Please Join Me for a Bank Holiday Mond... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Bank Holiday Monday Weigh-in (25th August 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
79 Replies

Hi everyone,

Wishing you all a great Bank Holiday Monday. :-)

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 8.8 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 10.0 pounds, so I've gained 1.2 pounds this week. I am not surprised because I've had 3 meals out and it was very difficult to make good choices - but I did my best.

Remembering that a fortnight ago I was 14 stone, means that over the 2 weeks I have actually lost 4 pounds, averaging at 2 pound a week - so I am overall pleased with that progress. My goals for this week are to wherever possible pre-plan my meals, and make healthy choices. I also hope to go for a walk every day, and hopefully continue with my 30 minutes of daily kettlebell training. I hope to get to the gym at least once - because I haven't managed to get there last week at all...

I hope you'll join me and share your experiences. Wishing you all a great week, and enjoy the Bank Holiday!

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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79 Replies
Candystripe profile image

Well done Lowcal on your overall loss. Week 13 and I too had a slight slip up with champagne at the beginning of the week with cassis (kir royale) for our wedding anniversary. Regardless of that and the eating out I lost 1.25lbs which is better than nothing. I now have only two pounds more to lose to reach my next achievable milestone and that will be for losing 3 stone overall. Well done everyone and have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary earlier last week. Hope you enjoyed your Kir Royale. Brilliant that you've lost 1.25 pounds - really great. Amazing to hear you're so close now to losing 3 stone. Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Candystripe

Amazing effort to lose 3 stone! Well done I bet everyone sees a huge difference

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Jsports

Thank you Jsports. I started out at 18st 4.5lbs and now 2lbs off 15st 4lbs so still one helluva way to go yet! I only have one friend here in Portugal and she's been back in the UK for several weeks so no one to comment sadly! My husband has noticed the bank balance losing weight as having to buy a few new clothes for decency sake (my trousers fell down one day!) He's very proud of my determination. I always read your posts and wonder how it would be walking into a gym (I exercise here at home) and feel so amazed with your sports knowledge and physical connection. I don't even think a trainer would understand what I was saying, plus the embarrassment of being "large", you are so gutsy and I applaud you. Good luck for the coming week!

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Candystripe

Holy crap, that's amazing well done. I literally laughed out loud to your bank balance comment. Now he noticed ;) let's not kid us 15 stone is still a lot and you have done sooooo well to bring down 18 stone! I know you can keep going all the weigh...see what I did there lol I'm not massively overweight in fact with my latest 10lb loss I have a bmi of like 25.1 now and my knowledge is from my sports science course. We go over the real truths behind obesity, weight loss and high performance athletes with the data that we pass to the fitness and health industries so I guess in that regard I'm not an average joe blogs trainer. Although I'm defo average joe blogs with regards to neuroscience I failed that module have the resit on Friday this week!

Ty so much for your comment it's great to hear someone is following my posts on here :) now that your not 18 stone maybe you want to give the gym another go? I understand if not there are pros and cons of course. You can just push your body so much harder there...and from my own personal experience if I'm working out next to some1 big who is working their ass off! It actually pushes me a lot harder than if I was working next to slim jim working his ass off! Anyone can do a lunge or a squat....but when your weighing 5 stone heavier than I am...suddenly your squat becomes...a little inspirational. To make you realise....your squatting over 50kg more than I would be in body weight squats on top of being less fit than me too that's why it's so hard for you...and that's why I'm inspired by bigger people at the gym...

So have a think about it :) were all there to lose weight and be healthy...keep that in your head as the main focus sure first few sessions or weeks you will be he new person...after that you will just be a regular face and no1 will think 2 things of it :)

O one more thing that might make you realise your not may realise I now bench press around 40/50kg...but what my posts have not included is that iv been a cardio bunny in all my life and have never done barbell weights before! Big guys in gym intimidate me to using weights and it's the first time iv had the guts to learn the move daily to make sure my form is spot on and now I'm up to 50kg :) next up is the squat rack where all the big guys use I can barely get on the equipment let alone learn/get over being a newbie to me when I say your not alone. They are hurdles coz we have to get over them to move on good luck! Keep updating your progress love to hear you crush the 13 stone mark! I know it's a way off yet a spend that figure just slapped you in the face.....but...that's how realistic what you are doing is becoming :) it's life changing and I know you can do it!

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Jsports

Thank you Jsports, it kinda puts it all in to perspective. I knew you were a sports boffin and even more so after Friday with the neuroscience module. So much good luck with that; Please let me know how you do. I guess someone pushing you to torture mode is good ha ha! I often sit outside the café next to the gym (with my skinny latte, no chocolate!) and look at the beautiful coloured illuminated stairs up to the machines and workout space and think "Well if I made the stairs I'd be happy"!!! I have never seen anyone over 10 stone enter or leave the place and that's just the blokes, so quite intimidating. Seriously though, I'm not that brave and I don't possess trainers (ok so that's not a big deal), but buying sports kit to fit me is not easy, as I have tried. I think I'm just going to stick with my exercise bike and resistance band for a while longer, maybe you can nag me into it a little further down the road! Thank you.

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Candystripe

Thanks I'll post how I do on the Friday not sure when results are though. I get the concepts it's jus memorising all the terms structures nerves I just can't get it to stick in my head! Resistance bands are actually pretty good so would use them :) try and do squats if your able to they are amazing for fat loss. Basically chest up go to sit down and soon as your bum touched the chair stand up and repeat, if you can't touch don't worry it will come over time....your bike is...well not great ;) stationary working one muscle group, whereas if you go on eliptical treadmill or rower your working like 8 muscle groups.

Maybe I can give you a helping push or at least another perspective....if they are all 10 stone in the gym.....and your 15 stone outside the gym....then maybe the gym works? While ur drinking milk related coffees watching them they are working out not drinking milky drinks......never drink your calories ;) the gym is certainly not for everyone but those who can go regularly will see results. It's not a fun time thing although some do enjoy it :) it's a workout...your there to work ^^.

As a friendly face on here...I'm going to give you a challenge. One that hopefully makes you realise the concepts of multi joint muscle movements....ready? Instead of doing your 15-20 minute stationary bike....I challenge you to walk up your stairs and then back down...and then back up to the length of any song! You can pick the song. ;) but ofc longer the better...if it had to choose for you I'd choose bohemian rhapsody haha

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Jsports

With the resistance band I do the following exercises, arm curls, (front and back) extending arms across chest, rowing, squats, sit ups, side dips left and right, leg raises laying down without my feet touching the ground, extending legs closed to open. Usually do 10 of each (upping to 12 today because you'll nag if I don't), left side, right side then both together which works out about 18 variations and takes about 30 minutes. Anything more to add?

I only have one skinny coffee every other day and it's always accounted for in my calories.

As for the bike, well I up the programme every now again and at present burning 200 calories in 25 mins.

As for the stairs, I live in a 12 floor apartment block on the 12th floor, so maybe that's the challenge??? How long before I have to complete this challenge and please bear in mind I am a grandmother!

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Candystripe

12 floor wow...o the fun we can have with 12 floors ;) wonder how many times you take the stairs. With your routine I'm not trying to critise remember that. But most of your exercises are all single joint exercises, which means your basically only concentrating on one muscle group. For instance a bicep curl, works...the bicep....a squat works your hamstrings, glute, hip flexor, quads, erector spinae get the picture? Now if I give you bands and ask you to do a shoulder press along with your squat your now working close to 10 muscles in one movement. This is what gets you results and fast. The more muscles you work the more muscles you can grow the higher the calories they will use at rest boom weight loss. This is why bike is bad. I'm sure you know how hard it is to walk up 12 flights of stairs stairs are one of the best weight loss cardio you can do.

Leg raises lading down on your side is okay, on yur back will be putting a lot of pressure on your spine due to the amount of torque, sits ups will do the same most people do it with really poor from taking their lower back off the floor.

When you do weights or bands, think 8-10 size 12-15 lean muscle. The fact your on 10 and u think me saying go to 12 is pushing you. If you can suddenly get to 12 or 15 then guess what? Your lifting really light weights and need to up them slightly. As your female you wouldn't use the 8-10 rep range unless you want to be bigger, so I'd say stick to 12-15 rep range and don't stop once u get to those numbers! If you can get to 15 and can do one more...then again weight too light. You want to struggling on your last few reps. I would say lift light but as you have lost lots of weight I'm guessing you have been lifting a while and are used to the weights you currently lift.

Our bodies get used to the conditions we put on them so you must overload them to see growth. Which is done by reps or weight and time under tension. Waffled enough hope this gives u more ideas let me know if u have a question

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Jsports

P.s. If you can't get to 15 then your too heavy and need to drop them down abit...a great way is to max out and when you can't get to 15 on next set drop weight a tad and keep doing it. It's called drop sets and it's amazing for muscle over-loading :) just noticed you row too....rowing is awesome coz again works loads of muscles one of which is your 2nd biggest muscle in your body.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Jsports

OK Jsports, put your money where your mouth is! It's 2050 and I have walked up all the flights of stairs!!! I know I said that I lived on the 12th floor, but I was forgetting that we come in from outside on Minus 3 so in actual fact it's 15 floors in total. Yay!!! It wouldn't be so easy with shopping, but I did it and in seven minutes. Without you I wouldn't have even contemplated it! Oh and that was in addition to my 20minute stationary bike and also in addition to 20 minutes of resistance band workout. Thanks JSports.

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Candystripe

That's amazing! Well done! 7 minutes is actually longer than I wanted you to have a go coz I wasn't sure of your age and ability. Do you see how tired you are after just 7 minutes? Raising your body weight against gravity is far far better than staying stationary or anything linear. Your body fights to stabilise yourself and it's almost a full body workout :) I wouldn't do it with shopping for now ;)

Well done pal proud of ya!

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Jsports

Oh I walked down as well! Actually it wasn't bad and I had planned just to do halfway BUT the point is, I wasn't tired and I wasn't struggling for breath so continued. If it wasn't for that blooming stationary bike giving me the exercise then I wouldn't have made it! What's for tomorrow????

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Candystripe

Same again....but this time when you leave to go work or wherever you go, your going to take the stairs on way down...and on way up when you come home ;) I'm now turning you into a stair walker rather than avoider and take the lifts. Ever seen a fat person who is clostaphobic of lifts? Me neither ;)

Take a rest day from bands and weights tomorrow and only do cardio focus. Then day after do your weight program but concentrate more on legs. Biceps are one of the smallest muscles in your body, which is why if yo see guys wanting fat loss doing their biceps you have my permission to laugh (inside).

3x5 sets of squats, rows, lunges (controlled) if you struggle to do the step forward lunge...take a step forward and just go down without moving feet it's a regression of a lunge. Press up ( knees on floor) if you can't get to 15 then put your hands on your sofa with straight legs, if you can't do this then you can use a wall (vary your distance of your feet from wall). Dips stand infront of your sofa, feet flat on floor hands on sofa with your back towards the sofa and go down. If it's too easy which I don't think it will stand on 1 foot. If your still feeling fine hold a plank for 30 seconds x3 then if your feeling fruity do you bike ride or stair climb top to bottom once or 20 min bike ride your choice.

Enjoy you now have multiple joint exercises in almost all of your exercises for a great full body workout :)

suzybenj profile image

Morning LC-been a little while since I checked in. Basically off plan and more than distracted by life's events.

Anyhoo-feel this is the time to get a grip-but a bank hol weekend prob not a great place to start!!

Since last weigh-in I have gained half a stone-just worked that out and it has made me very grumpy:-( .

So roll on Tuesday and by the way well done to you for staying on track:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Great to see you again. Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit grumpy after finding out your weight gain, but don't be too hard on yourself - you've been distracted by life's events, and that happens to us all from time to time. Life is never predictable. You'll soon get that weight off again and be back on track.

Hopefully you'll have a good week ahead, and wishing you success in re-starting your weight loss goals. Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi lowcal, well done on your overall loss, particularly with meals out - sounds like a fun week! This week I have lost another 3 pounds, taking my total weight loss to 2 stone 1 pound! I've promised myself a present of a book for the 2 stone milestone and so amazon here we come!

I've been much more active this week as I have completed week one of the couch to 5k. I also found that I am feeling much better about myself now as people have started to comment on how much weight I have lost. I even wore dresses to work this week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

I did enjoy the meals out, but wish there hadn't been quite so many of them.

Congratulations to you on your 3 pound weight loss. Wow, you're over the 2 stone mark already, that's so great. Great that you're treating yourself to a new book, and hope you enjoy finding one.

Great that you've completed week 1 of the couch to 5K. Hope the weather cheers up a bit so you can enjoy wearing those dresses. Great that other people have been commenting on your weight loss. The best thing is you are feeling much better about yourself.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to catch

Yes! Someone who gets it! In my family if you lose weight or having several good weeks then to go out and eat! Food as a celebratory thing really messes with your mind about losing weight. Where as rewarding by non-food is just brilliant really hope you enjoy your new book!

Congrats on over 2 stone loss...great to see people getting results :)

catch profile image
catch in reply to Jsports

I must admit I've got all my treats planned! I got a new phone for the first stone (needed it anyway but timed it as my reward), then a book for each stone after that. When I get to my target weight I will be getting a dress from either FatFace or White Stuff, as I love their things but can't justify buying them before I've got to my target weight.

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to catch

Haha brilliant way to motivate yourself. Wonder if you have the dress picked out yet ;)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to catch

I am a bit of a shopaholic, something new from a supermarket clotheswise, look out for their sales may mean you can get an interim dress,/ outfit to snow off your new svelte figure!

catch profile image
catch in reply to Prin

I don't need to buy anything new in the interim, I still have all the clothes I have grown out of in the loft! Every so often I just need to send the hubby up into the loft to get the next size down!

Pootle14 profile image

I weighted in this morning and no weight loss! A little gutted as I tracked everything and I exercised, never mind. I'm enjoying the programme and I don't want to give up as yet. Holding out hope for week 2.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Pootle14

Hi Pootle14,

Don't be disheartened - just keep going and you will see the results on the scales - probably next week. Well done for tracking everything and exercising regularly. Glad to hear you're enjoying the programme, and just stick with it so you can see the results of your hard work - they will come!

Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Pootle14

Your only in week 1...not only are you just raising your metabolism now, but any exercise will have. No doubt out on muscle mass especially on your legs if your not used to it. So don't feel disheartened because muscle weighs heavier than fat and the scales could just be tricking you :) so keep going and doing your exercise promise if you stick to portion controlled meals and sustain your exercise 3x a week those scales won't be the same in few weeks time.

Pootle14 profile image
Pootle14 in reply to Jsports

Thank you for your positive response. Just what I needed

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Pootle14

Your very welcome :) look forward to your progress

Pootle14 profile image

Thank you for the support Lowcal x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Pootle14


Gill7122 profile image

Hi. I am starting the 12 week challenge today and my starting weight is 68.4kg. I am 5ft. I am going to set myself a very small goal of 0.5,kg (1lb) a week so hopefully I will meet or hopefully exceed my target each week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gill7122

Hi Gill7122,

Welcome! Glad you joined us today for this weigh-in. I hope you enjoy the 12 week challenge, and you've set yourself a sensible weekly goal, so wishing you much success. Hope you have a great first week.

Lowcal :-)

Gill7122 profile image
Gill7122 in reply to Zest

Thanks :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gill7122


Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Gill7122

Rather than the word sensible I'm going to use the word realistic. Because that's exactly what it is, your not over guessing how much your body can burn in a week and I'm sure you will see results. I would perhaps reduce how much you weigh yourself though as trying to spot for 1lb losses well I can weigh 1lb heavier just from amount of water I drink. Hopefully you get the picture :)

Good luck on your new journey :)

Prin profile image

Morning Lowcal and all posters mixed results this week for us alI, good to hear from Suzy our marathon queen!

I think I have put on 1lb, and am 10st 12lbs, not too bothered though but today is going to be a challenge normally I do 2 spin classes on a Monday there are none as it's bank holiday and I am having Sunday dinner instead!

So I think I would like to maintain if poss. this week ? I weigh nearly every day but just record Monday here the positives are have not weighed in over 11st for the last couple of weeks and after the gym Thursday was 10 st 8 I think maybe I would like to see that as my new fighting weight (currently 10st10lbs) so I would like to reach that before hols in October.

Off topic dress sizes, I am loving being a size 10 even bought a few size 8 tee shirts and dresses, BUT looking at size charts when I started adult hood and was a Saturday girl in M&S sizes available were 10-20 size 10 was a 32 in bust, I was size 14 with 36in chest, now we seem to have more sizes but they are bigger sainsburys size 14 is now a40in chest and size 10 is now 36 bust, so yes that's why my new Gok by Tu dress is a size 10 ( by the way am currently a 34 chest so no wonder size 8 fits in some things looked at m&s (always came up a bit bigger;))and Asda sizing and they are also more generous now.

Hope you all have a wet but nice bank hol and the calories are kind to us!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Really interesting to hear the changes in sizing of dresses over the years. I am currently a size 16. I was a size 18 at my largest. I have got a couple of dresses that are a size 14 and they fit me. One was from Fat Face and one was from George. My stats are currently: chest: 41 inches; waist: 34.5 inches; and hips 42 inches. I am 6 feet 1 inch tall.

Really glad you're enjoying your new clothes, and you're doing really well at maintaining your weight. Good luck with today - enjoy that belated Sunday dinner!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Prin

Thanks prin-it's good to be back:- ). Great news on your weight maintence-I am looking for a stone loss-but that will still be in 11stone territory.

Very impressed with two spin classes in one day-will have to up my game! Am booked into spinning tmoz-and gym starting insanity classes-so thought I would give that a whirl.

Weight loss campaign going great-have gained two pounds over weekend-but deserved.

Been to gym -cycling and cross trainer with cool down run in the rain home. I too now looking fwd to 'sunday dinner'

Have a good week:-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj

Let me know how insanity goes! This year I have been busy toning up what the weightloss left behind, bingo wings now less but having trouble lifting the chest!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Prin

I am also looking at your own body weight as a gym-disses running but seems to have good reviews-theres a woman's version-mark Lauren I think. Will report back!

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Prin

Great to see you talking about sizes and reducing :) don't worry about your spin classes not being on just do a different form of exercise...for instance if you want your ass to be kicked! Try m100s. I personally have not been able to finish an m100 yet so I guarantee you will have your ass kicked within 3 minutes ^^ we don't always need a gym/spin room exercise is everywhere just need motivation to just simply do it!

Hopefully that's inspired you abit so what is an m100.....3 exercises...30 of each.

10 burped, 10 squat jumps, 10 mountain climbers.

To. Out mountain climbers count 1-2-3-1-1-2-3-2 and so on. Repeat the cycle 3 times for 100 reps. Takes 3 minutes and will kick your ass as hard as your spin session. Try your best to get as high number as you can, may only be 3 minutes but martial arts use this in their training.

you could always just do few exercises at home to get your heart rate up then go for a walk/jog in the lovely bank holiday sun :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Jsports

Where do you live no bank holiday sun here! I have never been able to do burpes but will give mountain climbers a go on Wednesday which would normally be my rest day, too full of gin and tonic now, hic!

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Prin

Haha hic well with that attitude you never will be able to do them ;) there is not such thing as I can't. Just I currently struggle with. Do as many as you can thats all anyone can ask of you unless ofc you have medical reasons as to why you can't.

For guys we all want to do pull-ups. Everyone struggles with them, so the progression is to stand on a chair...and lower yourself down, then stand back on chair and lower your training the down phase of a pull until you can do one :) I'm not saying go do a pull up, I'm saying we all struggle those who succeed will find a way.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Jsports

Last time I did these I was in a Zumba toning class and couldn't keep up, just looked on Wikipedia and think I may be able to practise in my own home!

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Prin

That's the problem...I don't want you to keep up...just want you to do them at your own pace...the only person you will ever be racing against, is yourself. Even if your in a room full of people. Take it slowly jump up hands on floor, kick your legs back, kick legs forward jump up. If you struggle just stand up....

We all need to learn if we struggle with a movement we should regress and make it easier until we can do the full movement...if you can't do that many...make sure you do as many as you can with good reps and good form....then do the stand up no jump variations. Promise you, you will progress :)

RMB398 profile image

Hi All

Good to hear how everyone is doing. I went severely off piste this week in the form of popcorn and pizza. My own fault entirely as I didn't plan ahead well enough. Anyway it's behind me now and after a bit of a struggle - (I always find I'm so much more hungry the day after a big meal) I did a few 'fasting' days and have managed to lose one lb this week. I have to say keeping a track of my weight is what brought it back for me this time. I had a look at my original weight, even before I logged in here or on my fitness pal and realised I was so close to a stone loss so I knuckled under again and got on with it. So now I'm below 11st. Only just but I am and it's each little goal which helps.

Gill, I agree that small goals are definately the best way forward. All the best with it. And all the best to everyone else for a healthy week ahead. And thanks to all for a week of support when it was sooooo needed, Cheers, Ruth :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Hi Ruth,

Many congratulations on achieving that 1 pound loss and getting down below 11 stone. Particularly in view of your initial popcorn and pizza feasting - you have demonstrated how you can get back onto the plan by tracking and being determined to reach your goal. Really pleased for you.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Zest

Thanks so much Lowcal. Fingers crossed for the rest of it.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Yes, fingers crossed! :-)

katedaniels profile image

Hi Lowcal,

I think that only putting on just over a pound after 3 meals out is actually really good and as you say the 4lb loss overall is more important. Sometimes it's just not possible to make a healthy choice when going out for a meal and it's more a case of damage control. Good luck with the kettlebells I hope next week is a successful one :)

I have achieved my goal of maintaining this week, I'm setting the same goal for next week as I have another week of holiday to get through. My hip is better so have been getting out for walks the back end of last week and hope to continue that this week. I have a couple of meals planned but hopefully the walking will burn off the extra cals. I'm almost looking forward to getting back to work so I can get my routine back and get back on track.

On a more positive note, I have seen people this week that I haven't seen for a while and, after getting a little freaked out by the way they were staring at me, I was then really happy when they commented on how much better I looked :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

Many thanks for your encouraging words. I am hoping to do a kettlebell session very soon! It's just too grey outside right now to risk a walk.

Well done for maintaining your weight this week, and therefore achieving your goal. That's brilliant whilst you're on holiday - so many temptations can crop up at such times! Pleased to hear your hip is getting better and that you've been able to get out for some walks.

Great that you've had some positive comments on your weight loss from those people who'd not seen you for a while.

Enjoy your meals out, and the rest of your holiday.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Zest

Grey outside....sounds like an excuse ;) during year 1 of uni I said I was going to go for a run that evening to bun off my binge! And it absolutely poured down! So do you know what I did instead? That's right... I ran anyways....if your unfit overweight and you run 2.5k in the rain...I'm telling you it's the most exhilarating experience knowing that not even the weather or other peoples thoughts get in the way of your progress and goals. And that my friend, is called being determined....albeit slightly insane haha

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to Zest

I usually like going out in the rain since not many other people are out, sometimes I wait until it looks grey just so it will be quieter out :) I have just ordered a new fitness game for the Wii so hopefully will have a new toy to play with soon, it's good to change up on exercises so they don't get boring. I just hope I don't cave to so many temptations this week. Hoping we both have a better week.


christine58 profile image

Sorry for the gain Lowcal but you are still doing a good job with the weight loss.

I am onto week 5 now and this week lost 1.4lb so am now just 1lb off the first stone. Feeling very happy with myself. It took nearly 2 years for the weight to go on so its going to take a little time to lose it. Shame abot the weather today but have been to the swimming pool with Grandson so not completely lazy today. Good luck everyone this coming week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to christine58

Hi Christine,

Thanks for your encouragement.

Great to hear you've lost 1.4 pounds this week, and you're getting really close to your first stone now. Fantastic! Losing weight gradually is the best way - far more likely to keep up the healthier lifestyle as more achievable and part of daily life.

Glad you enjoyed your morning swim with your Grandson - swimming is great exercise.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image

Ouch, missing 3 meals and still not going to the gym that personally would of lit a fuse/rocket up my behind to fix it. Nonetheless you had lost 6lbs up to that point which is great and as you said, need to make smarter healthier choices as to work for 1-2 weeks to restore that gains you out on for 3 days...really not worth it.

I started off 13 stone 9lbs got down to 13.3 had 2 bad days 1 that was a binge last Worked my absolute backside off since then and am so happy to report i now have hit a pre breakfast weighin of 12 stone 13lbs....finally broke my 13 stone barrier which has been there for about 5months!! My binge out back on the 1.5inch I lost off my waist but it's down to 1 inch again now so need to just keep at it as iv still got 13lbs to go for my 12-18 months ago maintained weight, and I actually want to weight about 11-11.5 stone as my end goal. I go home in 3 weeks and want to look slimmer to my family n friends :)

Just read the word fortnight :) then 4 lbs is fab well done! Let's make this a good week losing together :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jsports

Hi Jsports,

Congratulations on breaking the 13 stone barrier, that's really great! Really pleased for you. :-)

Yes, let's make this a good week losing together.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal :) have a great week too :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jsports

Thanks :-)

MaruMaru profile image

Last time I weight myself I was 8.8 stone (123 lbs), but that was 3d August. In my new house in the UK I have no scales and I'm scared I've put on weight. I wish I could join you today, ladies :(

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MaruMaru

Hi MaruMaru,

Sorry to hear you've not got any access to scales. Maybe you could pop to a local 'Boots shop' as they often have some scales that you can pay to weigh on?

Anyway, hope you will join us anyway - you don't need to have scales, you can tell from how you feel in your clothes and your measurements to a degree.

Wishing you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

MaruMaru profile image
MaruMaru in reply to Zest

Well, I don't think a kilo plus or minus will be well seen in clothes. I'm 5ft 5, wear size 8. Rarely size 6. Want to be size 6 to feel the most comfortable. Besides, I really want to get muscles visible on my body. I work out for around a year, but I still can't see proper abs on me....Though I managed to drop from size 14 to my current size 8 in about a couple of years of more or less healthy eating and exercise.

However now I moved in with my husband, whose eating habits are horrible! And he wants me to join him in his bad eating, despite the fact that he loves skinny girls. Really hard to resist, but I'm doing my best. Really scared to get bigger again(.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MaruMaru

Hi MaruMaru,

It can be difficult if your husband has different eating habits - but stick with your resolve to eat healthy if you can! You can do it, 'cos you've done it before, and you know what to do. I'm not sure exactly how overweight you are? You sound slim already at a size 8...?

I recently bought a kettlebell for weight training and feel it is helping me to tone up - maybe you could do something like that to develop the abs you want?

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

MaruMaru profile image
MaruMaru in reply to Zest

Technically I'm not overweight, my BMI is 20 which is normal. But I'd like it to be 19, to feel better about myself. I am 56 kilos, but my target is 53.

Thank you for support! I use dumbbells, may try kettlebell as you advice


kars1111 profile image

Hi lowcal/everyone. I felt I had a bad week cos all ive wanted to do is eat and not the best choices were made :( so was quite surprised when I stood on the scales this morning and still managed to lose 1lb. Good luck all for this week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kars1111

Hi Kars1111,

Wow, you've lost 1 pound despite feeling that you've been potentially not making the best choices. Glad you've lost and hope you have another good week ahead - hopefully making choices you feel better about.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

14 stone 10 pounds, so managed to gain 4 pounds over one week! I was off work for the week and had chineese takeaways - trying new dishes - plus some cheese and biscuits and donuts. I had got down to 14 stone 6, so my lack of will power has been disappointing. I'm back to healthy eating today. I really need to get to 14 stone 2 at least, as that would get me out of the obese category. Back to work tomorrow, and do find it easier to eat healthily when at work.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony,

It can be very tough when you're off work not to go for things like takeaways and more convenience type foods - I can sympathise with that. But the good thing is that you're back to healthy eating as of today, and that is great! Put the past week behind you and move forward with a new resolve. You will be back to your routine again tomorrow, so hope it will be easier for you to stay healthy and get back on track.

Wishing you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

hms7280 profile image

Hi a day late, but would like to say that in my first week I lost. kilo and an inch from the waist...mid week I had lost 1.5 kg but we had friends over for a weekend barbecue and even though I avoided all the fatty stuff it still seems that it took its toll...but I guess as long as it's going down then not too bad :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to hms7280

Hi Hms7280,

Congratulations on your kilo weight loss and also losing an inch from your waist - that's really great! Well done for avoiding all the fatty stuff at the Barbecue - they are notorious for the potential to overeat. Hope you enjoyed the weekend.

Wishing you another great week ahead, you're doing really well. A kilo is more than enough to lose in one week - it's 2.2 pounds afterall, and ideal weight loss is up to 2 pounds per week.

Lowcal :-)

hms7280 profile image
hms7280 in reply to Zest

Thanks a bunch for the encouragement :)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi all, hope I'm ok to join a day late - the battery in my scales died yesterday (perhaps my scales were afraid of me ;) ) I weighed in at 16st12&1/2 which is not good but I know what I need to do and I'll keep logging it here along with all you amazing and inspirational people. See you next Monday!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Sorry to hear your scales battery died yesterday, but great to see you today instead! Glad you're on board with us, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Look forward to catching up with you on Monday!

Lowcal :-)

anjalund profile image

Last Monday I was 81.2 and today 81,4 not good

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to anjalund

Hi Anjalund,

Sorry to hear you've had a slight weight gain, but don't lose heart - what kind of week did you have? Were you able to keep to reasonably healthy eating, and were you able to do any exercise goals you might have set yourself? I think it's rare for people to lose when there's a Bank Holiday, as it's so similar to a holiday and therefore seems so much more challenging - there are more temptations around and the routine is different etc etc.

Hope you are able to have a good week this week, and that you will hopefully see a loss on the scales next week. Keep motivated and positive if you can! Thanks for joining us today for the weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

anjalund profile image
anjalund in reply to Zest

Not to bad a week ,but wish I lost weight not putting it on better lock this week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to anjalund

Hi Anjalund,

Hopefully you'll see the results on the scales at your next weigh-in. Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Hi all!

I know I am late posting but I've just been so busy and lost track of my days with the bank holiday weekend!

A lot of different stories going on this week, it took me ages to read through everyone's ups and downs, but we will all get there!

I'm still posting late mainly to help me out this week. I didn't have a bad week butbi didn't lose anything either. Last week I weighed in at 12st 7lbs and haven't managed to shift any. Staying the samenis better than a gain I'm sure many of you would agree! :P

I'm afraid having a wedding to spur me on hasn't really seemed to help me. Its crept up on me so fast that it is next weekend!! So maybe only a lb or 2 loss by the time its here. I did manage to find a lovely dress on the weekend though. It's nice and loose is it hides my muffin top...

I am setting a goal for an extra days exercise this week and to actually fill in my calorie counts! It seemed to slip my mind over the weekend!! :O

I hope everyone has had a good Tuesday and I look forward to reading more success stories on Monday and maybe even writing my own! :)

Good luck everyone!

Sophie x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Great to hear you've found a dress that you like for the Wedding on the weekend. Hope you have a lovely time and enjoy wearing your new dress. Well done for not gaining weight over the Bank Holiday weekend, I think that's a positive in itself!

Hope you enjoy your extra day's exercise this week, and wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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