, according to the BMI scale :-) 

No real secret, from my point of view, I continue to keep a food diary and keep to between 1400-1600 calories. I have reduced my carbohydrate intake and pretty much cut out potatoes, rice, pasta and sugars.

Exercise continues in the garden shifting from digging up trees to shifting huge paving slabs! 

I wish everyone a good week and a happy bank holiday monday, weather looks a bit iffy today! :-) John

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kantara71

Hi John,

Wow, that is fantastic!!!!  3 pounds loss (snap!) - that is brilliant!  You are into the 15's - that is really really great!  You're just 1 pound away from the next BMI range - wow, that is fantastic! 

Great that you're continuing your exercise via all that gardening and digging up trees - not to mention shifting the huge paving slabs.  That is labouring!

Wishing you a very Happy Bank Holiday Monday, and a great week ahead.  Yes, the weather is iffy - Storm Katie is quite strong!  Our electrics were out in places this morning!  We've turned the trip switch back on, and all seems fine again.  Haven't spotted any other damage so far.

Enjoy your day!

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kantara71

Wow John, you're a weight loss machine! WTG you! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to kantara71

Great result John - you are doing so well!

skinnylizzie profile image

Hi lowcal,

really pleased you lost 3lb that's great, we're getting there. Well I thought I was yesterday, as I met my target would you believe it the 11th disciple has a lot to answer for one piece of simnel cake and an increase of 3/4 lb how can that be, as I counted all day and had no other extras, sometimes life isn't fair, well we know that but still.

However since last monday when I was10st 10lb I have lost 2 1/4 lb now 10st 7 3/4 lb  so still moving right direction, not going to be easy today as I am having family over for roast beef dinner and I wanted to cook Mary Berry frangipan tart but doesn't seem like a good idea, but stewed apple and crème fraiche might not look so appealing.

I will have to have that and they can have the tart, musn't lose my resolve at this stage.

Have a lovely day, here in south east it is so wet and windy shed roof felt all blown off so no bike ride, going swimming instead. x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Awww Lizzie, I'm gutted for you, as I know how much you wanted to be at goal today, but on the bright side, 3/4lb is neither here, nor there. In  my eyes, you are a true champion and a total inspiration to us all! :)

To lose 2.25lbs when you're so close to goal, is absolutely amazing! WTG you! :)

Stewed apple and creme fraiche sounds yummy to me! Much nicer than frangipane tart! ;)

Enjoy your swim and by this time next week, you'll be a maintainer! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to skinnylizzie

Hi SkinnyLizzie,

Oh, that naughty 11th Disciple!!!!  You see what happens - that was partly why I waited till today to post in sueper  's Easter Bunny Challenge, as I think it's dangerous what can sometimes happen in one day.  But the thing is SkinnyLizzie, you have lost 2.25 pounds since last Monday's weigh-in and that is fantastic!!!!!  Congratulations!!!!  Really well done!  :-)

I hope you enjoy your family meal today, and hope you choose the dessert that you feel comfortable with.  I know you are between the Mary Berry Frangipan and the Stewed apple and creme fraiche.  I know you're not asking for advice on that, but I will give my thoughts anyway - I would definitely prefer the taste and freshness and healthiness of the stewed apple option if I was coming to someone's house for Easter Monday dinner, as I'd be hoping to have a healthy option, especially after the Easter weekend - so if I was coming over, that would be the one I'd be looking forward to.  I think it would 'look' appealing too.   Who knows, the others may want to have the stewed apple option too - so maybe you need to ensure you make sufficient of that option, as the tart might not be the 'chosen one', and you might end up serving everyone with the stewed apple.   Then you'll end up with the Frangipan left over - oh no!!!!  But I suspect it's freezable?

Hope you enjoy it, and spending time with your family. 

Also, have a lovely swim.  Sorry to hear the felt has blown off your shed.  The electrics were out for a while this morning, as the trip switch had gone, but it all seems fine now.

Happy Easter!

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to skinnylizzie

I thought it was the 12th disciple that was the troublesome one!  Hope you have a great week and you don't get blown away today!

Wolff6x profile image

First weigh in - 138kg. To reach a healthy BMI that means 48kg to go. (I'm afraid I only did metric at school in the 60/70s). Blimey. That's a lot!

Never been more determined to succeed so I am following the 12 week plan which seems to be working. Even after six days my last (biggest) pair of jeans feels a bit looser. The plan should take me into the summer. I really want to loose 10kg by July when I have a holiday by the beach in Brittany  and fancy a swim without shame. I hope I will have ingrained enough good habits by then that I can go on and reach my final goal.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Wolff6x

Hi Wolff6x,

Really great to see you, and welcome to your first weigh-in with us at the Monday group weigh-in.  You are very welcome!  I hope you felt ok to share your starting weight today.  I think that's a daunting step - remembering my first time doing that.   It's fine that you're reporting in metric, as our stats woman, Hidden  copes with either metric or imperial, she is amazing!

It can feel daunting to put the whole amount of weight you want to lose out there, but if you break it down into manageable steps and mini-goals, then that is better and more motivating too.  I notice that you've done this already, by setting yourself the goal to lose 10kg by July, for your holiday in Brittany.  Maybe look at Hidden  's Challenge which is called the '4th July Challenge' and is in the Pinned posts area.    Also, if you take your body measurements, perhaps monthly, that is similarly motivating, especially when the scales 'stick' which they do sometimes!  

Glad you've started on the NHS 12 week plan, as that is connected to this forum as we're the 'Weight Loss NHS forum' - so the resources are great!  You've obviously already made great progress as evidenced by the better fit of your jeans!  Well done!!! :-)

I think you've already seen the Welcome Newbie thread, which moreless  has put together, so you are probably already aware of many of the things I've mentioned.  

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Wolff6x

Great news about the jeans feeling looser already - you can do this and Brittany will be much more enjoyable 10kg lighter.  Best of luck for a great week ahead!

CarolineAL profile image

Hi lowcal and everyone,  welcome LotToLose

That's brilliant news about your 3lb loss, you're well into the 12s now and the 11s are just around the corner :-)

I'm very pleased with my weigh-in this week; after a week of hosting 2 Italian students followed by a week visiting my partner's family in N Ireland I have only put on 0.5lb which for your stats is 0.25lb as I didn't weigh-in last week. I'm actually amazed, I got on the scales expecting to see around a 3lb gain :-) :-) :-)

Back on track this week and hope to lose it again by next, plus a bit more if possible. I now have just over half a stone to my goal of 8 stone 13lb (plenty for my slightly under  5' 1" height) although 8 stone 7lbs would be nicer!

Good luck this week everyone

Caroline x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to CarolineAL

Hi Caroline,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words.  I don't want to get to the 11's, as my ultimate goal is 12 stone 7 pounds.  But it's taken me almost a year and a half just to get down from the 13's into the 12's, so I know it will be challenging to get down to my goal.  But this Monday weigh-in group is so supportive and motivating.  I feel sure I'll get there!

I am so happy to hear that you've had a good weigh-in this week, and Congratulations on achieving a very minimal gain of 0.25 pound, despite having hosted 2 Italian students, and a break in N Ireland visiting your partner's family.  I think that's an excellent result.  I hope you enjoyed your time away and that it was a good break.

It's particularly satisfying when you get on the scales anticipating a gain, but you're happily surprised by the results.  That's a great outcome for you. 

Now you're back on track this week, and you'll have an even better week ahead.

Enjoy your week!

Lowcal :-)

CarolineAL profile image
CarolineAL in reply to Zest

Even better then, you are so close to your goal  :-)

After I posted my weight I realised that I had actually only gained 0.25lb over 2 weeks, not 0.5lb, I was 9 stone 6.25 two weeks ago and 9 stone 6.5 today; sorry to mess up your stats.

Aiming for 9 stone 5.something next Monday but we'll see!

Have a good week

Caroline x

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to CarolineAL

You are doing great - roll on the 8stone range!

kantara71 profile image

one kilo at a time Wolff6x you can do it! Make sure you take your measurements today as well as it is very motivating to see the inches, (or cms), dissapear too. Have a good week - John

kuddlykathy profile image

Congratulations on losing 3lbs you must feel great.  I've lost 2lbs this week gone from 17st 2lbs to 17st which is what I was hoping for.  This means in the last 6 weeks I've lost a stone.  Thanks to everybody or their help and inspiration to enable me to do this.

Take Care xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kuddlykathy

Hi Kuddlykathy,

Thanks very much.  Congratulations to you on losing 2 pounds this week, and it's fantastic that you've achieved your goal.  Wow, you've lost a stone in the last 6 weeks, that is absolutely fantastic!  Really well done!! :-)

Hope you're enjoying it, and wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to kuddlykathy

Wow, that is fantastic - a whole stone off already!  Next week you will be in the 16s, yay!

Candystripe profile image

Good morning everyone & happy Easter.

Haven't been here for a while what with Christmas and then my husband home on leave, but I've kept in touch with Lowcal and told her I might post today and voila!

Brilliant work Lowcal, you were focused & determined to get back into the 12's. You must feel "Epic"!

For me, I gained over Christmas and didn't quite make it into those elusive 11's and still today I am hovering around the low 12's. I have upped my gym regime, not eaten after 7pm and counted my calories, but still can't make the 11's. (I started out at 18st 4.5lbs for those who don't know me, so have lost just over 6 stone) HOWEVER, the good news is, my BMI tells me that I am no longer obese and that is great news. I think that when I upped my gym regime I might have put on muscle weight, but it's not stopping me from continuing with my desire to reach the 10's. I won't accept the option to gain weight as I donate all my clothes to charity as I grow out of them.....too cold still not to have any!

Well good luck everyone and reach for your dreams.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Candystripe

Hello Candystripe, how lovely to see you back with us :) Happy Easter to you too :)

You are doing brilliantly well, to have lost over 6st and to be merely overweight, is a phenomenal achievement. WTG you! :)

I too have found that there's an art to balancing exercise with weight loss and that the two don't necessarily go hand in hand! :)

That's a great tip, to donate your clothes as soon as you grow out of them and it's something that I'm doing this time too. It's very definitely too cold to go without, so onwards and downwards is the only way to go! :)

Keep up the terrific work and don't be a stranger :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Candystripe

No longer being obese is fantastic and you are so close to those 11s, I am sure with your workout regime you will get there soon.

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Candystripe

Really pleased to see you back Candystripe. You're still doing amazingly well and keeping your resolve :)

Kate x

lizlilac profile image

Dear Low Cal

3lb loss! what an inspiration

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to lizlilac

Hi Lizlilac,

Thank you so much, you're very kind.  :-)

I love your profile picture, it's really nice!

Lowcal :-)

slimdownem profile image

morning all, I'm Em just signed up nearly a week ago, I'm calorie counting using the NHS 12 week plan. I've successfully lost in the past with weight watchers, though it hasn't worked for me the last time I tried so fresh approach. I've got 14 weeks until my holiday, so that my first big goal, I'd like less wobbly bits on show by the pool! My mini goals are to focus on a loss every week and up my exercise (gently). Last week I was 15st, and I've lost 2lb this week. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to slimdownem

Hi and welcome Em :)

It's great that you've joined us today and that you've shared your starting weight and goals with us :)

Have a look at our Newbie thread, which has lots of tips and motivational stories in it

Consider joining in the various challenges that are running currently and which can be found in the pinned posts section alongside a wonderful recipe thread that Lowcal has put together for us :)

Well done for having lost 2lbs already, that's a terrific achievement and gets you off to a flying start :)

Looking forward to seeing you out and about on the forum.

Have a great week :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to slimdownem

Well done on such a great start, Em, I am sure you will feel great when you get to your holiday in 14 weeks.  Have a great week!

lizlilac profile image

Weighing in

Started 2 days ago

BMI 32.5

Weight 15 st 4 lbs                 Today 15st 2 lbs

Waist 42ins ( aaahhhh!)        Today 40ins

A very happy Bunny indeed

also my house is so much tidier as whenever I want to snack I clean something  :)

in reply to lizlilac

Love it! Grab that instinct to snack and clean instead! I patch up holes in my socks in a similar way. I even mended a broken slipper yesterday.  Congrats on your 2lb and 2 inches lost - a great start! I hope to see you around on here again soon - lots of things to take part in - and loads of tips, advice and encouragement floating around too :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to lizlilac

Hi and welcome lizlilac :)

It's great that you've joined us today and that you've shared your starting weight and goals with us :)

It seems 2 is your lucky number, you've lost 2lbs and 2" in 2 days! What a fantastic start! :)

I'm not surprised you're a happy bunny! (Easter Bunny?? ;) )

Have a look at our Newbie thread, which has lots of tips and motivational stories in it

Consider joining in the various challenges that are running currently and which can be found in the pinned posts section alongside a wonderful recipe thread that Lowcal has put together for us :)

Looking forward to seeing you out and about on the forum.

Have a great week :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to lizlilac

You are off to a brilliant start - well done!

Marianne0915 profile image

Very WELL DONE on your great achievement LowCal and Everyone else who have achieved a pleasing result. My weight has changed slightly from 13.10.3 to 13.9.8 so a change for the better. Where do I find the challenges that you mentioned Lowcal? Have a lovely Easter Monday Everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Marianne0915

Hi Marianne,

Thank you so much!  :-)

Congratulations on losing 0.5 pounds this week.  One moment, and I'll pop back with those challenge links.

Happy Easter Monday!

Lowcal :-)

p.s. Back with those links for you Marianne:

Link to Update post for Sueper’s Easter Bunny Challenge:

Link to Week 4 of Ruth_Canal_Runner’s March Strength Challenge post:

Link to MarmiteRehomings 4th July Challenge update post:

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to Zest

Yay, many thanks Lowcal. 

Sana786 profile image

Hi Lowcal and let me kick it off by congratulating you for your 3lbs loss!!woo hoo!🎉🎉 well done and wish you even more happy losses for the future! 😉😆😘.

For me however, it hasn't been any loss or fain this week at all.😯😕. I was 15.275st last week and it came as the same this week.

Pretty disappointing result but at least i didn't gain any. Which is a good sign. 

I have set myself a challenge of losing 5lbs to 6lbs over the easter break of two weeks and that gives me a time of until 10th April. I am also four weeks away from my birthday and I want to see myself 1 st lighter for that. I am going to do the C25k 6 days a week now instead of 3 and hopefully this will help towards achieving that goal.

I will get there InshaAllah and would like to wish everyone else the best too.

in reply to Sana786

Hi Sana786 - congratulations on maintaining your weight this week - only a few small changes and you'll see a loss next week. It's a good idea to boost your exercise to try and make this difference. But how about instead of doing couch to 5k 6 days a week, do the NHS strength & flex 3 days a week on your days off between the usual 3 days of couch to 5k. I think it's good to alternate between different types of exercise to avoid injury.

Your weight loss goals sound very ambitious - it's tempting to wish for a stone off in a month - but you may find this is unmanageable, especially as the average healthy rate of weight loss is more like 1-2lbs/week. Maybe a more achievable goal would be half a stone in a month - and anything extra would be a bonus! This would definitely make a big difference.

Wishing you all the best with your goals :)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to

Hi Ruth_Canal_Runner, first of all I want to apologise for replying so late ro you. I tried to submit reply yesterday but had difficulty doing so. The page froze and this reply got deleted.. 😠😠😕. Here im giving it another go. I think you miss understood me yesterday about when I said I want to lose a stone by my birthday, I meant the total as since my weight loss journey began here on the forum with you all. I know it is not right to aim for such a large loss within a month and to be honest with you, I have tried that route before but it resulted in putting me in a worse position than when I started. I am sticking to the 5lbs to 6lbs loss over the easter holidays and i have to achieve this. To do this i am doing c25k and like u said about different activities, i will continue wih the bollywood dance. 

Thank you for your positive feedback and support.

Good luck everyone else and have a great day.


LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Sana786

Good luck for the week ahead and for meeting your goals!

fifi15 profile image

morning all, this is my third weigh-in, I started at 166.2, then last week was 167.2, this week I am 165.2.  I have had very erratic hormone surges this month, my period was 2 weeks late.  hopefully this will settle down. my goal is to lose 8lb by 1 June. I have a major work event that week and want to look /feel a bit trimmer. I will be doing 3x 3mile walks per week. I'm off now to read the other posts and be inspired by all you fantastic efforts 😁

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to fifi15

Oh well done Fifi, you're definitely off the starting blocks now, with a fantastic 2lb loss! Well done you! :)

I'm sure your goal of 8lbs in 2 months is doable and you'll feel like a million dollars at your big work event :)

Good luck with your walks this week and I know that reading the posts can't fail to get you all fired up with enthusiasm!

Onwards and downwards :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to fifi15

Well done Fifi, that is great despite the hormone challenges!

Nomoreexcuses profile image

Hi there. Starting again after a year away from site but never been on the Monday weigh in group. Feel quite nervous about saying my weight but hoping this will make me more accountable with following the plan. I'm Nomoreexcuses and today weigh 12st 2lbs. Ultimately I'd like to lose about 3stone but in the next 12 weeks a stone before I go on holiday and this week I'm aiming for 2lbs. Wish me luck. Thank you ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nomoreexcuses

Hi Nomoreexcuses,

Great to see you back in the forum, and especially great that this time around you're joining us for the Monday group weigh-ins.  I do remember your name previously.  I agree with you that it is nerve-wracking when you first do you weigh-in here, so I appreciate you doing this, and hope it's not too daunting.  You're already close to the 11's.  You've set yourself a mini-goal, which is very sensible, and it's great that you've got a holiday to look forward to to motivate you.  Wishing you luck with your first goal to lose 2 pounds this week. 

You might want to take your body measurements too, as those can be motivating on those occasions when the scales get stuck.  I usually record mine monthly, and it's been really useful to do that. 

Hope you have a great week ahead.  If you've not seen the Welcome Newbie post then I would recommend looking at it, as it probably wasn't around last year when you were with us before, and it contains lots of great information that people have collated - moreless  has put it together, and it's in the Pinned posts area.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

Nomoreexcuses profile image
Nomoreexcuses2lbs in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal for all the good advice. Good to be back. I've taken my measurements but will keep them private just now. We're just off to Cornwall surfing for the holiday but felt so uncomfortable in my wetsuit and on the beach last year that losing a stone would just make me feel that wee bit better. Just completed week 3 of C25k  today and doing other exercise as well so hopefully it will all come together. Thanks again and well done with losing this week too x

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Nomoreexcuses

Good luck Nomoreexcuses - I am sure you will do it!

Nomoreexcuses profile image
Nomoreexcuses2lbs in reply to LessToLose

Thanks Lottolose. Early days but feeling focused and determined.

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Nomoreexcuses

Good luck :)

Don't know what's happened  but I have put on 2lb! 😣 can't be the half a small easter Egg I ate last night. I have been walking a lot and avoiding eating rubbish.!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Sometimes we have very annoying, unexplained weight gains Pilpala! It could be hormonal, extra exercise, water retention (hormonal), medications, normal weight fluctuations. It can be just one of those things.

My advice is to go back to basics and just make sure that you're doing everything that you can to get rid of those pesky pounds :)

Check your BMI, maybe your calorie requirements have changed.

Weigh and measure everything you eat and drink.

Keep a food diary.

Are you doing 150mins aerobic exercise and 2 sessions of strength exercises?

Have you swapped simple carbs for complex carbs?

Fingers crossed that by tightening up the basics, you'll start to see a reduction in your weight.

Onwards and downwards :) 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

That happens to some people - they gain or don't lose and then one week, they have a massive loss, so fingers crossed you will next week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

10.40am I have to pop out for a few errands, but I'll be back later!  :-)

tubbycat profile image

We done  LowCal,  you deserved that  weight loss at last!

I have finally managed to lose .8 of  a pound from 11 stone 3.8 where I was stuck to 11stone 3: and that was  really hard  work. I started off trying the 5:2 diet, but  got as  far as lunchtime on day 1 and had to have soup!! However it did mean 2 really low cal  days (but not 500 calories- that is too painful!) with  exercise; then watching it carefully the  rest of the time. Hard work for .8 of  a pound loss but I did  have a meal  out. And I weighted  myself today after my cup of tea so you never  know,  the loss maybe better than the  scales show!

Avoided chocolate but savoury stuff is always  what  really tempts  me! Have a lovely rest of Easter everyone

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to tubbycat

Yaaay tubbycat, you've broken the deadlock! Well done you! :)

I know that the 5:2 diet works for a lot of people, but not everyone! Starvation definitely isn't my idea of fun. I do not like being hungry! :)

Maybe things will get moving properly now, especially as you managed at least a 0.8lb loss after a meal out and a cup of tea.

Fingers crossed for this week. Onwards and downwards :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to tubbycat

I am sure I would struggle trying to eat just 500 calories, but I hear great things about the 5:2 diet and have seen others lose weight with it.  Hopefully you will get better results next week and it won't be so hard.

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to LessToLose

Same here, I'd be famished, I think you must have incredibly strong resolve to be able to do that diet, so congrats to anyone who can manage it!

Butterbrain40 profile image

Hi everyone.  This is a first Monday group weigh-in for me.  I confess I don't have any scales and usually measure with a tape measure so here are my 'stats':

Chest 113cm; waist 103 cm hips 120cm

My mini-goal this week is to get some scales and plan my first weeks food well so that I'm not caught out hungry :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Butterbrain40

Hi and welcome Butterbrain :)

It's great that you've decided to join us and that you've shared your starting measurements with us :)

If you manage to get your scales soon, please share your starting weight with us, if you wish, as Ruth won't do the stats until nearer the end of the week :)

Planning is key to successful weight loss, as you rightly say, it saves you being caught out.

Take a look at our welcome newbies thread, as you'll get all sorts of tips to help you get started

Please consider joining us in the various challenges we have running currently, as they're highly motivational. They can all be found in the pinned posts section, along with a recipe thread, that Lowcal has kindly compiled for us :)

Looking forward to seeing you out and about on the forum.

Have a great first week :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Butterbrain40

Planning is the way to go, best of luck for a great week!

Nomoreexcuses profile image
Nomoreexcuses2lbs in reply to Butterbrain40

Good luck Butterbrain40. My 1st week too. Let's do this!

Carpo82 profile image

Hello Everybody.

Wow Lowcal. Congratulations on your amazing loss. Sounds like you have worked hard for it and totally deserves it!

I'm happy to say that I've lost 1.1 kg this week. Down from 83.1 to 82 kg. I was pleasantly surprised though I must admit. I have not done as much exercise as I planned and I've also eaten my share of chocolate the last couple of days. But I'm not complaining :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Carpo82

Wow Carpo, that's a win, win situation, if ever I heard one! Eat your chocolate and lose weight! Woohoo, I'm loving it! :)

Here's to another great week :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Carpo82

Wow - fantastic, that is a great result considering all the Easter temptations!

suffolkwomble profile image

Well done Lowcal!

I was 11 st 11 6 and I am now 11 10 4. I sneaked a weigh in on Friday and I had gained 1lb so wasn't expecting a loss! I had a modest roast for lunch yesterday, a small bit of trifle and a creme egg then ate nothing for the rest of the day because i just didn't feel hungry. Feeling positive!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suffolkwomble

How can you not feel positive after a 1.2lb loss suffolkwomble? WTG you! :) You've showed remarkable restraint and it's paid off on the scales :)

Here's to an equally good week :) 

suffolkwomble profile image
suffolkwomble in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless ☺

I now supposedly have a healthy BMI....

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suffolkwomble

Woohoo suffolkwomble, it just gets better and better! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to suffolkwomble

Great result, well done!

Well done Lowcal.  You're back in the 12s again. I was thrilled to discover a loss this week as I was expecting a gain, and just hoping I didn’t go back in the 13s.  I lost 0.5 lbs. Now 12St 12.25, down from 12 St 12.75. Waist down 1cm to 85 cm.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Don't you just love it when the scales give you an unexpected NICE surprise, derrygeel?! Fantastic! :)

1cm off your waist too! This has been a good week for you, let's hope that this coming week is just as rewarding :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Yippee, that is great, you don't want to see the 13s again! 

Morning Fab 5er's and everyone- I'm struggling to read this post after the first few posts but I'll keep trying! Welcome to Lot-to-lose and Lowcal congratulations -3lbs is fantastic and into the 12's - we all knew you'd get there! Moreless youre inspirational as always and i can relate to your struggle with food intake and exercise balance as i went through it last week- however i decided to do less intensity exercise this week and just do short bursts frequently to keep the motor burning throughout the day and it seems to have resulted in less hunger and i've still lost 4lbs this week but even better I'm into the 14's- so exciting considering i started out in January at over 17 stones- happy days I'm on target for my 4th July goal!

Oh and i forgot to add I'm no longer "Obese" I'm "Overweight" Yippee!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi MarmiteRehoming,

Good morning!  I'm sorry to hear you've had some difficulty reading this post now it's got bigger.  I'll be posting the midday thread very soon!  That should make it easier!  Thanks for your patience in holding out to post this.

Thanks for your kind encouraging words to us all.  

Many congratulations to you for losing 4 pounds this week, that is fantastic!!!  You've certainly kept your motor burning with those short bursts of exercise.  Good idea!  Really great to hear you're into the 14's - that is a great transition.  Congratulations again!  :-)  You're well on target for your 4th July goal.  Thanks for that Challenge, it is great to have something to work towards for the Summer.

Yay, you're no longer in the obese category, that is another celebratory milestone.  Really well done!

Have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal- i must admit last night was a challenge as the bf decided to cook curry goat with rice but he used lots of oil so i sat at dinner drying my goat meat in kitchen roll lol and later courtesy of Sueper i had a date with a kinder egg- undoubtedly one of my better dates but probably a little "arachnid like" as once i'd played with it- i devoured it lol. I have to say this Hiit training seems to be working for me (the stick insects at the gym gave me some tips lol)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo MR! 4lbs down, into the 14's and merely overweight! WTG you! You've well and truly overtaken me now and I couldn't be happier for you! :) Fingers crossed for your 4th July goal, you can do this! :)

in reply to moreless

ML youve been an absolute inspiration and thank you for your kind words but i cant take all the credit ive been following the advice of the stick insects at the gym (using Hiit) and i have to say its giving me great results so onwards and downwards as you say! 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Wow, I guess there's a reason that they're stick insects then! :D

Absolutely onwards and downwards! :)

in reply to

That's a major achievement ! Well done. 

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Congratulations MarmiteRehoming, it's such a great feeling leaving one bracket behind and entering what feels like a whole new world :-) 

Well done on losing 4 lbs this week that is a fantastic result and even better entering into the 14's. You are making great progress on your journey hun :-) keep up all the good work. 

Trafford1 x 

in reply to trafford1

aah thanks trafford- youre right it is such a good feeling and to no longer be in the obese bracket also gives me reassurance about my health too, thanks for your support hon and i hope youre having a good weekend : )

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Wow, from 17 stones to into the 14s is fantastic - and being merely overweight too, that is just marvellous - I am so pleased for you!

in reply to LessToLose

Thanks LtL i'm pretty chuffed today!

Devonmillie48 profile image

Hi Lowcal, great news on your loss. My loss this week is only 6oz. 

I'm not surprised, my walking companion has been out of action this week, my springer spaniel hurt her back last monday and has been bed rest all week, not to mention a ew easter treats!

I'm starting week 12 this week, so far I've  lost 10 lbs, not a lot but enough for me to notice a difference.  I will be away visiting my brother who is hosptal so I'm not expecting great things next monday.

 I shall start another 12 weeks with the aim of another 10lbs to achieve my end goal. I've been having 1400cal but may need to adjust that as I'm seem to be sticking, I have a hip/back problem so don't do strenuous exercise but hopefully Mollie will be back in action then and of course April means gardening!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Devonmillie48

Hi Devonmillie48,

Congratulations on losing 0.375 pound this week, that is very good considering your walking companion is out of action this week, and it's been the long weekend.  I am so sorry to hear that your lovely Springer Spaniel hurt her back, and I hope she's enjoying the bed rest and those Easter treats.  I bet you're looking after her really well.

Amazing to think you're starting week 12 this week - you've lost 10 pounds, that is really great !  Congratulations!

I hope your visit to your brother in hospital goes ok, and I hope he is comfortable.

I think it's great that you'll be re-starting the 12 week plan afterwards to continue to your end goal.  It would be good to re-evaluate your calorie allowance in view of your new weight and activity levels, so you can utilise the BMI calculator and also Myfitnesspal, depending on your preference to enable you to do that.

Yes, there'll be lots of gardening in April to keep up your exercise too.

Have a lovely week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Devonmillie48

Aw, get well soon Mollie - and your brother.  Gardening is great exercise, but watch that back!

Best of luck for the second 12 week programme, I am sure it will be very successful.

Jesterpuss1 profile image

Hi Lowcal, well done you losing 3lbs! That's amazing, especially it being a holiday weekend! 👏

I managed to lose the 1.5lbs I gained last week -plus another 0.5lb not brilliant but better than gaining! 

Must try harder! 😁

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jesterpuss1

Hi Jesterpuss1,

Many thanks for your kind and encouraging words.  Much appreciated!  

I think you've done really well this week, as I know you've had a lot of stress in your life recently, and I hope you're recovering from your ankle and leg damage.  You have done really well to achieve 2 pounds off this week.  We counted your gain last week, so this is a fresh week, and so you have lost a whole 2 pounds, and that is fantastic!  Congratulations! 

You are doing extremely well Jesterpuss, and I think you're doing just fine!  

Be kind to yourself, as you deserve it. 

Hope you have a good day today, and I hope you're enjoying that book.  Maybe you've finished it already!?

Lowcal :-)

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, as always you cheer me up 😊 my ankle is much better and although badly bruised my knee feels ok! I've just returned from a breezy walk with my husband and sheepdog which was very exhilarating! So I may treat myself to an hour with my book now! 

Enjoy the rest of your day! 😄 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jesterpuss1

Hi Jesterpuss1,

I'm glad your ankle and knee are improving!  Great idea to treat yourself to an hour with your book.  

Thanks for your lovely wishes.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Jesterpuss1

That is flipping marvellous, Jesterpuss - way to go!

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to LessToLose

Thanks LTL, I think I really need to knuckle down now though! Great to welcome you as a fab 5'r congrats 👏 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Jesterpuss1

Thanks Jesterpuss, it is a pleasure to join in!

Tt14 profile image

Hi this is my first day so starting weight of 14.9 and height of 5'4 (so practically a ball shape lol) I am setting myself a mini goal of leaving the 14's and joining the 13s so 10lb ! 

Hope everyone is well on Easter Monday x 

Tt14 profile image
Tt14 in reply to Tt14

PS well done lowcal ,totally smashed 3lbs loss 😁

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Tt14

Many thanks for your kind words!  I'm very happy today! :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Tt14

Hi Tt14,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in, and it's great that this is your first day!  Have you seen the Welcome Newbie post which moreless  has put together?  Here's a link incase you'd like to see it:

You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so.  You've got your mini goal set already, and that's really sensible to break it down into manageable chunks.  Maybe take your body measurements too, to give you those changes to focus on in addition to the weight - as it's not all about the scales, it's how you're feeling and how the clothes feel etc.  So many factors.

Have a lovely Easter Monday!

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Tt14

Welcome and good luck for getting into the lower 14s next week, then it will be plain sailing onto the 13s for you! 

Son1 profile image

Morning all,

I'm really pleased as I've lost just under 2lbs this week, and I did have a couple of treats this weekend too  :-) 

Last week I was 10 stone 2lbs and this week I'm 10 stone 2oz.  Really hoping to make it into the 9s next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Son1

Hi Son1,

Morning!  Brilliant to hear you've lost just under 2 pounds this week, despite having a couple of treats this weekend too - that's really great! :-)  I've calculated your weight loss at precisely 1.875 pound lost - for Ruth's stats.  Hope this is accurate as Maths isn't my strong point.  

Good luck for getting into the 9's next week!

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Son1

Yay, that is really good, Son1, I am sure you will be in the 9s next week!

Scarletflyer profile image

Start at 13.13. Total goal is to get to 11.4. Small goals set to half stone blocks. So first goal is 13.6.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Scarletflyer

Hi Scarletflyer,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in and also welcome to the forum.  We have a Welcome Newbie post, which moreless  has put together:

You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so.  It's often the most daunting step, but you've done it, and now that's out of the way, you can look forward to working towards your goal to get to 11 stone 4 pounds.  Great that you've set yourself small mini-goals to reach it, via half stone blocks - really sensible.  You might want to consider taking your body measurements too, as that can also be motivating, especially when the scales stick.

So hope you have a great week ahead, and good luck!

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Scarletflyer

You are very sensible to divide the overall amount to lose into half-stone blocks, that is what I do and I don't feel overwhelmed that way.  Good luck for a successful week and for meeting your goal soon!

MichPet77 profile image

Hello everyone!

 I am a newbie, starting weight is 15 stone 1 pound this morning. Any tips would be very welcome!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MichPet77

Hi and welcome MichPet77 :)

It's great that you've joined us today and that you've shared your starting weight :)

For lots of tips, I suggest you read our Welcome Newbies thread

For motivation to get active, we have various challenges, which can be found in the pinned posts section :)

Looking forward to seeing you out and about on the forum.

Have a great week :)

MichPet77 profile image
MichPet77 in reply to moreless

hi moreless  - thank you for saying hello. ITs a bit nerve racking joining and putting your weight out there!

I have joined one of the activity trackers on the forum. I will have a look at the newbies thread, thanks for the link.

Hope you have a great week too! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MichPet77

When I first joined, I'd never told anyone that I weighed 19st 10lbs!! It was a nightmare, but once it's out there, it's actually quite liberating and this is a very safe, non-judgemental environment :)

Well done for already joining one of the activities and enjoy reading through the newbie thread.

Onwards and downwards :)

MichPet77 profile image
MichPet77 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless  sorry I took so long to reply. This forum seems really busy and got a bit lost with the posts! Everyone seems very friendly. Such. A positive forum to join!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MichPet77

Oh my goodness MichPet, don't apologise, we all have lives to lead and yes, this forum gets busier daily. 

Everybody here is absolutely lovely and totally committed to everybody's success. We are a fantastic team and, of course, you are a very welcome member of that team :)

Onwards and downwards, losers are always winners :)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to MichPet77

I'm a chicken, I still haven't "put my weight out there" and (a) I joined about 6-7 months ago and (b) I'm heavier than you, so don't worry one bit, and a big pat on the back from me, I'm always in awe of people who are brave enough to share their actual weight, whatever it may be, as it's such a personal thing!  The folk here are great, everyone will cheer you on, good luck!

MichPet77 profile image
MichPet77 in reply to WeightWarrior

thank you WeightWarrior  much appreciated!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MichPet77

Welcome MichPet77,

I like your new profile picture - that's a very smiley face indeed!  Wishing you luck with this week.  moreless  has given you some excellent pointers.

Lowcal :-)

MichPet77 profile image
MichPet77 in reply to Zest

thank you Zest  , much appreciated. Feeling very motivated!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to MichPet77

Welcome MichPet, I was really nervous when I joined, but everyone makes you feel at home straight away.  My biggest tip would be to join in on the forum, everyone is so encouraging and you pick loads up as you go along.  Above all, think of it not as losing weight, but of gaining health!

MichPet77 profile image
MichPet77 in reply to LessToLose

Thanks LessToLose  - it is all a bit scary but hopeful that the encouragement helps!

Cooper27 profile image

Hi all!

Well done LowCal for firmly breaking into the 12's!

I weighed myself yesterday, and I've lost 2lbs this week, and now weigh 14st 10.5lbs. 

I have been having a big clear out this week, so lots of time on my feet and lifting boxes.

This month I've been taking part in the BHF dechox - it has been going well, but we planned to have yesterday off for the OH's birthday. My OH's gran gave him a big (supermarket made) chocolate cake so instead of my yummy easter egg, i had a big bit of that - it wasn't worth wasting my day off on unfortunately but it was a good wake up call I think. If I'm going to treat myself, I should be sure it's worth it! And as soon as I realised that, I stopped eating the cake and threw the rest of my piece in the bin...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Cooper27

Hi Cooper27,

Thank you!  

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is really great!  I hope you're feeling good for that, and also for having had a massive clear-out as well, as that will have been a lot of work to lift lots of boxes etc - lots of strength work there!  But hopefully very satisfying in terms of the resulting calm following de-cluttering.

Great that you're taking part in the British Heart Foundation Dechox, and that it's going well.  I hope your OH enjoyed his birthday yesterday.  It sounds like you had an interesting experience in relation to the chocolate cake - it obviously really made you mindful of what choices you make, and whether you feel comfortable with them or not.   It's an interesting process isn't it.  

Wishing you another great week ahead.  You're making excellent progress.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Cooper27

Well done on your excellent loss this week!

Being able to stop eating the cake that wasn't pleasing you is a great thing to learn, something that effortlessly slim people would do!  Fantastic!

Congratulations to everyone who has lost.

Finally after 5 weeks of maintaining, I've lost 2lbs, so now in the tens at 10st  12lb. 2lb to go to pre pregnancy weight. 

Have a good week everyone 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Isou7000,

Thanks!  It's great that there are several losers amongst us today.  I am glad to finally be one of them, as I'd gained the past couple of weeks, so I felt like I was due a loss.  :-)

You have been rewarded for your patience too, as following your 5 weeks of maintaining, you've got a great loss of 2 pounds, that's brilliant!  Congratulations!!!  :-)  Wow, you're in the 10's - that's such a great transition!  Really well done!  I bet you're excited!!! :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks so much to everyone for all your supportive comments. 

This website has really helped me to focus, especially knowing I have to weigh myself and report it each week. 

You're all amazing. Well done! 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Yippee!  Fabulous result this week and how wonderful to be so near your pre-pregnancy weight, you must feel soooo good!

Claire31 profile image

Well done everyone and happy Easter xx put on a lb this week too much enjoying myself with food and drink!! Got a wedding in 6 weeks so am aiming to lose 10lb and holiday in July so would like to lose 2 stone xx these are my targets 😁xx

Have a great week xx

11st 6

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Claire31

Hi Claire31,

Happy Easter to you too, and thanks for your encouraging words to us all.

It's very understandable that you've gained a pound when you've been enjoying yourself with food and drink, and I'm glad you've had an enjoyable time.  You'll soon get that pound off again, especially with the motivation of attending the Wedding in 6 weeks time, and also your holiday in July - those will both help keep you on track, I feel sure! 

Wishing you another great week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Claire31

I think a naughty 1lb seems to have been doing the rounds, with those very exciting incentives you have, I am sure you will reach your goals.  Have a good week too!

Gypsywife profile image

Just found that my weight has gone up 1lb to 17st 2lbs. I am not going to fret about that as we had a meal out yesterday and I ate more than usual, including was Easter!  Rearranging my fasting days this coming week as we have a family funeral  tomorrow with a meal to follow.  After that I will be back to my usual pattern.Don't want to lose sight and awareness of what I'm doing when I have hardly started!  Exercise would be good, but I have arthritis, and my hips have been especially awful recently when trying to do gardening. .I am seeing my Doc  on Wed.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gypsywife

Hi Gypsywife,

I am glad that you're not going to fret about the 1 pound gain, as you can clearly see where it has potentially come from, and I hope you enjoyed the Easter break and the extras that often come along with it.  Like you said, 'It was Easter' - and that is a time of celebration for those who celebrate it, and you've enjoyed it - so that's really great!  

I am so sorry to hear you've got a family funeral tomorrow, and my condolences for your loss, and I hope that it goes ok.

I hope your appointment with your Doctor goes ok on Wednesday and I hope your hips improve a bit - gardening would take its toll. 

Wishing you a good week ahead.  You sound focused and I'm sure that pound will be off again in no time, all being well.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Gypsywife

I am sorry about the funeral and the 1lb.

It is good that you are back into your usual routine as that seems to be working for you.

Also good luck for the doc visit, let us know how you get on.

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to Gypsywife

I can't help but comment when I see people a tad concerned about not being able to exercise much.  Sure, it would be really nice to be physically able to do it, but some of us simply can't manage much at all.  I have arthritis too, and I'm losing purely through adjusting the type of food I eat...3 stone 2 down, several stone to go!  We can do this, don't worry!  I hope you get at least a bit of relief from the pain soon, take care and don't push yourself too hard physically xx

rosie-2015 profile image

Well done lowcal 3ibs brilliant, last week i was 15st 6lb 2oz now I'm 15st 4lb 6oz 😁I'm back to where i was week's ago i feel as if I've lost all that time for nothing. But thanks to this group onwards and downwards 👍i'll keep tweaking my diet and taking onboard all the good tips we get o l this site 😁👍good luck everyone 😃

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie-2015

Hi Rosie-2015,

Congratulations on losing 1.75 pound this week, that is great, especially as it is the Bank Holiday weekend.  I think that's excellent progress.  I know you said you're back to where you were weeks ago, but essentially that means you've not gained weight since then, and you've maintained your losses.  (I'm not trying to confuse you on purpose there - although I admit I am confusing myself a little with this argument) - essentially your trend is 'Onwards and Downwards' and that is really great!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to rosie-2015

Now you are back on track, there will be no stopping you - keep on going, that is all we can do!

doctorwho68 profile image

Hi everyone.

Congratulations on the big loss Lowcal.

It was a week of two halves really.  Up to Friday I was down 0.5lb, then a combined Easter/ birthday weekend happened.  The combo is not condusive to a loss. But it was a one off and will not be happening again.

21st March 2016: Weight: 10st 2.5lbs

28th March 2016: Weight: 10st 4lbs

So on my birthday weigh in today I have gained 1.5lbs.

Let's see what next week brings.🎂🎁🎉

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to doctorwho68

Hi Doctorwho68,

Thanks very much!  

You've had lots of celebrations to contend with this week, not only Easter but your Birthday weekend too - so like you say, that combination is NOT conducive to a loss.  

Happy Birthday!!!!  :-)

You'll soon get that 1.5 pound gain off again very soon.  Although of course I don't know if you have further Birthday celebrations to contend with, in which case it could be more challenging.  The other thing to watch out for is any remaining Easter goodies, as they can of course scupper weight loss attempts if not managed carefully after the event.  I have ended up with a chocolate orange and a bag of mini chocolate eggs that I was not expecting, so I am currently thinking of my damage limitation plan regarding them.

Hope you have a great week ahead, and hope you enjoyed your Birthday weekend!

Lowcal :-)

TheHud profile image
TheHud in reply to doctorwho68

You can have a day off once a year, or maybe twice, perhaps thrice, sod it why not have at least 10 days off per year and eat a chocolate bunny, slice of cake and why not!  New rule we all get 10 days off ;)

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to TheHud

Hi I'm well and truly into your sugarless jelly I'm hoping it gets me off yogurt for life, I'm not putting yogurt down I've been taking weightwatchers for years but the one's i was taking were full of carbs and sugar, thanks hud onwards and downwards 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie-2015

Hi Rosie-2015,

The Greek yoghurt by Total is really good - if you like a healthy yoghurt, I would recommend that one.

Lowcal :-)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to TheHud

Lol I agree, it's all about striking the balance, life is to be enjoyed, just in moderation and back on track quickly after the "food enjoyment" part!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to doctorwho68

Happy birthday -  hopefully, you will knock off the 1.5lbs and a bit more by next Monday!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI


The Afternoon/Evening post was posted at approx 11.55am, and the link to it is here:

The morning session has gone really well, and it's been a pleasure reading and responding to everyone - I know I speak for all Fab 5'ers when I say that!

Lowcal :-)

eve9 profile image

Not sure if this is correct place to post Monday weigh in. Started with 12.13 now 11.2.5 stone. Lost 1.5lbs this week. Would like to get to 10. 10lb.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to eve9

Hi and welcome Eve :)

How lovely that you've chosen to join us and that you've shared your starting weight and goals :)

Well done for losing 1.5lbs already, that's a great start! :)

You might like to have a look at our Welcome Newbies thread, as it has lots of handy hints to get you started

There are also several challenges, which are fun and motivating and these can be found in the pinned posts section, to the right of your screen, alongside a great recipe thread, compiled by Lowcal :)

Looking forward to seeing you out and about on the forum, have a great week :)

eve9 profile image
eve9 in reply to moreless

Thank you so much will look at these threads

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to eve9

Hi Eve9,

You've posted in the morning thread, and that's fine, we still check both.  The morning thread gets a bit glitchy when there's lots of responses, which is why we split them up and also have an Afternoon/evening thread too.

The important thing is that you found us, and it's great to see you.  You've done really well to lose 1.5 pounds this week, especially with the Bank Holiday weekend.  Congratulations!!! 

You've achieved a lot since you started your weight loss journey - really well done. 

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

eve9 profile image
eve9 in reply to Zest

Hi and thank you and really well done to you too

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to eve9

WoW, such great progress you have made already and another successful week!  You are so close to goal now - I am very excited for you!

eve9 profile image
eve9 in reply to LessToLose

Thanks Im happy to be here

TheHud profile image

Afternoon :)

Sorry for the delay but it would not let me in so posted on the Easter Bunny challenge thread first.  Now in so;

Last week 14 st 0.9lb.

This week 14st 0.4lb.

Loss 0.5lb

Total loss from start 1st 3.6lb

Better than a kick in the teeth and much better than I thought it was going given the mess of fluid hanging around over the last couple of days :)  Not as good as it was last Thursday when I hit 14st dead.

Measurements have remained about the same, little gone on bingo wings and hips.

My body comp monitor is showing;

water gain still of 1.6% which was at worst 2.8% up on the norm.

muscle is up 1.6lb.

bone remains the same which is good :)

Fat composition is down 2.9%

So all good really.

Next week aiming for 2lb loss

Onwards and downwards everyone and thanks for all the support you give me :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to TheHud

Hi TheHud,

Sorry you had difficulty getting in here.  I know you like to weigh-in at 11am, so maybe wait for the Afternoon/Evening thread to be posted (I post it about 12.00 midday) as that is so much easier to access, as it is a fresh post - and that's why we split them up, as we know the forum doesn't cope too well with very large posts. 

You've done really well to lose 0.5 pound this week, as I know you've experienced some fluid retention, and you were concerned about that.  Glad you've got your water gain down from 2.8% to 1.6%, but it's still higher than you'd want.  Hope you can get it down further.  Wow, your fat composition is down 2.9% - that is fantastic!  :-)

Onwards and downwards, The Hud - you're making excellent progress.

Have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

TheHud profile image
TheHud in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, you are the one being fantastic, along with all the other thread managers and admins, doing all this to help others and losing weight to boot ;)  I have moved my 11am to noon because the clocks went forward but my body clock did not :)  So I think afternoon is the better option now.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to TheHud

I know these results aren't as good as you'd like Hud and that there is the issue of water weight, but really, what you've achieved, to date, is nothing short of amazing :)

I know how hard you've had to work for it as well, none of this has happened easily. I'm in awe of your tenacity! :)

I shall keep everything crossed for your 2lb loss by next monday and if I could lose the same, you'd be into the 13's and I'd be into the 14's and we'd both be very happy bunnies! :)

Onwards and downwards :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to TheHud

Your total loss is amazing and I am glad that the fluid is starting to shift now. 

Keep up the good work, you are doing brilliantly!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Well done on the fantastic weight losses this week, even the gains haven't been too bad, especially considering this is a very sociable weekend and quite often that centres around meals together.

Lowcal, well done on breaking through that barrier, what a great loss!

I am pleased to be part of the Fab5ers team and will be around this afternoon after 3pm to comment and press the "like" buttons.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to LessToLose

Great to have you on board with us, LotToLose (lovely Fab 5'er) and we'll look forward to having you back with us after 3pm.  Have a great afternoon!  :-)

calm201 profile image

I definately ate too much this Easter!! Gone up to 92.8kg which is a gain of 0.6kg this week, whoops!! Never mind back on the horse next week hopefully!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to calm201

Hi Calm201,

It can easily happen!  I've done it many many many times in the past, and I know how moreish those chocolate eggs can be.  Don't let your 0.6kg gain put you off, or affect your mojo - you can get back on the horse as soon as you want to - preferably as soon as possible to enable damage limitation!  :-)

Hope you enjoyed the Easter weekend, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to calm201

You will knock that off next week, I am sure.  It seems to me that Easter has been harder than Christmas - well at least it is over quickly and we can all get back to healthy eating again.

john-bailey profile image

Hi all,apologies for missing last week.Loss of 2lb over the fortnight.Have now completed 12 weeks and lost 22.75lb but am still overweight so if you don't mind I'll stay awhile.I feel it's important to have an aim and apart from the obvious of becoming healthy and fitter I have signed up for a cycling sportive in aid of Macmillan,the Dorset ride.I'm in the 66 mile ride (what am I thinking of) on the 3rd of July.Wish me luck.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to john-bailey

Hi John-Bailey,

Great to see you, and we missed you last week.  Congratulations on losing 2 pounds over the fortnight - we'll have to count it as 1 pound for the stats, as we're quite strict in terms of only taking one week's data.  But you've made excellent progress, and really well done for that!  :-)

Congratulations on completing the NHS 12 week plan, and I am thrilled to hear you'll be continuing - as most of us have done this plan continually for a long long time, either by repeating it or just continuing with the principles of it - that's what makes it an excellent plan, as it's a lifestyle change that is sustainable for life - I have been following the principles since I started here over 3 years ago!  There are a few of us long-timers here, as well as lots of newbies too.  A nice mix of people at various stages in our weight loss journeys.

Wow, your signing up to the Dorset ride is going to be amazing!  66 miles!!!  Wow!!!  Wishing you lots of luck for 3rd July, that is brilliant! :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead, and glad you're going to be staying around and continuing your weight-loss journey with us. 

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to john-bailey

Congratulations on completing the 12 week programme and for losing 22.75lbs!  I think I may be on my third 12 week programme now, just as well we can stay as long as we like!

I am sure you will ace the 66mile ride, plenty of time to train!

greeny4 profile image
greeny4 morning weight was 11.7 1/4...delighted with a loss, nearly 2 lb!! so sick of being 11st something. motivated today!! really enjoying this forum 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to greeny4

Hi Greeny4,

Wow, it's fantastic to hear you've had a loss of nearly 2 pounds, that is great!!!  You're working your way down those 11's, and the 10's are beckoning you!  

Glad you're feeling motivated and positive, that's a great outlook!  Glad you're enjoying the forum.  I love it too!  

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to greeny4

That is fantastic, well done Greeny, you will be in the lower 11s next week and then it will be the 10s - woo-hoo!

trafford1 profile image

Oh my goodness Lowcal you did it hun, you did it!!!! :-) :-) :-) I am over the moon for you with the BIGGEST SMILE on my face right now reading your post. Massive congratulations on your well deserved achievements this week. Aww you must be so proud of yourself and I can't express just how much I am over the moon for you. Wow girl you wanted it and went for it and got the results and then some with this 3 pound loss :-) Well done Lowcal :-)

I have not long returned from my break at the hotel & leisure center and I have truly enjoyed this time away and had lot's of fun and food so I have had a gain, but not regretfully I might add :-) I had a plan to get down to 10/7, however I have weighed in today and am 11/6, but I'm not worried about this gain as I will put myself back to work this week and see what I can lose by the time I come to my official weigh in on Sat. 

I wish you another successful week ahead and keep that focus going and reap the rewards you so deserve and 12/7 will be yours for the taking hun :-) 

Best wishes Lowcal and big hugs x

Mrs T x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Mrs T,

I am so excited to see you!  I knew you'd be made up for me, with the result, and I couldn't wait to hear from you - and thank you soooooo much for your enthusiastic support and encouragement, which I have found extremely motivating.  You have inspired me a lot with your weight loss journey as you know, and seeing your happiness recently on your amazing Wedding day was something that was so lovely to see.  I'm glad you've had a lovely pampering Hotel Spa break this weekend.  I bet that was fantastic!

I know you've gained a little - but the thing is that your official weigh-in is on Saturday, so you've got plenty of time to get rid of that gain, and I know you'll do it - the main thing is that you had a wonderful break and enjoyed yourself.  

Thanks again for your lovely encouraging post, and I would like to wish you success for your own goal this week.  You can do it!

Big hugs back at you. :-)  I'll look out for your update on Saturday, and wishing you luck for then!  :-)

Lowcal :-)  xx

Bingbong10429 profile image

Hi I joined the group last week and this is my first weigh-in. I Weighed this morning before work and I have lost 3lbs! This takes my total loss to 7lb since mid February.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bingbong10429

Hi again Bingbong,

Just to say it is a bit confusing that we have 2 threads - one is for the Morning, i.e. this one, and the other one (which I've responded to you in just now) is the Afternoon/evening thread).

I'm just going to write a note here to Hidden  (who will be doing our stats this week) to say that Bingbong has contributed to both threads, so naturally only count this result once).

I can still offer you another Congratulations though Bingbong, as you're doing great!

Lowcal :-)

Bu-dog profile image

Hi peeps, hope you all had a lovely Easter. I did and it shows. No weight loss for me this week. Stayed the same so happy enough with that.

Not feeling so good today for some reason. Probably ate too much rubbish over the weekend. I know I certainly can't eat the quantities I used to so not a bad thing.

Never mind, focused for a loss this week 👍

Happy Easter Minday folks and well done to everyone who lost today 👌Xx

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Bu-dog

At Easter - maintaining is perfectly respectable.  We all have blips and trips along the way. Including our motivation and how we feel:-). Sorry you are not feeling to good- but great that you can see you have made progress on what and how much you eat.

Lots of us post Easter are having a taking care of ourselves focused week and hopefully a resulting loss next week:-)

Enjoy the rest of Easter Monday and good luck for next week:-)

aimee88 profile image

11 stone 12 pounds first weigh in

1st goal weight is 9 st 3

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to aimee88

Hi Aimee88,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in, and it's great that you've joined us.  I hope it felt ok to do your weigh-in, as it an be a daunting step to post the first amount, but hopefully you'll be lighter from now on, and I hope you enjoy your first week.  Many of us follow the NHS 12 week plan, so do have a look at that if you haven't already seen it, you can access it via the icon in the top middle of the screen entitled 'Weight Loss NHS' and it will take you to the 12 week downloadable pages.  Using an app alongside like Myfitnesspal or other app to record your food and drink intake and exercise really helps.

Look out for the Welcome Newbie post as well, which is in the Pinned Posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage).  It has lots of great information in it.

Finally, there are lots of challenges going on, which you'll also see explained in the Pinned posts area. 

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

p.s.  Maybe take your body measurements too, so you can see the changes in those, it can be motivating to do that, especially on those weeks when the scales don't always move.  Finally, think about setting yourself mini-goals to work towards to break down your goals to achievable amounts, e.g. how much you'd like to lose this week - many people aim for between 1 to 2 pounds for example, leading to the first half stone - that kind of thing.  Good luck!

Sorry this a day late, I was staying with family and so couldn't post yesterday!  I've gained two pounds in the first week of the plan. 

I think the important thing is that I know why I gained so hopefully I can fix it for the second week!  Although I didn't go crazy with chocolate over Easter I was staying with family for a lot of the week and didn't have much say in what I was eating. I also have a metabolic disorder that makes me gain weight and I forgot to take tablets several times while away so that probably is partly what caused the gain!  

Here's to a better second week on the plan!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

HI Natz994,

That's fine, it's good to see you!  Hope you have enjoyed your stay with family.  It's often the case that there can be a weight gain over the long weekends, so hopefully you'll be able to lose that extra 2 pounds pretty quickly.    Like you say, you know exactly why you gained, and so I'm sure you can fix that for the second week.  I'm sorry to hear you forgot your metabolic tablets, and I bet you're glad to be reunited with them again now.

Wishing you a great second week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

ollio profile image

A day late, well more than that now......3lbs off now. Don`t have much to say apart from that because I totally fell by the way side .  And so I begin again. Not terrible I suppose.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ollio

Hi Ollio,

Great to see you!  Wow, what a great result you've had this week - 3 pounds off, Congratulations!!!!  :-)

Can I check is that 3 pounds total weight loss (i.e. since you started) or 3 pounds off for this week, as we take one week's weight change at a time for our stats, and I want to make sure we get it right.  I was surprised that you feel that you feel by the way side, as you're making really good progress either way.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

ollio profile image

Sorry I missed last weigh in...I have lost a total of 5lbs from beginning so the bit in between then is a bit of a loss to me as I was on a food binge somewhere in between. I think that's why I am feeling a bit disappointed in myself. Suppose I must be doing something right. Thanks xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ollio

HI Ollio,

You're definitely doing something right - you're making great progress.  Try not to be hard on yourself, as sometimes we can be our own worst critics.  I think you are doing well, and thanks for clarifying that you've lost 3 pounds this week, as Hidden  can note that in the stats now.  I like to make her job as easy as I can, as the stats do take some time to do.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

ollio profile image
ollio in reply to Zest

Thanks, I will try my best to remember that the weigh in is a Monday. Thank you x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ollio

Hi Ollio,

If you click on 'follow' and my name, then you'd be automatically notified of when the Monday group weigh-in is posted - that might serve as a 'reminder' that would be helpful?  Just a thought - please do whatever helps you most.

Lowcal :-)

DeeReed profile image

Hi I'm Dee - current weight 13.10 I hope I've posted this in right place I'm new to this 😬

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to DeeReed

Hi DeeReed,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in.  You have posted in the right place!  Thanks for posting your current weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so.  Please take a look at the Pinned posts area (top right-hand-side of the forum) for various informative posts, including our Welcome Newbie post, which moreless  has put together.

Many of us are following the NHS 12 week plan, which you can easily download via the icon in the top middle of the screen, entitled 'Weight Loss NHS' - it is really good.

Wishing you a great week ahead.  It can be helpful to take a note of your body measurements too, as those changes can be very motivating, particularly on those occasions when the scales don't necessarily budge.  Also, setting yourself smaller mini-goals can be very helpful.  

Hope you have a great week ahead, and look forward to seeing you at future Monday group weigh-ins, as well as out and about in the forum.

Lowcal :-)

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