Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (7th March 2016) - Morning Session.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
253 Replies

Hi everyone,

I’ll kick off with my weigh-in results: Last Monday I was 13 stone 1.8 pounds, and today I weigh: 12 stone 13.4 pounds, so I’ve lost 2.4 pounds. I am very happy with that loss, and also pleased that I managed to go to the gym twice, as well as keep up with my Strength exercises (I’m enjoying doing Ruth_Canal_Runner’s March Strength Challenge – see Pinned Posts if you want to join in that Challenge). Ruth has also recently done an 'update' post, which you might want to read, if you're interested in joining us there:

My goal for this week is to continue with 2 gym sessions, and also improve on my strength exercises, and also continue walking most days. I am also including more fermented foods like plain live yoghurt, sauerkraut, etc, (to build up healthy gut bacteria), and I’d also like to try out a new recipe - so will be on the look-out for new ideas.

Updating this post at: 4.19pm, I've just realised I didn't set myself a weight-loss goal for this week, so I'll pledge to try to lose 1 pound this week. :-)

Do share your weekly targets too, if you want to – it can really help to have a goal to work towards each week, in addition to longer term targets.

Ruth_Canal_Runner (Fab 5’er) has done the weekly stats this week, and they make great reading (Thank you Ruth, you always do an excellent job calculating our stats):

Here are Monday's stats.

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 128.

Total overall weight lost: 94.37 pounds (42.9 kilos).

Total people who lost weight: 75 (123.57 pounds lost) (56.17 kilos).

Total people who gained weight: 18 (29.2 pounds gained) (13.27 kilos).

Total people who maintained their weight: 14.

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 15.

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 6.

Note for Newbies:

If you are joining this weigh-in group thread for the first time today, then welcome. Just introduce yourself and share your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so) and your initial weight loss goals – setting yourself mini-goals leading to your ultimate weight loss goal is particularly helpful. You could also make a note of your body measurements – sometimes the scales stick at a particular weight, but there can be body measurement changes which are very motivating. It’s not all about the scales afterall – it’s how you feel in yourself.

You can always refer to previous weigh-in threads if you want to see what other people typically post (just click on my profile, Lowcal, and you’ll be able to see a list of all previous posts which are all clearly dated). Also, if you’ve not already seen it, then take a moment to read the ‘Welcome Newbie’ pack which is a Pinned post (situated on right hand side of homepage) which has been collated by Fab 5’er Moreless.

Note to Everyone:

One of the Fab 5’ers will respond to everyone who joins us for today’s weigh-in sessions – the Fab 5’ers are Prin, Suzybenj, Ruth_Canal_Runner, Moreless and me (Lowcal). But please be patient with us, as we do have other commitments, but we will ensure you all have a response from at least one of us by the end of the day/evening.

N.B. The Afternoon/Evening Session will be posted at approx midday – and if it has already been posted, then the link will be here:

Wishing you all a great weigh-in!

Lowcal ☺

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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253 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Good morning Lowcal and fellow losers :)

Wow Lowcal! What a fantastic loss and back into the 12's! Woohoo and WTG you! :)

I'm positive that Ruth has done us a huge favour by starting the March Strength Challenge, because although every muscle in my body aches, the pounds and inches are falling off! I'm delighted to report a 3.125lb loss today, leaving me just 0.75lbs short of my 4.5st lost. Of course, that's my next goal :)

I hope everyone is going to have a great weigh-in today.

Happy monday all! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Good morning Moreless (lovely Fab 5'er),

Firstly, I would like to Congratulate you on your amazing achievements, and I would like to put a link to your post, incase other people haven't seen your 'Half year update', as I have just read it, and I am absolutely bowled over by the amazing achievements you've made:

I have already commented there, but I would like to say again, Many many Congratulations on achieving a 3.125 pound loss today, that is fantastic, and to being just 0.75 pounds short of your 4.5 stone lost. Wow, wow, and triple wow. The number of inches you've lost astounds me (people must take a look at the above link to read all your achievements - they are astounding).

This is definitely a Happy Monday! I am so happy to read your post. You're right, Ruth_Canal_Runner's March Strength Challenge has really helped us too, as it's good to tone up and develop muscle tone - and hopefully we'll all benefit from doing that Challenge. I also love your Around the World Kicking the Kms Challenge that you and FizzyLiz do - that is motivating so many of us to do more exercise - and therefore improve our health and well-being.

I know I've already thanked you, but 'Thank you' for your constant support and encouragement to everyone in this forum. You are a lovely person Moreless, and I'm so glad you stumbled upon the forum half a year ago, and it's brilliant to see how far you've come in that time. You are amazing!

Thanks also for your encouraging words to me, I really appreciate them.

Here's to another great week ahead for all of us.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Aww Lowcal, I'm deeply touched by your reply. My achievements are purely down to the wonderful support I've received by you and everyone else. I know I would never have done it without you. Thank heavens for this forum! :)

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to moreless

Way to go Moreless. I am sure you'll hit that target next week. What an achievement!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2bFabnfit

Thanks so much 2b, my inspiration comes from people such as yourself, who in my eyes are doing the most difficult thing, which is maintaining! :)

in reply to moreless

well done! x

in reply to moreless

WTG you. Such a great loss this week. You are my hero. I couldn't post a reply again to your exercise yesterday so here's a big woohoooo. xx


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Mimsta, the feeling's mutual! :)

merrymanda profile image
merrymanda in reply to moreless

Wow, that is fantastic moreless, maybe I should do the challenge we well?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to merrymanda

Thanks manda, I think that sounds like an excellent idea! :)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to moreless

That is amazing! Well done and sure you will be there next week!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to vickster5

Thanks Vickster, I hope so! :)

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to moreless

What a motivation

To us mere mortals

Wow well done

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kitkat34

Thanks kitkat and believe me, I'm very mortal :)

2bFabnfit profile image

Well done Lowcal I just knew you would get back in the 12's whoop whoop!

Today I am 54 kg right bang in the middle of my maintenance range of 53_55 kg. (And 0.4 down on last week)

Next week I would like to be 53.5.... holiday is getting closer! I would like to be 53kg when I fly on the 25th of this month.....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 2bFabnfit

Hi 2bFabnfit,

Thanks, I'm glad to be back in the 12's. I hope I can stay here this time. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 0.4 kg this week, and to achieving the middle spot in your maintenance range. That is brilliant! :-)

Your holiday is getting closer, and good luck with your goal this week to be 53.5 kgs.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to 2bFabnfit

well done! x

asics profile image

Good morning!

Well done lowcal! Firmly in those 12s way to go!

This morning the gain anticipated is not so bad. (In middle of monthly cycle and enjoyed mother's day! )

Weighed 11. 06 so a gain of 0. 8lb. Not happy to be back in 11s but delighted it is only 0. 8.

This week's pledges: eight hours sleep per night, 5 mins of strength each day and cutting out bread and potatoes (also pasta and rice but I very rarely eat these at the moment ) and increasing other carbs I get from veg.

Normally deal with one at a time but as each of these cover a different area (so not all food related ( I am going to give it a go! )

Good luck every one look forward to hearing about you weigh ins when i get back this evening. 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hi Asics,

Thank you so much!

I am glad to hear that your gain this week wasn't as much as you'd anticipated, that's a good start to your week, as hopefully you'll soon be on your way to seeing the back of that small gain of 0.8 pound, and back into the 10's again in no time!

Great that you've included your pledges for this week, and good luck with achieving those. Maybe try out some new kinds of vegetables that you've not tried before, as it can be fun to try out new things, and you might find something new that you really love and want to become a staple.

I like your attitude that you're 'going to give it a go' - that sounds positive and focused.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to asics

Hi asics, have you tried cauliflower rice? We've substituted it for spaghetti, pasta and rice. It goes really well with chilli, curry, meatballs and stir fry.

A low carb addition to most meals

asics profile image
asics in reply to fussybird

I have but not for a while, thanks for the reminder! 😊

in reply to asics

well done, not bad at all x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

7am I'm going to have my breakfast now, but I'll be back later. :-)

TwoJacks profile image

Good morning, newbie here, I was 12st 12 last week, this morning I weighed in at 12 st 11, so one pound off, which is at least a loss :)

My goals for this week are to stick to my calorie limit and to do three runs, that's enough for me!

in reply to TwoJacks

well done! x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to TwoJacks

Hi and welcome TwoJacks :)

It's great that you've joined us and shared your starting weight and goals :)

Congratulations for losing your first pound, you're now off the starting blocks! :)

Have you read our welcome newbie thread? It can be found in the pinned posts section to the right of your screen and is full of handy tips.

I hope you have another great week and are able to achieve your goals of sticking to your calorie allowance and running 3 times :)

gracie1985 profile image

Go lowcal!

That is a great loss, I'm jealous!

Scales are still not moving for me, stuck on 14 stone 9lbs but I'm kind of relieved because I know I was eating way too much so I'm surprised it didn't go up.

I am trying to make a mental note of things that trigger my over eating

1) Stepping on the scales during the week and seeing it shoot up or stay the same

2) Thursdays / weekends (I always go into relaxing mode and feel like I need to treat myself)

3) Not planning ahead with my meals & having nothing to eat

This always baffles me but I feel like I spend a majority of my time browsing recipes and even with all these ideas, whenever I go to a supermarket I don't know what to's like my mind goes blank

For example my lunch today is courgette noodles with gravy and tofu :-( very boring, just hope it is filling

I have no idea what to have for dinner this evening which probably means I will end up eating out - hope I can figure something out.

I joined a gym finally! so will try to find some nice beginner programs to help me get stronger :-) today I will try this 20min kettle bell session

Here's to another week!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to gracie1985

A maintain is always better than a gain Gracie, especially if you haven't been totally sticking to plan :)

My advice to you would be than when you're researching your recipes, write down the ingredients required and put them straight onto a shopping list, that way, when you get to the supermarket, you'll know exactly what you need :)

It's also useful to make too much and then freeze leftover portions, that way, you've always got something healthy to fall back on in times of need :)

I think you should treat yourself at the weekend, but make those treats something that doesn't end up in your tum, like a pamper session, or a trip to the cinema, or a lovely long walk :)

Here's to a more organised week for you :)

kantara71 profile image

Good morning everyone and well done lowcal in breaking into the 12stones, and moreless for a fantastic loss too, keep it up!

I can report a loss of one pound this week, not as much as I would have wished but yesterday was a bad day ,in so far as what I ate was concerned :-( We went out for dinner and I indulged in everything, beers before dinner, wine during and after and the whole three courses! I sort of counted the calories this morning and it was not as bad as I imagined, probably double what i have been having on a normal day. So weighing in this morning at 16st 7lbs I have at least reached that target.

This week I am going to try and up my protein intake as I have felt tired and also hungry at times so this might be the reason. My efforts at home have now switched to the garden so with trees to cut down and uproot and paving slabs to move I should be increasing my activity without going to the gym!

Have a good week everyone :-) John

in reply to kantara71

well done! x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kantara71

Well done for still managing to lose a pound and reaching your target, after that delicious sounding blow-out John :) I'm not at all surprised though, because you've been working so hard of late and from the sounds of it, that hard graft is set to increase! You sound like something of a superman! :)

I'm glad that you're sensibly correcting your protein intake to be in line with your calorie requirements, given the amount of physical energy you're expending. I hope it counteracts your tiredness and hunger.

Wishing you a great week ahead :)

Week 1 - 12 stone 2lbs

Week 2 - 11 stone 11lbs

Week 3 - 11 stone 10lbs

Some how after a 3 day gorge i have managed to lose 1lb with a total weight loss of 8lbs to date

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Gr8 progress:-)

Sandiesob profile image

Good Morning Lowcal and everyone, a huge well done to moreless, that's a fantastic achievement. Lowcal isn't it great when you move into a new weight bracket.

I'm down 3ibs this week. My goal this week is to walk daily instead of using the car/ Only for 15 minutes a day as a start.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sandiesob

Thanks so much for your kind words Sandiesob :)

Wow, 3lbs down! Well done you! :)

I think your idea to walk 15 mins a day is a great one and reminds me how I started off. I sounded like a steam train though, which I doubt very much that you will :)

Have another great week :)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to Sandiesob

well done a good loss and goal for next week!

Jesterpuss1 profile image

Hi Lowcal, so..... glad to hear your back in the 12s! You must feel great, well done you! :) I've lost 2.5lbs this week, it was 3lbs on Friday but the baby shower ( cake! ) I attended on Saturday scuppered that a bit! Anyway I'm happy with 2.5lbs. My goal for this week is to get to 10 minute exercise plan with my body blade! I'm only managing the 6 minute one at the moment! I'm still very busy with the lambing tho so I'm not beating myself up too much! Hope you have a great week! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jesterpuss1

2.5lbs is still a fantastic loss Jesterpuss, especially as it meant you could have your cake and eat it! :)

I shall have to research body blade later, as I have no idea what it is, but best of luck with progressing to 10 mins though :)

Enjoy those cute lambies while you can :)

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless! Yeah I'm enjoying the lambies, sadly not just as young as I used to be! Well done to you too, I won't waffle on about your fantastic weight loss as I've already replyed to your earlier post :) the body blade I bought off QVC it looks quite innocent but it packs quite a punch! It's toning my arms nicely! Yay! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jesterpuss1

That sounds great, I've been doing all sorts to tone my arms, but the bingo wings are still a sight to behold! :o

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to moreless

Hmmm.... I know what you mean! But we can only try!!!! :)

fussybird profile image

Well done lowcal, into the 12's, must be a great feeling indeed.

Last week I was 14st, this week 13st 12lbs. I had flu last week, so a couple of days not eating, and a couple of days eating just whatever I could stomach, so not a regular eating week by any stretch of the imagination. No exercise achieved as in bed for a couple of days, graduating to the sofa afterwards.

My goal for the coming week is 2lbs off and 3 evening walks with hubby, any more than this will be a bonus as I'm not 100% still. But so pleased to feel more like myself that I did last week.

Have a good week everyone xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to fussybird

I'm so glad to hear that you're on the mend fussybird, you must have had a horrible week! I'm very impressed that you managed to lose 2lb, when you were feeling so rough and your eating was all over the place.

Here's hoping that you continue to improve and that you'll feel well enough for those lovely walks with your hubby and that you'll meet your target of a 2lb loss :)

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to moreless

thank you moreless, I think I should weigh myself again, must have sweated off another lb or 2 riding to school then lol. Glad I went though, the fresh air was lovely, if rather chilly. My youngest is 10 and said she would go on her own, as she did a couple of times last week through necessity, but I am pleased to have achieved my 2lb target for todays weigh in, and wanted to get started on this weeks goal :-)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to fussybird

sorry you were not well , but a good loss!

knitsandcodes profile image

Good morning! That's great news, crossing into a different number is always lovely! I'm 72.2kg today, and apparently I was 73.9 last week. Again, I find it hard to believe because I know I've strayed again. But even moving my scales around to different parts of the floor they stay the same. So I'm very happy if it's true. I'm in a weird zone where I keep having social eating/drinking situations which I readily cave for, and yet my weight is still creeping down, with the result that I feel fake and guilty. Complex relationship with food, moi?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to knitsandcodes

It is an unhappy reality that we develop a pattern of guilt associated with food, knitsandcodes. We seem to take it to extremes, where all food that isn't a salad is off limits! The beauty of a plan that counts calories, is that gradually over time, we learn to accept that everything edible is "legal", as long as it's in moderation and within our set allowance. I suspect, that without being aware of it, you've been moderating your consumption and therefore, still losing weight.

You've earned that wonderful weight loss, so let's start celebrating! Woohoo, wtg you! :)

All the best for this week :)

Foodie87 profile image

Good morning

After a week filled with chips, crisps, Mac n cheese and all sorts of other rubbish I'm surprised to report a mini-loss of 0.2kg. Down from 68.8kg to 68.6kg and from 29.6% body fat to 29.4%.

Will try to behave this week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

Lol Foodie, you've certainly lived up to your name! :D

Well done for managing a small loss and good luck this week with reigning yourself in and sticking to plan :)

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

Haha. Yes, not sure what happened. Ice cream was involved, too. I can recommend Haagen Dazs Coffee flavour! ;)

So far so good, breakfast went well!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

Oh please! Don't talk to me about Haagen Daz! That stuff would be the ruination of me! :D

trafford1 profile image

Good morning Lowcal :-) this is a fantastic loss this week and I am so pleased for you for what you have achieved :-) :-) 2.4 pound loss in a week is wonderful and it has taken you right back into those 12's and your now 12 stone 13.4 pounds :-) Brilliant!

It's fantastic that you have made it to the gym and started Ruth's strength training which is a great motivator in it's self. I actually woke up this morning at 3:30 am and got up at 4 am to begin my strength training and completed all that I had pledged before work so I am really pleased about that :-) I have created my own spreadsheet this morning on the laptop to record everything so this week I know I will achieve all 5 days of strength workouts :-)

I maintained this week, but am looking for a great result on the scale this week. I am looking to lose between 1-2 lbs this week as my goal for 02/04/2016 is to be 10 st 7 lbs and I'm currently 10 st 12 lbs. This is a very realistic goal for me at this stage of my journey as the weight doesn't come off as it used to.

Well chuffed for you today Lowcal :-) have a great day today and a fantastic week ahead and don't forget to maybe try out that haddock, bulgar wheat and kale stir fry ;-)

Best wishes from Mrs T x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to trafford1

You're so motivating T1 - I'm itching to get cracking with my strength exercises now! :)

I know you'll achieve your goal, because you always work hard. 10-7, here you come! :)

Sprout15 profile image

Start weight 15 stone 3lbs.

Today's weight .........14 stone 8.5lbs!

I am on Week 5 and I have lost 2.5lbs!!

Woo hoo😀👍👍👍

I have kept an honest food diary and even resisted the licorise allsorts my son bought me for Mother's Day (I am taking those into work to get rid of the temptation)!

Knowing the forum is here and reading posts of highs and lows has really helped me, I am not alone! So thanks everyone for your support ❤️

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sprout15

Woohoo Sprout! Well done you! :)

You're never alone on this forum and we're all here for each other :)

Wishing you another fab week :)

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to Sprout15

well done sprout, and a good idea for removing temptation. We've given away chocolates as gifts that we were given for Christmas, its the only way, or we'll hoover them up between us lol x

kars1111 profile image

Morning lowcal,

congratulations on your fantastic result this morning and well done getting in to the 12s again!

This week i again am maintaining at 10st 3lb which im ok was hoping for a loss this week but due to coming down with this flu bug again ive been looked after by the other half who has fed me comforting food. Well hes back to work today and feeling a bit better so im back in control of my food so my aim for next week is to lose 1lb and get back on my bike.

good luck all xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kars1111

So glad you're feeling a bit better kars and well done for managing to maintain, when your other half was showing his love by feeding you comfort food :)

Have fun on your bike this week and good luck for achieving that 1lb loss :)

Good morning everyone

Some more great losses reported already. I weigh 10 st 9.8 lbs now so a loss of 1.6 pounds this week, despite the chocolate profiterole.

My goal initially was to lose 2 stone so another 11.8 pounds to go. BMi was 30.5 now 27.6, waist was 33in now 30.5in. I feel great and know that I have so much to be grateful for to the lovely people on this forum, challenging and motivating me. All this in 9 weeks. Thanks everyone.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Wow Mimsta, those are fantastic stats for just 9 short week. Well done you! :)

I expect a lot of it is due to the astonishing amount of exercise you do every day. You deserve every pound you lose :)

Here's to another great week :)

in reply to moreless

How do you find the time to complement each and every one of us, as individuals, unfailingly and with such humour and enthusiasm? You are what the Artificial Intelligence professors would love to be able to do with their robots. 🤓

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Mimsta,

Just to say we can't be robots, as we each respond slightly differently - unless we've been programmed really well. ;-)

I'm just doing the weekly stats just now, so am just responding to your comment about robots. (Ruth usually does the stats, but she is mega mega busy this week and next, so I'm doing it for the next couple of weeks - I love reading everyone's progress again though, so it's fun).

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

I love reading everyone's progress too, thanks for responding.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Sorry Mimsta I didn't get a notification for your reply! :o

I feel as if everyone here is a special friend and it's easy to compliment special friends :)

Mind you, I suspect a robot could do a much better job! :D

Berylbee3 profile image

Really well done LowCal. I've maintained - 'could do better' 😐And will do this week 😃

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

Hi Berylbee3,

Thank you so much. :-)

Congratulations to you on maintaining this week. It's better than a gain, but I note your comment that you 'could do better' and that you have stated that you 'will do' this week - so I believe you, and I predict a loss on those scales for you next week.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Morning LC and everyone - have not time to read posts this morning - but caught a few great posts on my scan down:-)

Well done LC the 12s --keep going and say goodbye to them for good:-)

I have had a funny old week - the supposed jet lag turned out to be a winter virus. three of us affected in the house hold and all I want to eat is pasta... not great....

We have all been totally miserable , sleeping, stuffing paracetamol ect. We have all turned a corner - but left with hacking coughs---not pretty or attractive....

Showed Mr Suzy B my supposed progress 3 month on MFP weight loss graphs-Hmm he said 'if i was a statistician- I would say that was a flat line of you staying the same weight:"....clearly not a pleasing analysis - but did give me pause to think....

I managed to get hold of my senses by sat - and did a bit of remedial non-pasta eating and even managed a short walk. Forwent -Mothers day slap up lunch - lovely chicken Caesar salad - delicious actually.

So score on the door - 1.25 lost. aiming for pure week of My body is a Temple - and move into the 12 st 3's.

Good luck everyone one:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Morning Suzybenj (lovely Fab 5'er),

Really sorry to hear that you and some family members have been suffering from a Winter virus - there are so many things like that around at the moment, not very nice at all - and like you say, having a hacking cough at the end of it isn't great either.

Sounds like Mr Suzy B gave you a helpful analysis of your stats, but I would also say that a flat line indicates no gain at the same time. But clearly you want to see a shift in the downwards direction, and you sound more focused and determined - as of Saturday - and have made some changes to enable you to access your future weight loss prizes.

I think you've done brilliantly this week though, as despite your Winter virus, and consequent extra pasta consumption, you've lost 1.25 pounds, so Congratulations!!! That is a great result.

Wishing you success with your goal for this week, and yes, your body is indeed a Temple. :-)

Thanks very much also for your encouraging words to me, and I will do my best to stay within the 12's. They will hopefully become a trend.

Enjoy your week and catch up with you later.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

Well done for still managing to lose 1.25lbs suzybenj, when you've been struck down by a nasty bug.

Fingers crossed that you'll all be much better soon :)

kazzajogger profile image

Hi! Last week I was 12 stone 0. This week I am 11 stone 12. Am so happy to be in the 11s for the first time in 8 years.. Ultimate goal is get into the 10s by trying to lose 1lb to 2lb a week. My total loss is 26lb so far..

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kazzajogger

Hi Kazzajogger,

Wow, you've lost 2 pounds this week, that is really great! Congratulations! :-) That is an amazing transition to be in the 11's for the first time in 8 years. Really pleased for you! :-)

Also, the fact you've lost a total of 26 pounds so far is fantastic.

Hope you have another great week and enjoy being in the 11's.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kazzajogger

Woohoo kazza, into the 11's! WTG you! :)

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to kazzajogger

well done kazzajogger! you're at the place I currently dream of, with the same ultimate goal, to be in the 10's.

I think you've got the key factor there 1-2lbs a week. I've always looked at the 3st 10lbs off goal and it has never happened. So 2lbs a week is the goal for 26 weeks, and I'll be in the same area as you. Power to both of us, and everyone else to achieve :-)

amz786 profile image

Hi guys weigh in today 13st cant seem to move down. but going to keep trying

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to amz786

Hi Amz786,

Glad to hear you're going to keep trying to get below 13 stone, and hopefully you'll see some success very soon in getting into those elusive 12's. Congratulations on maintaining your weight - we believe that a maintain is so much better than a gain, and is to be celebrated in our books!

Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Shortcake69 profile image

Hi all week 1. 16 stone 13lbs

Week 2. 16 stone 11.5lbs so 1 and half lbs down happy with that. Hope everyone had a great week fingers crossed for next week.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Shortcake69

Hi Shortcake69,

Wow, that's a great result, you've lost 1.5 pounds this week. Congratulations! :-) Glad you're feeling happy, and I hope you have a lovely week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Shortcake69 profile image
Shortcake69 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowca fingers crossed eh 😊

I was 63.7kg last Monday and I'm 63.8kg this morning. :( It's not a massive gain and I blame it on the birthday take away at the weekend. I promise to be better this week

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

It's a miniscule gain Michaela, that a trip to the loo would probably put paid to ;)

No sad faces, put on your determined head and come out fighting! You can do this! :)

in reply to moreless

Thank you moreless

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Michaela_S,

Happy Birthday - great that you enjoyed a take-away on the weekend to celebrate, and I hope you really enjoyed all your Birthday celebrations. Life is for living and Birthdays and other occasions are times when we traditionally grant ourselves a few indulgences, and you can move forward and redress the balance. Like you say, it's not a massive gain - I calculate that you've gained 0.1 kg, which is small and should soon be melted away now you're back on track.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal

CatRuns profile image

That's a great loss this morning - good job Lowcal! I'm going to have a look at the strength challenge, sounds terrifying.

I'm pleased and absolutely gobsmacked to log in a 0.5k loss this morning, down to 88.5!! It's only a lb but after the week I've had I'm amazed.

I think it's was down to continuing to eat healthily despite the lack of exercise and the words of encouragement from everyone after I made a post declaring a week from hell half way through the week. This forum is truly a sanity saver :)

Sports bra on, onwards and downwards!

Have a good week everyone.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to CatRuns

Yaaaaay Catmay! I'm delighted for you :)

It just goes to show that things are never as bad as we imagine and that if you look carefully, there's always light at the end of the tunnel :)

Onwards and downwards, my friend. Put that bra to good use! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to CatRuns

Hi Catmay,

The introduction to the March Strength Challenge is in the Pinned posts section (right-hand-side of homepage), but Ruth has also just done an update post, and so you might want to read that too:

Great to hear you've lost 1 pound this week (Congratulations!), and that your Sport's bra is on. You're ready for a great week ahead.

Onwards and Downwards!

Lowcal :-)

Memelly profile image

Wow! Everyone is doing so well this week!!

I am 75.2 kilograms today

Loss of 600g or 1.3 pounds

Overall have lost 7.1 kg (15.6 pounds)

 this year.

Looking forward to breaking 75kg.

My first goal.

Been exercising alot, but haven't done anything today. Need to change that!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Memelly

Hi Melly,

Fantastic to hear you've lost 600g (1.3 pounds) this week - Congratulations!!! Wow, you've last 7.1kg (15.6 pounds) this year - that is fantastic. :-)

You're getting very close to your goal to break 75kg, and so you're close to achieving your first goal. Not long now!!!

Great that you've been exercising and hope you're enjoying it.

Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Memelly

Well done Melly! You're going great guns! Those are great stats :)

Here's to a great week that makes the 75's a distant memory! :)

jus980 profile image

Hi all this is my first week ,, my starting weight is 9 st 12 target is to get a stone off, so I have an healthy BMI, as my mum died young of heart issues ,, good luck everyone xxx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jus980

Hi Jus980,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday group weigh-in. Firstly, I am sorry to hear your Mum died young of heart issues, and I think it's great that you're goal is motivated by your own considerations for your health, and you're hoping to have a healthy BMI. You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so. I always think it's a very brave step to do that the first time. So well done.

Have you seen the Welcome Newbie post that Moreless has put together? Here's a link if you'd like to have a read through:

Most of us are doing the NHS 12 week plan, so I'd definitely recommend that. There are also lots of different Challenges and activities taking place in the forum, so do have a look around to see what you might fancy joining in with, and participate in anything that takes your fancy.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to jus980

Hi and welcome jus :)

So glad you've joined us and have shared your starting weight, history and goal :)

I'm so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your mum, what a truly awful thing to have happened. I can only imagine that she would be so pleased to know that you were actively seeking to improve your own health.

Here's to a fantastic first week for you :)

merrymanda profile image

Morning All,

Well done Lowcal, where you are is my next target after I get below 14 stone by Easter!

Last Monday 14st 4lbs, this week 14st 4lbs. Oh well. I think this is a result of dinner out on Saturday evening and a roast cooked for me yesterday on Mother's Day. I hopefully will do better this week as steps have been improving and I am going to start couch to 5k as well :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to merrymanda

Hi Merrymanda,

Thank you for your encouraging words.

I hope you enjoyed your lovely roast meal that was cooked for you on Mother's Day - what a lovely treat to have a meal cooked specially for you. You've done well to maintain your weight, so Congratulations - a maintain is always better than a gain in our books, and especially after a week when there are occasions like Mother's Day, Birthdays etc.

You've already got plans for the week ahead, and it's great to hear your steps have been improving - that's great! Good luck also with the Couch to 5k, I can imagine that will be fun.

Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

merrymanda profile image
merrymanda in reply to Zest

Thank you, yes the meal was lovely and so I wasn't surprised that having had some wine with it that I had not lost weight over the week.

I know that I need to up my exercise and tone up as well. I will start small and I think I may do a plea as well that I can tick off as I go as I find that lists are very satisfying to tick off!

Am starting exercise this week by taking my car to the garage for repair now and walking back home and walking to collect it later. They said I could wait there for an hour or 2 but I said no I'll come back later!

Have a lovely week and thank for the fantastic encouragement as always.

Merrymanda :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to merrymanda

What a great idea to walk back from having your car repaired. Hope the weather is good for your walk. :-)

merrymanda profile image
merrymanda in reply to Zest

2451 steps so not bad.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to merrymanda

That is great! :-)

vickster5 profile image

Well done Lowcal that is a good loss. I have re focused this week, thanks to support and advice from this forum and treated last week like week 1 of 12 week plan and lost 5 lbs! So very pleased and aim for next week to keep focused (but not expecting a big loss after one this week), I am just hoping to break my up and down around this weight and keep down!

So thank you all for support and hope we all have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Thank you. :-)

Wow, I am thrilled to hear that you've lost 5 pounds this week, due to your decision to re-focus and the fact you treated last week like 'week 1' of the 12 week plan - getting back to basics can be really helpful, and it clearly has helped you. Congratulations!

I think you're wise not to expect a big loss after this week, and it may be you might have a slight gain - so if that happens, please don't be put off. You can assess how much weight you've lost over the 2 week period if you do see a gain next week, as it will be very likely that you'll have lost overall.

Hope you have another great week ahead, and hope you're enjoying it.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to Zest

thanks good advice, to try and keep me focus and not demoralised if like you say a gain next week

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to vickster5

Woohoo Vickster, 5lbs down! WTG you! :)

CarolineAL profile image

Good morning lowcal and everyone

Congratulations on your loss and getting back into the 12s, I knew you would soon be back on track :-)

This week I've lost 0.25lb, the scales have been acting stupid because on Friday they told me I'd lost 2.5lbs; I'm sure I can hear them laughing at me on Monday mornings!

Here are my stats:

Starting weight (Jan 4th) 10 stones 0.75lbs

Today 9 stones 6.5lbs

Aim 8 stones 7 - 13lbs

My aim for this week is to lose at least 1lb as for the last few weeks it's been fractions of a lb or even gains, I'll have to be really strong as I have chocolates in the house :-(

I hope we all have a good week

Caroline x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to CarolineAL

Oh dear Caroline, those scales should be sent directly to the naughty step! ;)

Looking at the larger picture, you're doing so well and even tiny losses add up :)

I shall keep everything crossed for you that next week sees a loss of a whole pound! :)

lizzy65 profile image

Morning all, I am back from holiday and my weight today is 12st. 2lbs

Ready to get back on track now.

Good luck to everyone else.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to lizzy65

Welcome back Lizzy, I hope you had a smashing holiday :)

I'm almost afraid to ask if being 12st 2lbs is a loss or a gain, but you sound very determined, so I'm hoping that you're quite happy with whatever it is :)

Have a great week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to lizzy65

Hi Liz,

I've just looked up your previous weights, and on 8th February you mentioned you were 12 stone 13 pounds, then on 15th February you said you'd lost 2 pounds, but didn't mention your weight at that point, so obviously taking the weight on 8th Feb and taking away 2 pounds, that would mean you were 12 stone 11 pounds on 15th February. So you've been away for your 2 week holiday and today (7th March) you are 12 stone 2 pounds - therefore I work out that you've lost a total of 9 pounds over your holiday, which works out at 4.5 pounds per week.

I am however surprised by your comment that you need to 'get back on track' now, which makes me wonder if you meant to put 12 stone 2 pounds as today's weight, or whether you are actually 12 stone 12 pounds - which would mean you'd gained 1 pound over the 2 week holiday, which is a very minimal gain of half a pound per week.

So please do let us know which it is - so we can get the stats right for Ruth. Shall we put you down for a phenomenal loss of 4.5 pounds for this week, or a very minimal holiday gain of 0.5 pound?

Either way, I'd say 'Congratulations!!!'.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday. Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

lizzy65 profile image
lizzy65 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, I have made a mistake, it should have read 13st 2 lbs

So no congratulations, will have to get the whip out.

Thanks for your help

Liz x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to lizzy65

Hi Liz,

No, we'd never resort to the whip - ok, so I'll mention for Ruth (who will be doing our stats later this week) that you've gained 5 pounds over your 2 week holiday, which means you've gained 2.5 pounds this week (average gain per week). It could have been worse, and you've been on holiday, which is often a time we gain weight. Let me know if I've made a mistake though with my calculation, as I don't want to get it wrong.

It'll soon be off again now you're back to your usual routine.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Morning Lowcal :-) Congratulations on getting back into those 12s and that's a great loss for this week :-) :-)

I am sort of doing a 'non-weigh in' again this week (and probably will from now on !). I had a bit of a break from the forum last week, after my stresses about trying to get to a target that I had set myself. It's done me a lot of good and instead of reporting my weight loss, I would like to report my other successes this week :-)

1. I cannot run (or walk particularly far on hilly ground) due to an ongoing problem with my leg. But I am not too bothered and have stopped stressing about how it is going to affect my weight because I can't exercise.

2. I was good all week with my eating, and allowed myself to really enjoy the weekend, especially as I knew that my daughter had loads of plans for mother's day, which included a treasure hunt around the house with lots of chocolate prizes ! I am not stressed about the amount of food I have eaten this weekend.

3. My weight is where I want it to be. I will monitor it to make sure that I don't ever put all that weight back on, but on a more 'ad hoc' basis. I am declaring myself 'at target' :-)

4. I went into 'Fat Face' at the weekend to try on some tops, but was disappointed to note that they all looked a bit baggy and I realised that I actually needed to get a 'SIZE 10' in order for them to fit properly !! :-O :-D

Good luck for this week everyone :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo Lucca! I'm delighted for you! You've become one of our exalted maintainers! I bow down before you in total reverence :)

Size 10???!!! OMG! You're a real skinny Minnie! What a fantastic reward for all your hard work :)

Here's to a stress free, slim, healthy, happy life. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person :)

Oops, forgot to say bad luck about the leg, but fingers crossed that rest will sort it out and you can get back to running for fun :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Loving your new 'I did it!' Badge Lucca. :-)

Mrscaw profile image

Hi all. Well done Lowcal, great feeling when the scales look back at you and wink OK, we acknowledge the effort. After no loss last week, this week 2lb down, 11st 4lb to 11st 2lb. Probably last post here for a couple of weeks as away on holiday! Will try to be calorie aware but not sure how I'll do. At least I now know that if I do gain, with the support on here, I'll manage to lose it again. Packing some clothes I haven't worn in years, great feeling. So much is due to the fab 5ers. Big hugs to you all.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Mrscaw

What a lovely post Mrscaw :) Well done for losing the 2lbs, what a result! :)

How fab to be able to fit into some different clothes for your holiday. I hope you have a truly wonderful time and will look forward to hearing all about it on your return. I think your relaxed approach to possible weight gain is to be applauded :)

Big hugs right back at you :)

Zipperdeedodah profile image

Hi all.

I'm a newbie. Weighing in at 13St 10 lb with 5 weeks until I am 50.

Looking forward to getting fitter and slimmer.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Zipperdeedodah

Hi Zipperdeedodah,

I love your name! Sounds full of life and vibrant - which will hopefully be how you'll be feeling (maybe you already feel like that, which is great!), by the time you're fitter and slimmer. Those sound like good goals, and you've shared your starting weight today - I hope that felt ok to do so. It's a brave first step, and hopefully you'll be looking forward to being lighter as time progresses.

5 weeks to go before your 50th Birthday, you can achieve a lot in that time. Usually 1 to 2 pounds of weight per week can be achieved, and maybe a bit more in the first week or so.

Have you seen Moreless's Welcome Newbie post:

Definitely worth a read. Most of us are doing the NHS 12 week plan, so I'd definitely recommend looking at that.

Hope you have a great first week.

Lowcal :-)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

First of all, very well done lowcal 😊 You have worked hard to get there, very inspiring 😊

After a weekend of parties and a few chocolates I gained 1/2 lb from Saturday, but am still 2lb down from last week 😊 Weight this morning 11st 3 lbs

I am going to change my weigh in day to Monday from today, I go away ten weeks tomorrow, and if I can lose lb a week I will be 10st 7 by then. 😊

Great incentive, fab site 😊 Thank you everyone who makes it happen ❤️

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to IndigoBlue61

Hi Anna, I'm so pleased that you've decided to change your weigh-in day to a monday, in order to join us :)

Well done for losing 2lbs this week, that's fantastic! :)

How wonderful will it feel to be 10-7 for your holiday, you'll be wowing them all :)

Here's to another great week for you and looking forward to catching up next monday :)

flavourfiend profile image

Hello all,

Unexpectedly had to go away for almost three weeks. Terrible temptations, staying in a fairly posh hotel: big, gorgeous, breakfast buffet, lunches out with clients, meetings in the bar/over dinner, unable to take exercise, except in my room, because outdoors was very dodgy after dark. I was expecting to have put on a couple of kilos, but have, somehow, managed not to.

Start: 123 kg (271lbs, 19st5, BMI 37.9), at beginning of October

Ultimate aim: somewhere starting with an 8

Three weeks ago: 106.8 kg (235lbs, 16st11, BMI 32.7)

This week: 105.8 kg (233lbs, 16st9, BMI 32.6)

Maybe the change of lifestyle thing has actually begun to sink in!! ☺

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to flavourfiend

I can't tell you how happy I am for you Flavourfiend! What impressive stats and they show that you've embraced your new, healthy lifestyle completely! Well done you! :)

You're definitely on a roll now, because you've proved that you can still succeed whilst denied the safety of home and the security of this forum. You've done it alone! :)

Keep up the great work and have another fantastic week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

8.30am I have to go out for a while, but I will be back later this morning. :-)

I weighed myself 4 times this morning and I hot 4 different weights :-) . I'm posting my heaviest weight which is 13 St 1.5, so that's a loss of 1.25 lbs this week. (The lowest was 12 St 12.75 but I won't regard that as my official one in order to look better next week !)

Waist measurement decreased from 88 cm to 86 cm.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Do you keep your scales in the same place derrygeel and are they on a firm base? Sometimes, moving them about, or having them on an unstable base, can make them inaccurate.

I like your idea of going for the highest weight though, because it could save heartache next week. Fingers crossed for the real 12's next week :)

Fantastic to have lost 2cms off your waist. That will put you closer to the next size down in jeans! :)

Have a great week :)

2.4 lbs loss is fantastic Lowcal and celebrating the 12s too 😀 Whohoo😀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Mimsta,

Thank you so much - celebrating the 12's with you is great!!!! Whoooo hoooo :-)

Lowcal :-)

Garfield_123 profile image

Last week I was 15,12 and today I am 15,11 so a 1lb loss. It's not a massive loss obviously but I'm pleased to have broken the 15,12-16,1 loss and gain cycle which I seem to have been trapped in since the beginning of Feb. Hopefully this is the start of a more continual downward trend. Congrats on being back into the 12s! My aim for next Monday is to be in single figures...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Garfield_123

Well done Garfield! It's horrible to feel like you're not going anywhere and that 1lb loss has shifted you out of limbo and right back with the losers :)

Here's to those single figures. Onwards and downwards :)

AvatheGardener profile image

Good morning everyone- a crisply -1 on my sunny dog walk this morning brrr.

Congrats lowcal on your 2.4 lbs weight loss, brilliant and back in the 12s as well, great stuff! Psychologically that's a great step :)

I am amazed and delighted to be able to report a 4lb weight loss this morning compared with last Monday, I seriously think it's a scale malfunction but I'll take it for the boost since during Feb I put on weight extremely rapidly. woo hoo! Something to smile about :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

Fandabedozy rainshine! A 4lb loss is astronomical! WTG you! :)

Let's hope you can follow that up with another great week :)

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardener7lbs in reply to moreless

Hi moreless, thank you! I'm sure it's an error of the scales, I would have to have stuck to a very low calorie target all week to get that result- but then again, the weight went on very quickly so perhaps it's come off as fast?!

Here's to another- more predictable- week of weight loss!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to AvatheGardener

I felt the same a couple of weeks ago and felt sure I'd regain the following week, but I didn't! Newly regained weight always comes off quicker than weight that's been around for a while :)

I still think it merits a Woohoo! :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Ps reading all these posts makes me feel so Confident 😊 Monday weigh in for me from now on! 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to IndigoBlue61

Yaaaay! We'll be delighted to have you on board with us Anna :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to IndigoBlue61

Hi Anna,

I read your post earlier, and I am really happy you're joining us for the Monday group weigh-ins from now on. We are thrilled that you're on board with us. :-)

Lowcal :-)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Zest

Thank you, hoping for a boost to achieve my 3 stone loss - 10lbs away 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to IndigoBlue61

Wow, Anna, that is great! :-)

suzymac profile image

Good news from Lowcal and Moreless this week. Some great weight losses and some major achievements to date, inspiring us all.

I am happy to report a 1llb loss weighed in at 11st 2.4. I was away all weekend with dinner and lunches and all my boys so lucky here I think. I did manage a run on Saturday though. I have been given a Fitbit watch for my Mother's Day pressie :) so once I've worked out how it works I will be able to add in all my steps to the gym work, but only a few days to go of round the world. What will we do next?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzymac

Oooh, a 1lb weight loss and a fitbit suzymac, what a fab week :) I'm sure we'll find some use for it ;)

Here's to another great week :)

ScoobaSteve profile image

omg LC you're such a loser ;)

Seriously well done on this weeks loss, putting you back into the 12's!

Today I weigh 11st 8.6lb which somehow puts me at a ridiculous loss of 5.2lb this week! Glad I'm finally on the way down again and i'm 2.6lb away from a BMI of 25 which I would like to achieve by the end of the week if possible.

In regards to our challenge, I think we've both won :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ScoobaSteve

OMG Steve! You are rocking the weight loss world! WTG you! :)

I shall keep my fingers crossed that a BMI of 25 next week, will be yours for the taking :)

You're such a gent and a fab winner and loser :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ScoobaSteve

Hi ScoobaSteve,

I 'have' to reply to your post this week, because I want you to know that the little challenge we set ourselves last week really helped incentivise me to work hard to lose some weight, and I agree with you that we have both won - although I have to say that you have 'actually won' our challenge, as you have lost more weight than me, and significantly so! Many many Congratulations!!!

Even my husband asked me today "How has ScoobaSteve got on?" and I am going to let him know about your amazing 5.2 pound loss - and I am sure he will join me in Congratulating you. Many Congratulations!!! :-)

Wow, to think that you're 2.6 pounds away from a healthy BMI - that is really brilliant!

Good luck with achieving that soon, but a word of caution that after a week of such a large loss, it is more likely that the scales might tip in the opposite direction, so please don't let that put you off, as in such circumstances it's better to then look at the weight loss over 2 weeks to see what you've achieved on an average. Hope that makes sense. But you might manage not to have any increase - it doesn't always follow...! (I'm only saying these things because I don't want you to feel de-motivated by the scales if they do happen to be non-compliant to your wishes).

Here's to another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to Zest

Thanks for replying lowcal, surprised your husband knows about me.. all good I hope ;)

The amount of motivation our challenge gave me was what drove me to work really hard this week :)

I'm well used to weird gains after a good loss. If I got demotivated from a gain/maintain I would have quit aout 15 times now!

The average loss over two weeks makes sense.

To be honest I'll be happy if I maintain by next Monday, a loss would be a bonus.

Have a great week!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ScoobaSteve

Of course it's all good ScoobaSteve, how could it be otherwise. My husband was pleased to hear you had such a great result. He told me that you would, so he obviously knows you well. :-)

Here's to a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image

Very Well Done Lowcal, keep going. Well my weight has gone up slightly from 13.9 to 13.9.4 but I am thankful for this as I did indulge over the weekend. I will be endeavouring to get better results for next week. Have a great week Everyone.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Marianne0915

Such a miniscule gain is hardly worth mentioning Marianne and I'm sure it will disappear instantly :)

I hope you have a fantastic week :)

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Lowcal and Everyone,

Good result for you this week Lowcal and well done for achieving your gym goal, sounds like you're firing on all cylinders.

1lb loss for me this week, disappointed with that but maybe the Mother's Day lunch took it's toll or could it possibly be the copious amount of red wine? This result means I fell short of my 2lb target so it's with fingers crossed I'm setting myself the same target for this week, I have a quiet and visitor free week planned so I should be ok but who knows what (or who) the week may bring.

Have a good week everyone.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jenever

1lb is still a great loss Jenever, especially when you factor in the extras. I'm sure a week, free of "planned" indulgences will nab you that 2lb loss that you're seeking :)

Here's to a weight busting week! :)

Be-Vibrant profile image

I started my plan last Monday. Starting weight 12 stone 2.8 pounds. Today is 12 stone 1.8 pounds so 1 pound lost. BUT, there's a lot for me to learnt from this week.

UPSIDE I've stopped the rapid weight gain I've been experiencing since last summer. I've increased my walking; been eating much more healthily in general...and I did lose a pound.

DOWNSIDE I was doing so much better until the weekend, and on for a 3 pound loss, but I let myself get tempted. My 19 year old son was unexpectedly flown home after knee surgery at the beginning of the week. Our fridge is now full of food I normally keep out! We had visitors at the weekend, and they brought home made butter iced carrot cake...which I swear has been calling to me from my fridge...where it sits smiling at me!!!

Last night I gave in and stuffed my face with all things fattening.

GRRR!! So, today I draw a line. I'm typing with porridge, bananas and blueberries to accompany me. I will stop making excuses. The world is full of tempting food. I don't have to put it in my mouth.....

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Be-Vibrant

Great post Be-Vibrant :)

I love the fact that you've weighed everything up, given yourself a motivational speech and a pep talk and have come away with a confident and determined plan of action. I have no doubt that you will succeed :)

Onwards and downwards :)

kuddlykathy profile image

Congratulations on your great weight losses. I have lost 1lb this week which I'm quite relieved about as it was my birthday and mother's day this week. I've gone from 17st 7lbs to 17st 6lbs.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kuddlykathy

Good for you Kathy! A 1lb loss after two celebrations is a fantastic achievement! :)

Happy belated birthday! :)

I'm sure this week will see an even bigger loss, if there are no more celebrations to contend with :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kuddlykathy

Happy Belated Birthday Kathy. :-) I think you've done amazingly to lose 1 pound after so many occasions. Really well done. :-)

Good morning from sunny scotland, Second weigh in today and 1 lb off delighted as its been a challenging week and struggling to stay with it. But onwards and downwards as you all say. Have a great week everyone. : ) meant to add that brings weight loss to 4lb

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Keep reading and responding to posts Flavvy, especially when you're struggling, because that's where the ongoing motivation come from. I only have to read what all our wonderful members are achieving and it's enough to keep me on the straight and narrow :)

A 1lb weight loss is no mean feat though and deserves recognition and congratulations. So well done you! :)

Here's to an easier week for you. Onwards and downwards! :)

in reply to moreless

I did mean to add that brings weight loss to 4lb. So well chuffed.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

So you should be! :)

Sue2607 profile image

Maintained this week still 13 stone 10 so have not the lost the 2lb which I put back last week. Quite pleased with this though as have had my granddaughters birthday party Saturday and Mother's Day yesterday where I over indulged on ice cream. Hopefully will lose the gain this week started healthily today with jumbo porridge Oates frozen berries and seeds. 😀

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sue2607

A maintain is always better than a gain Frisky, especially after 2 celebrations :)

I'm sure your plan to go with the porridge, berries and seeds, instead of ice-cream, will see those 2lbs flying off your hips ;)

Keep at it, you're doing great! :)

Hi Lowcal,

great result you so deserve it, you must be feeling really good to be back in the 12's 😃

Have another fab week


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flossie,

Thank you so much for your kind words - I somehow forgot to reply to your post this morning, so I apologise that I'm not here till now (nearly 8pm) - but better late than never. I read it this morning as well - as I clicked 'Like' back then - really strange!

I am feeling really good about being back in the 12's, and I just hope I can maintain that, and make a little more progress to get to my Easter goal of 12 stone 12 pounds, and then onward to my 4th July goal of 12. stone 7 pounds. I've pledged to both Challenges, and I think it will help to spur me on.

I'm also trying to get a bit competitive with a couple of people in here - who have said they're feeling they'd like a bit of competition to incentivise them, and I do secretly enjoy that concept - but only in terms of health weight loss of course!

Lowcal :-)

p.s. Forgot to say I'll keep an eye out for your posts later in the week. Hope you're having a good week.

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal,

There's nothing wrong with a bit of good natured competition and if it keeps us on the straight and narrow then it's win win all round😃

I tried butternut spaghetti tonight served with a quorn bolognaise it was ok, but I think for my taste it might be better in a stir fry.

Have a lovely week


TheHud profile image

Morning World :)

The end of week 3 for me.

Last week I was 14 stone 7.6lb digital (14s 7lb 9oz) , this morning 14 stone and 5lb so another 2.6lb gone.

Stats so far

Start 15 stone 4lb total lost 13lb

Waist 4inches gone

Thighs 3 inches above quad area started at 23/22 now 19/19

Hips 3 inches

I know that the waist is mostly because I am not bloated anymore so in reality there is a long way to go there. Too embarrassed as an apple to say start size :(

Under boobies (want to check that back is toning) down an inch to 37 and a half.

The quad area is important to me because I have a non attached outer quad on the right leg, so need to work to balance the muscles when I do my quad exercises and my dance yourself daft ;) I am now able to see what i am working on much better ;)

Not done arms but really should start, left one is weak and prone to spasms and cramping but even this is improving abit with the daft dancing.

Forgot to do fasting bloods this morning but happy to be down last week from a slightly dodgy 5.5/6 to a more normal 5.2. Aim, back to 4.8 ;)

I am still sticking to 500 - 700 but have added more sugar free jellies for a pre bed snack so shall see if it helps. Last night was a decent sleep, only up twice with a nice refreshing block from about 5am to 7.15am

Right that is me bared

Next week onwards and downwards by 3lb


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to TheHud

Well done Hud, it appears that everything is heading in the right direction and that you're coping with it all very well :)

I shouldn't be embarrassed about your waist size, I'm a rectangle and I bet mine's still bigger than yours! :D

Enjoy those jellies and fingers crossed for more quality sleep :)

TheHud profile image
TheHud in reply to moreless

Nope but thanks Moreless lol

my bust is a UK size 12/14

my waist and hips are a UK 20

My legs need size 12/14 trousers but that just don't work. So its always stretchy for me and buy 16. That's the trouble with being an apple.

Basically I am a 5 foot nothing apple who looks like a size 14 who is about 7 months pregnant. you have no idea how many times nice old ladies have said 'when's it due dear'. I take it as a complement on my undoubted youthful looks ;) The worst one for me was on a holiday when a shrunken, drunk, anorexic looking creature, for no reason started saying i was so disgusting I look like someone should pop me. Suffice to say I have rarely left the house since and it really took a huge chunk out of my confidence. That was 3 years ago now and I was 2 stone lighter.

There are some horrible people in this world, but not on here.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to TheHud

I'm appalled that you were treated so horribly! When I was a teenager, a youth shouted "Hey fatty" out of a bus window - at the time, I was within normal weight range! I'm afraid we never forget things like that, but this forum has a way of strengthening us and gives us the belief that we are worthy human beings and not feel that we should apologise for taking up too much space, or using oxygen.

You are a lovely person Hud and there's a world out there just waiting for you. Go and grab it by the horns! :)

2fatbyfar profile image

I am sad to report that I have put on 500grams this week (a bag of sugar!). I am now 64.6kg which is very sad as I was really hoping to get below 64kg. I will have to try harder, but this coming week is likely to be a disaster as we have lots of friends coming to stay and an extended weekend of celebrations (ie. lots of the wrong kinds of food and wine)

can someone explain to me why one should only weigh oneself on a monday? i tend to weigh myself every morning and i (usually) find it reassuring. what is the logic for only doing it once as week?

Thanks everyone for your great support, this is a fabulous network and I couldn't do without it

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2fatbyfar

That's rotten luck 2fbf, but don't despair, because all is not lost. See if you can manage a maintain this week, even with your guests. Don't forget, alcohol isn't compulsory ;) When all the celebrations are over, you can knuckle down and start to shed those pounds :)

I believe the once a week weighing was what used to be advised, as your weight fluctuates on a daily basis and it was felt that weighing weekly would be a more accurate way of measuring weight loss. Everybody is an individual and we have to choose what's right for us. I personally weigh daily, as I got a horrible shock one monday, after my weight spiked for no reason. I now know that these spikes are normal for me, so don't get overly concerned when it happens. I only record my weekly loss though, as they're the ones that show which direction I'm heading in generally. There's also a method by which you weigh daily, but take an average of those weights weekly. It may work for some, but it's way too much maths for me! :D Sorry, I appear to have done a lot of waffling, I hope that you can make some sense of what I've said! :)

2fatbyfar profile image
2fatbyfar in reply to moreless

thanks, that explanation really helps. I find it much more encouraging to weigh daily, but am immensely frustrated when I seem to put on weight overnight without apparently eating anything extra... perhaps I too have to get used to my body's fluctuations...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 2fatbyfar

Hi 2fatbyfar,

Further to your conversation about weighing daily, you might be interested in reading this thread on the subject:

Lowcal :-)

alisonewcastle profile image

Morning all!

Weighed in at 11st 3lb this morning, so that's pound off for me. Feels a bit slow, but I have had quite a few treats (cake, camenbert, wine!) so things must be going the right direction.

I've been quite active too, and did my first "power yoga" class. It was tough!! I lay on the floor and cried with laughter halfway through, but managed to complete the class and felt surprisingly energised and happy the next day.

Have a good week everyone!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to alisonewcastle

Well done for your 1lb weight loss Alison, slow and steady wins the race :)

Oh my goodness, Power Yoga even sounds tough! I think I would have been crying real tears! :o Well done you for sticking with it :)

Here's to another great week :)

Devonmillie48 profile image

Well done Lowcal, back in the 12's.

I couldn't record last week for various reasons so my weight loss is for last 2 weeks

-2lb 6 oz

My losses average about a 1lb a week so i'm getting quite excited at being on track to hit first stone off in about three weeks time xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Devonmillie48

Yaay Millie, it's all sounding very positive! :) The first stone off is a fantastic feeling! :)

Have another great week :)

Diana profile image

Fab low cal, so pleased with your loss, another gain for me, a 1lb, no excuses, although a very demanding week, work wise. Have to try and lose again, I'm ok with it all, I know my errors and bad habits, hopefully different next week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Diana

A lovely determined post Diana. You've done it before and I have no doubts that you'll do it again.

Have a great week :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to moreless

A thanks, I'm now fed up of it all........the excess weight, tiredness, bad planning, I expect I'll shift more this week ( prob 2lbs), it's hard to remember life at my heaviest, glad to have the support, as a maintainer I'm 2lbs over my max at 10st 6

Son1 profile image


I'm new on here.

I've been struggling with junk food and need to motivate myself, so thought this might be a good way of doing it. I'm going to try the 12 week plan.

I'm 10 stone 6lbs this morning and my weight has been creeping up. My goal is to get into my healthy weight bracket of 7.5-10 stone. I hope to get to 9 stone as I've managed to get to 9 stone 4 before but found it virtually impossible to lose any more so I'm hoping that 9 stone might be realistic.

I have been eating way too much chocolate *blushes* because it's just so nice... and I need to think of my health, cholesterol etc as much as anything else.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Son1

Hi and welcome Son :)

It's great that you've joined us and that you've shared your starting weight and goals with us :)

Have a look at our newbie thread, which you can find in the pinned posts section to the right of your screen. It's full of handy tips :)

Try changing to a chocolate with a higher cocoa content and keep it in the freezer. You can have one or two squares as a treat, but as part of your daily calorie allowance :)

If you have any questions, you only need ask and someone will come to your aid :)

Wishing you a fab first week :)

jaycoy profile image

Just stayed the same ...not giving up!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to jaycoy

Glad to hear it jaycoy, but remember, a maintain is always better than a gain! :)

Onwards and downwards! :)

kitkat34 profile image

Wo ho you


1ib off for me

Booked trip to new zealand

Going for 3 months

4 weeks to get as much any thing off

Wish me luck

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kitkat34

Wow kitkat, you lucky thing! I have friends in New Zealand and would love to get over there to see them :)

Time to get your determined head on and banish those pounds for good! :)

You can do it, you've got a fantastic incentive now! :)

Have a great week :)

skinnylizzie profile image

Hi there, weighing in today at 12 1/2 lb loss of 1 1/4 lb but still at it and going down slowly 10.7 goal in site may not reach it for easter but will aim for May day if I haven't got there. now the weight I was when I was 43 , 67th birthday looming!! but hey who cares I feel better. Have good week everyone don't waste all those years like I have done!! x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Lizzie, you're a star! There's going to be no stopping you! It doesn't matter if we don't achieve our targets, as long as we put 100% effort in. Those targets will always wait for us to catch up. Look out 10-7, Lizzie will be there, sooner or later! :)

All the best to you Lizzie :)

skinnylizzie profile image

Well done low cal we are getting there whats your goal, you are a few weeks behind me, so soon be there x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to skinnylizzie

Hi Skinnylizzie,

My goal for the Easter bunny Challenge was altered from 12 stone 7 pounds to 12 stone 12 pounds, as I wasn't sure I could get to 12-7 by Easter, but now that I'm 12 stone 13.4 pounds today, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps I could get to 12 stone 7 pounds - that is my 'ultimate' goal, but I've been struggling to get below 13 stone for well over a year, so it's a struggle, but I don't want to change my eating pattern too much, as I'm eating as I would expect to eat for the remainder of my life, i.e. an eating plan and not feeling I'm dieting. Hence, I'm going to keep the Easter Bunny Challenge target at 12-12, because I suspect I might find it challenging to keep within the 12's, and essentially I want to ensure I succeed. So I'm trying to set myself a realistic target.

You've done really well to lose 1.25 pounds this week, you're getting closer week by week. You're making great progress. Congratulations. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

p.s. Update: I've now set my goal for Sueper's Easter Bunny challenge at 12 stone 12 pounds, and I've also signed up for the 4th July challenge (that MarmiteRehoming is running), and I've pledged to try to get to 12 stone 7 pounds by then. I'm hoping both those great Challenges will motivate me alongside the great support within this forum and keeping motivated alongside all your great travellers on the Monday group weigh-in wagon! :-)

OdoruAho profile image

Good morning, everyone. Today is my second weigh in, and the end of my first week on the NHS plan.

Last week I weighed in at 12 stone 6 lbs (174.5 lbs)

Waist: 37.5 inches

This week I am 12 stone 3.7 lbs (171.8 lbs)!

Waist 36.5 inches

So I've lost 2.3 lbs, which was my goal for this week! And yesterday was my birthday and I ate (delicious) cake as well as other high-cal treats so I really thought I'd ruined my otherwise hard work this week. I am well chuffed!

I managed to meet my goal for exercise this week, but I still definitely need to stay focussed on that as I am only just fitting it in. I have found that having it on my mind has helped me do more, but I think I need a more structured schedule. Something to work on this week, and I plan on incorporating Ruth's strength training challenge.

Thank you everyone for your support, advice and stories - you are really helping me on my road to better health!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to OdoruAho

What a fabulous first week AdoruAho! Well done you! :)

Happy birthday for yesterday! I hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed your cake :)

I'm finding it a struggle to fit all my exercise in too, but I think my problem is that I'm too slow! :) I'm sure with a bit of rejigging, you'll find a schedule that works for you and I can highly recommend Ruth's March strength challenge. It's hard work, but equally effective :)

I hope your second week goes just as well for you :)

OdoruAho profile image
OdoruAho in reply to moreless

Thank you moreless! I'm really glad I lost a bit this week, it has given me the motivation to carry on!

Well done you for this week, and I hope you have a good week ahead of you!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to OdoruAho

That's great! :)

Thanks for your words of support :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to OdoruAho

Hi OduroAho,

Happy Birthday for yesterday! Fantastic that you've lost 2.3 pounds, despite having your Birthday, and great that you enjoyed some delicious cake to celebrate. Great to hear you'll be joining in Ruth's Strength training challenge - it's really good fun.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Greenstone profile image

Didn't do so well this week - had a couple of evenings out - so no exercise, ate the wrong things, and had wine ... end result is now 98.2K - up 0.4 from last week. But still down from where I started - so just need to have a good week this week

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Greenstone

There will always be hiccoughs along the way Greenstone, but being able to see the mistakes and the overall positives is key to getting right back on the bandwagon and starting the battle of the bulge again :)

I have no doubt that next week will show a loss on the scales :)

Onwards and downwards! :)

Jigglypuff_62 profile image

Good morning everyone. Wow Lowcal and moreless. How brilliant are those losses? Many, many congratulations! I weighed in at 16.8.8, so a couple of pounds lost (roughly) from last week and back to my pre-Christmas weight. Now all I have to do is get over that hurdle and start the downward charge again. Have a good week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Hi Jigglypuff,

Thanks for your lovely encouraging words, much appreciated! :-)

Wow, you've done really well this week, and Congratulations on losing 2 pounds and getting back to your pre-Christmas weight, that is really great! :-)

You're starting the downward trend, and hopefully it will continue!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Thanks for your kind words Jiggly :)

Yaaay, back to your pre-christmas weight! What a relief! Now there will be no stopping you as you head for a landslide victory over those unwanted pounds! Go for it! :)

Onwards and downwards! :)

Week 4: -2lbs

Happy with this as I had a 3 course meal for Mothers Day, which included.........cheesecake!

Also had two evenings where I ate my dinner very late as I went straight from work to the city to visit my Dad in hospital. But I also gained another Spin Class, which brings it to 3 classes a week.

So, pleased with the -2lbs loss for sure!

Week 1: -5lbs

Week 2: -5lbs

Week 3: -3lbs

Week 4: -2lbs

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Postmanmatt,

Fantastic to hear you've lost 2 pounds this week, despite a 3 course Mother's Day meal including cheesecake. Hope you enjoyed that meal. :-) Congratulations on your loss, it is really great! :-)

I hope your Dad is doing ok in hospital.

Well done for doing those Spin Classes, and to achieving 3 classes a week, that's great exercise.

Great to see your progress, and wishing you another excellent week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo Matt! You've lost your first stone! WTG you! :)

suffolkwomble profile image

Well done lowcal and moreless et al...!

I was desperate to get into the 11's last week, but didn't quite make it. I am happy to report that I have now made it and am now 11 st 13lb 8oz - a loss of 1 lb 10oz this week - whoop whoop!!

Long dog walks today and tomorrow (even though it's snowing at mo so not sure dog will be as enthusiastic) plus playing badminton 4 times this week, of which two are competitive league matches which will be tough, so really hoping for another good loss this week.

Next milestone is to get to 11 st 7 lb by end of April ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suffolkwomble

Hi Suffolkwomble,

Wow, I am so happy to hear you've made it into the 11's, that is fantastic! Congratulations!!! :-)

You've lost 1 pound and 10 ounces, that is a great loss. Whoop whoop!!!

Hope your lovely dog copes ok with the snowy walks today, and it's great that you're going to play Badminton 4 times this week - wishing you success in the competitive league matches - I can imagine they will be tough.

You've set your next milestone to achieve by the end of April, and wishing you continued success and a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suffolkwomble

Yaaaay suffolkwomble! Into the 11's! WTG you! :)

alejandra profile image

Same weight. 67k. It is so hard for me to stick to my diet. I have to make an internal click. Something has to change in my mind as to keep my motivation up.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to alejandra

Hi Alejandra,

I'm wondering what might help you to make that 'internal click' that you need in your mind to motivate you - maybe think about what things might help in that respect - organise a list of 'motivating factors' and decide what might be a good plan of action for you personally - maybe look back to other posts in the forum to see what people mention as their motivators, but remember that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. It's tailoring something that is specific to you that would be most helpful.

I think you've done well to maintain your weight, as a maintain is definitely better than a gain - so Congratulations for that, but I know you are hoping to see a loss on the scales, and so I hope you will achieve one soon.

Try to keep positive and focused, and I hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

emijo profile image

Hi, I am Emily. I am officially on week 6 of the NHS 12 week challenge, but last week I just gave up, and week 3 we were away on holiday for half term, so have not entirely been sticking to it. I have lost 4lb so far and am currently 13st 10lb. I'm tall so my ideal weight is around 11.5st, but that's some way off and I'd be happy with 12. However my first goal is to get to 13st.

This week's guide (week 6) was about reflecting on what is stopping you losing weight. Well for me it is motivation that's a big problem. I have Aspergers, anxiety, depression and low self esteem. I have to be kind to myself or my mental health goes rapidly downhill, but at the same time I need to find some way of pushing myself along without being mean to myself, otherwise I do nothing. Generally motivation is an issue, so any tips gratefully received.

I gave up last week as the week before I kept below 1400 calories every day (counting absolutely everything), did over 150 mins exercise (at least 30 min a day Mon-Fri), the only thing I skipped was a second session of strength exercise, and I lost NOTHING. So depressing :-( For some reason I am going to try again, but I already feel a bit anxious that I will put in all the effort and lose nothing again and feel all cross and rubbish like I did before. If it happens I may just give up all together. :-(

Anyway, week 6 weight loss pack also suggested joining an online weight loss community. So here I am!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to emijo

Hi and welcome Emily :)

It's lovely that you've joined us and have shared your starting weight, history and goals :)

I'm so sorry that all your hard work hasn't been rewarded on the scales and a thought I had, as you say you're tall and that your doing a lot of exercise, is that maybe you're eating too few calories. Have you entered your details into the NHS BMI counter? It might be a good idea to try it and see.

I know that not seeing a loss puts a big dampener on things, but sometimes our body's just don't react the way we want them to. We have to learn patience and trust that by sticking to plan, things will work out in the end :)

I'm sure that you will soon start to see losses again, very soon.

Have a look at our newbie thread for handy tips and remain active on the forum for inspiration and motivation.

I hope you have a great week this week :)

emijo profile image
emijo in reply to moreless

Thanks for your encouraging reply. I checked out the BMI calculator and also BMR as I saw it mentioned elsewhere, and it came out as around 1600 calories. I am a bit confused though, as if I eat even less calories I should have lost weight shouldn't I? I understand that over a long period of time it can have an effect, but just for a week? I am not sure whether to go for 1600 or 1400 this week now.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to emijo

It is very possible, that if you eat too few calories, your body thinks you're trying to starve it, so hangs onto its reserves of fat for as long as possible. Far better to eat as many calories as you can and still lose weight. As you get lighter, your calorie intake will have to reduce to compensate.

You could always try 1600 calories and see how you get on :)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Well done Lowcal, excellent

Unfortunately I gained .75lb this week. Last week I was 11st9.25lbs this week I'm 11st10lbs. Considering I had my daughter and her baby staying from Friday to today while our other halves were at my sons stag do, I went to my daughter in laws hen do Saturday, plus we had two lunches out and Mother's Day included a box of chocolates that daughter and I ate half of last night and shared a large packet of crisps' could, maybe should, be a lot worse. Hoping for a loss next week. Still not too down as I enjoyed myself and have to remember I have still lost almost 2st 7lbs.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 191253summer

That's a great positive attitude summer :)

Things are always going to happen in life that will impact our weight, the secret is to not panic and to get on top of things asap :)

I'm sure that you'll be able to do just that this week.

Onwards and downwards! :)

rosie-2015 profile image

Well done lowcal last week i was 15st 6lbs 4ozs this week 15st 4lbs 6ozs onwards and downwards good luck everyone 😀👍

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

Well done Rosie, things are going well for you :)

As you say, onwards and downwards :)

LNA1422 profile image

Have had an awful couple of weeks they have been so busy that my eating has gone to pot!!! I didn't manage to post last week either but I have gone back Up a couple of pounds :( I am really annoyed at myself as I know I can do it properly. But I am back on track this week and aiming to have an amazing weight loss to report for next time :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to LNA1422

Hi NannyLaura,

Glad you were able to post here this week, and sorry you couldn't get to post last week. It's great to see you, and as you've not posted last week, I will divide your weight gain by 2 weeks, to represent the average weight gained in one week - so that's a gain of 1 pound for this week.

I know you're feeling annoyed at yourself, but please try to move forward from it, and don't let it scupper your plans for this new week ahead. Sometimes we have challenging weeks, and our eating can definitely go to pot, but you've come back to the weigh-in, and you've faced your gain, and you can hopefully move ahead with a fresh mind-set to achieve a future loss.

You have mentioned that you're 'back on track' which is a great start to the week, and I hope you have a really great week.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LNA1422

We can all slip off the bandwagon Laura, but only the strong climb back aboard. Well done you! :)

Read some, or all, of today's motivational posts and that should help you get back on track :)

All the best for a great week! :)

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning All

Well done on your weight loss Lowcal, back into the 12's again.

I've gained 0.5 lb this week, I understand why as I didn't count calories last week while I was feeling under the weather. I feel back to normal now so hope to have a more productive week this week. My very simple goal for this week is to increase activity during the week and get back to counting calories.

Have a good week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi Mrsg3,

Sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather last week, and it's good to hear you're feeling back to normal again now. I'm sure your week will be more productive as a result of that, and you can put that very small gain of 0.5 pound well in the past, and it will soon melt away. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow, all being well. :-)

You've set yourself a very sensible simple goal for this week, so hope you enjoy increasing your activity during the week and that you cope ok with getting back to counting calories. I can't remember if you use an app to help with that, but I find that an app is very helpful.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

When you're not feeling well, it's so hard to find the inclination to stick to plan, so don't beat yourself up, it's only 1/2 a pound and that will soon disappear :)

You can do this mrsg, I have utmost faith in you :)

Onwards and downwards! :)

Once again exactly the same. Not disappointed exactl but I would like to see a little loss. Still better than a gain, so it's ok. 😁

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

A maintain is always better than a gain Pilpala, keep at it and keep the faith, it'll all come good in the end :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pilpala,

I agree, it's much better to maintain than to gain, so Congratulations on maintaining your weight this week. :-)

I can sense that you are feeling a little disappointed though - as you said you're not exactly feeling disappointed, but your emoticon suggests you're not a happy smiley person today - and I hope therefore that this week will be a positive and motivating week for you, and that you enjoy it and that you achieve a loss soon, so you can feel better.

Sometimes it can help to think about something that you'd like to try within the week to help to motivate yourself - maybe trying a new type of food or recipe, or walking a different route than normal (if you like walking) - or trying some walking if you don't often do that. There are lots of things to help focus and enjoy your week, and make your healthy eating plan interesting and achieve any healthy exercise goals you've set yourself.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

I pressed the wrong emoticon. Lol I meant 😕 so I'm fine. Life's short and I could have too little food rather than to much. So all is good! 😁

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Oh that's a relief, Pilpala, I'm glad to hear you're feeling fine! That is really great!!! :-)

Stephb profile image

Morning :) Hope you are all well. Got a few days off work which is nice which means I get to enjoy the sunshine. Managed 3 runs last week - 2 x 10km and a long 15 mile run Saturday :)

Start weight: 12st 2.2lb

Week 1: 11st13.2lb

Week 2: 11st 10.6lb

Week 3: 11st 9.4lb

Week 4: 11st 12.2lb

Week 5: 11st 11lb

Week 6: 11st 7.8

Week 7: 11st 5.4

Week 8: 11st 2.8

Week 9: 11st 0.6

A 2.2lb weight loss this week and over a stone lost. All close to under 11 now!!

Have a lovely day x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Stephb

Woohoo Steph, you're steaming ahead! Over a stone lost! WTG you! :)

Those runs of yours are mega impressive, I'm in awe! :)

Keep up the great work and have another fab week :)

Artsoru profile image

Morning Lowcal and everyone! :)

So pleased for you thins morning! Well done getting down into the 12's! :D As of my weigh in this morning we now weigh exactly the same! :) I have dropped 0.2lbs to join you at 12st 13.4lbs. How exciting! :D feel a bit of competition now ;)

And thanks Lowcal and Ruth for including me in the stats after my late post from last Monday! :D

My goal for this week is to get at least 3 days of gym time in. Starting with tonight!

Hope everyone has a great week! Think slimming thoughts! :D


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Artsoru

Well done Sophie for your loss and I can definitely feel the competitive vibes flowing. I'm sure that Lowcal will love that ;)

That's a great gym goal, I hope you enjoy going and that it'll encourage more pounds and inches to melt away :)

Have a great week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Thank you so much! I am excited about being back in the 12's, and really hope to stay there this time... :-)

Wow, we weigh exactly the same, that is absolutely great! You have lost 0.2 pound and that's great - I was thrilled that you dropped into the 12's last week, and it's great that you're still there and still on a downward trend. Great to hear you're mentioning some healthy competition - I'm up for that. :-) ScoobaSteve helped me a lot last week with his suggestion to compete a bit, and I have to say it helped a lot.

So yes, here's to seeing how we go this week Sophie, and we can hopefully both report a loss next week. That would be a win for both of us. We must stay in the 12's - they feel great! Transitions like that are definite achievements.

Wishing you success with your goals this week, and to achieving your aim to get 3 sessions of gym work in. I have pledged to do 2 sessions myself. ;-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Bu-dog profile image

Well a wee loss of 0.01kg. Not too bad considering I had the cook school and Mother's Day.

Focused of 10kms distance per day, 1400 calories per day

No cheating with naughty foods this week. Out tomorrow night but have my meal planned.

Great losses this week going by the posts. Great achievement Moreless, very well done!

This is such an inspirational forum. Thanks to all who keep us going.

Have a fab Monday peeps xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Bu-dog

Well done Bu-dog! I told you going for the cooked breakfast was a good idea! :)

A wonderful time away, a lovely Mother's Day and a minimal loss that will be dealt with by cutting your toenails! ;)

Wishing you a great week ahead! :)

Thanks so much for your kind words :)

weightaminute profile image

Morning everyone,

A newbie to the 'group', but you all seem so positive, thank you for the boost you have given me.

I'm weighing in at 18st 3lb this week. I've a goal of losing 1.5lb a week. Looking forward to seeing what I can do!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to weightaminute

Hi Simon,

A very warm welcome to you and thanks for joining us for this Monday group weigh-in session. Glad that you've already experienced a bit of a boost from reading some of the posts - I agree with you that the members are positive - and it's a supportive and encouraging community.

Moreless has put together a really helpful Welcome Newbie post, so I'd like to give you the link to this here:

Hopefully you'll find some helpful things within that to help you on your weight loss journey, and I'd definitely recommend trying the NHS 12 week plan as a good structure.

You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so, it's a brave first step. Hopefully you'll be seeing the 17's very soon, and you've set yourself a great goal to lose 1.5 pounds per week - wishing you success and also hope you enjoy your weight loss journey - we're glad to have you on board with us.

Have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

weightaminute profile image
weightaminute in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi everyone,

12.00 midday - the Afternoon/Evening thread is now live, and here is the link:

Congratulations to all the Morning session participants, it is such an inspiring thread, and I hope you all enjoyed the weigh-in.

To Afternoon/Evening participants, I hope your session will be equally inspiring - I feel sure it will be. :-)

Lowcal :-)

FigureEight profile image

Scales have not moved for me this week, despite 3 workouts... but, I was down with a bad cold for a day and a half, so metabolism probably all screwed up. Will keep going!

Tried a new recipe the other day that was so satisfying - Healthy(ish) Oven Fried Chicken, coating skinless chicken (thighs, breast, legs, drumsticks would all work) in a mixture of yogurt and low-fat mayo then rolling in gram flour (wholegrain of any sort would also keep GI levels down) spiced with a little paprika and black pepper - throw in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 175C and you get a delicious crispy coating that seems a lot more decadent than it is!

Have a great week, everyone! Well done to all those who lost weight or maintained and for anyone who gained, well done for keeping on with the program!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to FigureEight

A maintain is always better than a gain Figure8 :) You're quite right to keep at it because sometimes we have a delayed reaction on the scales :)

That chicken sounds delicious! Thanks so much for sharing :)

Have a great week and fingers crossed for a loss next monday :)

want-2-b-slim profile image

Ok, here goes. Well after moving the scales around the bathroom and taking the best of 3 weights I have found the perfect tile to place scales for weigh in day. So 1st weigh in. Starting weight 14 stone 9lbs ooft that is heavier than I was when I was pregnant 24 years ago and the heaviest I have ever been which strangely enough has made me more determined.

After suffering a heart attack last June and being 47 years old I have only recently started to get my energy levels back and have pledged to complete the 30 day squat challenge as well as do loads of walking, I have been very lucky to survive a heart attack and I owe it to myself to take better care of my body so not only have I started my healthy eating plan today I have also quit the ciggies

Goals, initially I want to go for 10% of my body weight then decide nearer the time what my ideal weight will be. I don't want to be a skinny super model lol because that will never happen, I love my curves but just wish they didn't look more like hills. According to my BMI I have 4 stone 3 lbs to lose to be he middle of the healthy range but I just feel that will make me look too thin so I am aiming for a loss of at least 3 stone then I will reassess my target' WHEN' I get to that point.

So bring it on! I am truly ready

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to want-2-b-slim

I'm loving your post elacol! Positivity and determination are just flowing! :)

Well done for seizing this second chance with both hands and running with it! :)

I know it's possible to start eating healthily and quitting the cigs together, because I did it 6 months ago and haven't looked back! :)

I still haven't reached my top pregnancy weight yet, so I think you are marvellous :)

I'm a great believer in mini goals, but maybe celebrate some losses before your 10% mark, first 1/2 stone, 5%, getting into the 13's then the stone, then the 10% :) We love a bit of cheerleading ;)

You've already come up with an exercise programme, so you're well on your way.

All that's left to say is welcome to the weigh-in and all the best for your first week :)

want-2-b-slim profile image
want-2-b-slim6lbs in reply to moreless

Thanks for the lovely welcome and the suggestions of goals, I will have a think about them and post next week at weigh in, I am finding this site fantastic for motivation and I have joined in and contributed to a number of peoples posts. I love Round the world in 80 days and feel I am letting everyone down if I don't contribute with my k's

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to want-2-b-slim

That's what this community is all about elacol. We're all just as determined to help others on their journey as we are about our own :)

I hope you continue to enjoy yourself and look forward to seeing even more of you on the forum :)

Whyweight123 profile image

On an early shift today so my weigh I was 4.30 am. Another 1lb off so very very happy again.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Whyweight123

Hi Whyweight123,

You had a very early start!

Congratulations on losing another pound this week, and I'm really glad to hear you're feeling 'very very happy' again. That's a great feeling!

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hallo Fabulous Five! Happy Lunchtime by now!

My Morning stats were 93kgs. And I am happy with that :-P

But the new weight attempt is already moving towards me as I am with my brother and his family and very regular meals this very long weekend.

Monday will unfortunately my scale crack under me again I think, hahaha

And I am the only big one. My brothers family is too too slim for me.... ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Well done flower-arranger for losing 0.6kg! :)

Now don't be spoiling everything by eating too much at your brother's, just small portions of everything ;)

I shall wait with baited breath to see what next monday brings :)

Have a great week and a lovely time with your brother :)

Mano20 profile image

I am in same 91 kg

This week no change,I have guest at home .and food routine has changed.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mano20

Hi Rukhsana81,

Congratulations on maintaining your weight this week. It can be harder when you are entertaining guests at home, and like you say, your food routine is different, so well done for maintaining and not gaining in such circumstances.

I hope you're enjoying having your guest around, and that you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mano20 profile image
Mano20 in reply to Zest

Thank you lowcal for for such nice words,

Congratulation to you and morless for this achivment.

I have read all post and your and morless wording for all of us is very very lovely and you know I am improving my English also joining this.

Thanks again I wish I will able to tell nest week that I have loose more

Thanks again

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mano20

Hi Rukhsana81,

Thanks for your kind words, and I am glad you're enjoying reading the posts and replies, and also that you are improving your English too - that is great! :-)

Wishing you success for next week, and I hope you'll have the results you're hoping for.

Lowcal :-)

9871ALPW profile image

Oops. After a good start last week I've gained this week but just need to watch the calories.

Last Monday 81.1 kg

This Monday 82.8kg

Gained 1.7 kg (3.7 lbs)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 9871ALPW

Hi 9871ALPW,

Just spotted your post as I was about to pop off to bed, so glad I saw you! I know Prin (Fab 5-er) is still up, but her 'notifications' aren't working at the moment, so she might miss your post.

You've gained 1.7kg (3.7 pounds) this week, but I think you've noted that you need to watch the calories - it can be easy to eat more than you realise when you're getting used to a new eating plan. Portion sizes are key - and maybe do some measuring of your portion sizes to help you improve on those, if that's where you need to focus. You will have a good idea hopefully of what to focus on this week, and I would like to wish you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Bit late commenting but I did weigh myself on Monday and I'm the same as last week. I'm actually ok with it taking into consideration what I ate last week. I'm hopeful for a small loss on Monday but I'm full of a cold so not exercising and basically eating what I want so it may not happen. Trying not to be hard on myself though, life happens and as long as I get back on the waggon as soon as I can then that's good enough for me. Xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Billingsh,

I'm glad you came by to report your weight for Monday, and I'm sorry to hear you're full of cold - I really hope you feel better really soon. Glad you're resting from the exercise to allow yourself to recuperate, and I'm glad you're trying not to be hard on yourself - as there's no reason you should be - you've done extremely well to maintain under such circumstances, and in our book a maintain is always better than a gain, and so well done.

Hopefully you'll get rid of that cold soon, and will feel much better, and the wagon is here for when you feel ready to get back on. I think you're already on, but you're just in the recuperation carriage.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Sunny-day profile image

Hi all, anothrr loss: 1lb 6 xx

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