Please Join Me for a Bank Holiday Mond... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Bank Holiday Monday Weigh-in (25th May 2015)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
61 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 3.0 pounds and today I weigh 13 stone 5.0 pounds, so I've gained 2 pounds this week. My weight gain is down to a very large Chinese take-away, enjoyed on Friday evening, and also allowing myself 'extra treats' over the Bank Holiday weekend. I felt the need to over-indulge this weekend, and that is what I did.

I'm hoping to 'get back on track' this week, starting today - and will be reigning myself in, and avoiding any further treats. So hopefully by next Monday I'll have lost that extra 2 pounds, and maybe a bit more, to get myself closer to those elusive 12's.

I hope you are enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend, and I hope you'll join me for this Monday weigh-in, to share your own experiences. If you're new, and would like to join us, please do - we're a friendly bunch of Monday weighers. You would be very welcome.

Wishing you all a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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61 Replies
SineadC92 profile image

Morning lowcal, sorry to hear you've gained this week but sometimes our bodies just really want the sweets! I'm sure you'll get it back off next week.

I am much happier this week as according to the scale iv lost 4lbs from last week so my unexplained weight gain then seems to have been a glitch, at least I'm hoping this weigh in isn't the glitch!

Iv now got 1 more weigh in before my little boys first birthday where I'm hoping to be 3 stone off. I have 2 and a half pounds to go so I'm hoping to get there or at least be close!

Good luck everyone,have a good week!

Bealmor profile image
Bealmor in reply to SineadC92

3 stone off since a baby a year ago! Wow - that Is Fantastic! Well done!

SineadC92 profile image
SineadC925lbs in reply to Bealmor

Thank you :). Iv always been overweight and I think with the added baby weight I just decided enough was enough

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

Thanks for your supportive words - yes, my body definitely wanted a few indulgences this weekend!

Wow, you have had an amazing week - Congratulations on losing 4 pounds!!!! That's really brilliant. :-)

You are getting very close to losing 3 stones - good luck with your goal to be there by your little boy's first Birthday.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

fibronfedup profile image

Hey lowcal,

Think we all need a little over-indulgence now and then, otherwise we just crash and binge. As you say you will get back on track and lose it soon. Hope you have a good week.

This week i lost 1lb, been a hard week being mid packing as so busy so harder between working and packing to fit exercise and eating well in, but getting there and thankfully the extra activity packing is keeping the extra cals ive eaten at bay.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fibronfedup

Hi Fibronfedup,

You're right, over-indulgence every now and then doesn't hurt, and is part of life - especially Bank Holiday weekends!

Congratulations to you on losing another pound - I know you've got such a lot on at the moment with all that packing, so that is a definite success to have lost something despite those stresses. Like you say, it's quite an active thing - packing - so you are probably burning off lots of calories.

Wishing you another good week ahead. Good luck with the move.

Lowcal :-)

Bealmor profile image

Morning Lowcal! Sorry to hear about your gain. I'm reporting 11.12 this week - it's a little while since I posted a weight but that's 1lb down so I'll take that.

I am indulging myself too with a London Bank Holiday weekend in London. Starting the week with very good intentions and a 10k run around the city centre in the London BUPA 10k so I hope I won't do too much damage.

Have a good week buddies!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bealmor

Hi Bealmor,

Thank you. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing a pound, and it's great to see you. Glad you're enjoying some indulgence as well - and hope you have a great time in London.

Good luck with the London BUPA 10k - that sounds like quite a challenge!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Tsk - have started this 3 times- have new puppy that is getting me up early and keeping me busy:-)

I have had a relatively restrained week ( but it even including a curry fri night ) , I have marched some power walks. And Ta dah -this week I have managed to lose 0.75 pounds. Making a total loss of two pounds in two weeks. Quite satisfied with that . Not earth shattering, not to stringent and it is progress:-)

Bad luck LC on the two pounds - sometimes enjoying yourself has got to be done (if i have an indian or a chinese- I put on 2 pounds overnight - all that rice and salt...). As you say it is but another week.

Good luck everyone !!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

How lovely that you have a new puppy!!! Third time lucky with the post!

Really well done for losing 0.75 pound this week, and managing to include a Curry night on Friday as well - those power walks and relative restrain earlier in the week must have definitely helped. Really great!

By the way, I did put on 2 pounds 'overnight' after the Chinese takeaway on friday, and then I put on a further 2.5 pounds the next day (Saturday) which meant on Sunday morning (yesterday) I was up to 13 stone 7.8 pounds, but thankfully 2.8 pounds came off last night, and I was down to 13 stone 5.0 pounds - a 2 pound gain from last week. I was relieved that I didn't have to report a larger gain today!!!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

size12goal profile image

Hi Lowcal, (i'm sorry I've been really busy and not logging in much), glad you enjoyed your treats. It does you good sometimes, doesn't it? Onwards and hopefully! downwards for us both this week. Good luck. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to size12goal

Hi Size12goal,

Great to see you! :-) Yes, having some treats occasionally seems to help.

Yes, here's to an onward and hopefully downwards trend for us all this week.

Good luck to you too. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Good morning Lowcal. Glad that you are having a good weekend - nothing wrong with a little calculated indulgence now and then and I am sure that you will lose that 2lbs pretty quickly :-)

This is my end of week 8 weigh-in and I have lost 4 lbs which I am pleased about. Last Monday showed no weight loss but by last Tues I was down 2 lbs and a further 2 lbs over the past week. I have a lb to go to reach the 2 stone mark - fingers crossed for next week's weigh-in!

Enjoy your holiday Monday and I wish you and the other Lowcal-ers a great week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi MagsMM,

I do hope the 2 pounds will come off fairly soon. Thanks so much for your supportive words. They are much appreciated. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 4 pounds this week. That is brilliant, and it's great to hear how close you are to the 2 stone mark - hopefully you'll be celebrating that milestone at next Monday's weigh-in (all being well).

Wishing you a great Bank Holiday Monday, and a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Nic1976 profile image
Nic1976 in reply to

Hi MagsMM

Good luck to shift that pound this week. I have 2lbs to lose before I reach 2 stone down 😎

in reply to Nic1976

Well done :-) We are close to the 2 stone milestone - maybe next week we will both achieve our goal (for me it's a mini-goal cos I still have a long way to go). Roll on Mon weigh-in..... :-)

Dozzle profile image

After a week away in the lakes with family I have put on 4lbs! Not surprising since drinking wine and eating cheese was compulsory, and there was a couple of pub meals where everything came with chips! Not a salad in sight....

So I start again with hopefully a good week, no wine, calorie counting and walking the dog should do the trick! Fingers crossed......

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dozzle

Hi Dozzle,

Thanks for joining us for this Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in. Great to hear you had a lovely holiday in the Lakes with your family - cheese and wine sounds really delicious! Did you enjoy some walking too? Such great scenery and hopefully you had some good weather.

Those 4 pounds will hopefully soon be gone, now you're back to your usual routine, and enjoy those walks with your dog.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

gracie1985 profile image

Sorry to hear about the 2lb gain but don't let it get you down, just keep going.

Is everyone here trying to lose weigh with the NHS 1400 calorie plan?

I have only just joined so hoping to see the scales go down for once. logging a weight is 14 stone 12 today. I do not want to hit 15 stones so will be giving the NHS plan a try since I can't do the whole Low carb/High fat diet.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie1985,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. I think that several of the people here are following the principles of the NHS weight loss plan - although not everybody. Also, some people are doing maintenance, and others are focusing on weight loss. So I think it varies.

Speaking for myself, I follow the principles of the NHS weight loss pages, but I usually allow myself more calories - averaging about 2,000 per day total calories, but I do regular exercise and my net average calories are about 1,500 per day. However, during this weekend of over-indulgence I admit I've had over 3,000 calories on a couple of days! Hence my 2 pound weight gain this week.

I have seen lots of people lose weight whilst following the NHS plan - so hopefully it will work for you - it's more like a lifestyle than a diet.

Wishing you success with your weight loss goals - I would recommend using an app like Myfitnesspal to help you to record your calories and exercise - it really makes it easy to keep track.

Hope you have a great week, and hope to see you in future weigh-ins, and/or around the forum.

Lowcal :-)

Mello17 profile image

Good morning, well, after 2 weeks holiday I am amazed to find I lost nearly 4 lbs! Gone from 16st 1 start weight to 15st 3. Very happy and hubby has noticed!

Thanks for all the encouragement on this site, I can't do it without you all.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mello17

Hi Mello17,

Good morning. :-)

I hope you enjoyed your holiday, and it's great to hear that you've lost nearly 4 pounds - that is amazing!!! I think it's particularly challenging to lose weight after a holiday so you must have been quite disciplined. Really well done! :-)

It's great that your hubby has noticed your weight loss - you are getting close to achieving a stone of weight loss already - fantastic!!!

It's inspiring to hear your progress, and I wish you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mello17 profile image
Mello17 in reply to Zest

Thank you, hope you enjoyed your weekend, it's nice to let go once in a while! My weakness is wine which I shall probably have as its bank holiday, feeble excuse, but ok once in a while.

Dozzle profile image

Yes we did some walking everyday, about an hour most days......the weather wasn't bad, but then it was the lakes, so we had rain too.

My sister always buys loads of cheese, especially when I am dieting! It drives me mad, but I don't like to argue on holiday and spoil it for everyone else... One night I bought strawberries which everyone enjoyed for a change.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dozzle

Hi Dozzle,

Strawberries are a great choice - so delicious but very low calorie. Interesting that your sister buys more cheese when you're dieting - maybe you could talk to her about that - sometimes it can help to let people know that their behaviour can contribute to hindering your progress. Then they can work with you and be supportive of your wish to lose weight. I enjoy cheese too, but I try to have it alongside other lower calorie things - like some apple, celery, and other crudités, so that the amount of cheese is relatively small in comparison to the other things on the plate - but I can still enjoy the taste of the cheese, as it complements the flavours.

Great that you enjoyed some Lakeland walks.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Talking of walks, I'm going to have a Bank Holiday walk now - so I'll be back later. :-) There are clouds in the sky, but there is some sunshine, so hopefully it will be nice for a walk.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

HI Low-cal; oh I envy youyour indulgence - and you've proved you've got the will power not to let it detract from the long-term plan. I've been ill again, out of hospital now & ironically am now 10st 12 - first time in the 'healthy' BMI range for years - shame it's because I'm not healthy! So all low fat & small amounts for me, no alcohol .. hey ho, saw my family & still had a good time. Everyone , be warned - I ignored my weight for far too long & look where it's got me to - lose it while you can voluntarily!!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

I'm so sorry to hear you've been ill again - glad to hear you're out of hospital now. I'm glad you saw your family and that you managed to enjoy that time.

I'm glad to hear you're in the healthy BMI range. Really good to hear, and hopefully you will be 'healthier' in yourself as time goes on, and you'll feel stronger as each day goes. I really wish you the best, and hope you feel better really soon.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal

I have also gained this week, 1lb, up from 12st0 to 12st1. I'm really frustrated by this. Having begun at 12st4 I feel like I've hardly made any difference. This week I've been exercising - 3 runs and 2 cycling days. I've been trying so hard to have healthy meals too, with large portions of veg and small portions of rice/pasta/potatoes, and no cheese (my fall-down). The only thing is last night's dinner was chinese takeaway, but a small portion, but I know even that's not healthy. It was accompanied by 2 pints cider which I'm sure shouldn't be on anybody's diet plan. I also shared a slice of cake with my bf the day before, but I know in reality I shouldn't have had any cake at all. I really want to see '11' at the start of my weight next week. I will be being strict with alcohol and food bought 'out' such as cake/takeaway. Good luck for reigning yourself in - I guess the week after bank hol is like this for a lot of people!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

I do think that Bank holiday weekends are excessively challenging for so many reasons - sounds like yours was doubly hard as there was a Birthday celebration too - Chinese take-aways are definitely very calorific and full of salt etc - I haven't had one for several months, so Friday's was unusual for me, but I did enjoy it. Like you, I had a smaller portion than I would have done previously, so I think we did well to do that! :-) You've only gained 1 pound, so hopefully it will be gone soon, especially if you reign yourself in - hopefully next week you'll see the '11' at the start of your weigh-in next week. Good luck!

Well done on all your exercise over the past week - those cycle rides and runs sound great!

Keep going Ruth - wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal - I think someone else had the birthday celebration - wasn't me! It was just a Sunday night evening out in the pub (they let us bring a takeaway in from the Chinese next door as the kitchen had closed). I have to say putting on a pound feels a lot better via this thread than just standing there on my own looking at the numbers on the scales. I actually turned it off and on a few times and tried re-weighing on different bits of the bathroom floor - nothing made it change that number! But I can change my perspective about it, especially with encouragement from people on here, and by remembering what I honestly did that was good or bad, and how I can address that next week. I hope your 2 pounds are also some kind of bank holiday indulgence blip that's easily shifted off during the week. I hope you also feel encouraged too, and that the encouragement stays with you and helps you keep making good decisions :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

I think the encouragement on this site is amazing, and it definitely stays with me during the week - and helps me to remember that another weigh-in will come round as an incentive to keep going. Really glad you feel similarly - everyone is very encouraging.

I didn't think it was your Birthday celebration, otherwise I would definitely have wished you a Happy Birthday. :-) I assumed it was somebody else's.

Hope you're enjoying the Bank holiday. I have just put 2 Banana Bran Fruit cakes and a Cherry and Almond cake in the oven - I plan to freeze them in pieces so that they can be enjoyed during the week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

I made a batch of flapjacks this week for my healthy snacks, using veg oil instead of butter, and using grated apple and chopped sultanas for the sweetness, rather than sugar/syrup. They came out well!

I've just decided to finally start the nhs weight loss plan. I've done the c25k, I've made some diet/habit changes, but now it's time to actually properly stick to a plan. Looking forward to getting a whole new bunch of tips, and hopefully some proper weight loss results, during the next 12 weeks... the plan's printing out as I type this...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Those flapjacks sound great!

Exciting to hear you're trying the NHS 12 week plan, and here's to some great weight loss results for you! :-)

in reply to Zest

Yes, I recently discovered the grated apples trick for bread and butter pudding, as a way of cutting out sugar, so thought I'd try it in flapjacks too. I also added cinnamon I think. Also they took a bit longer to bake, prob all the water in the apples, but came out well, although sufficiently 'healthy' tasting that you can avoid the temptation of coming back for seconds! I've worked out if I can lose 2lb/week I can realistically get to my 10st7 goal, but I've got to just really focus for 12 weeks, and finally do this thing properly. I should at the very least be squeezing back into jeans in time for my actual birthday in July I hope. That's like my manageable mini goal! Hope you feel similarly spurred on this week too :)

slimjan profile image


Still on my hols in spain, this is my 4th week, back 13th june. Can't weigh myself but hoping I am not putting too much weight on, can still get in my clothes so that's quite a good sign. Not going to let it spoil my holiday will get back to it when I get back.

Wishing you good Luck with your weight loss for next week and hope your enjoying the bank holiday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,

Really great that you took some time out from your holiday in Spain to join us for this weigh-in - it's great to have you with us!!! :-) Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and having some lovely times.

The fact you can still get into your clothes is a great sign!

Look forward to catching up with you again soon. Enjoy the remainder of your hols.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image

Hi lowcal, I can really relate to your post this week. Sorry for your gain, i have gained 3lbs. This is my worst week since starting in Jan. I can think of lots of reasons including monthly cycle, away seeing 92 year old gran who likes to feed - too much bread, then too much wine and all in all end of last week just fed up of calorie counting!

Posting on here really helps to make me think put it behind me and move on! At least i managed to keep cardio up at gym and have definitely made small changes to fitness.

hoping for a better week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Thanks so much for your supportive words - they are much appreciated.

Sorry to hear you've also gained this week - you have listed all the reasons that this week was your most challenging week since January, and they all make sense. I have definitely noticed how some older ladies like to 'feed-up' their Grand-children, and they seem to have an endless supply of cakes that are all home-made. Not easy…!

I agree with your decision to put it behind you and move on - and well done for keeping up with your Cardio at the gym, and making those small changes to your fitness - they all add up.

I'm sure you'll have a better week this week, now that you're back on track.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image

Morning! I've gained a pound this week, which I know is hormonal and in all honesty it could have been a lot worse, but I'm still cross about it!!

Week 14 starts today and I'm off for a run in a bit, hopefully I'll out run my cloud and find my smile when I'm out!

Have a good week 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

I'm imagining you out on your run, out-running that cloud and finding a big smile to replace that crossness you were feeling earlier. That pound gained will hopefully be a thing of the past very soon too! At least you know it's hormonal, and like you say, it could have been a lot worse!

Amazing to hear you're onto Week 14 already - where does that time go?

Hope you have a really good week ahead, and here's to some losses for all of us by next week's weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Zest

Hot, sweaty and smiling!! Interval running up hill 🏃🏃😁😁 no nonsense!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Wow, all credit to you. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Concerned,

I completely agree with you, and generally I try to keep my blood sugar levels stable by avoiding eating high glycaemic index foods - or at least considering balancing the glycaemic load of my meals. If I ate strawberries for example - I know they are high in fructose, but I would most likely accompany them with another food such as plain yoghurt and some muesli, or have them following my main meal, hence the glycaemic load of the meal would be fairly balanced.

Speaking personally, my 'treats' over this Bank Holiday didn't cause me any 'anguish' - I enjoyed having them, and I am hopeful that I'll lose my extra 2 pounds fairly soon.

I agree that a person who was an alcoholic wouldn't appreciate being encouraged to have another drink, if they were trying to abstain - but if they were able to have an occasional drink, as part of a balanced lifestyle, then I would imagine that they might want to achieve that. This is purely conjecture on my part, and just my thoughts in response to your post.

I hope you are having a good weekend, and a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Lowcal, although you have gained a couple of pounds it appears you know the reason for the gain so hopefully it wont be too difficult to reverse, and sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies and go with it, life would be so dull if we didn't sometimes have a little treat! Just completed week 8 and lost another 2lbs. I'm really over the moon this morning as I measured myself for the first time since I started and really pleased to say I've lost 2" from my waist, I think I'm happier about that than the 2lbs!!! Have a good week everybody.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I really appreciate them.

Congratulations to you for losing another 2 pounds this week - that is so great!!! Great that you've also taken your measurements, and that you've lost 2 inches from your waist - fantastic!

Keep it up, and here's to another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer

Hi Lowcal

I have been off the wagon for a few weeks now but have managed to maintain my weight at 11st 11lbs so consider that is a achievement in itself. I have been keeping up the exercise but eating more, and drinking wine. I have had a really busy and stressful few weeks and just have not been able to get my healthy eating act together. I did start logging calories again mid week so am hoping I can get back into my stride and try and move towards my target of losing 11 more lbs.

Sorry to hear you have put 2 lbs on this week - I know what you mean about needing treats - I am the same - and I think it is important that we indulge wisely otherwise this weight loss treadmill becomes far too tedious to keep on with.

Good luck for the next week everybody - I just hope i do not put any weight on and can get back some of my dieting enthusiasm! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to walkthisway

Hi Walkthisway,

I think it is definitely an achievement to maintain your weight, especially when you've felt like you've been 'off the wagon' for a few weeks - so really well done for maintaining, and for keeping up your exercise.

Sounds like you've had a stressful time recently, and that is never easy to deal with. Great that you've been able to start logging your calories again from mid week onwards - hopefully you'll be getting closer to your goal of losing 11 more pounds.

Indulging wisely in our much needed treats (to ensure no 'anguish' is felt) is definitely a good strategy. We need to make our weightloss treadmill fun and ensure we have some enthusiasm to continue.

I really hope you can get some time to re-charge your batteries after that stress you've been having, and that you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Afternoon all, we all need a break now and again, it's just that we need to keep an eye on things and you have done that Lowcal upward and onwards plus you have a positive mindset. Weighing in at 11.01/2lb have weighed in at under 11 once this week hopefully I can slip into the 10,s again next week. it's taken me 2 months to get rid of this birthday binge! And I want to look tip top for Ascot. New mac bought this week a coat not a PC, so far this morning have done body pump, Pilates, and insanity classes, but off to drink wine this evening will try to show restraint Have a Google week one and all, bring on the sunshine!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Thanks for your encouraging words! :-)

Well done for getting rid of your 'Birthday binge' and being back on track, you're doing great! I'm sure you'll look 'tip top' for Ascot.

Wow, you've done lots of exercise so far this morning. Enjoy your evening and good luck with showing restraint with your wine drinking.

Yes, bring on the sunshine!!! :-)

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

JNithy profile image


Only on my second week (so no excuses for me) and I've lost just one pound but going in the right direction...and I did my first 2 exercise classes for a couple of years, so pretty pleased with that.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to JNithy

Hi JNithy,

Welcome to you, and really great that you've lost 1 pound in your first week. That's great. Also, brilliant that you've done your first 2 exercise classes for a couple of years - hope you enjoyed them. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Nic1976 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Sorry I'm posting a day late.

Sounds like you have had a good weekend and not too surprised about the small gain - all the best for shifting them for next Monday.

Last week I weighed 11st9 and this week I weigh 11st7. I'm now just less than 1 stone heavier than the top of my average weight, which is 10st8.

Good luck to everyone posting on the thread for a successful weight loss week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nic1976

Hi Nic1976,

Great to see you! Thanks for your kind words. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, that's great progress and you're doing really well.

Hope you enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi lowcal, sorry to hear that you have gained this week. I have also put on 2 pounds and am back up at 10st10. Slightly frustrating as I was 10st8 when I weighed myself on sunday, however monday I am 10st10! Never mind, such is life.

I plan to be fairly good this week, as I am of on holiday for two weeks on saturday. I hope to be as good as possible whilst away, not eating too badly and getting plenty of walking in. I expect we will get plenty of exercise as we generally end up going round stately homes, gardens and zoos whilst we are away, and are going to Pembrokeshire so plenty of chances for walking! Luckily my 3 year old enjoys walking and is happy to do 2.5 to 3 miles no problem. I hope to still be in the 10 stones when I get back from holiday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Great to see you, and thanks for your kind words - sorry to hear that you've also put on 2 pounds this week - hopefully your weight will go back down as quickly as you put it on (i.e. hopefully overnight!).

Good to hear you have 2 weeks holiday coming up, and it sounds like you're planning to keep busy and active, so hopefully that should help you to keep any extra weight off. Wishing you success with keeping within the 10's, and wishing you a great holiday.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image
catch in reply to Zest

Thank you lowcal, and see you in a couple of weeks x

trafford1 profile image

All is not lost and a little indulgence every now and again is ok. As long as you are keeping an eye on your weight you can't really go wrong as you are managing it now whereas before we just ate what we wanted without thinking. You know what to do Lowcal so not to worry.

I have indulged this week to, been in Blackpool with the family and just returned today, ate what I wanted had a wonderful time and will get right back to it because we know how to manage it. You will reach your goal very soon, I know you will :-)

Hope you have a great week ahead Lowcal, best wishes hun x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thanks so much for your kind words. :-)

Really good to hear you had such an enjoyable time in Blackpool with your family - sounds really good!

Yes, we do know how to manage our indulgences, and we can get back on track. I'm pleased to say that my excess weight from the Bank Holiday is almost all gone already! I'm hoping for a loss on the scales for next Monday's weigh-in, and I hope you have a loss too. :-)

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

gracie1985 profile image

Hey guys, weighed in this morning at 14 stones 11. So only 1lb loss this week.

I bought the Withings body scale that tells you weight, body fat, CO2 air levels, heart rate etc. Sometimes my weight goes down but my body fat % goes up :-( no idea what that means. Today I am 46.1% body fat.

The NHS chart is a good idea, usually I track my calories on myfitnesspal but having the chart up on the wall makes it easier to see the week at a view. I realized I only managed 1 day at 1400 calories and barely did any exercise. So I am hoping to make some positive changes for week 2.

How did everyone else do?

Meal plan today:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled in olive oil, 1/2 smoked sausage, 1 slice rye/muesli bread - 393 calories

Lunch - Bulgur wheat with chicken in mushroom sauce (I made this based on a Tesco real food recipe, using dried mushrooms and crème fraiche) - 468 calories

Snack - 1 strawberry Greek yoghurt, 1 small pear - 138 calories

Dinner - Chicken in black bean sauce (made with a Chinese recipe, soak chicken in sesame oil, corn flour and soy sauce, then fry in groundnut oil with soy sauce and 2 tbsp. black bean sauce) + 40g soba noodles - 340 calories

Exercise - The 7 min HIIT workout

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie1985,

Thanks so much for your post this morning, and Congratulations on losing a pound this week - that's really great!

You've added your response to last week's Monday weigh-in post - so here's a link to the current one. The current date is always in brackets in the main title of the post.

I usually post by approx 7am on Mondays, and I think you wrote your reply shortly before - but here is the link to today's weigh-in if you want to join in today and see how everyone is doing.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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