Hello, looking for advice understanding what my iron panel is indicating.
Vits + mins (I have worked really hard over several years with diet, supplements etc to get to improve on where I was 5 years ago)
TIBC: 53.6 range 45-81
Total Iron: 15.7 umol/L range 5.8-34.5
Ferritin: 75.8 ug/L 13-150
Transferrin Saturation: 29.3% 20-50
B-12: > 150 37.5-150 *
Vitamin D3: 128 nmol/L 50-200
Folate: 23.85 ug/L >3.89
Magnesium: 0.88 nmol/L 0.7-1. (I cannot do any supplementation as BP crashes, even with transdermal oil). Low BP, usually in the region of 110/65 - 98/55
I think I need to get even better than this?
Currently eating a nutrient dense diet and supplementing with liver and beef organs (the only supplement I tried that moved my iron results up).
Is the high B12 indicating anything in relation to the iron results. I think I read somewhere that is could be masking an iron issue.
I would welcome any views/links to help get a better understanding of where I'm at now. It seems there are so many overlapping symptoms between low iron, low thyroid, adrenals, peri-menopause and my recent trial with NDT was not great so wanting to try again or possibly try T4, but keen to address iron in relation to it all too.
Many thanks