Lab results. Please help!!! : Hi all. I have a... - Thyroid UK

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Lab results. Please help!!!

ErikaGJ profile image
18 Replies

Hi all. I have a question to ask, because my gp wasn't very helpfull as we all experienced that. I just done my thyroid bloods with medichecks. Results are back and I would like to share tho with you ask for advice what to do. I am not feeling well myself. I have heat intolerance, sweeting a lot. I am heavy, but the sweet is abnormal. I feel something is not right with my heart. Joint pain, feeling tired all the time. I have underactive thyroid diagnosis. On levothyroxine 100mg. i though dose is too high, but not sure now.Please help.

So these are my results:

TSH 1.72 (0.27- 4.2)

Free T3 5.4 (3.1-6.8)

Free T4 17.6 (12-22)


Thyroglobulin Antibodies 179 (0-115)

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 27.7 (0-34)

Thank you

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ErikaGJ profile image
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18 Replies
RedApple profile image

ErikaGJ, Were you taking thyroid medication when this test was done? If so, what and how much?

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to RedApple

Hi. Thank you for replay. Test was done 9:30 am. No medication for 24 hours. I am currently taking Levothyroxine 100mg.

greygoose profile image

Hi ErikaGJ, welcome to the forum. :)

Is that the first antibody tests you've had done? Because it looks more than likely that you have Hashi's - aka Autoimmune Thyroiditis. Has anybody mentioned that?

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to greygoose

Hi. Thank you greygoose. Doctor checked antibodies before, one of themTSH receptor Ab <0.3 (0.0-0.9) test done 19 June. Checkwd TPO, was in the range. Thyroglobulin Antibodies never been checked before. As I said done it now with medichecks. Do you think my levothyroxine dose is correct? I am. Not sure what to do now? Shall i go to gp with these results. Will it change anything? Test done in the morning 9:30,no medication for 24 hours and no supplements also.Thank you 😊

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to ErikaGJ

FT4: 17.6 pmol/l (Range 12 - 22) 56.00%

FT3: 5.4 pmol/l (Range 3.1 - 6.8) 62.16%

TSH 1.72 (0.27- 4.2)

Your TSH is on the high-side for someone taking thyroid hormone replacement. And your FT4 is low-ish. You could do with an increase in dose, I think. However, you're probably going to have a hard time convincing your doctor of that, because everything is 'in-range', and they don't know enough about thyroid to know that just being 'in-range' is not the same as optimal.

Your FT3, on the other hand, is quite good on this test. But, it's pretty certain that you have Hashi's. Your Tg antibodies are well over-range and your TPO antibodies are quite near the top of the range. And, as antibodies fluctuate all the time, on another test they could easily be over the top.

And the problem with Hashi's is that other levels can fluctuate a lot, too. So, you never really know what is due to your dose of thyroid hormone replacement, and what is due to the Hashi's. Your high-ish FT3 is probably due to the Hashi's because it's not in keeping with your low-ish FT4. So, we don't know what your real FT3 level is, not how well you convert. But the FT4 is saying you need an increase in dose.

You could try taking these results to your GP, but it depends on the individual GP how they react to them. A lot of doctors will just dismiss private lab results out of hand. Others will insist that they have to do their own labs but will only test they TSH! They don't understand FT4 and FT3, anyway. Their knowledge of thyroid is very, very limited. But you really should try and get an increase in dose.

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to greygoose

Thank you so much for your advice greygoose. I will try my luck with gp, but not having much hope. I been checked for celiac as well. My results was :Tissue transglutaminase IgA level <0.1 u/ml (0.0-7.0)

I have read that such a low levels could still indicaye that need further testing. But my doctor said, that everything is fine, as i don't have major symptoms. I try to go gluten free anyways. I just want to see if this will make change. SlowDragon advised me on some supplements, with that all in mind do you think I can make changes in my thyroid levels? I am so scared to go on higher dose of levothyroxine, not sure why do 🫣. If you are gluten free amy advice on easier transition?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to ErikaGJ

Do I think you can make changes in your thyroid levels by going gluten-free? Honestly no. You can only replace a hormone with a hormone, and tinkering with your diet, although it might make you feel better, will have little effect on your hormone levels. Remember, this has nothing to do with your thyroid itself. That is having a well-earned rest. Your levels are all to do with your dose of thyroid hormone replacement. If that is too low, your hormone levels aren't going to get any higher - except when your immune system decides to attack your thyroid. Levo is thyroid hormone replacement, not thyroid hormone top-up.

That said, it is essential to optimise all your nutrients so that you body can better use the hormone you're giving it. So, you might feel better. And if you're gluten-sensitive - without being Coeliac - it makes sense to avoid the gluten. But that's not going to affect the Hashi's itself.

Why are you scared to increase your levo? It's not a drug, it's a hormone. It's not going to do you any harm unless you take too much of it, and you're hardly likely to do that. Nothing to be scared of. :)

When I went gluten-free, I did it like I do everything: cold turkey. Just cut it out from one day to the next. I have to say it didn't do anything for me, but I'm glad I tried.

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to greygoose

Thank you greygoose. Everything you say makes sense. With levothyroxine dose, I thought if I take higher dose of it, my thyroid will get more 'lazy', but it makes sence when you say it's not top up, it's replacement, so if it's not enough it means it's not enough. Thank you for sharing your experience with gluten free, I want to give it a go, as otherwise I will always think, I might feel better. If it will not help thats ok, I will know then. Can I ask, do you experience excessive sweeting? Or do you know anything about it? I am so feed up feeling this way, not sure how to control that. This is the reason why thought I am on too mich levothyroxine, as the symptoms are same. Maybe higher dose would fix that?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to ErikaGJ

I very rarely sweat. It has to be very, very hot for me to gently perspire, even. So, no, l don't know anything about excessive sweating but I believe it can be a hypo symptom. You're certainly not taking too much levo. :)

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to greygoose

Ok thank you so much for everything. I will try to talk to my gp and hope for the best 🫣Take care ❤️❤️❤️

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to ErikaGJ

Good luck! :)

SlowDragon profile image

High thyroid antibodies confirms cause is autoimmune thyroid disease also called Hashimoto’s

Essential to test vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin

When were these last tested

What vitamin supplements are you taking

Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription

Was thyroid test early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to SlowDragon

Hi SlowDragon. Thank you for replay.

My doctor checked bloods on 19 June and these were:

TSH receptor Ab <0.3 (0.0-0.9)

Serum iron level 10.1 (6.6-26.0)

Vit D 41 nmol/L

Serum folate level 3.7 (deficient if <3.9)

Serum ferritin level 86 (13.0-150.0)

Serum vit B12 579 (197.0-771.0)

Some blood work shows something is going on with my liver too, so waiting for scan to be scheduled.

I am taking folic acid 5 mg prescribed by doctor, vit D 2000iu, one capsule a day turmeric supplement, two brazilian nuts, for selenium.

I didn't know the levothyroxine brand could have any impact, but then I find out on this forum that it could affect. So i started tracking how I feel and I notice that I feel better on mercury pharma then accord (I get these mostly, accord getting more offten from my pharmacy). So I am requesting for the mercury brand now.

I have done testing 9:30 am, not levothyroxine for 24 hours and no any other supplements. Now sure what to do now. I will most likely try get rid of gluten. Do you think there is anything else I could do? Will my go send me to the endocrinologist finaly. As I been requesting before, as I felt is something off, but they always refused.

Thank you.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to ErikaGJ

Suggest you retest thyroid levels 2-3 months after working on improving low vitamin levels

Vitamin D - you may need higher dose than 2000iu

Once you finish folic acid prescription

supplementing a good quality daily vitamin B complex, one with folate in (not folic acid)

This can help keep all B vitamins in balance and will help improve B12 levels too

Difference between folate and folic acid

Many Hashimoto’s patients have MTHFR gene variation and can have trouble processing folic acid supplements

B vitamins best taken after breakfast

Igennus B complex popular option. Nice small tablets. Most people only find they need one per day. But a few people find it’s not high enough dose

Post discussing different B complex

Thorne Basic B recommended vitamin B complex that contains folate, but they are large capsules. (You can tip powder out if can’t swallow capsule) Thorne can be difficult to find at reasonable price, should be around £20-£25. often have in stock. Or try ebay

IMPORTANT......If you are taking vitamin B complex, or any supplements containing biotin, remember to stop these 5-7 days before ALL BLOOD TESTS , as biotin can falsely affect test results

In week before blood test, when you stop vitamin B complex, you might want to consider taking a separate folate supplement (eg Jarrow methyl folate 400mcg)

Post discussing how biotin can affect test results

and increase iron rich foods in your diet

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you so much SlowDragon for such a informative response. This will help me a lot. To do retesting will be challenging, it is quite expensive, so I will have to save up for that. I will look into supplements you sugested. I am hopping with all the changes I will make, some relief will finaly come. I can not do even basic things without getting sweety, exhausted. It affects me so much.

Thanks again.

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to SlowDragon

Hi SlowDragon. I am back with another question, I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to start new post, as it is related. I wonder if I order medichecks tast after few months and choose option with blood taken from finger at home instead of blood draw at the clinic, will this still be accurate. This would save me some money, as blood draw was £35.

How do you do your test? Would appreciate your replay :)

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to ErikaGJ

Yes finger prick test is accurate

First time you do it, allow plenty of time

Read all the hints on how to make it easier

You only need 10-12 drops of blood to fill tube

Tips on how to do DIY finger prick test

Drink plenty water day before.

Exercise for 10-20 minutes before do test

Test early Monday or Tuesday morning, ideally before 9am, drinking only water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

Remember to stop B complex 5-7 days before test

And don’t panic if you fail to fill tube, they will send another

Yes I test at home using finger prick test

Thyroid and vitamin levels annually

Just TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 at in between tests

ErikaGJ profile image
ErikaGJ in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you SlowDragon and so sorry for late replay. I will keep all you said on my notes. It's good to know that I can do my own testingbat home. This will save some time and money. I have appointment with gp this coming Thursday. Will try to convince her on increasing the dose of levothyroxine a bit.Thanks again 😊

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