how can I lose weight after surgery fo... - Weight Loss Support
how can I lose weight after surgery for a leg amputation ?

Hi there - It is important that you have something that you know for sure will provide you with all the vitamins and minerals and proteins that you need. And around that, you base your healthy eating plan. I have daily been taking a protein shake for over 2 months now, and I feel better and healthier than I have for a very long time. Went through extensive surgery a few years back, and the shakes have helped me become stronger and feeling energetic. I actually get it for free also. Let me know if you want more information and I will put you in the right direction!
Thank you Maryam123 for letting me know about the shakes you have been taking Im glad that they have done you good If you could give me more information .What are they called andwhatdothey consistof
Thanking you Sadie 38