Ferritin 41 ng/ml (11 - 307)
Folate 4.8 ng/ml (3.1 - 19.9)
B12 415 ng/ml (180 - 914)
VIT D 42.0 nmol/L no ranges - Insufficiency
TPA 730 iu/ml (0.0 - 50.0)
TSH 2.69 (0.2 -4.0)
cortisol 276nmol/L no ranges
Currently taking 50 mcg levo and 10mcg T3
I have been prescribed D3 3000 iud per day
All other results were NORMAL? so have decided to supplement myself after some advice here, would just like to check I am doing this right and not missing anything and Is it ok to start them all on the same day. I take my thyroid medication at night so it wont interfere with that.
B12 methyl lozenges 1000mcg 1 x day
Ferrous sulphate 200mg taken with vit c 1x day
folic acid 400ug