Am new here and have been feeling really unwell for the past 5 months, but probably on the decline over a few years. Please bear with my story if you can...
I am 36 and have no family history of early menopause, but do have a history of hypothyroid in my family. I have been to 2 gps who are not interested in my thyroid levels since tests came back 'normal' and have focussed instead on my menstual cycle but can also find 'nothing wrong' on the few tests done and so i am now only being offered the pill or novasure. I really don't think they have listened properly. I would be interested to see what anyone else has to say. Personally i think my symptoms fit with low progesterone/hypothyroid. So here's my list:
irregular periods (from anything between 12-32 days), always very heavy and often with large clots (sorry to be graffic), midcycle bleeding/spotting - before a few years ago my cycle was always 26 days, no problems. i am constantly tired, very cold in the day (body temperature is usually 36 degrees or less), have low blood pressure and dizzzy spells, brittle hair, painful breasts at times, night sweats at times, irritable and depressed mood, intermittent headaches, more spots than usual (usually none!), periods of insomnia, poor concentration and memory and body aches, weight gain. For an example I ran a 1/2 marathon in October last year, now i am tired walking up the road, I gained 10 lbs in 2 months (not pigging out honest) and don't lose it even on a severely calorie restricted diet - which wipes me out anyway!
My first tests done were:
ferritin: 18 (10-291)
Full blood count (all normal apparently)
Free t4: 17.3 (9 - 22.7)
TSH: 2.24 (0.35 - 5.5)
Thyroid Peroxidase: <26 (0 -60)
I also had an ultrasound which was all normal and tests on oestrogen, FSH and LH, which were all 'satisfactory'(!). I have seen a naturopath and am waiting for some feedback, tests using kinesiology (don't really understand how that works!) showed imbalances in progesterone, TSH, T3 and nonepinephrine. No idea what that means really.
GP can't explain it, just says 'these things happen', not likely to be early menopause or cancer, so try the pill or an antidepressant and go away.....I have thought about seeing an endocrinologist but it is sooooo expensive and i am anxious of being given the same lines and sent away again.
Thoughts anyone???
With thanks,