Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (25th April 2016) Morning Session.

Prin profile image
301 Replies

Hi Everyone,

If you join us for this Monday group weigh-in the office juniors are in charge this week and one of the Fab 5’ers (Suzybenj, Moreless,,LotToLose and myself, Prin) will reply to you. 

However, please be patient with us, as we do have other commitments, but we will do our very best to get back to you as soon as we can. 

This week I weigh 11st 2lb so a pound down I think from last week, 

A blast from the past

The weigh in post from two years ago I am saddened to say I am 4lbs heavier than then ( maintainer - who am I trying to kid?) on a happier note the dress still fits nicely and I am still spinning at 6.45, Lowcal however is leading by example and is a good 1/2 stone lighter. Suzy is the other Fab 5’er that was with us then- I think she was busy running the London Marathon 

Lowcal (Group leader - lovely Fab 5’er) has had a big birthday (50)and is away on her holidays. 🎂🎈🎉HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉🎈 🎂from us all 

Looking forward to catching up with her when she gets back, and she will be posting the May Bank Holiday weigh-in on 2nd May 2016 as usual. Thanks for doing the stats Lowcal 😇

Here are this week’s stats:  

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 132

Total overall weight lost: 104.81 pounds (47.59 kilos). 

Total people who lost weight: 74 (139.65 pounds lost) (63.29 kilos). 

Total people who gained weight: 24 (34.84 pounds gained) (15.8 kilos).

Total people who maintained their weight: 15

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 18. 

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 2.

Note for Newbies: 

If you are joining this weigh-in group thread for the first time today, then welcome. Just introduce yourself and share your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so) and your initial weight loss goals – setting yourself mini-goals leading to your ultimate weight loss goal is particularly helpful. You could also make a note of your body measurements – sometimes the scales stick at a particular weight, but there can be body measurement changes which are very motivating. It’s not all about the scales afterall – it’s how you feel in yourself. 

You can always refer to previous weigh-in threads if you want to see what other people typically post (just click on my profile, Lowcal, and you’ll be able to see a list of all previous posts which are all clearly dated).

Also, if you’ve not already seen it, then take a moment to read the ‘Welcome Newbie’ pack which is a Pinned post (situated on right hand side of homepage) which has been collated by Fab 5’er Moreless. 

N.B. The Afternoon/Evening Session will be posted at approx midday – and if it has already been posted, then the link will be here:

Wishing you all a great weigh-in! 

Prin ☺️

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Prin profile image
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301 Replies
CharlotteD profile image

Really chuffed ... Lost another 2lbs. Totalling 6lbs in 2 weeks on the 12 week plan 😀

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to CharlotteD

WTG Charlotte! You're off to a flying start! :)

Wishing you another great week :) 

BB72 profile image

Hello, this is my first weigh in. I am looking to lose a stone, hopefully by summer but I realise this might be a bit ambitious. Just weighed myself this morning- 12 stone 7 and I know that last week I was 12 10 so I feel I am on the right track. Determined to follow the plan to the letter this time......wish me luck !!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to BB72

A very warm welcome, 2lb a week is a realistic goal, stick with us and we will cheer you along the way! Have a great week🖐🏾

Emma-and profile image

Re starting weight lose after a few months of really bad stress so stepped on scales this morning and my new starting weight is 13.8 started off morning good with granola and Greek yoghurt for breakfast with green tea I have a new incentive now for losing weight to so hoping can stay on it this time and when I do get stressed don't deviate from it 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Emma-and

Welcome back Emma :)

Sounds as if you're in the right headspace now and are really determined to succeed, so here's wishing you all the very best with that new incentive :)

Emma-and profile image
Emma-and in reply to moreless

Thank you very much I users be a regular on here and got down to 12.9 so having been off it and not using the information and support of here goes to show that you have to stick with it 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Emma-and

It's the group dynamic that keeps us going, Emma. So glad that you're going to be part of it again :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Emma-and

Emma that's why I am here, we have all been addicted to food be it the wrong type or portion size, and like alcoholics and drug addicts we are never cured but in recovery- it's more of a struggle as you can't say- I am not going to eat anymore. I get on the scales to sop the weight owning me I OWN IT! Lovely to see you back and determined 👍🏾

2bFabnfit profile image

Hello there . We'll done Prin for filling in for Lowcal and on your loss this week. 

I am 54.4 kg this week so down 0.4. I am trying to maintain between  53 to 55 kg and my aim after my holiday was to get back to the middle of the range.  So all is well with the weight. 

However I have found it incredibly difficult to stick to my former healthy eating plan having allowed myself to just enjoy whatever I wanted whilst away.  A cautionary tale and something that I need to bear in mind when I go away for 5 weeks in the summer. If the habit can be broken in 2 weeks  how hard will it be after 5? I therefore plan to get back to 53kg before I go  and also to have relaxed days whilst away but remain mindful of the calories and stay refined sugar free! I  am  convinced it is an addiction as whenever I allow it as a treat I really struggle to stop again. Once completely off it I can go craving free. Mmm

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2bFabnfit

Snap 2b!! I've struggled and that's without any sweet treats! I definitely believe that sugar is addictive and therefore steer clear of it, even when on holiday.

You've proved yourself to be a champion maintainer, so I'm convinced you'll cope admirably whilst away. However, aiming for 53kg before you go, would be a nice buffer for you, so good luck with achieving that :)

in reply to 2bFabnfit

It sounds like you've really identified something with the sugar 2b. I have something similar with wine. A few days without wine and craving massively eases. But a night out and the next few days tend to feature wine or some other form of alcohol, and associated cravings increase too. Maybe repeated training would work, keep coming back to sugar, small doses, and then cut it out, again and again, until you reach a point where you can have a little and stop? I'm trying to re-train myself with wine - really want to reach the point where I can just have a glass and not want the whole bottle!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Good morning Prin and fellow losers :)

Size 8 Prin??!! Does that size even exist??!! I'd be chuffed to fit into an 18! :o You may be 4lbs up, but I bet your inches are the same, or less. You're a super maintainer in my eyes! :)

I've been thinking about Lowcal and wondering how her birthday went and hoping that she's having a fantastic hol. I'm sure that everything's going splendiferously! :)

Getting back to the point, I've had a poor week, this week. I've really struggled to get back into the swing of things since my holiday and have been pretty much food obsessed since my return. I'm hoping that catching up with everyone today will re-motivate me and get me back on the straight and narrow. My staggering weight loss for this week is 0.125lbs!! :D

Wishing everybody a great weigh-in. Onwards and downwards! :)

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to moreless

See my entry above!  It's much tougher coming back to it than I thought it would be.  But a loss is a loss ! Hopefully next week will feel easier.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2bFabnfit

Thanks 2b, here's hoping! :)

MotherPip profile image
MotherPip in reply to moreless

A loss is a loss moreless  and something to build on this week... You can do it, you know you can...Believe and Achieve !

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MotherPip

Thanks Pip, all these positive posts are bound to have a positive effect on me :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to moreless

Moreless (lovely hardworking fab fiver)  All weeks can't be the same, and a loss is a loss no matter how small and to be celebrated 😘(Now who says that) thank you for holding the  thread together today I am off to Zumba and Zumba tone now in case I can't make evening spin after my root canal treatment. How are your inches looking Moreless? 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin, the inches are looking much the same, although funnily enough, I feel smaller. I can feel ribs and knees, which have been hiding for years! :D

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

Your mind must think it is still on holiday!  At least you have managed to lose something, despite a severe case of the munchies this week.

Hopefully, your brain has now caught up with your reality and you can get back into the swing of things this week. 

Fingers crossed for a huge loss for you next Monday!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

Thanks LTL, a huge loss would be lovely, it's been a while since I had one of those. I really will have to pull my socks up! :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to moreless

A loss is still a loss, weird tho it is a punnet of cherry tomatoes, seems to feature daily, ( small tub) today, been sugar snaps and tomatoes, I reckon all that low cal bulk might help!?  Add in fruit for breakfast, all helps

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Diana

Lol Diana, you wouldn't believe the amount of cherry toms I eat and celery and various other crudites :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to moreless

Glad to see great minds think alike!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Diana

Absolutely! :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to moreless

:-) thought i had better check the fab 5 had responses...

Do you know i think given you have been holiday - that is a very respectable result.  Merely a pause....

Did you see the post i think from emilou calling us all wobble warriors- really made me giggle.  So back on WW bus for us both:-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

I love the whole Wobble Warriors thing! It definitely sounds like me! :)

Jacko123 profile image

After my first week I have lost 3lbs! I realise from lots of previous experience that it can be easier to lose weight in the first week, but still happy with this start :-) 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jacko123

Yaaay Jacko, that's a fantastic start! Well done you! :)

It's true that the weight does drop quicker in the first couple of weeks, but you're absolutely right to be happy. In fact, why not be ecstatic?!! :)

Wishing you another great week :)

MotherPip profile image

Morning all. Morning Prin  . Last week I was 240.8lbs and today I am 239. Positive in that it is a loss but slightly frustrating also as for the past few days I have been weighing in at 237.8... But if I will have a Saturday treat at Ed' Diner I know I should be happy and lucky that I have indeed still lost ;)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MotherPip

I know how that feels Pip, 2 days ago, I was a pound lighter too. I do sometimes think that the scales have it in for us! ;)

Well done for losing 1.8lbs though, especially after your saturday treat. It just goes to show how good you were for the rest of the week :)

Have a great week :)

Sprout15 profile image

Good morning! This week I have lost 2lbs and I now weigh 14 stone 2.5lbs.

I have now completed the nhs 12 week challenge and lost a total of 1 stone 0.5 lbs and my waist size has gone from 39.5 in when I started to 36.5 in today, a total loss of 3 in! 

I am really pleased with the result, and I eating more healthily, drinking more water and trying to move that little bit more each day. I aim to carry on and lose another 7lbs by my hols in July.

Thanks to the FAB 5'ers and everyone on the forum for your advice, support and motivation, I don't think I could have done this without you xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sprout15

WOOHOO Sprout! A fantastic week to finish a fantastic 12 weeks! You've done brilliantly :) No wonder you're pleased, you should be jumping for joy! :)

This forum and it's community are the best thing since sliced bread and keep us all going, we Fab 5'ers are just a small part of that, but we do appreciate your thanks :)

I'll raise a glass of water to your continued success and to seeing off those 7lbs before your hols :)

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to Sprout15

Well done! Keep going ! We will continue to cheer you on! . 

I am maintaining now but it is this forum that keeps me accoutable. I have never managed to lose and keep it off b4. So happy you and I and everyone else has found this awesome supportive community. It has enabled me to change my whole relationship with food and gain control for the first time in my life. 

Thanks for being a part of it!

Garfield_123 profile image

Hello. Last week I was 15,9 and today I'm 15,5 so a loss of 4lbs. That sounds a bit more impressive than it really is, since it's just the reversal of two weeks of gaining. But good to be heading back the other way nonetheless : )

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Garfield_123

4lbs is a fantabulous loss Garfield, no matter where its come from! WTG you! :) There'll be no stopping you now! :)

Garfield_123 profile image
Garfield_123 in reply to moreless

Thanks. Hoping for 15,3 next week and then I can start seeing new numbers again... : )

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Garfield_123

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you :)

Mary55 profile image

13.1.0 today down a pound from last week so pleased with that.  My goal for next week is the same as last week ie to post a loss 😀

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Mary55

Well done Mary, your simple goals are very effective and exactly what we're all aiming for :)

I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that next week sees you into the 12;s :)

Sezzy2410 profile image

Hi, I started on Thursday and am pleased to say I lost 1lb when I weighed this morning 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sezzy2410

Brilliant Sezzy, well done you! :)

Gosh, if you can lose a pound in 4 days, I wonder what you'll achieve in a whole week?! :)

All the best for this week :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Sezzy2410

You are off to a great start - a whole pound since Thursday is excellent!

Hi everyone

10st 0.25 lbs so a loss of 1.75 lbs this week. Pledge to be in the nines next week. Thanks for all your support and good luck with your own weigh-ins

Garfield_123 profile image
Garfield_123 in reply to

Ooh - that's exciting - so close to a whole new scale *and* single digits. Hope this week's a good one then!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

OMG Mimsta! Almost into the 9's! How fantastic! :)

Well done for the 1.75lb loss and all the very best for this week :)

Thanks for all your support too. We're looking forward to having you back permanently :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to

Amazing I have a way to go to be in the nines but my goal too!

merrymanda profile image

Good Morning Prin, and All!

Not a bad week for me. Need to do a lot of walking today to catch up on my kms so I average out at 11000 steps a day, but despite that I have lost 1lb. Was 14st 1lb, now 14 stone. Looking forward to posting a number that starts with 13 next week !

 Good luck to all for your weigh in : )

Merrymanda : )

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to merrymanda

Oooh merrymanda, another one that's just teetering on the edge of another number! It's so exciting! :)

Well done for the pound lost and here's hoping for just over 1lb, or more, before next weigh-in :)

merrymanda profile image
merrymanda in reply to moreless

Thank you moreless. So close- I will be working extra hard this week.

I hope your loss will be more than 0.125 lb in the coming week so we will both be able to have a mini celebration next week!

I had a little celebration yesterday to as I managed to do up and wear all day a skirt I have not wore for 3 years as I couldn't fasten it. This is not my challenge dress, as that still needs about 4 inches to meet, but a small victory none the less. I only wear about 10% of what is in my wardrobe as the rest is too small, but slowly I am determined to be able to wear more again. However, anything that doesn't fit by the end of the year will get the heave-ho  and off to charity after Christmas.

Best Wishes to you all,

Merrymanda : )

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to merrymanda

Oh well done! That's such a great feeling! I'm really looking forward to having a wardrobe full of clothes that I can actually fit into. I'm discovering forgotten things every week and taking out all the too big stuff and sending it to the charity shops regularly. I'm not keeping anything this time :)

merrymanda profile image
merrymanda in reply to moreless

Me neither, if it's too big it goes!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to merrymanda

It's grand to see those scales lose the first number I will be rooting for you!

asics profile image

Morning all

Well done gang for all your work on the thread!

Today am 155.3 lbs. Last week was 155.9lbs so have lost 0.6lbs.

Just over half a pound.

Again yesterday I weighed a further 1.1lb lighter...must look at what happens Sundays! But still, let's hope that is banked for next week!!

Have lovely weeks all, will read your posts after work. X

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to asics

Hi asics, I do believe our scales are ganging up on us today, that must mean we'll be due a big comeback next monday! ;)

Well done for your 0.6lb loss, it must have been that which enabled you to take your skinny minny photo ;)

Thanks for your thanks and thanks for your positivity too. Have a good day and a great week :)

Jesterpuss1 profile image

Hi Prin, moreless, and everyone! Even though I've lost 2lbs this week I can't really call it a loss as I'd gained 2.5lbs over my birthday!! Good job I only get one birthday a year!  ;) Anyway as we've now booked our hol to Lake Garda in Italy on the 4th June I have even more incentive to lose more weight! 

And people are finally noticing my new slimmer figure! Yay!! :)

So moreless - onwards and definitely downwards! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jesterpuss1

Yaaay JP! You have definitely lost and are now back on track for being slim and lithe for your fantabulous trip to Lake Garda in June! :)

How fab that people are noticing the new you, you deserve their admiration, wtg you! :)

Onwards and downwards, losers are always winners! :)

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless, yep I'm definitely back on track! Again thanks to all you lovely folk on the forum! I really can't thank you all enough for keeping me going!! X

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jesterpuss1

We're all here for each other JP, that's the way this forum works :)

Claire2stone profile image

Lost another lb, down to 11st8lb 😀 but 1/2 inch off tummy so happy.

A bit of a slow week as has anniversary meal and kids bday party.

Claire x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire2stone

Oh well done Claire! You've said goodbye to a pound and 1/2 an inch! Fantastic! :)

Are the anniversary and birthday party this coming week, or last week? Congrats for whenever, anyway :)

Keep up the great work :)

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to moreless

Thankyou moreless 😀

My little ones 3 today, so still might struggle nxt wk.

Our 8th anniversary is this Tuesday but went out for meal on Sat.  Was very naughty - desert and red wine!! Thought I would have a gain this wk so chuffed. Been same inches on waist for wks so glad I've lost 1/2 an inch!!

Thanks again x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire2stone

Aww, happy birthday to your little one :)

Happy anniversary for tomorrow. 8 years, we celebrated our 39th 10 days ago :)

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to moreless

Thankyou x 

Congratulations on your 39 th wedding anniversary too 😀

Berylbee3 profile image

Happy to say I am continuing my gradual downward trend and weigh 12.10 today 😊 It's a 1 lb which is cool I say.  Starting to notice difference in the inches too but it's amazing the difference between morning and evening with inches - is this usual for others?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Berylbee3

Well done Beryl, that certainly is cool :)

I have to say, I haven't measured myself at different times of the day, but I guess it stands to reason that if we weigh differently throughout the day, then our measurements are likely to differ too.

Have another cool week :)

Pleased to say I've managed to get a 'hold' on the 10's for Monday morning, despite having been out for two meals with friends.  

I weighed in at 10 stone 12 this morning which I think is either a 2 or 3 pound loss.  I actually think this is weight I've lost over recent weeks which hasn't shown on Mondays for eating too much on Sunday evenings.  It's been a real struggle so really have to work now to keep it off and get another two pounds off which would put me at the very top of 'normal' BMI/weight target from when I started; which would be huge.

Good luck all!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

WOOHOO Frankie!! Into the 10's!! WTG you! :)

OMG! Only 2lbs to get to "normal" weight range??!! How fantastic! :)

I shall keep everything crossed that it will be yours by next monday! :)

Morning all! 2lb gain for me this week - but I think this is hormonal 😳 So back up to 10 st 12lb. 

Have a good week! 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Bad luck isou, the only consolation is that by next week, if you stick to plan, you should have a really great weight loss :)

Keep the faith! :)

in reply to moreless

Thank you - seems like it's all water as I'm really bloated, so here's hoping 😊👍

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'm sure that's the case, I used to regularly gain at least 5lbs during my time of the month. Thank heavens it's all behind me now :)

in reply to moreless

Ah the joys of being a woman lol

knitsandcodes profile image

Just come back from a fantastic weekend away with my husband, first time in 10 years without the children. Hence not surprised to find my weight has gone up from 68.8 last week to 70.1 today. 1.3kg gain. I did walk 75000 steps over the weekend, but I guess that didn't make up for the 5 course meals and wine... Back on the wagon today.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to knitsandcodes

How lovely to have had a perfect, child free, weekend away with your husband. I hope you enjoyed every morsel of those 5 course meals with wine - after 10 years, you definitely deserved them :)

Don't worry about your 1.3kg gain, you'll soon see the back of that :)

Have a great week :)

natalie-jade profile image

Morning all! Minus another 2lbs this week, making that 8lbs loss in 3 weeks :) Under 13st now and feeling really good! 12lbs to lose to reach my first goal :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to natalie-jade

Yippee natalie-jade! 8lbs down and into the 12's! No wonder you're feeling really good! :)

I would say you've already reached your first goal and that you could probably say that your second goal will be in 6lbs time, because then you'll have lost a whole stone! Don't be stingy when it comes to congratulating and rewarding yourself, you deserve it! :)

Wishing you another fab week :)

natalie-jade profile image
natalie-jade in reply to moreless

Thanks! I love how I've totally bypassed all the good I have done and can do soon. 1st would be an awesome achievement in itself! Just really focused on getting under 12 before I go on holiday in August and got my gorgeous new bikini to motivate me :) 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to natalie-jade

I'll never ignore the good that you're achieving - I know the effort involved in getting there :)

Here's to that itsy bitsy, teenie weenie, yellow polka dot bikini! :)

MrsNB profile image

Hi everyone I'm a newbie and my starting weight this morning is 11 stone and 13 pounds.....slightly heavier than I thought 😔.  I'm so determined to lose some weight by next next Monday 💪🏻 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MrsNB

Hi and welcome MrsNB :)

It's fab that you've chosen to join us and great that you've shared your starting weight with us. Don't worry that it's higher than you thought, because it's the last time you'll see that number, from now on in, it's all going to be downhill :)

I'm loving that determined attitude, it'll take you far :)

Wishing you a fantastic first week :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to MrsNB

Welcome and good luck for a successful weight loss journey!

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to LessToLose

Welcome and good luck! We will see drops in our first week!

han_ingham profile image

Very happy to say I weigh 10st 9.25lbs so another pound off this week! Exercise is sooo important as it clearly helped me lose this week as I had two very bad eating days!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to han_ingham

Well done Han! I'm sure that getting the balance right between eating and exercise, is definitely key to weight loss :)

Have another great week :)

Maintain this week for me but did lose 5cm from my middle!  Considering how much I've eaten out this week (including a cocktail party) I'm pretty happy with that!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

A maintain is always better than a gain Natz, especially after meals out and a cocktail party! You have done well! :)

5cms off your waist??!! Woohoo! Another skinny minny! No wonder you're happy! :)

Have a great week :)

Trailhiker profile image

158.4 today. progress but still have a way to go...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Trailhiker

You've obviously lost weight Trailhiker, but you haven't said how much :)

Congratulations for losing Xlbs, maybe you could pop back and fill in the blanks for us :)

Son1 profile image


Bit disappointed this morning.  Yesterday I was a lb lighter than today and not sure why *sighs*

Anyhow, last week I was 9 stone 9lbs 4 oz, and today, 9 stone 9lbs, so a 4oz loss.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Son1

Yep Son, there's definitely a scale conspiracy going on today! :o

Not to worry, you've lost 4ozs, which is 2ozs more than me, so I'm jealous! ;)

Keep up the good work and hopefully next week, the scales will be kinder :)

Son1 profile image
Son1Maintainer in reply to moreless

Yes, lets hope we have a better result next week.  I've lost just over half of what I'd like to in total and it's a real plateau at the moment, taking all my willpower to keep going.  Just have to remind myself of the progress so far and keep at it - we can do this!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Son1

What a coincidence, I'm in the same place and suffering the same loss of willpower!

We can and will definitely do this! :)

Good morning Prin and Fab 5 juniors. Way to go on still fitting into that dress Prin, and you've still got the same healthy habits, you're definitely a maintainer, one who lives life and keeps her sense of humour about it. Keep it all going 😊

I've lost 1lb this week, down to 9st8, the lower end of my new maintaining range of 9st8-9st11. I'm pleased with this, but I'm aware it happened because I was ill more than anything else. So the next few weeks will be about consolidating my routines to make sure I stay at this new weight. More running, nice salads, the longstanding intention to make some soups for the freezer...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Hi Ruth,

I hope you're fully recovered from your lurgy now and back to fighting fitness :)

The only bonus to being so ill, is the weight loss! Bit of an extreme plan of action though ;)

I'm sure, given your track record, that maintaining at this weight will be a piece of cake for you (pun intended) :)

Good luck with the running, salads and soups - messy sort of combination! ;)

in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless! Good luck with the post-holiday getting back on track. You're doing ace!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Ruth :)

eve9 profile image

Hi there, thanks for filling in for Lowcal. I have put on 1.5 lbs. Don't ask me how but I think I went a bit wild last week cause was so close to goal. Anyway back on track for next week hopefully. Have a great week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to eve9

Oh dear eve, it sounds as if you celebrated a little bit ahead of time, not to worry, you can change all that, this week :)

Onwards and downwards, the finishing line is in sight now :)

eve9 profile image
eve9 in reply to moreless

Thanks for that. Will try harder this week.

MW50 profile image

4 weeks in and feeling good, 3.4lb lost this week bringing total to date to 12lb.  I have been using 1lb arm weights on my walks this week and the realisation that this time last month I was walking with 6 times this extra weight is astounding.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MW50

Wow MW, you're going great guns! :)

That's an eye opener about the weights and it's made me realise that I've been walking around with a sack of potatoes on my back!

Keep on walking and confusing the locals :)

DownwardSpiral profile image

Good Morning Prin & everyone else ! Well done on your loss! Well I'm a bit chuffed today. I had a chocolate treat Sat night which I did go over my cal allowance and yesterday had an amazing day out at a country house hotel wit my husband & parents for their Anniversary. We had a 3 course meal..which inclued a buffet starter (I went for salad), Turkey carvery (which was soooo good!) & a Choc Orange (tasted like Terrys & was ah!mazing!). Needless to say I will have to do some damage control over the next few days but it was such a lovely day with the family. I was scared to weigh this am after all those treats but I am over the moon with 2lbs loss this week so am now 8stone 11lbs which means that I am now a 'Healthy' weight...woohoo! ! 🎉💃💃My healthy BMI is 25 & I'm now 24.8 so I've only just crept in there so I'd like to get more into the middle of the range so I don't creep back over! I'm going to move my goal now to losing another 4lbs over the next few weeks. 

My interviews last week went a lot better. .I'm yet to hear back from them as they are getting back to me mid week but I felt like I controlled my nerves and acted like a human being rather than a gibbering wreck as per my previous ones so that is progress! I have another one today so I'm hoping practice will finally make perfect soon! 

Have a great week everyone xxx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to DownwardSpiral

WTG DS! What a star for losing 2lbs after all the extra goodies. You must have been super good all the rest of the time :)

Healthy weight, healthy BMI! Fandabedozy!! :)

Well done for really getting on top of your nerves for the interviews, I'm sure you'll ace it today, if you haven't already :)

Keep up the great work, you're just about over the finish line in every aspect of your life :)

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to moreless

Aw thank you moreless. Yes I was super good last week knowing that I'd be slightly overindulging !😉 yesterday. Having said that I didn't go overboard & didn't eat till uncomfortable  (which I would've when treating myself before) & didn't eat all the carvery although I did find room for that choc orange tart! 😂 😂 Busy day today so it's a good start to the day/week. Yes I'm hoping that something comes up on the job front soon. I've been at my previous co for 15 years and my dept was made redundant so it's been a difficult few months & getting back into the interviewing game has been a challenge to say the least! Have a good week x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to DownwardSpiral

Some great lessons have been learned :)

Keeping everything crossed for you :)

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to moreless

Thank you. Que Serra Serra! 😌

Gypsywife profile image

Happy to have lost a pound....hopefully next week I'll be back on track at 16st 13lbs, which I already achieved once about 3 weeks ago. A little hard to know where I am , due to lymphedema bandaging, but I dont expect it weighs too much!!! Anyway, 10lbs so far.Wont be here the next 3 Mondays due to holidays. I will try to be very good.....

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gypsywife

Really well done Gypsywife, with everything you're having to contend with :)

I'm sure you'll get back to the 16's by the time you go on your hols. I hope you have a fantastic time and that you're able to be good, or at least goodish, while you're away :)

See you in 3 weeks, have fun! :)

jodyelliott profile image

Well done everyone. My first weigh in 11.10lbs which for five foot one is not good. Will try and be motivated this week to do the best I can. I know that it is the weekend's that let me down! 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to jodyelliott

Hi and welcome jodyelliot :)

It's great that you've joined us and that you've shared your starting weight :)

The best thing to keep you motivated, is to read all the posts on today's thread. If you're worried that the weekend will let you down, save some calories through the week, to enable you to have some extras, without blowing the budget, so to speak. Also try to plan activities that are centred around exercise, rather than food and drink :)

Wishing you a fab first week :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to jodyelliott

Yay, welcome jodyelliot!  We all struggle with the weekends too, but best of luck for a great week ahead!

calm201 profile image

I slipped up a bit this week, too much grub not enough exercise! I was 91.9kg I think last week but 92.2 this week.  Time to refocus...!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to calm201

Oh dear calm, I can certainly empathise with you and I'm sure there are many others that can too. Read the thread for motivation and get your focus sorted out. I'm doing exactly the same myself!

You can do this! Onwards and downwards! :)

Good morning and well done to everyone for their losses this week. I am new here and looking to lose a stone and some inches around my waist to get back in my bikini for my holiday and to be generally healthy. So starting information here goes.

Current weight 67.5kg

Bmi 25 

Waist measurement 36 inches 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Determinedchick22

Hi and welcome Determinedchick22 :)

I'm pleased to see that you've found us today :)

I'm sure that you'll be bikini ready for your holiday and I shall be so envious! Bikini??!! I haven't worn one of those for 30 years! Good for you! :)

Wishing you a brilliant first week :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to moreless

Thank you. Working hard this week to ensure I join all the people who have losed on this forum!  Really hope for three pounds in first week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Determinedchick22

I shall keep everything crossed for you! :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to moreless

Thank you more less :-)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to Determinedchick22

And a couple of inches of my waist!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Determinedchick22

Goodness me, you really are determined! :) It took me 12 weeks to lose 2" off my waist! :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to moreless

Well I don't want to scare everyone off the beach lol

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Determinedchick22

haha! No chance! :)

ChelleUK profile image

Morning Everyone :)

Hope you've all had a good week.

This mornings weight was 199lb so 3lb off since last week and 5lb in total (2weeks)

I'm ready to start my C25K as my germs have completely gone so this will hopefully help me reach my first target (first one being 5% so 10lb ish)

Have a good week x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ChelleUK

Well done Chelle, 3lbs is a terrific loss and puts you into wonderland (onederland)! :)

I'm glad to hear that you've beaten back the bugs are are ready and raring to tackle the couch 2 5K now.

Have another great week, to get you even closer to that 5% loss :) 

ChelleUK profile image
ChelleUK in reply to moreless

thanks moreless, really wasn't expecting it so was very pleasantly surprised when i looked at the scales ;)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ChelleUK

What a fab surprise! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to ChelleUK

Excellent - will you be posting in the C25K group about your running progress too?

ChelleUK profile image
ChelleUK in reply to LessToLose

Hi LotToLose :) yes i will be.  I'm finding these communities great for keeping my motivation up, everyone is so supportive.

Son1 profile image
Son1Maintainer in reply to ChelleUK

I'm part way through C25k and it's great, the on-line group is lovely too and good luck - I'll see you on there :-) 

rosie-2015 profile image

Hi prin last week i was 15st 1lb this week i'm 15st 1oz still not hitting the 14s maybe next week i'll get there,  good luck everyone onwards and downwards 😁👍

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

Oh my gosh Rosie, how frustrating to miss the 14's by 2ozs!! Not to worry, as you say, next week will be your moment! :)

Definitely onwards and downwards, losers are always winners :)

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless i appreciate it,  i love your attitude onwards and downwards 😁👍

Whyweight123 profile image

Hi all stayed the same this week. I have upped my exercise so may have a bit of a slow down I know but the long term effects will be worth it. Onwards and downwards xxx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Whyweight123

A maintain is always better than a gain Whyweight, so well done you! :)

Good luck with the weight loss and the exercise this week :)

Cooper27 profile image

Well done for the loss prin!

A 0.4lb loss here - weight now 205.6lbs. 

Fairly healthy week, although my OH has been very trying. Over the weekend he wanted so many unhealthy things... I felt like a mean parent, constantly telling him off for sneaking junk into the trolley (he already had some in there, but wanted more), and getting very frustrated at constantly having to explain why I don't want a fry up, steak pie, chip shop, Pringles, burger or takeaway pizza... 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Cooper27

Well done for your weightloss Cooper and for keeping your OH in line! ;)

Keep up the good work, your patience will be rewarded :)

Snowby profile image

Hi all, I'm a first timer here. I need to lose a lot of weight! Going to stop using this as an excuse to not start as it will be too hard. Just got on the scales starting weight is 105.1kg......I have an event in 4 weeks and would like to lose 4kg. Now that I've written it here cannot keep putting off the work ahead. Going to follow the 12 week programme to remove some of the stress and as a support. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Snowby

Hi and welcome Snowby :)

It's great that you've decided to join us and that you've shared your starting weight :)

Don't feel that you're the only one with a lot of weight to lose and that it sometimes seems an impossible task. I started out needing to lose 9st and have lost more than half of that already. We can do this! :)

Have a look at our Welcome Newbies thread, as it has a lot of helpful hints and inspirational stories and think about joining us in the motivational challenges. The threads can all be found in the pinned posts section, to the top tight of your screen :)

Wishing you a fantastic first week :)

Snowby profile image
Snowby in reply to moreless

Thanks for the support and congratulations on how much you've lost :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Snowby

Thanks to you too Snowby :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Snowby

Welcome Snowby - good luck, I am sure you will do it!

Thank you More less for keeping the flag flying. 

This week I'm 12st 9.25 lbs, down 3 lbs from last week. Another milestone is that completed the 12 week plan, and I'm really chuffed about that. Waist at 86 cm. I got it down to 84 cm a few weeks ago but I've never managed that since.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

It's my pleasure derrygeel :)

WOOHOO! Well done for completing the 12 week plan, you haven't said how much you've lost over all, but 3lbs down in the last week is brill! :)

I'm sure your waist measurement will drop down soon, mine was a pain for weeks, then shrunk overnight! :)

Keep up the excellent work, all losers are winners! :)

in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless. I've lost 1 st 4.75 lbs overall and the waist has dropped from 101 cm to 86 cm. I probably would have liost more this week if I hadn't shared a bottle of vino last night when they were all gone :-)

Last week's weight was a gain so this week's is a drop of 1 lb from the previous week, if you follow that!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo, that's fabulous! :)

Ach! That wine will probably be responsible for you losing more this week instead ;)

I understand completely! Does that mean we're both as daft as brushes?! ;)

in reply to moreless

Probably :-) 

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

Well done! Every centimetre counts👌🏾

Jenny52 profile image

Just starting out. 4 days in so very early days. Let's see what next Monday brings!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jenny52

Hi and welcome Jenny :)

I'm so pleased that you've decided to join us today. I wonder if you'd like to share your starting weight and goals with us, but there's absolutely no pressure to do so, if you don't wish to :)

I would suggest you have a look at our Welcome Newbies thread and the various challenges that are under way.

Looking forward to seeing you out and about on the forum. Have a fantastic first week :)

Jenny52 profile image
Jenny52 in reply to moreless

14st4lbs. That makes it real! 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jenny52

Well done Jenny, real is good! :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to Jenny52

Well done for sharing Jen. That's the scary bit!

vanessa93 profile image

Hi everyone! Well, this last week was pants for me started at 82.5 kg and ended at 83.1kg.

Monday was mother in law's birthday and I went on a binge; Two pieces of birthday cake (which wasn't even very nice) two bowls of trifle, a chocolate éclair and a slice of cheesecake. Tuesday, needless to say, I felt terrible, lethargic and lightheaded. I felt as if I was drunk, I couldn't think straight or keep my eyes open. Clear proof that refined sugar is not good for me. I couldn't get to my dance class Tuesday, as I was working but the moonwalk training is going well, I did a brisk 9.5 miles in about 2 1/4 hours. With just over 2 weeks to the event I am upping the game and this weeks target is 20 miles. Hopefully I will loose the weight gained and a bit more.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to vanessa93

I would really like to do the moon walk, sounds as if the training is going well, put this week behind you and jump back on the bus!  A marathon burns 1lb of fat if that helps🚶🏻have a great week

suzymac profile image

Good morning all. Well done to the administrators and helpers stepping up for us all this week.

 I was starting my second 12 week plan last week and hoping to continue losing a little each week....BUT.... for first time properly gained last week, started at 10 st 12 finished at 10st 13.5 !! so gained 1.5llb aargh!(at one point last week, I was 10st 11 too). I haven't really done anything differently and kept up the running, although a very sedate day driving 11 hours in the car yesterday. I am feeling very bloated and my body is acting very weird just now,considering I am 51 years old, so I am hoping it is just one of those weeks. I'm going to change exercise regime, mix it up a bit, this week and keep away from wheat as I think this causes bloating sometimes.

Well done to everyone who has managed those losses this week, especially those who turned around the gains from the week before. I will try and turn it around too.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzymac

Don't worry the scales can vary depending on alsorts of variables and bowel movements 😜 I am sure you will see results next week as you are focused and keeping to plan 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzymac

Oh phooey suzymac, sometimes our bodies really do some weird and wonderful things! I've had several weeks where I've blown up (TNT eat your heart out ;) ) for no apparent reason. I think your idea of steering clear of wheat, is a very sound one :)

Mixing up the exercise should help too, as it can also give your body a wake up call.

Keep the faith, I'm sure you'll manage to turn things around before next week :)

suzymac profile image
suzymac in reply to moreless

Thanks so much. Your encouragement is very welcome and motivating. Thanks guys ! :)

want-2-b-slim profile image

Well I managed to gain 1lb this week oops, that is what you get for going out for a meal and drinks with friends, don't really think I needed 3 courses though but its done now and oh boy did I enjoy it, but back to reality and I don't have any planned social events till the end of October when I have our friends wedding so signed back up to Scottish Slimmers and ready and raring to go

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to want-2-b-slim

We all have to live Elacol and a 1lb gain is nothing, Scottish Slimmers will soon sort that out for you :)

Have a great week :)

Janecad profile image
Janecad1 stone

Hi all

Really good 1st week, 7lb down and still motivated thanks to all of you here. Off to gym-circuits for an hour via exercise ref scheme. Thank you  everyone who has taken the time to support me via this site.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Janecad

Woohoo Janecad ! 7lbs down is fantastic! WTG you! :)

Have fun doing those circuits and have another great week, although don't be disappointed if you don't lose quite as much! :)

Nelliecat4 profile image

Hi all, good news for me this week, in my very gradual journey to a goal of 9 stone 4 lbs by 4 July.  Last week was 9 stone 7.6 and today I am 9 stone 6, so a little bit less of me!  Doing lots of walking now the weather is better, and still keeping a rough note of what I eat each day, to make sure I have had my five a day or more.  Very good luck to everyone this week :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Nelliecat4

Wtg Nelliecat, at this rate, you'll be into the 8's by July 4th! :)

Walking is excellent exercise and so much nicer in fine weather and with the longer days :)

Keep up the good work and have another great week :)

Nelliecat4 profile image
Nelliecat4Maintainer in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless, and good luck to you too!

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to Nelliecat4

Can't wait to be back in the nines with you!

Nelliecat4 profile image
Nelliecat4Maintainer in reply to Determinedchick22

I'll be very happy to see you join me in the nines - and hope I can stay there too!  Good luck - onwards and downwards!  See you at the weigh-in on Monday :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to Nelliecat4

Thank you! I've got a way to go yet 10 pounds! You can stay there. Good luck to you too. Yes will see you then. I'm hoping my hard work pays off with a three pound drop. What's your goals for this week?

Nelliecat4 profile image
Nelliecat4Maintainer in reply to Determinedchick22

I'm going to try and have a couple of chocolate free days this weekend - not an easy one, but I'll have a go!  Good luck with your targets :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to Nelliecat4

I have gone cold turkey with chocolate as I know I won't be able to just have a little! I'm on day three! Thank you. Good luck to you too.

Mollydex profile image
Mollydex1st 7lbsRestart July 2024

Lost 2 lb this week    Delighted. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Mollydex

So you should be Molly, that's terrific news! :)

Sana786 profile image

Hi Prin  and I hope you are having a wonderful start of the week.  Happy Birthday to Zest  and best wishes for her from the bottom of my heart! I turned 35 yesterday and despite having a cheeky day I stayed away from the Birthday cake (I did have just one bite of it though). I will be honest, I had about three flapjacks as well throughout the day.  However I managed to ensure that I stick to my 1350 calories intake and apart from one day when I went about 1550 calories, I managed to stay within my limit. As a result, I have lost 2.75lbs. 😅😄💪. 

Weight last week was:

15st 5.11lbs

Weight this week is:

15st 2.36lbs

Total loss this week is:


I feel like I  will finally be out of that monstrous 15st by next week but I will stay quite so that I don't jinx it.😕😯.

Best of luck to everyone else and congratulations to those who are on track with their loss.☺ have a wonderful week everyone. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sana786

Oh happy belated birthday Sana, didn't you do well! :) To lose 2.75lbs in your birthday week, is excellent! Well done you! :)

I shall keep everything crossed for you getting into the 14's asap, hopefully next monday :)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to moreless

Thank you so much for the wishes moreless ! 😀😀 I had a good week and will hopefully be in 14s by next weigh in InshaAllah! 😄😅 especially with all of you supporting me in this mission!. ☺😄😃

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Sana786

Happy Birthday to you, 🎉🎈and what a great result I know you will be14 something soon, have a great week and I have my fingers crossed for you 

Elissy profile image

Good morning 🌞

After a long break I have been kindly nudged back here (Thank you @moreless ) I will have to restart. After nearly getting below 190 lb, I slipped and am returning with 195 lb.

Will try to get back to being focused this week as I am away for 4 days next week. That's 4 days of no control over food but masses of walking. Anyway, good to be back and I hope everyone is okay 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

Welcome back Elissy, I'm so pleased to see you :)

Your gain isn't massive, or insurmountable and together, we can say goodbye to it, once and for all :)

I too have been struggling to get properly focused since my holiday and am going to use the positivity of this thread as motivation. I hope it'll have the same effect on you :)

Take each day as it comes and I'm sure you'll get back on track You can do this Elissy, I have absolute faith in you! :)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to moreless

Awww,  thank you, moreless 😊

I'm sure we'll  get there !! 

I seem to sabotage myself  every time I near a mini-goal. I've really got to stop making excuses and take responsibility for my own actions !!! ☺

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

I've found that the best thing is to go public!

I've done the hiding thing and it led to a weight gain of almost 7st! It also put my self-confidence at an all time low!

By putting yourself out there, you make yourself accountable :)

Foodie87 profile image

I'm happy to confirm a maintain - still at 64.1kg - as I expected, last week's loss of 2.3kg was odd and way too hight. But just added up all my figures and combing the last 2 weeks' calorie deficit I should have lost 2.3kg in those two weeks. Which I have, so my maths works :-)

So still on track to be at the top of the "healthy" range by the end of May, that's next month! So scary!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

There's far too much maths in your post for my poor addled brain to cope with Foodie, but I can congratulate you on your maintain, which as we all know, is far better than a gain :)

How exciting (not scary) to be so close to healthy range! Wtg you! :)

Keep up the brilliant work and have a fantastic week :)

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

Haha, sorry moreless :-)

I find it scary, but then I think I have something wrong with me. Even though I lost those 40kg now, for myself, I still feel and look the same as at the start... So I fear getting to the top of the healthy range really won't be enough, it'll have to be the middle. :-(

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

Hmm, I see what you mean. You need a reality check! Do you have photos of yourself before you lost all the weight? It would be a good idea to blow up those pictures and post them around the house, then compare them, side-by-side, with pictures of you now.

Make an agreement with yourself, that when you reach the upper end of healthy range, you'll try to maintain for 4 weeks. This will hopefully give you enough time to think about whether you really need to take things further,

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

moreless, that's a great idea, only that I'm very talented at dodging people with cameras... There are no photos of me, not from now nor then! :-/ 

No time for the 4 week maintain I'm afraid. Now that I'm back in the swing my two goals are to be "healthy" by end of May and then in the middle of "healthy" (+/- 2kg) by the time I go on holiday in mid July... 

I hope I'll get to the middle of healthy or thereabouts by the time I go away so I can go clothes shopping while on holiday, as I dread clothes shopping at the moment - such a waste of money if it only fits for a few weeks/months!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

Aarrgghh!! You're as bad as me! There are no photos of me either! How about photos of you when you were at a weight you were happy with, then compare them with how close you are to that now? :)

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

Haha, you're full of great ideas! I've been a chubby child/teen and was never at a "happy weight"! :-(

I may get my other half to take a picture of me now, so I can compare to myself when I get to the healthy bit etc... 

Thanks for your advice :-)

mrsmidwife profile image

Hi all,

First weigh in this morning after starting last Tuesday and I've lost 3lbs (starting weight 10st 4lbs or 66kg), now at 10s1 1/2 lb (64.1kg). Very happy :)

However, I know the weight comes off easily in the first week, so am looking forward to next week's results.

Now off to the gym for my legs, bums and tums classes (will regret that in the am).  

Bit worried about going back to work this week, will a normal routine make it harder or better I wonder?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to mrsmidwife

Hi and welcome Mrsmidwife :)

I'm delighted that you've joined us and that you've shared your starting weight :) I suspect that Lowcal will include your loss in our stats this week, but I shall leave that up to her :)

Good luck with your legs, bums and tums workout, I doubt you'll regret it, but I have no doubt that you'll feel it tomorrow ;)

I think it's 50/50 as to whether you're a routine person, or not, but my advice is to plan ahead. Make sure you pack your own lunches and snacks and if you think you may lack the energy, or enthusiasm for cooking healthy meals after work, then prepare in advance and freeze :)

All the best for your second week :)

paca16 profile image

My first weigh-in! Joined on Saturday and encouraged by the supportive comments. I seem to have lost a 1lb since then, so heading in the right direction, at least! My weight today is 14st 3lbs. My initial goal is to crack that first half stone. Keeping a food diary and getting walking will be important first steps, I think (literally, in the case of the latter!). Anyway, here goes...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to paca16

Hi and welcome Paca :)

Well done for already managing to lose 1lb, that's great news :)

I would make your first goal to get into the 13's :) It's really important to have small, manageable goals and to reward ourselves with non-food treats every time, because we're so worth it :)

A food diary is an excellent idea, as is walking. Have a look at joining FizzyLiz's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea challenge for extra motivation :)

Wishing you a great week :)

vickster5 profile image

Thanks for keeping us going Prin and the other people on this group.

Well after no loss last week, pleased to say 4lbs loss this week (think last week added to this week!). Pleased also to say feel fitness is improving. Noticed I need to watch the sugar as that is creeping in. So hope to keep in the right direction this week.

Good luck all

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to vickster5

4lbs deserves a medal so here you are🏅It's amazing what even a few pounds difference can make, do you have any fitness goals or challenges I am a Fitbit queen I love it and really try and challenge myself - have a great ( and smug week)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to vickster5

Woohoo Vickster! A 4lb loss is fantastic! WTG you! :)

Great to hear that your fitness is improving and yes, watch out for the sugar that's creeping back in :)

Onwards and downwards, losers are always winners :)

CarolineAL profile image

Hi Prin and everyone

Well done on your 1lb loss, I think I found it!!!

I've been severely lacking in motivation for the last few weeks and my weight has been going up and down. Last week I was 9 stones 6.5lbs, this week I'm 9 stones 7.5lbs so 1lb gain; in fact when I first stood on the scales I was 9 stones 8lb, I couldn't believe it as I was really good yesterday and yesterday's weight was 9 stones 7.25lb. I had a shower and weighed myself again and i'd lost 0.5lb, I must have been very dirty!!!

I do feel renewed motivation (although I said that last Monday), I'm going on holiday a week on Saturday so I'm going to make a real effort between now and when I go as I know I'll put a bit on when I'm away and before I know it I'll be back to my starting weight of 10 stones 1lb.

I hope you all have a good week

Caroline x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to CarolineAL

Oh my gosh Caroline, I'm so sorry that we've missed you until now! Lowcal will have our guts for garters! I don't know how, after all the times I've run through the thread, it's taken me this long to find you! A thousand apologies! :(

I'm so sorry you've had a 1lb gain, even after washing off all that muck! ;) I can so understand that lack of motivation, as I was suffering the same after my holiday. I've managed to find mine again and it sounds as though you've found yours too, which I'm so pleased about! :)

I'm sure with your holiday so close, you're going at the weight loss like a demon now and that next monday will show a very healthy loss.

Wishing you a fab week, what's left of it and apologies again for our oversight :)

CarolineAL profile image
CarolineAL in reply to moreless

Hi moreless

Don't give it another thought,  it's my fault anyway because I only replied to your post from the week before and you responded to that on Monday so I'm sure you thought you'd replied :-) Anyway I'm sure someone did reply.

You're right I am really doing well so far this week, 2.5lbs down from Monday and i'm NOT going to put it back on over the weekend :-)

Have a good weekend and now I have to keep that 2.5lbs off cos I've told you about it :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to CarolineAL

Thanks for giving me an escape clause that I really don't deserve Caroline :)

I'm absolutely thrilled to hear about your 2.5lb loss! WTG you! You never know, if you're really good over the weekend, it could be a 3.5lb loss by monday, which would be phantasmagorical! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

Look!  Smileys are back!! :) :) :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

Yaaaay! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to CarolineAL

Hi Caroline, I am so sorry we missed you on Monday, I even read your thread (I remember chuckling at the amount of dirt you washed off in the shower, lol) and clicked the "like" button, but think I may have been having a sneaky peek on the QT while at work and unable to type a reply and therefore forgot :(

Reading further down, it sounds like you have found your mojo and going great guns, so commiserations for Monday's weigh-in, but well done for doing so well so far this week!

Again, apologies for missing you out on Monday.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to CarolineAL

Hi Caroline I take the blame- I always start from the bottom and work up I think I was in the dentist at the time, and Lowcal and Moreless sweep up around my random answers, the worst of it is despite it being a bank holiday Lowcal will put us all in detention when she gets back😳📝 writing lines, get those bowel movements going and that pound will soon be gone💩

CarolineAL profile image
CarolineAL in reply to Prin

Hi Prin

You are all making me feel guilty with your apologies when I hadn't even noticed because moreless had replied to another of my posts! We'll keep it secret between ourselves :-)

Bowels are going great :-)

suecblue profile image

Now, I'm not sure if I can count this but according to my scales I've lost 1.75lbs. Can I say .75? I do hope so, as I'd like to grab any loss I can ...

Enjoy your day :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suecblue

I round up or down but Lowcal is very pedantic and counts every ounce so 1.75 it is well done👊🏾

Good morning all. I put on a pound this week. I'm 16st 10 but not too bothered because I was a bit naughty at the weekend. Better luck next week!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

It's never so bad if we know where we've slipped up Blue. Well done for taking ownership of that pound and good luck with saying goodbye to it before next monday :)

in reply to moreless

Thanks more less :)

determination25 profile image

Hi my start weight is 14 stone 10lb

 And now I am 14 stone 6 so off to a great start. I want to get to 12 stone which for me is the start of the healthy weight range. I am aiming to lose 1-2lbs a week so I will see how I go and adjust my calories if needed. First mini goal is get to 14 stone.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to determination25

A great plan long and short term goals the 13's are beckoning go girlfriend! Are you using the 12 week plan? Mooch around the site you will find the motivation you need to keep going!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to determination25

Hi and welcome Determination :)

Well done for losing 4lbs already, you're off to a flying start! :)

Thanks for sharing your starting weight and goals with us. Your aim to lose 1 - 2lbs/week is exactly in line with NHS guidelines and means that your first goal of 14st is just around the corner :)

Have a look at our Welcome Newbies thread and consider joining us in one, or all of the challenges currently in progress.

Wishing you another great week :)

determination25 profile image
determination25 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless. I think posting on this thread will be a great motivator. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to determination25

I have no doubts about the truth of that :)

gem21 profile image

Hi everyone, this was my first week on the 12 week plan and I stepped on the scales this morning and was pleasantly surprised. When I checked my starting weight last week I was 93 kg and my waist was 44.5 inches. This morning I weigh 90.05kg and my waist is 43.5 in. Feeling very happy. I intend to try loose a stone initially and then keep going afterwards for a little while. 

Ready to smash week 2 hopefully x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to gem21

Hi and welcome gem :)

Wow! 2.95kgs and 1" lost already!! WTG you! :)

Best of luck with smashing week 2 and getting ever closer to that first goal of 1st! :)

Nomoreexcuses profile image

Morning. Thought I'd stayed the same but nice surprise when I checked...I'm down 1lb and now weigh 11st 9lbs. Really pleased as I've picked up a bug and have sore throat so towards the end of the week was having ice cream for medicinal purposes of course 😡 and not keeping much of a count or exercising. Have a good week everyone x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Nomoreexcuses

We love surprises like that Nomoreexcuses! :)

I hope you'll feel better very soon and that you have another great week :)

Nomoreexcuses profile image
Nomoreexcuses2lbs in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless yep happy with that x

Today I have lost half a pound, had a bad week and laid up with a chest infection and bad asthma but it's a loss which means I have now  lost a total of 12.5lbs in 3 weeks and 3 days.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'm really sorry to hear that you've been so poorly Loupea. To have lost 1/2lb as well, is brilliant! Well done you! :)

You're just 1lb away from your first stone, so fingers crossed that you'll achieve that by next monday :)

Things are at last going in the right way. Lost 1 3/4 lb this week from15st 11 1/2 to  15 9 3/4. Happy ready for another week.  Good luck to everyone , have a good week. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo Caroline, that's brilliant news! Wtg you! :)

Keep up the great work and have a fab week too :)

Devonmillie48 profile image

Good morning team, my weight loss this week is 1lb 12oz, feeling chuffed as 12st now very close. Good luck with your stand in duties.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Devonmillie48

Well done Millie, no wonder you're chuffed :)

Here's to 12st, or the 11's by next monday :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to Devonmillie48

12 stone for Monday!? You can do this!

NotSoTiny profile image

Happy Monday all 😀

1lb lost this week and another inch off my waist 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to NotSoTiny

Yaaay NST! Fantastic news! Well done you! :)

VickyDLM profile image
VickyDLM2 stone

After not going anywhere last week, I've lost 4 lbs this week!  I recouped over the week and I'm now feeling back on track!  I have gone from 13 stone to 12 stone 10 lbs.  Hello 12s!

I've really been looking forward to the 12s, especially after feeling I'd be stuck forever in the 14s before I found the 12-week plan.  :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to VickyDLM

WOOHOO Vicky! 4lbs down and into the 12's! WTG you! :)

The 12 week plan is definitely working for you. Keep up the great work and the 11's will be yours before you know it! :)

greeny4 profile image

Good morning Prin. Weight this am 11st 4.5lb.down  1/4lb..not a lot I know but considering my girlie weekend away in am not feeling bad about it at all.  Going to have a good week and will be keeping up with  exercise.  Good luck everyone and keep going 

greeny4 profile image

BTW..started this journey a month ago and have lost 1/2 stone.!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to greeny4

Woohoo greeny! 1/4lb down this week and half a stone lost overall! Well done you! :)

Yes, keep up the good work and that 1st stone will be gone before you know it :)

greeny4 profile image
greeny4 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless.I hope you are happy with how it's going for you too

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to greeny4

I'd be happier to regain my focus more greeny, but I'm sure that today's thread will get me back on track :)

greeny4 profile image
greeny4 in reply to moreless

It is hard but keep going. We are all in the same boat on this journey.  Changet is always possible.  Good luck with the week ahead 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to greeny4

Thanks for your positive encouragement, it's greatly appreciated :)

Hi Fab 5'ers and everyone! Well I maintained at 11st 5lb this week, my third week and I can only think that it's PMS making my body act funny as I stuck to it even counting calories out and a small afternoon tea, completely included! Blimmin' PMS! I've always suffered quite badly. Anyways, will continue to be good and maybe the loss will catch up with my good behaviour next week! Onwards and downwards! X

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Mother Nature has a lot to answer for Jem, but a maintain is always better than a gain :)

I'm sure that next week you'll be rewarded on the scales, so keep the faith :)

doctorwho68 profile image

Hi everyone

I've managed to put a reign on the evening snacking. Yay 😊and keep close to my daily calorie goal, without using much of my exercise calories.

18th Apr 2016: Weight: 10st 3.25lbs

25th April 2016: Weight: 10st 1.75lbs

So that's a loss of 1.5lbs this week, so very pleased and it's also looking like I'm down another jeans size to a size 10. Inches off too methinks.

Goal for coming week is to loose 1lb, which will take me to a 25 BMI and at the higher healthy weight ratio.

Crossing my fingers for a  good week for everyone.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to doctorwho68

Wow doctorwho, such a big loss is brilliant when you're so close to your healthy BMI! Well done for tightening up on the snacking and the calorie counting, it's obviously had the desired effect :)

I'll keep everything crossed for you reaching your target for next week :)

Determinedchick22 profile image
Determinedchick22 in reply to doctorwho68

Great work soon be in the nines!

kuddlykathy profile image

I stayed the same again this week so the information about reaching a plateau, on week 11 was very helpful to me. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kuddlykathy

I'm glad the information was helpful kathy and a maintain is always better than a gain :)

Stick to plan and hopefully you'll be rewarded on the scales, next week :)

Marianne0915 profile image

Morning Prin, No change for me Im afraid I still weigh the same 13.12, Im so annoyed but hey ho onward and downward. Have a great week everyone. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Marianne0915

Looks like you and I are stuck at the moment Marianne. We'll have to put our heads together and come up with a plan :)

We can do this! :)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless, Im being cautious and do calorie counting. I have two replacement hips and the left one which is 16 is nearing its end and lets me know when I do too much. I take a fair amount of tablets as well. Not looking for excuses trying to understand. But as I say hey ho must carry on. You have done so very well Moreless Im confident you will succeed. Best wishes for this next week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Marianne0915

Swimming! That's the way to go! :D

We'll both do this Marianne, by hook, or by crook! :)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to moreless


Caz28 profile image

Hi, completed my first week of the NHS 12 week plan and yahoo! weigh 11st 4lb now which is a loss of 4lb! My waist has reduced by half an inch. Want to lose 21lb in total. Really pleased 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Caz28

Woohoo Caz, Wtg you! :)

You're off to a cracking start, so the plan obviously works for you. Keep up the great work and you'll be celebrating getting into the 10's! :)

Caz28 profile image
Caz28 in reply to moreless

Pleased and a bit surprised as I've done weight watchers before and been very slow to start losing any weight on that so this is giving me encouragement to stick to it 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Caz28

I tried WW and didn't get on with it at all, although others have great success with it. We each of us have to find what's right for us :)

tubbycat profile image

Hi all, it's two weeks since I posted as I had five days in New York with my son. I am delighted to say I have lost  a bit- from 11 stone 1.6 (I think!) to 10 stone 13.6 so I am  finally in the  10s- hurrah!

In New  York we ate two meals  a day only -  breakfast  latish,  and an evening meal- I used various strategies such as  having  a vegan pizza with no cheese on it (very nice too!), and trying to be  very aware of the calorie count of various  foods- without  counting as such. 

What a relief as I was thinking I would b e very   lucky to  maintain!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to tubbycat

Welcome back tubbycat, I hope you and your son had a smashing time! :)

You've done tremendously well to go to New York for 5 days and lose weight! I'm in awe! :)

Have a fantastic week :)

tubbycat profile image
tubbycat in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless for  your encouraging  words!  :)  We did  have a fantastic time and I walked for miles over the five days  which probably also helped- and was good exercise for my broken  ankle  (now 8 months on and just a bit  stiff still...)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to tubbycat

It sounds wonderful! Gosh, your ankle's taken a long time to heal, how very inconvenient. Well done for keeping up the walking though :)

flavourfiend profile image

'Morning, all.  Having trouble getting here frequently, but I'll check in when I can.

Not had much time to concentrate properly, but still getting there.  Slowly but surely...

Start: 123 kg (271lbs, 19st5, BMI 37.9), at beginning of October

Ultimate aim: somewhere starting with an 8

Three weeks ago: 105.5 kg (232lbs, 16st8, BMI 32.5)

This week: 102.8 kg (226lbs, 16st2, BMI 31.7)

Saw my GP for the first time in ages.  She nearly fell off her chair when she saw me.  BP, tri-glycerides, etc, all much better than last year.  So it's all doing me good, and is excellent motivation to keep behaving sensibly and with restraint. ☺

Keep it up, everybody!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to flavourfiend

Hi flavourfiend, it's nice to catch up with you :)

You're doing really well, considering you're battling on without our support, most of the time. You've lost 6lbs over 3 weeks, which gives you a really respectable average of 2lbs/week. That's great! :)

I'm not surprised your GP nearly fell off her chair with all those improvements over the year. It's definitely a great incentive to keep going.

I hope it won't be so long before we see you again, but understand that you'll join us, as and when you're able :)

suffolkwomble profile image

Hi all

I was 11 st 7 4 and am now 11 st 6 8 so pleased with that. My goal was 11 st 7 by the end of April so I've done it! Next (and final) goal is to get to 11 st by end of June 😃

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suffolkwomble

Yaaay suffolkwomble, wtg you! :)

Oh my gosh, you're so close to the finishing line now. This is going to be a brilliant summer for you :)

Keep up the splendid work and I look forward to seeing how much closer to your goal you are next monday :)

suffolkwomble profile image
suffolkwomble in reply to moreless

Thanks 😊

Shortcake69 profile image

Morning everyone hope you've all had a good week mine not so good still looking after my mom so more time spent in the car than ever this last week so the 2lbs I planned to go this week didn't ive stayed the same. Still this is another week and it's coming off if it kills me 😀 only got 9 1/2 weeks to my hols so things better start moving including me 😀

Shortcake 😆

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Shortcake69

Sorry to hear that you're still looking after your mum Shortcake. I hope that she's on the mend now.

You're not losing weight at the moments, but you're proving that you're able to maintain. I'm sure that when you don't have the additional stress, the weight will start dropping. All is not lost, you still have 9 1/2 weeks, you could have lost well over a stone in that time :)

Keep the faith! :)

Shortcake69 profile image
Shortcake69 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless  for the encouragement that would make me very happy I'm only 2lbs off my 1st stone so another one would be fantastic.   Fingers crossed for next week. 👍😆 xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Shortcake69

I shall keep everything crossed for you Shortcake :)

Seuzan profile image

Me too, am reporting a 2lb loss! Waist measurement is the same. Have a great week every one!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Seuzan

Well done Seuzan, that's terrific news! :)

Give that waist measurement time, it'll shrink eventually :)

Have another great week :)

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to moreless

Thanks for your encouragement moreless!  Have a great week too!

This is my first week and I lost 1.25lb and 0.5 waist inches. Pretty satisfied with that and I'm feeling energetic!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Yaaaay Phil, that's all extremely positive! Wtg you! :)

With all that energy, you can up the exercise and lose even more pounds and inches. Keep up the good work! :)

Happy birthday Lowcal - hope you celebrate in style! No change in weight this week, but waist size is down 1/4" and I'm fitting into lots more clothes, so happy with progress. 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Good for you Jane, lost inches are very cheering, after all, our aim is to be visibly smaller and to fit into smaller clothes. You're definitely doing the right things, so keep it up and maybe next week you'll see a loss on the scales, as well as on the tape measure :) 

kars1111 profile image

Morning all,

I this week am a maintainer again which im more than happy with feeling in a bit of a rut but know ill get through it hoping for a loss next week.

Good luck eeveryone 

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kars1111

Well done kars, a maintain is always better than a gain and is great practice for the future :)

Keep plugging away and the scales will reward you eventually :)

Nonsuch profile image

Hi,  I've managed another pound this week so:

1lb loss

that's 8lb since I starting losing weight

14st.13lb now

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Nonsuch

Yaaaaay Nonsuch, that pound takes you into the 14's! WTG you! :)

An 8lb over all loss is great, keep up the good work and it won't be long before you're reporting your first stone lost :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

The afternoon thread is up and running a little earlier than usual, because Prin has other commitments. Please use that one, as this is feeling a tad on the slow side :)

OOOPS, weight gone up... just for the stats: 89kgs this morning, eating again around 1400kcal and my weight is rising stormily.... with 1000kcal I am better off...

Nobody needs to answer, I am sulking about the scale in the bathroom.... ;-(

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Hi flower-arranger, of course I'll answer you! :)

Can you tell me how much your weight has gone up, because Lowcal's on holiday and it would really help us with the stats :)

1,000 calories seems very low, I'm not surprised that you're finding it a struggle if you're having to stick to that! Have you tried changing what you're eating? Try to only eat small quantities of complex carbs and steer clear of simple carbs. Maybe try not to snack in the evening, if you can. 

How many calories does the BMI calculator say you should be eating?

We'll get to the bottom of this one day! :)

Good luck! :)

in reply to moreless

Hi Dear, I don't want to cause discussion. But as soon as I am rising my calorieintake, my weight jumps up. I am on medication which is very good for me, but it supports gaining weight. I talked with my doc in our family and she is watching it what I am doing. And she aggrees me eating that low calorie intake. I do snack, to prevent hunger attacks.... My last weight was 88,3kg as I understand.... So please don't worry, everything is well observed... thank you for answering.... I don't harm myself and I don't suffer!!!!!!!   ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

So you've gone up 0.7kgs, that's not very much, you'll soon lose that :)

As long as you're happy with 1,000 calories, I'm happy :) I just know that I wouldn't survive on such a small amount of food, I'd end up eating the furniture! ;)

in reply to moreless

Well, well I am not really into furniture... for eg Ihad 2 boiled eggs today and in the evening fried salmon, boiled potatoes, salad, and some butter with it... all in the 1000kcal budget... who is starving then ;-) I am really not into furniture .... I am not a wood-pecker... hahaha

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

LOL Flower-arranger! :D

Bluewings profile image

Hi Prin  

I'm so, so pleased to be able to report a loss of 1lb this week, bringing me to within an angel hair of the 14's. Maybe this week will be the kicker! 

This is after a pretty miserable week, feeling really despondent, not running, but trying to stay on track with my eating. But, today I repeated a week 4 run on the c25k program which actually went pretty well all things considered so perhaps I'm back on track with that too. Oh and my BMI has come down by a point too yippeeeeeee!!!

I hope everyone else has had a really positive result this week too!

Much love from me and my girls


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Bluewings

Yaay Bluewings! A lovely positive post! WTG you! :)

It's so exciting to be so close to 14's, I shall keep everything crossed for you reaching it next monday and for success with the c25K :)

Much love right back at you all :) xx

Claire31 profile image

11st 5.2 this morning so a slight gain arghhh but did have a very overindulgent weekend ☺️X good luck for the week everyone x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire31

How much of a slight gain Claire, as we don't have Lowcal to keep us straight? :)

If you know where things have slipped, it's easier to sort out the problem, so good luck with reversing this week's trend and getting back to being a loser :)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Last week I was 11st 8.75lbs this week I'm 11st 8.5lbs so a small loss of .25lbs this week, had hoped for more, but I have to remember that I was 14st  1lb when I started my journey in mid August last year. I would like to eventually be below 11st but will be happy to be where I am. Three weeks left until my son's wedding!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 191253summer

What a fantastic job you've done summer, you're definitely going to be a gorgeous mother-of-the-groom :)

You're not going to be far off your target weight for the wedding, certainly not enough to be noticeable :)

Wishing you a fab week that gets you just a bit closer :)

Janecad profile image
Janecad1 stone

well, I posted earlier and don't know what I did with it but 1st week done and 7lb lighter. Am so pleased and it's down to the support here. Thank you all 😀

Janecad profile image
Janecad1 stone

Having real problems posting, down to me I expect.  Week 1 finished and 7lb lighter. Thank you all for the support.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Janecad

I replied to your first post Janecad, you should have a notification of it :)

The thread is more difficult to post in now, because it's so full :)

zc1981 profile image


Am I able to join this please? 

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to zc1981

You can post your weight here and any goals and dreams the thread gets cut into two otherwise it's dead slow this is the link

skinnylizzie profile image

think I posted in wrong place, 10.3 today, loss of 3/4 lb since last mon. so still going down slowly, aiming for 10 by 24th may

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to skinnylizzie

Don't worry Lowcal will add your loss that goal is achievable for sure have a good week

Butterbrain40 profile image

Arrrgghh - really late this week!!  If I can sneak in then a day late then please record a 2lb loss for me this week so now 12stone 11.  Will update on my exercise class comedy later ;)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Butterbrain40

Late comers always welcome - I too was a late comer this week :-)

Well done on the 2 pound loss- and good luck for next week:-)

Onwards and downwards:-)

M_V_B profile image

I'm currently 10st 11lb so in 2 weeks I've lost 5lb. I'll Definately be joining you for Monday weigh ins. They sound like just what I need to keep me motivated.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to M_V_B

Hi M_V_B,

Welcome, and glad you've joined us.  I'll count 2.5 pound loss for 1 week for the stats, as we always take 1 week's data at a time.  Congratulations!  

Glad to hear you're planning to join us for future Monday group weigh-ins.  Look out for tomorrow's Bank Holiday Monday post - it will be posted at 6.30am but you can join in at whatever time of day suits you best.

Have a great weekend.

Lowcal :-)

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