Can anyone help me please, is it ok to take Raspberry Ketone with Thyroxine?? Any advice appreciated.
Hi: Can anyone help me please, is it ok... - Weight Loss Support

I would suggest that Raspberry Keytone has no proven health benefits and is very costly. It has also been linked to scams. My recommendation would be to avoid taking diet pills such as these. See:
If you need any other advice in losing weight I'd be happy to help. I'm a trained weight management and nutrition advisor. Ali x
Hi-2nd attempt at replying. The first one whiz zed off before I had finished writing :-(.
I am the same as fedupofthis, thinking about this keytones option. Being hypothyroid , and seem to be just about ok on the meds, still finding difficult to lose weight (need to lose 1.5stone as on the cusp,of being diabetic) Reading a lot of the posts on here suggests weight and not being able to lose it is a real issue with those of us being hypothyroid. As a weight management advisor what do you advise.
I too am on thyroxine and lost weight and kept it off by following the advice on this site without any gimmicks diet pills.
By a combination of eating less and exercising more I found it straightforward to lose weight. Planning and portion control is the key to me and also using smaller plates. I also recommend not getting too hungry when you might make bad choices.
C25k is also a great way of exercising.
Good luck with your journey to a changed way of eating & exercise.
I second that. I'm on levothyroxin after being diagnosed this time last year. I've been following the nhs weight loss plan since january and I've lost nearly 5st. Not done anything faddy or extreme. Just cut down my portions and making sure I get a balanced diet and that I exercise.
Definately plan your meals and make allowances now and then for treats. I've not given up eating things I enjoy, just eat them less often or less off them than I used to. My colleagues all berate me when there are cakes in the staffroom because I no longer eat them. Why waste calories on stuff I hadn't really planned to eat, I'm not hungry for and aren't that bothered about if I can wait and have something later or another day that I am craving or have worked hard to enjoy?
Dear fedupofthis14, raspberry ketone is a scam! It has no visible effects and not has been tested at all on humans. You don't need tablets to diet.......honestly!.
don't take raspberry Ketone its a load of old bollocks
I am hypo. Took the keytones about 2 years ago. Put on weight.
I have since found out that if you have a thyroid problem you should not take these.
Steer well clear!
I also have thyroid dysfunction. I tried Raspberry Ketone and I have to say it was a load of rubbish and a waste of money. Took it daily for 2 months. All I got was diarrhoea