Hi I'm 19 years old and today I've been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I have suffered from these symptoms for around 3 years and am very relieved that I finally have answers. However, the news has made me numb, all I can do is cry. I know I am only young but I am very maternal and the thought of this affecting fertility scares me.The biggest thing for me is that I cannot take hormonal methods of medication leaving me with Metformin. I am worried about my weight and how I am going to be able to lose it, but also the medication as I also suffer from IBS? Additionally, they have also suggested I go on mild antidepressants but I am worried I will become addicted to these? If anyone has any answers please help??
Newly diagnosed with PCOS : Hi I'm 19 years... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Newly diagnosed with PCOS

Initially metformin causes stomach issues but the side effects do subside. Metformin is safe in larger people and dont take this the wrong way...but once all settles down there is nothing stopping you from doing exercise to help lose weight. I was 22 when I was finally diagnosed.. it's actually a good thing for fertility...plenty of ppl go on to have children so pls don't worry...cross that bridge later...just let the news sink in for now. Chin up xx
Thank you very much!! Think it’s all just a lot of information all at once and it’s very overwhelming!! Just glad that there’s answers out there xx
I know it really can be overwhelming...just literally take one day at a time...you're totally allowed to cry...I was diagnosed with a hyperthyroid lost loads of hair at 22 wks before my uni exam...was knackered...few months later pcos then a year before my wedding had to have radioactive iodine to kill off my thyroid...now on thyroxine for life...then 5 months after my wedding they diagnosed me with kidney issues...I was like seriously...why...scuse my language but was like wtf! 10 years later after married life finally 7 wks pregnant for the first time ever...😊
I promise you...you'll get through this...always here if you need a chat xxx
I am not sure I would use metformin with IBS, metformin is only licenced for pcos if you are insulin resistant so you should be tested. It can cause the sh*ts and with IBS I think it may be really not so good to take it. We do have a PCOS UK Facebook group (which is a closed group) so you could ask on there as I know a few do have IBS.
Depression and anxiety is a side effect of pcos and they believe it is down to the hormone imbalance. They are not addictive so dont worry about that (I have been on and off them for the last 15 or so years - had post natal depression initially - you do need to wean yourself off them slowly though). Now I am going through the menopause I now know that it is totally hormonal as I have had hideous anxiety the last year which has improved significantly with HRT (and is a common issue for menopausal women).
As for children, there is no reason why you cant conceive in the future, we are certainly not infertile it is just we dont always ovulate. It is extremely rare not to conceive just due to pcos, some ladies have no issues, some a little and others more. 1/3 of fertility issues are now men too so that doesnt help matters (my husband had lots of dead and two tailed sperm). My son is now 14, took 3 years to conceive (via IUI in the end).
If you are on Facebook there is an excellent diet called PCOS Diet Support & 30 Day Challenge (which is free) and was created by a pcos lady who was trying to conceive. It has helped so many ladies with their weight and symptoms (inch loss for me was amazing - weight was slow tho so I no longer weigh in)
Please don’t worry. It’s one of the most common endocrine disorders and is nothing to worry or be ashamed about. Yes we need to watch our diets more closely and exercise more. Many of us take metformin/spiro/yasmin etc but that’s not all that bad! I didn’t have a problem conceiving but my sister in law did and she had IVF and has an adorable baby boy now. Don’t worry. So many women including Victoria Beckham have this syndrome- you will be ok. Antidepressants are not addictive and if you think you need them you should take them. I have heard that you should take the lowest effective dose. My doc tried to give me a huge dose- I was hyper and spaced out at the same time 🙄. I reduced it down and now I run 3x a week alongside taking a lower dose. This keeps me sane. I think what’s important is quality of life and whatever that means for you! You are strong and you really have this! 💪