For background I've hopefully attached link to previous post
I'm on Levothyroxine only for thyroid and 50mcg Oestrogen HRT.
I was referred to Endo (NHS) following difficulties getting Levo dose right and symptoms under control after starting HRT (March 2022). Endo (Spring 2024) questioned original diagnosis based on blood tests for past few years due to suppressed TSH (below 0.05) and initially suggested I stop Levo all together. I refused due to fear as already felt awful and my history made me believe I wasn't misdiagnosed:
Prior to HRT, I was taking between 100 and 125mcg and TSH as follows:
5/2016 2.5
4/2017 5.3
9/2017 0.5
5/2018 1.7
10/2018 2.3
4/2019 2.7
9/2019 2.3
7/2020 2.1
2/2021 3.7
During this time, I never felt completely well but was getting by with doing much reduced activity. After the 2/2021 test, GP advised to increase to 175mcg. Which helped but within a couple months felt too much (palpitations) so reduced to 150 and increased back to 175 in Autumn based on how I felt. In hindsight, 175 was a lot as my normal weight is about 55kg and I should've given 150 more time.
3/2022 started HRT (Oestrogen gel and progesterone (body identical). TSH became regularly suppressed (less than 0.05) and T4 over range, so reduced levo to 125, then alternate 125/100, then 112 daily, then 100 daily after seeing Endo (after refusing to stop Levo, Endo suggested reducing it very gradually. I asked to trial T3 and they said it might be a possibility, but not while TSH so suppressed).
Blood tests after 2mths of 112.5mcg:
4/2024 TSH 0.11, T4 19.7, T3 4.1
Tests after 2mths of 100mcg:
6/2024 TSH 0.17, T4 21.1 (they didn't do T3)
Tests after 2mths of 100mcg x5 and 75mcg X2 days:
8/2024 TSH 0.34, T4 18.6, T3 3.9
Following this, I felt full for hours after eating, loss of appetite, stomach upsets, acid reflux and weight loss to Nov 2024 when I started taking Hydrochloric Acid for low stomach acid.
Also increase of intermittent tingling, pins and needles, numbness in hands and feet and at times, severe extreme pain in hands and wrists.
After continuing on 100mcg x 5 & 75mcg X2:
11/2024 TSH 0.23, T4 18.8, T3 4
1/2025 TSH 0.19, T4 18.4, T3 3.9
Endo this week said TSH still too suppressed to trial T3 and didn't feel that chronic fatigue and low stomach acid were related to thyroid (I didn't even bother talking about wrist/hand pain etc). I agreed to lower dose to alternate days of 100/75mcg in the hope of being able to trial T3 but scared of other symptoms worsening and not being acknowledged.
I'm now so confused and done with it all. Maybe the other symptoms are related to menopause (my periods have finally stopped which isn't surprising as I'm 54, but could also be due to the weight loss (went from about 54kg down to 51kg in a few months). Maybe they're right and I was treated too soon after questionable diagnosis, or my thyroid has made a miracle recovery and I could stop thyroxin altogether (I find this unlikely based on how awful I feel).
I now have to decrease Levo as directed or lose trust of Endo, but don't know whether to:
Keep everything else as it is and hope TSH goes low enough to trial T3 (and risk worsening symptoms)
Increase HRT to try and ease symptoms, knowing this could increase T4 and further suppress TSH, losing the option to trial T3, or
Stop using HRT altogether to bring T4 down and TSH up and increase chance of getting T3 (I really don't want to do this as I'm definitely menopausal and it deffo helps with some symptoms)
It's so hard when there's such a cross over in symptoms and Endo is only considering blood test results...although I get that they can't give T3 with suppressed TSH. I'm also aware that I'm like a dog with a bone trying to get T3, but it might not even help.
I'm so sorry for very long post, but any thoughts or opinions would be much appreciated.
Other recent tests (1/2025):
Vit D 89.8 (above 50) have been taking oral spray 3000 with K2 for at least 10 weeks prior to test
Serum B12 225 (180-1000)
Serum Ferritin 42 (10-300) have just started 3Arrows Iron Repair 1x 22mg a day but nervous as didn't have full iron panel so advice appreciated.
Also taking 1 per day of Thorne Basic B complex and stopping 5 days before Thyroid tests.
Am having thyroid tests before 9am, empty stomach, only water and 24 hrs after levo dose.
Am on Gluten and Dairy free diet.