Despite being 23 I suffer with a lot of health conditions (mainly mental) so take a bunch of medications.
Levo (obvious reasons aha)
Pregabalin (nerve pain)
Vortioextine (antidepressant m)
Diazepam (anti-anxiety)
Diltiazem (Calcium channel blocker as they believe I may have vasospasms)
Omeprazole (GERD)
So that’s my medication aha, now supplements in previous posts I’ve shown I lack vitamin D, folate, ferritin a little low and B12.
These are my supplements, others for other reasons.
Magnesium gly (sleep)
Boron (inflammation)
Berberine (Cholesterol and Blood sugar)
Lysine (Cholesterol)
Vit C (Gut and cholesterol)
Thyroid vitamins:
Vit D +K2
Vit B complex
Methylfolate (folic acid doesn’t do much)
Vit B12 drops (do I add these in?)
So as you can see there is a lot there and need the schedule to start taking them in the best order. Let’s say I wake up at 9am and sleep 11pm. Start day with Levo and end with magnesium gly. How and when do I fit the rest in for timing.
*There are very little to no interactions with these except omepazole and Levo.