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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (24th February 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
49 Replies

Good morning!

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 13.2 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 12.2 pounds, so I've lost 1 pound this week. I had gained that pound over Valentine's, so it's good to have got rid of it again, and this week I am hoping to lose more weight - hopefully another pound if possible, so I can keep making progress to reach my goal. I am hoping to reach the target weight of 12 stone 7 pounds, and ideally would like to lose about a pound a week.

So far this year (from 1st January 2014) I have lost 8 pounds, so I am pleased with that progress so far.

I still need to do a weight training plan for myself - it's been something I intended to start a few weeks ago, but somehow I've not yet even looked into getting a plan - I must try to do that this week. I'm also hoping to keep up regular walking, and also hoping to do at least 2 gym visits this week. I hope to eat sensibly this week as well. I do have a couple of meals out - so it will be a challenge to try to choose the healthier options off the menu! I hope to improve on doing that - I can often get lead astray!

Hope you have had a good week.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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49 Replies
bispers profile image

Well done Lowcal. Good to lose that 1lb gain immediately.

I went out for dinner on Saturday and am currently showing a 3lb gain. Not doing well at the moment. I did 2 fast days last week and stuck to only 495 calories but I must be over compensating on the other days. Also I end up tired, cold and very emotional on those days, so it's back to regular calorie counting for me. Not fair on Hubby!

I'm pleased I proved to myself over 3 weeks I could eat so few calories some days and it's also stopped me snacking, so some positives.

Here's to a new week and good luck everyone.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

Sounds like you've learned quite a lot from doing your fasting days - and I'm sure those things will help you lose your 3lb gain quite quickly. I also found fasting to be too difficult to keep up - so I also reverted to trying to eat sensibly most of the time. I definitely find it better to keep my blood sugars more constant, using low glycaemic index foods like oats and suchlike.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to bispers

I agree there is no such thing as one solution fits all, my aim Monday thru Friday is to only eat calories in the day burnt from exercise, so whatever my daily allowance is I eat in the evening, but obviously I don't eat it all usually, I do at the weekends though......

Bailey_3 profile image

Well done you! I did my first weigh in this morning & what a shock - 9st 121/4 lb! Considering I'm a petite build & used to be around 8 stone, not sure when this happened! Still here's to next Monday's weigh in, although I'm not sure yet what diet plan I'm following!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bailey_3

Hi Bailey_3,

Great to see you here, and you're already looking forward to next Monday's weigh in, so that's a very positive start! It is good to plan what you're going to do to try to lose the weight - so hope you find a plan that suits you - the NHS website has some good advice on weight loss, and lots of people make really helpful suggestions in these forums too.

Best of luck with your first week, and hope you see some positive results at the weigh in next Monday.

Lowcal :-)

Michwat profile image

Well done! I have just completed my first week and weighed 13stone 8 last week and 13stone 5 today! Woohoo 3lb loss and 1inch off my waist! Have been really good and even had a meal out and an Indian takeaway, just making better choices and smaller portions. I'm really proud of myself, just need to keep it up :-) happy Monday everyone x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Michwat

Hi Michwat,

Congratulations on your 3 pound weight loss - that's incredible! 1 inch off your waist as well - brilliant! Also good to hear you enjoyed your meal out and the Indian takeaway too - like you said, making better choices and having smaller portions are effective strategies. Really pleased for you. Hope you have another great week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Well done Lowcal.

I have stayed the same - feel slightly i am doing so much running.....

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj

Not gaining is good. I find running makes me hungry still haven't passed 10 miles I need to try and do that next weekend, other types of exercise don't make me starving like Spin, no long run for me this week :( I really don't like running it's very cold and windy and wet mostlyI only have 3 weeks to go and it will all be over hurrah!! Suzy I can't imagine running all that way!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Prin

Feeling bit better today - done some gym work. I am taking a week off pounding the roads this week. It is playing havoc with my joints and muscles. Just done an hour and half on various things at gym, including the hated dread mill. Will do another long session fri and then a 13 mile fundraiser on treadmill next week!

Good luck with your running - the psychology is - if you can do 10 you can do 13 :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Suzybenj,

Great that you are doing lots of running, and I am sure that will pay off very soon with some more weight loss - keep going! I think you'll have a really good week this week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Zest

Thanks- feeling slightly more cheerful today. Half a pound gone overnight, been to Gym and feel better for that :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

That's great. :-)

Have a great day!

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Great result Lowcal half a stone this year well done! Menu options for me are difficult but I prefer to cut down I the daytime to compensate, an Indian tomorrow so I will have my work cut out with that one, will forgo the popadom I don't love it that much and go for a plain rice.

Lowcal I do t weight train but I do love body pump, do they have it at your gym recommended for toning and definition

About weight 10.12 this week I tend to lose track ( it's my age) so I think the same as last week or a bit less. Two new size 10 things in the wardrobe this week, structured non jersey dress, with a zip and all from Tesco, and had to return jacket bought last July with faulty zip it was a 14, but replacement is a size 10 :) hope you all have a good week looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts from last week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Some more size 10 items in your wardrobe - sounds good! Thanks for the suggestion re: body pump - I think I will see what classes they do at the gym. It would be a good option to get me started on something. Good idea!

Hope you enjoy your Indian meal tomorrow night. I am also having a meal out tomorrow, so I am hoping that I choose well... Want to try to achieve the balance of enjoying something but knowing that it won't scupper my weight loss chances at the same time. Difficult balance to achieve.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Prin

Chapatis are a good option to replace rice in an Indian meal, they are flat wholemeal bread grilled over a griddle, and are very tasty.

quinn profile image

Have just joined this today and weighed in this morning at 81kg. Over the past 7 years I have put on 16kg. I used to weigh 65 kg more or less all my adult life, . Aged 49 now, menopausal and unfit. Start the gym this afternoon, first time in years. Gave up smoking 1 month ago too.

Over the last 3 weeks I have been trying to walk 10.000 steps 5 days a week, and eat healthier. Lost 1.5 kg.

Would love to join this weekly weigh in support group.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to quinn

Hi Quinn,

You are very welcome, and thanks for joining us today. Sounds like you've made some very positive changes recently - congratulations on losing 1.5 kg - that's really great. Good luck at the gym this afternoon - hope you enjoy it.

Hope you have a really good week.

Lowcal :-)

Dingbat profile image
Dingbat in reply to quinn

Hi Quinn, I am new too, 54 and hate the way my weight has slowly crept up. Menopause isn't helping either . Started yesterday and weigh 76 kg and used to be 68.

We'll done on the smoking - not easy but a really good idea.

Best wishes for your weight loss journey.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dingbat

Hi Dingbat,

Wishing you every success on your weight loss journey, and hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

behappynow profile image

Well done for losing a pound...I didnt lose or gain weight for monday weigh in...same weight as last week...suppose thats good in a way...steady ...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to behappynow

Hi Behappynow,

Well done for not gaining. You're right, staying steady is ok, and just keep going and the weight will come off in the end. Slow and steady makes excellent progress!

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)


First of all, well done for taking the first steps. My partner smokes, and has being trying to give up, so I know how hard it is. You've won that battle, so you can win this next one too.

The NHS 12 week plan is a useful starting point and tool for helping manage diet. it breaks things up into small steps, which makes it all seem less daunting.

I don't know if you are able to exercise at all? Now that the days are getting longer, it might be an incentive to take a walk everyday? Find a time that suits you. It's free and will contibute to your sense of well being.

Well done for posting on this site: think of it as your first step to having a personal cheerleading squad/shoulder to lean on.

You can do it.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Tanyag163,

Welcome to you too! Your suggestion to walk every day is a really good thing. I usually try to have a walk most days (weather permitting). I think it's nice to be out and about enjoying nature and exercising at the same time.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Kath

You seem to be doing all the right things. With regards to activity level - if you are comfortable with what you are doing then great. When you feel ready to, then you may want to try doing new things.

Keep positive and good luck for the first day.

Hi Kathkins,

You know if you can grab the bull of smoking by the horns and change that 'bad' habit, then you'll probably find giving up the 'bad' eating habits and swapping them for 'good' ones feels a wee bit familiar. They're not so very different as change processes in some ways..

And my dog really helped me, both by forcing me to be active - especially when my other half was away from home for work - and for eating a share of the two low fat Digestive biscuits that I allowed myself a day!

Good luck with your weight loss journey

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Doikosp,

Nice to see you! I hope you are having a good week also.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Kathkins,

Welcome to you! Thanks for sharing some background about yourself - you have certainly made some positive changes. Congratulations on giving up smoking.

I think the forum is very positive and encouraging and the people are very friendly and supportive. I hope you have a really good week.

Lowcal :-)

I was also 13 stone 12 pounds when I weighed myself on Sunday, having started at 14 stone 13 pounds at Christmas. Unfortunately I had put on two pounds since last weekend having succumbed to some unhealthy eating over half term, but am grateful that its not worse and now hope to lose another pound this week. Avoided the temptation of getting a Chinese takeaway this evening, and am going to go on the exercise bike.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony2014,

Congratulations on your weight loss since Christmas - you've done really well! Hope you enjoyed your session on the exercise bike, and well done for avoiding the temptation of the Chinese takeaway. I used to eat Chinese takeaway about once a week, and would always gain weight afterwards, so glad I no longer do that very often.

Hope you have a good week this week.

Lowcal :-)

Blanket profile image

Deep breath.....having read a number of other posts I have built up the courage to post on here re weight. I only joined the group at the weekend and I weighed myself yesterday as the first proper date of my 12 week plan. I was 12st 8lbs. At my heaviest I think I was around 15 stone and would like to be around 10st 4lbs - 10st 8lbs. I really struggle to invisage what I would look like at this weight so currently don't have a firm belief that I will get there but I will try to lose a bit of weight and see what happens.

I have a number of barriers to losing weight including the fact that I am much happier now than I have been for years so trying to stay focussed on a goal that feels negative (telling myself to change) is hard as I am quite accepting of my life now. Also, I like food! I mean good food, cooking from scratch etc but that often means because I enjoy what I've/partner's made I indulge. Other barriers are that my partner doesn't need to lose weight so if he has something I "shouldn't" it bugs me - so I might have something too or I feel negative about losing weight. Another reason I struggle to lose weight is that I lost some weight in my late teens very quickly and it was surrounded by negative experiences so I think in my mind I have an association with being unhappy and losing weight - quite the opposite of what most people seem to think. Don't get me wrong the number going down on the scales is good but I think I self sabbotage when I've lost more than a few pounds (which then gives me the belief that I CAN'T lose weight).

I joined the group to try and get some support with this journey as I feel like this would be a really positive goal to achieve (for a whole load of reason) and I just need to keep going with it rather than giving up at one (or all) of the hurdles I mentioned above.

Guess I'll post next Monday with more weight-related news! :o)

Dingbat profile image
Dingbat in reply to Blanket

Hi Blanket,

Congratulations for taking the plunge - it takes courage.

Like you I am new this weekend and am relieved at how supportive the forum seems to be.

Like you, I

My other half doesn't need to lose weight. I have a sedentary job which doesn't help. Also because he has been ill for several years, I think I have adopted more inactive hobbies. Final excuse is also the weather - I live in the country in the north of Scotland and it is too dark, no pavements, cold,wet and windy in Winter! Only one gym within driving distance and not open on Sundays. Have needed to get home after work because of partner......think all of this has become a habit/excuse so need to adopt a different mind set.

When I don't lose I also lose heart and then sabotage my efforts.

Hopefully we can use the support on this forum to help overcome our demons, good luck!

Blanket profile image
Blanket in reply to Dingbat

Hey Dingbat,

Thanks, it did take more courage than I thought, it makes you realise you're not happy with your weight I guess!

I think it was helpful for me earlier to list the things that get in the way of me achieving weight loss goals. It sounds like you have very real things that make exercising difficult. Is there a way around that, maybe a bike/rowing machine at home to use whilst watching TV and chatting with your partner?

I've read loads of posts on here that talk about staying the same weight and learning to feel ok about that, I need to try and do this too as I know giving up won't achieve anything - it's just habit isn't it?!

Anyway, good luck overcoming demons, I'll be fighting mine too so here if you need a rant etc :o)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dingbat

Hi Dingbat,

Spring is on its way, so hopefully you'll be able to get out and about more - leaving that cold, wet and windy Wintry weather behind at last! I am amazed that your gym isn't open on Sundays - surely that's a potentially busy day for them.

Somebody suggested to me that there are lots of exercise videos on U-tube that are good to do indoors. I admit, I've not looked at any of them yet, but it does sound like a good idea!

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Dingbat profile image
Dingbat in reply to Zest

hi low cal - I live in the last outpost of Sabbatarianism - nothing is open on Sunday, oh apart from the pubs.......! I think I use excuses - it's not always wet & cold. Motivation is the key. December to end of Feb it is very dark but even now I could go for a run after work if I tried! Have made the effort to do some power walking in my lunch breaks this week & have just possibly found a gym-buddy too. fingers crossed and thanks for the support - much appreciated. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Blanket

Hi Blanket,

A warm welcome to you, and I hope that you will find your experiences on this forum to be positive and helpful in working towards achieving your weight loss goals. It's great that you like to cook from scratch, as that way you know what goes into your food, and that would be helpful to ensure that you eat healthier things. I find it's better to try to avoid processed foods wherever possible, as they often contain more sugar and salt etc.

It's great that you are enjoying your life more currently than you have done at some points in the past, and hopefully that positivity will help you to get through any points where the urge to potentially 'self-sabotage' kick in. At least you are aware of that potential, and therefore you can 'look out for it' and hopefully work through it - I think the people here are very positive and supportive and it's a good place to come to discuss or talk about any difficulties or challenges. Somebody might have a solution or a helpful strategy to suggest, or maybe just can empathise from their own experience - that can be really validating.

I hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

quinn profile image

Hi all thankyou for the support. First day at the gym yesterday and I can feel it today. I did however remember that I find the gym so dull , I have early enjoyed walking outdoors these past 3 weeks and its not the same on a treadmill. However will persevere 3 x weekly.

Dingbat I am assuming you must be on the islands, as I know the gym is not open on a sunday there. I am originally from the outer hebridies. Maybe going for a walk will help, even though the wind and rain may make this difficult. I used to enjoy walking around the castle grounds in Stornoway on a sunday, as it is quite sheltered.

My weight has also crept on due to contentment, my partner and I love our food and were eating portions that really should have been for 4 between the 2 of us.

Good luck with the rest of the week. I am hoping for at least 1lb per week but would love to lose 2 per week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to quinn

Hi Quinn,

I also enjoy walking outside better than using the gym, but like you - I am trying to persevere to visit the gym - although I only tend to make it a couple of times a week at the moment. I am contemplating trying to add in an aerobics type of class as well - Prin suggested Body Pump - I've never tried that, but it sounds energetic!

Hope the remainder of the week goes well.

Lowcal :-)

Dingbat profile image
Dingbat in reply to quinn

Hi Quinn - yep I live on Lewis, small world eh? I work at the college which is in the Castle Grounds so have been out at lunchtimes this week. However until this week I would have got soaked at lunch and cannot face the afternoon looking like a drowned rat, work clothes are not the same . Have taken in some tracksuit bottoms and trainers to help with that. But you will know there are days when it is just impossible!

Portion control is an issue for me too. Good luck with your weight loss, like you, I'd love to lose 2 lb/1kg but will be pleased to be losing, whatever!

Windswept1 profile image
Windswept1 in reply to Dingbat

Hi, I'm on Lewis too, Westside, stay in Carloway. Today was good in sun, but running into wind is difficult!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Windswept1

Hi Windswept1,

Hope you are well and having a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Dingbat profile image
Dingbat in reply to Windswept1

hi Windswept1 - it is a small world isn't it! Love your name - very apt! Yeh, I can cope with running in the wind up to 20mph but it can knock the breath out of me. Went for a walk around the village tonight -Aird Tong - it just started raining/hailing five mins before the end but at least I went.

Windswept1 profile image
Windswept1 in reply to Dingbat

Hi,looks like you, Lowcal & me are in the same wonderful place. Voted by Tripadvisor as the best islands in Europe & 10th in the world. If we can get out in weather then no one else has any excuse! I do feel sad when people post that that can't afford gym facilities when we have such amazing access at £15 a month for an individual to £20 for a family for virtually unlimited access to sports centres. Today was a rest day but tomorrow aquafit then Jog Scotland and then the other day c25k run 2

OlsBean profile image

Well done all you Losers! and maintainers of course :)

I've not been on as much recently as we're in the middle of a rushed house purchase/move.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to OlsBean

Hi OlsBean,

Nice to see you! Thanks for your encouraging words, and best of luck with your house purchase/move. I hope it goes smoothly!

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

quinn profile image

Hi windswept and Dingbat, I hear there have been a good couple of days recently up there. However getting out and about in the winter really is a challenge.

I have not lived in Lewis for many many years but do still visit.

Good luck with the portion control, I do struggle with this, especially when I realise how small a " normal portion" really is, still I will get used to it.

asics profile image

Sorry arrived a bit late to this post! Well done to those who've lost or stayed the same! To those who've gained good luck this week. I started on Monday so had first weigh. Need to lose 27 to 34lbs. Started fasting again this week. Am ok with it as long as am busy. having 1400 - 1500 on Mon fast days. Look forward to checking in next week. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hi Asics,

Welcome! I hope you are doing ok with your first week so far. Good luck with your fasting on Monday.

Hope you have a successful first week!

Lowcal :-)

asics profile image
asics in reply to Zest

Thank you! Now need to focus on a sensible weekend...eeek! Have a good one and catch up Monday.

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