Hello all I'm 30 years old and I've recently been diagnosed with PCOS as well as a jump up to high cholesterol. Both were diagnosed by blood tests which had previously come back normal a few years ago. I pushed to have them done again because my symptoms, hair growth etc were getting worse and was finally diagnosed this week. On receiving my diagnosis I was told the only option the NHS could offer was Metaforin to assist with weight loss and my GP would only prescribe this if I was trying to conceive (which I'm not). This 2 min appointment sent me off the deep end into anxiety and fears for my future. I've been mostly in tears this whole week and googling my fate on questionable websites (until finding this one). This lovely page has genuinely rescued my sanity so thank you all.
My first question to you all is in relation to diet/supplements. I am embarrassed to say I am now obese (34 BMI). The weight gain over the past few years has been steady and constant no matter what I seemed to try. I'm a vegetarian and my diet is pretty good as a result. Although my weight gain has finally plateaued now, despite diet and regularly attending the gym I just can't seem to shift any weight. I'm now planning even more intense diet and exercise for my health generally but I wonder if there are any ladies on here who are also vegetarian who can give me any advice in terms of diet/supplements? I've read some stuff online that, for example, a vegetarian diet can cause zinc deficiency which can affect PCOS? Any advice would be very much appreciated.
My last question relates to fertility and ensuring I am getting 4 periods a year. I'm currently using the contraceptive implant which I've been using for about 8 years. Prior to that I was on various different pills. All in I have been on hormone-based contraception for about 14 years and I'm worried this could have impacted on my body. Is there is any merit in getting the implant removed and letting my body get back to a natural cycle or could that make my symptoms worse? I get what I would call spotting rather than periods on the implant. I have read on here I should aim to have 4 periods a year and I'm now worried I've not been getting that but I'm confused by everything I've read online so far as to whether I should go natural or try Dianette (which could help my hair), some other pill or the coil? I don't want to do anything which could affect my fertility later in life but I also want to make sure I'm trying everything I can to help my symptoms and assist with weight loss. Does anyone have any recommendations? I thought you ladies might be able to help since my GP has just left me to it and told me to come back to her in later life when I want to start a family but I want to do everything I can to fight this head on now.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, I appreciate it is a long post but it feels really good to get this all out - maybe I'll finally get some sleep tonight.