Been to the doc's: I went to the doctors... - Weight Loss Support

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Been to the doc's

RobLandsdown91 profile image
12 Replies

I went to the doctors on Tuesday (As you will know if you've read previous posts) I booked it so that I didn't get any suprises in September at my bariatric surgery consultation I raised the following concerns and the doctors thoughts are next to them:

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - 190/90 (Extremely High) - Given a monitor to take reading every morning and evening for 2 weeks (incl whilst on holiday) . Likelihood prescribed tablets.

DIABETES (T2) - Glucose Level - 11.5 (High) - Blood Tests after I get back from holiday + urine sample.

CHOLESTROL - Pretty much diagnosed. Tests to confirm

SLEEP APNOEA- Refferal to sleep clinic

Also had a check up for my osteoarthritis - As the NSAIDs have not been as effective as would have hoped, I have now been prescribed capsaicin cream - which will have to be rubbed in by Steph as I can't reach/see below my belly button. However, I will need a knee replacement by the time I'm 26 ( 3 year estimate) for definate - weight loss or no weight loss - the damage is done.

I was also weighed, I now weigh 28st 12lbs (3 pound on in 5 days). I got a proper dressing down from the doc too, since my last visit in March I have put on 7lbs - he thinks I won't make it past 40 unless I lose 15stone as my arteries are so clogged up with fat and that I will have a heart attack in the next two years (I already have erectile dysfunction), and the surgery will help with that.

1st weigh in tomorrow and New wordpress blog too.

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RobLandsdown91 profile image
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12 Replies

Hi Rob,

Do not look back only forward, yes you have some huge challenges ahead but make your targets easy to reach rather than looking too far ahead.

By posting you have already made the decision to change and all the medic stuff just confirms that.

Be kind to self and I look forward to following your journey.

Have a good week


RobLandsdown91 profile image
RobLandsdown91 in reply to

Hi Flossie,

Looking forward is denfinately something I need to do not looking at the health issues I've had in the past. Thanks for the luck.


I've read your story and it's really touched me - we are the same age and even studied the same thing at uni! I'm really rooting for you! You can do it!! Use this group for support! It's been the biggest game changer for me since I decided to lose weight in January :)

RobLandsdown91 profile image
RobLandsdown91 in reply to

It sounds like we're very much the same! Thanks for the luck. I definately will be using it for support.

Good luck with your journey


Dave1961 profile image

Hi Rob.

Well you are right - you have a LOT to lose. I am around 21st (from Australia so I talk kilos - 139) and I have been obese all my adult life. 40 years in fact.

EVERY single one of your diagnosis can be reversed by losing weight - I am sure the dr already said that to you.

That being said none of that can make you WANT to lose weight - I will be honest and say I am not hearing a lot of emotion or commitment from you? Do you FEEL committed to working on this or is it more about you have to?

Hey I totally get both perspectives. You are talking to someone who had a heart attack at 49 and was hanging to be released from hospital so I could have a cigarette - I figured the meds would give me at least another 5 years of smoking! Woohoo!

I totally get the life feels like shít right now and you are probably just absolutely and totally worn out from being so overweight and being lectured about it morning, noon and night.

You also know that at your weight you can easy lose 10 lbs in a week just by eating right.

I'd be happy to be your buddy if you want someone to lean on during your journey?

I am sure we could both do with the motivation and if you really ARE committed I will be there with you.

PM me if you are interested.

RobLandsdown91 profile image
RobLandsdown91 in reply to Dave1961

Hi Dave,

I have been obese since I was about 2. 28st 12lbs is 183.25kgs. The only thing that cannot be reveresed is the oesteoathritis, the damage is already done with that and is irreversable but the other things, you are right are reversible.

In answer to your next question - if it wasn't for the fact that without losing the weight I could, if I wasn't in the right place at the right time could kill me. I would be happy losing 3-4stone and be 24stone and 3 years ago when I was that weight I was in a moderately happy place, I want to lose weight but not the amount that I need to in order to stay in good health and a heart attack in the next three years isn't the best news to hear!

Some days are totally crappy, I might wake up in the morning in pain from the osteoarthritis and the gout in my toes or I might have woken up 20+ times in the night from sleep aponea. My weight is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing at night.

It would be great if we could help each other on our journey :)


Boredmum profile image

Rob, don't get too disheartened with what you have to do. Break it down into small tasks so that every time you lose a few pounds or get your blood pressure down a little give yourself a pat on the back. Set a small target, reach it and set your next. You've been gave a warning from your Doctor, take it as a chance to make changes as you have your whole life ahead of you. I know it's hard but your frame of mind can make all the difference in the world. Good luck bud. xx

RobLandsdown91 profile image
RobLandsdown91 in reply to Boredmum

Hi boredmum,

Thanks for the advice. Blood pressure is definately a thing I need to get down, it is on the very high end of the spectrum! A heart attack by 26 (3 years) is not something I would be looking forward too!


Boredmum profile image
Boredmum in reply to RobLandsdown91

Hi Rob, have you tried looking at foods to lower blood pressure. I believe drinking low fat milk can lower your BP by about 4 points. Bananas, baked potatoes, spinach and a few more. My blood pressure is slightly up and has been for over past year, along with my plan of losing a bit of weight and getting more exercise I also googled 'foods to lower BP'. I've only started a few days ago but will update you my progress as I've no idea how helpful it will be. Good luck bud. xx

RobLandsdown91 profile image
RobLandsdown91 in reply to Boredmum

Hi boredmum,

Funny you should mention lower fat milk, I have just brought Semi-Skimmed milk having been drinking full fat for 22 years. Apart from in coffee shops.

My BP has always been high but never really done anything about it.

Cheers - Rob

Penel profile image

Have a look for the posts on here from OlsBean. He has lost a great deal of weight.

Cutting out refined/white carbohydrates (bread, breakfast cereal etc) and sugar can help towards lowering BP and generally improve health. Look for low GI foods and high fibre carbs.

If you want to read about how food affects our bodies, try "Fat Chance" by the American obesity expert Dr Robert Lustig.

RobLandsdown91 profile image
RobLandsdown91 in reply to Penel

Hi Penel,

Thanks, OlsBean's page seems to be one that's reccomended a lot. Will defo have a look.

Thanks for the other bits of advice. Will look at Fat Chance


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