Hi all, been trying to take a bcomplex but it’s not going well. I managed 2 days at half dose then had to stop because I felt so bad had a few days off and then tried alternate days, same problem after four days. More days off now at quarter dose every other day, it’s still making me feel lousy. Does anyone know why this might happen and can I just take the 2 I actually need. Folate and B12 need attention
B complex issues: Hi all, been trying to take a... - Thyroid UK
B complex issues

Which B complex have you tried clubby29?

What adverse symptoms are you experiencing with the B Complex?

Igennus - have you tried starting with just 1/4 of a tablet after breakfast
Stay on that dose at least a week before increasing to half a tablet
If that is still no good ….yes just take a separate Methyl folate and separate B12
Eg Jarrow Methyl folate 400mcg and Nature Provides B12 drops
You could try re adding 1/4 tablet Igennus again in 3-6 months
We usually suggest people take B Complex products which contain methylated i.e. active vitamins. See this list :
For example, we suggest methylfolate rather than folic acid, and methylcobalamin rather than cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin. But it is known that a small cohort of people don't do well on methylated vitamins to start with and have to start with really tiny doses.
Take a look at this link on methylfolate side effects :
Another couple of problems that might arise in some people are under-methylation or over-methylation.
In my Solgar B Complex, it gives Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) and Folic Acid (as pteroymonoglutamic acid).
Edit: spelling mistake.
The various forms of vitamin B12 used in supplements and their properties are described in this link, which is worth reading :
And the reasons for avoiding folic acid and using methylfolate are discussed in this link :
Hey. What symptoms are you getting with thr b complex? What's the brand and and amounts in mg/mcg of each?
I can’t take them either they made me feel awful headache funny feeling in my body and I’ve stopped taking the biotin as well I haven’t felt right since I’ve been on that
Folate and b12 need attention?
Do you have the actual levels? Getting b12 right is not always straight forward and it depends on the starting blood results.
I now only use the jarrow b12 and folate suckable lozenges and hope my varied diet covers the b complex side. I know the advice is to take jarrow alongside a B complex then stop former when levels b12/folate become optimal. I tried the suggested b complex ones and was intolerant of them so I continue to only take the lozenges and eat varied diet.
As you have folate and B12 issues it might be worth running your symptoms and problems past the Pernicious Anaemia forum on Healthunlocked. As with this forum they are extremely helpful.
These comments have made me very anxious - I was literally going to start taking Igennus B today after my GP agreed my B12, folate and ferritin levels are in the low range of normal. I chose Igennus because it seemed to be recommended on this site but didn’t know it would have side effects or to start with quarter of one tablet. I now don’t know what to do.
Don't be anxious. Many of use use this product daily with no side effects at all. In fact this is the first time I've noticed this mentioned in years of reading the site. I might have missed a few, but it's not a common occurrence. I've used this B Complex for a long time. Just try it. If you want to start small, break the tablets in half, but I never did that. Not sure many do.
I saw Igennus recommended on this site and immediately sent off for them and have been taking them everyday for a fortnight, a whole one in the morning with food and have had no side-effects at all. Literally feel absolutely normal, so just give it a go. You always get yellow wee with Vit Bs - that's normal. I haven't taken any Vit B for about 8 years now (since the menopause) assuming I wouldn't need it now, but this forum convinced me that with a hypo thyroid, I probably should... Personally, I can't take it after midday or I will be hyper-awake all night.
I takenpure encapsulations b complex plus. I also have low Ferritin which I have tablets feom dr. I take that first thing in morning with Vit c. Then take my b complex at 11am with my protein shake as was recommended to get more protein in my diet with having Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. I've had no side effects at all with pure encapsulations only very yellow wee which is completely normal lol xx
I dont know if this is any help. I've always struggl3d with the bcomplex and then someone said its to do with all the bulking agents and nasties that they put in to form the table. A specilist then recommended me a brand called pure encapsulations. I take their b conplex Plus and I haven't had any problems at all. I always take it with my protein shake and never get any stomach upset. Hope this helps 🙏
Over the years I have saved a lot of my friends plus random strangers from Vit B side-effects, just because I recognise them. If any female ever says to me 'I'm constantly exhausted and yet I can't sleep, I'm hyper all the time, buzzing and strangely anxious and hyper-alert,' I always ask them if they're taking Vit B. The answer has always been 'yes'. Often they would say that doctor had advised them to take it. Then I'd tell them to lessen the dose or give it a break for a while and they'd come back to me a week later to tell me that they had returned to normal and were now sleeping and no longer hyper and anxious.
If a Vit B complex is affecting you, I think that you'd do better to address the individual folate and B12 issues because you maybe don't need all of the others and one of them is temporarily overdosing you. (You pee them out, so they doesn't build up in your body, so the effects are short term). I am not an expert, so Springermum's suggestion to ask in the Pernicious Anaemia forum sounds a good idea!
So far, Igennus has been great for me with no side-effects whatsoever - and I am normally very sensitive to Vit B and can't sleep if I take it too late in the day, so it's not intrinsically the formula/product itself, but for some reason something in it isn't suiting you.
I just followed Humanbean's link to mthfr.net/methylfolate-side... though, and can see it can be quite complicated - and may depend on your personal reactions to methylfolate and what your current inflammation state is - nothing's simple with the body!
I’ve never been able to take B complex. And I’ve tried many which has cost me a fortune. I just take B12 now 🤷♀️
A friend of mine gets kidney Pro with blood complex
Sorry to hear that. You could be allergic to anything in those supplements also sometimes it's better to take b complex with food as they can make you nauseous. Also perhaps too strong of a dose. I take thorne b complex which seems to work great. I open up the capsule and pour into my blender with water and I can only drink half that's how sensitive I am. Or try taking them every second day. May I ask what your reasons are for taking them. Are you looking for more energy. Try taking another break. Let them clear out of your body.
I’ve had the same problem taking B 12 and B Complex. Even with food , I would feel terrible like I had a hangover. I am low on B12 so worked with a dietician on eating foods high in B and take a natural B 12 spray that needs to be refrigerated.
Interesting because I also tried to take vit B complex and did not do well at all on it. Thought the first time it was just coincidence but maybe not as the second time I also felt unwell. I now just take B12 separately and try to eat a healthy diet to cover the rest. I was taking UK made WeightWorld brand
I cant take it either - it gave me severe headache. I had liquid version called Immune Support that contained same ingredients as yours.