Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (8th September 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
76 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 10.2 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 8.2 pounds, so I've lost 2 pounds this week. I am very happy about that, because I had been hoping to lose 2 pounds for some time, and it just hadn't happened for ages! I'm relieved, and it also feels good to be getting closer to 13 stone 7 pounds. I'd like to try to get to that weight for next week.

I didn't get to the gym though - I don't seem to be able to motivate myself to go there yet...! I did do a walk most days and used my kettlebells a couple of days last week for 15 minute sessions each time.

I'm glad that things like holidays and Bank holidays are out of the way, because I am hoping that I can get back into a good routine and that I will finally shift the last 1 stone 1.2 pounds that I'd like to lose, and that I might achieve that by Christmas. That's my longer term goal. But for this week, I'd like to lose between 1 and 2 pounds of weight by next Monday.

Please join me in this Monday weigh-in to share your experiences. Looking forward to hearing from you! Wishing everyone a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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76 Replies
suzybenj profile image

Morning. well done on that 2 pounds loss - as you say after the summer - getting back on track.

I had a better week- less tired, more in control ect. Managed to scrape 2 pounds off. So that is two pounds off the half stone I have plonked on over the summer.

So I will be optimistic of this week - say another 2 pounds.

Have a good week:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Glad to hear you've had a better week, and congratulations on your 2 pound loss - that's great!

Yes, let's hope we're back on track after the Summer, and I like your optimism for this week - hope you have another great week. Thanks also for your encouragement - much appreciated!

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Zest

:-) catch you next week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj


Candystripe profile image

Good morning Lowcal. That's brilliant news for you this week and really a boost for the morale. Just imagine the results if you had motivated towards the gym as well! Perhaps that could be your goal for this week. Good luck. I lost 3 lbs this week and just 1.5 lbs off heading into the 14's. I think I was a little ambitious hoping that I would do it this week! Eaten out a few times this week and still able to choose wisely. I just think that after I have made the effort to lose a pound or two, I don't want to have to try and lose those same pounds again, although I did have an ice cream yesterday! Have done an hours exercise for 5 days this week plus walked up 15 flights of stairs a couple of times. Well done to everyone, keep up the great work!

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to Candystripe

Congrats on such a big loss, I read the bit about 15 flights of stairs and got exhausted just thinking about it. It's great that you've been able to lose weight while eating out and having the odd treat. I hope you make it into the 14 next week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Wow - you've lost 3 pounds this week. You're getting close to the 14's. Brilliant! Ideally, it's best not to lose too much weight in any one week - between 1 and 2 pounds is ideal and healthy. So you're doing great.

Well done for eating out and still choosing wisely. That's a definite success. You're doing great at keeping up regular exercise as well - thanks for your encouragement regarding suggesting I set myself the gym attendance as a goal. I will try to go once this week as a minimum.

Have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

katedaniels profile image

Hi Lowcal,

I'm so happy for you :) I'm really glad you've lost that 2 lb and are getting closer to your goal.

Last week I weighed 15st 12 lbs, this week I weight 15 st 10lbs. I'm very happy with that, I feel like i'm solidly in the 15s now. I made the mistake of going overboard on a Chinese last Monday so was a bit worried that would be reflected in todays weigh in. I have added resistance band training to my workout, I love anything I can do in front of the tv. I'm just focusing on my arms. My legs are getting toned with all the walking i'm doing but must do something about these bingo wings.

I hope you reach your 13st 7lb goal next week.


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to katedaniels

Thank you Kate, you're doing pretty good yourself. You obviously didn't go as overboard on the Chinese as you thought! We are of similar weight and I often wonder if the bingo wings will disappear completely. I also do resistance band and looked up exercises on you tube, plus do wall press ups. I think it's making a difference but really wish that Rome was built in a night! Good luck for the coming week and keep up the brilliant work.

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to Candystripe

It was the prawn crackers, I'd had a bad day and instead of just sticking to the meal I added prawn crackers, they were amazing but dread to think of the calories, very happy that they didn't add about 10lbs though :) I'm a bit worried that once I've lost the weight that i'll have saggy skin left over, hopefully the resistance band will help. I think it was you that I got the idea from, thanks :) If you do find a way to get Rome built in a night please do let me know. Best of luck to you to.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to katedaniels

I liked the resistance band until this morning when it landed me one in the eye! I was sitting on the floor doing a second repetition or front arms curls with the band under my feet when it slipped off and boom bang! I guess it was lucky that I was wearing my glasses at the time (goodness knows why) as I just have a trip to the opticians in a bit to get them straightened! When I told my husband he mentioned that perhaps safety glasses and hard hat should be dress of the day. Well he is HSSE lol!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

Thanks very much! I am very happy. I had been a bit disheartened in recent weeks, but I feel like I might have got my 'mojo' back again - and having the support of this community has helped me lots! So thank you!

Congratulations on your 2 pound loss this week. That's really good. Glad you were able to enjoy your Chinese meal and that it didn't dent your success. Doing resistance band training sounds really good. You'll soon tone your arms to match your toned legs. :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Zenette profile image

I finally lost a pound! No small achievement for me.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Zenette

Yay! Brilliant news Zenette! Are you aiming for two next week??? Good luck.

Zenette profile image
Zenette in reply to Candystripe

Thanks Candystripe. I think I will just aim for 1 or maybe 1.5 lb per week for now, until I am better practised ... I am hoping that later on eating smaller portions will become more'automatic': at this stage it still requires a lot of self-talk!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Zenette

Hi Zenette,

That's fantastic - well done on your 1 pound loss. Really great.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Morning everyone!

Congrats on the loss lowcal! I'm pleased its finally come off for you! :) well done to all you other losers! ;)

I haven't had a loss this week and I was not surprised after the wedding on the weekend. I didn't go mad with the food at the buffet! They did have a bit of a mess up with the food as there was not enough to go around, everyone took one of each item so I only had about 8 nibbles. There were mini sausage rolls, garlic bread slices, grilled chicken strips, battered mushrooms. Just bits and bobs but no salad!

I didn't eat loads but still gained 1lb. So I'm back up to 12st 7lbs. I'm really going to up my exercise this week as I was to lose 2lbs. I need to feel like I'm getting back on track. I have no more birthdays or holidays now until Christmas so definitely want to get under the 12st mark before Christmas!

I hope everyone has another good week this week. Good luck! :)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Well done for coping so well with that Wedding and all the temptations of the Buffet. I am surprised to hear they didn't include any salad items. I'm sure your slight gain will come off again very quickly.

Good luck with upping your exercise this week, and good luck with your goal for this week.

Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

Well done everyone! I'm trying to get back on track after the summer as well, this week I lost 1 lb, so am now 13 st 5 and waist 37 inches. Main problem at the moment is tiredness - I feel totally wiped out - must be something to do with the autoimmune condition.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week. That's great.

Sorry to hear you are feeling so tired though. Are you having balanced foods - i.e. ensuring you eat healthy foods and don't deprive yourself of healthy nutrients?

Have you talked to your health care provider - they might be able to advise you? Pacing yourself can be helpful and ensuring you get sufficient sleep.

Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Congrats to everyone who has managed to lose. I've lost another pound this week and am now 12 stone 10. Getting there slowly! I am still doing the couch to 5k programme and actually ran for 5 minutes solid this morning.....twice! I also went for a bike ride yesterday and rode for a full hour (apart from pushing bike up a couple of steeper hills!) This morning I am looking forward to going back to mums and tots with my daughter, as it's not been on over the summer hols so it will be interesting to see whether anyone comments on my weight loss!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that's brilliant. Sounds like you're enjoying the Couch to 5K programme. Well done for running for 5 minutes solidly a couple of times this morning. That sounds like a good start to the day!

Your bike ride sounds fun too.

Hope you get lots of nice comments from the Mums and Tots Group this morning.

Lowcal :-)

LilValky profile image

week 3 - last week i weighted 13.8.4 this week i weight 13.6.8.. a loss of 1.7lbs! :) i have now lost a total of 6.3lbs. i've been off work this week and had all good intentions of doing lots of work outs but it hasnt really gone that way, been too busy painting! im still very happy with my loss and ive been keeping to my calorie allowance very well! Hoping to loose another 1.5 - 2lb this week!

Well done to everyone on their losses and maintains! your all doing so well!! x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to LilValky

Hi LilValky,

Well done for losing 1.7 pounds this week, that's really great. You're making great progress, and getting close to half a stone. Sounds like you're coping well with your calorie allowance and hope you have another good week ahead and achieve your goal.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image

Hi All

Well done Low Cal & all the other folk who've managed to lose this week. It sounds like a lot of us are pleased the holiday season is receeding and the cake and ice cream temptations will hopefully lessen somewhat.

I've had another very poor week in terms of what I ate but... good week for exercise and the result is that I've stayed the same! I'm utterly amazed because at one point I returned to my most terrible eating habbits - which I won't go into detail over but suffice to say that for 2 or 3 days I stopped counting all together. I was dreading getting on the scales this morning, just hoping and praying that I hadn't piled everything I'd lost back on. Needless to say the lesson of my week has been - EXERCISE!

So here's to a week of exercise AND sensible eating.

All the best to all for a great week ahead.

xx :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Hi RMB398,

Great that you have had a good week for exercise, and you've managed to maintain your weight despite eating a few extras. Just imagine how you'll do this week when you stick to your exercise and your healthy sensible eating - that will be a combination to ensure a likely success, and hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Poochie profile image

Yee haa! I have lost 5 and a half pounds this week!!!!!!!

Started the week weighing and logging on MyFitnessPal and 2 pounds came off straight away, then it slowed right down to almost nothing until Friday (I was keeping to 1000/1200 calories a day). Decided to try Slimming World Friday evening as know quite a few people who have done well on it. I have been following the plan and the weight is coming off so really pleased. I do realise that it is just this initial weight that is coming off fast and that it will slow down but for the moment I am glad I have gone down from 15st. 11lb to 15st. 5 1/2lb. :-D

Zenette profile image
Zenette in reply to Poochie

Goodness gracious, that is what I call progress! Well done.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Poochie

Hi Poochie,

Yes, I think people often lose more at the start, and you have certainly lost a lot this week - congratulations on your 5.5 pounds loss! You are making great progress and well done for keeping within your calorie allowances.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

charlotte18 profile image

Well done! I weighed myself also I am 9 stone 6.8 pounds I have just started so my target for next monday will be to get to to 9 stone 6 pounds its a small goal but a realistic goal for me.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to charlotte18

Hi Charlotte,

Welcome to you! Glad you've joined us today for this weigh-in. You've set yourself a good weight loss goal, and I hope you have a great first week. Have you seen the NHS weight loss pages? There's the 12 week structured plan there, and lots of pointers to help with weight loss.

Wishing you a great first week, and look forward to catching up with you next week.

Lowcal :-)

charlotte18 profile image
charlotte18 in reply to Zest

Yes I have seen them! I downloaded them and printing the calorie sheet off right now! Though may have a problem with exercise as I have hurt my back but I walk a lot and my work is all on feet as I am a beauty therapist. I will try my best and I looked at recioes on here and have made a lowcal curry! :) mmmmm

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to charlotte18

Hi Charlotte,

Sorry to hear you've hurt your back - hope it gets better soon. Walking is great exercise anyway. Your low calorie curry sounds delicious! Hope you enjoy it.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg

Hi to Lowcal and all. I'm back from holidays and find I've lost two pounds, which is great. It feels odd to say it but after 8 months I think I've finally "arrived" at a weight that I'm happy with. So I need to shift my brain and eating patterns into maintenance mode, which I'll put some proper thought into once the half marathon is over (in two weeks time). Well done for everyone's efforts: it sounds like we've been a very active bunch recently!

Zenette profile image
Zenette in reply to burntsun

Well done! One day I, too, will be in that happy place.

I sometimes think running complicates my weight loss - when I cut down on food, I can' run all that much, or I 'run out of fuel'. I just don't seem to have the same stamina as when I eat as if I don't want to lose weight. Not sure if it is all in the mind.

Good luck with the half marathon. And a few additional food items (from healthy food like nuts, fruit, dairy, veg, healthy oil) should keep you in maintenance.

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg in reply to Zenette

Thanks Zenette, Nice to hear from a fellow runner and I agree that running while dieting is like treading a tightrope: it's taking practice to get the balance right. Thanks for the reminder about eating some good fats in the run up to the race, I've been experimenting recently with energy gels, have you ever tried them? I think they're disgusting. Well done on the lb loss this week by the way!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Welcome back from your holidays! I hope you had a great time. I think it's fantastic that you've lost 2 pounds after being on holiday. That is incredible! Well done!

Not long now till your half marathon - hope the training is going well.

Good luck with shifting your brain into the maintenance mode. In the meantime, good luck with the training.

Lowcal :-)

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal,

Thanks for all the encouragement. Training is going ok, although I haven't managed to run the whole 13miles yet.

I'd be interested to hear how you get on with the kettlebells over the weeks: once the race is over I'll be looking for ways to keep toned. I think you and I both had hopes to do regular exercise videos - I'm afraid my 30 day shred routine has fizzled out! It's finding something that suits and that is interesting. Like you wrote, holidays are over and it's definitely time to get stuck into things now!

have a lovely rest of the week, burntsun.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Glad to hear your training is going ok. Wow, 13 miles is certainly a long way - you'll be doing that soon! That's a great achievement.

I really like the Kettlebell so far - even though I only manage to do about 10 minutes per day - I sweat a lot by the end of the 10 minutes, and I think it must be doing me some good. I am hoping to build up to achieve 30 minutes in small 10 minute sessions.

This week I am cutting out all desserts and snacks - and amazingly I am finding it ok so far!!! I can't believe it as I really thought I'd struggle to do that. But I feel satisfied by breakfast, lunch and dinner. So that's good! I do feel hungry by about 9pm or so, but I have some tea or coffee and that seems to help.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Autumn-Witch profile image

Good morning LowCal and everyone,

Congratulations to the losers (that sounds odd, doesn't it?) and commiserations to those who haven't made the progress they had hoped for. I am very happy this week as I have managed to get just below the 10 st 10 lbs that I seemed to be trapped on and have lost a whole pound :-). I am now 10st 9 lbs 2 ozs and I am absolutely delighted. Still a long way to go but it's coming off slowly but surely.

A lot of it may be due to the fact that I am keeping myself far more active - not just at the gym but trying to be on my feet more often throughout the day. I had to make the effort because I really don't want to have to drop below the 1400 daily calories unless I have to.

I wish us all great determination and continued motivation for next week. :-))

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Autumn-Witch

Hi Autumn-Witch,

Really pleased that you've managed to get below the 10 stone 10 pounds level and that you've lost 1 pound this week. That's really great. You're making good progress. Slow but sure is ideal. A healthy way to lose weight.

Great that you're enjoying being more active and hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

BudsofMay74 profile image

Yippeeee! I have broken into the 11 stone bracket (11 stone 13lbs), sooo happy, the school runs must have given my metabolism a kick up the backside! Next goal 11 and a half stone. Feel so happy, couldn't do this without reading all the great tips/advice and of course support on this site. Good luck everyone x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to BudsofMay74

Hi BudsofMay74,

That's great that you've broken into the 11 stone bracket - well done!!! You're doing so well.

Glad you're feeling happy - and hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

BudsofMay74 profile image
BudsofMay74 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal & well done to you too & for starting this thread, it's certainly motivating. Here's to another great week - I'm on cloud 9, really determined to keep up the good work & importantly to stick to it. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to BudsofMay74

Hi BudsofMay,

Being on Cloud 9 sounds like a great place to be! You sound determined and motivated and that is half the battle!

Here's to another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal, well done for losing :) I was very careful all week and didn't have any alcohol and then on Fri we travelled up to Glasgow for the Scottish taekwondo championships and stayed in a hotel at which point a Toby carvery and bottle of cava went down a little too easily :o (hubby was competing so couldn't share the cava - shame ;) lol) The diet went a little to pot at that point so today I weigh the same as last week although it's also my time of month so that may not be helping... My exercise is definitely on the increase - my high energy setter dog crawled off to bed this morning after 1&1/4 hrs of me stomping it all out! Hope everyone is doing well and losing or maintaining! x Kate

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Thank you. :-)

Well done for maintaining despite the big meal over the weekend. It sounds like you've been doing really well for the remainder of the week, so I think you'll notice a loss very soon. Great that you are increasing the exercise - sounds like your dog is needing a rest!

Hope your husband did well at the Taekwondo championships.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

yoyo-nono profile image

Hi Lowcal,

I havent been on here for a while. But things are going well and I am successfully maintaining my weight. I started with weight training apart from the running and cycling that I do. I am happy I lost the weight that I needed to lose, but the real proof of being successful is the fact that I am managing to maintain it. I will check in just to keep my mind focused and really, I am so excited about your journey and I cant wait to see you reaching your goal. You are a real inspiration. Congrats with losing more weight.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to yoyo-nono

Hi Yoyo-nono,

Great to see you again! Glad to hear things are going well and you're successfully maintaining your weight. Brilliant to hear you've added some weight training as well as your existing running and cycling.

Thanks so much for your encouraging words. They are much appreciated. :-)

Great that you'll be checking in here to keep your mind focused, and will look forward to catching up with you again when you next pop by.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

christine58 profile image

Well done Lowcal and I reached my 1 stone this week so feeling the love x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to christine58

Hi Christine,

Congratulations on reaching the 1 stone mark - fantastic news! Really pleased for you. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Molly_2015_ profile image

Well done to all. I have just started this week. Feeling really positive at the moment. I have 2 stone to loose so am going to break it down into smaller targets

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Molly_2015_

Hi Molly,

A warm welcome to you! Great to hear you're feeling really positive as that's a good way to start - and you are breaking down your goals into manageable steps. Really good.

Wishing you a great first week. Thanks for joining us today.

Lowcal :-)

Only lost 0.3kg this week. Quite disappointed!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Please don't be too disappointed with your 0.3kg weight loss - because a loss is a loss, and it's in the right direction - try to keep motivated if you can, and you'll see further losses. What kind of week have you had in terms of your eating and exercise? Did you stick to your personal goals, and what goals are you setting yourself for the coming week.

I know you've expressed disappointment at the loss you've had, but I would still like to congratulate you on it, because it is 0.3kg less than you were last week!

Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks for your encouragement. I have kept my eating plan all week. Exercise is going well considering this is the first week I have been able to walk a mile since breaking my ankle. It's been so nice walking by the river and across the meadow. Today I walked at a NT garden.

Goals for the coming week are to keep going. Also not to give in to food at Mum's at the weekend. (She is being very supportive)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Glad to hear your Mum is being supportive - and hope you cope ok on the weekend as well. It's great to hear you've been enjoying some walking, and that you're able to do that after recovering from your ankle break. The walk by the river and across the meadow sounds idyllic.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

robyn89 profile image

Well done to everyone who has lost this week. It's great that you are back on track lowcal. I've lost 3lbs this week which I think is down to being gluten and diary free at the moment. This week is a challenge as im out to dinner with clients tomorrow and then I have a social work trip at the weekend which means alcohol and food. My goal for this week is to maintain. I tried my first 50 minute spinning class at the weekend (have been doing 30mins in the mornings), definitely going to try and do a few more but it'll have to be next week as this week my schedule is full!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to robyn89

Hi Robyn,

Congratulations on your 3 pound loss this week. Really great. Glad to hear you enjoyed the Spinning Class - really great exercise.

Sounds like you have a very full schedule this week, and hope you cope ok with the dinner with clients tomorrow. Hopefully there will be some healthy options on the menu. Hope the weekend trip goes ok too, and that you're able to maintain your weight. Best of luck with it.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Zest

Go on Lowcal give spin a try, let me have the phone number of your gym and I will book you on ;)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I have already tried a spin class, I admit it was a couple of years ago, but I didn't really like it...! So I'm not going to pass on my gym number to you - you'd be booking me on all sorts if you had that! :-)

Thanks for the thought though.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I have already tried a spin class, I admit it was a couple of years ago, but I didn't really like it...! So I'm not going to pass on my gym number to you - you'd be booking me on all sorts if you had that! :-)

Thanks for the thought though.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I have already tried a spin class, I admit it was a couple of years ago, but I didn't really like it...! So I'm not going to pass on my gym number to you - you'd be booking me on all sorts if you had that! :-)

Thanks for the thought though.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Zest

OMG!!!! I pressed 'reply' 3 times by mistake!!!! :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Zest

Yes I would be, we would be putting it to a poll on this thread and of course they would be able to vote for more than one class!! Ps sometimes different instructors are worth trying I didn't like a Zumba as thought it didn't give enough of a workout, but a different instructor can make all the difference

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Could point about having a new instructor - I may give it another go at some point. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Evening folks a gain week for me :( I am 10 11 today up a 1lb so I need to shift 3lbs by the end of the month and have a wedding this weekend, and a 50 next week :( , glad you are all motivated, and losing and not in denial

off topic what does everyone think of Katie Hopkin, daft mare! And did anyone see the tonight programme about young women and obesity?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Sorry to hear you've gained this week. But it's only a pound, and I am sure you will soon shift it! You still have a few weeks left of this month to lose those 3 pounds, despite those events you have coming up. You can do it! Go for it...!

I have seen Katie Hopkin talking about her weight gain, and I've also seen the programme on young women and obesity. I think Katie will regret her decision to gain weight like she did. I only saw her talking about it on This Morning - I'm not sure when her documentary will be aired. Do you?

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Prin

katie hopkins just so does not get weight loss and weight gain - she is a freak show - but somehow she gets airtime...

No worries on pound gain - just a bit of focus to shift that - and you are v motivated. As for being 50 - I found spending a lot of money on continuous celebration eased the pain......on the other hand it probably contributed to my weight gain maybe not...

Have a good week:-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj

lol Suzy I am 50 already well 51 actually should have said 50th Party :( its just that all my friends keep catching me up and celebrating!!! it would be rude not to join them. My husband is 5 years older than me so as most of my friends reach 50 we will start the round for 60th celebrations - better get myself a blue rinse :)

hms7280 profile image

You're quite inspirational, well done :) yesterday I weighed the same as the Monday 3 weeks I lost 2.5 kg and 4 cm from my waist...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to hms7280

Hi Hms7280,

You've done really well to lose 2.5 kg and 4 cm from your waist in 3 weeks. Really well done.

Sometimes the weight does slow down - so hopefully you'll have another loss next week. Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

hello all, new to this forum - how do I join in and not miss the weigh in (2 days late already!)?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Rollingsheep,

Welcome and thanks for joining us. I will be posting the next Monday weigh-in next Monday in the early morning, so you can join in then if you'd like to. You'd be very welcome. But equally if you want to join the thread at any other day of the week, then that's fine too.

There are lots of different threads posted each and every day, and you just join in with the ones that interest you.

It's a great community of positive people, and good luck with your weight loss goals. Have you seen the NHS website weight loss pages, there's a great 12 week structured plan there.

Have a great first week and hope to see you at the Monday weigh-in, if you choose to join in.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Great stuff! Thanks for getting back to me. I found this place through the nhs site and this is my first go at everything so I'm a total newbie :)

I've posted in the weight loss thread but not sure how to find your thread - is this something that will just pop up in there come monday?

my weigh in this morning was 75 kg so its early days yet. Here's hoping I see less come Monday! :D

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ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Rollingsheep,

Yes, it should pop up on Monday morning, so hopefully you'll find it easily. I always start the thread the same - i.e. labelling it as 'Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in' and I put the current date in brackets, and my name is next to the thread (Lowcal).

Great that you posted in a thread today.

Hope you have a positive first week, and will look forward to catching up with you in Monday's weigh-in. Hope you find it ok. :-)

Lowcal :-)

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