I have been on levothryoxine for 16 years, gradually increasing until 125/150 on alternate days. I still fe lt unwell so got referred to dr s. I am now on 225 per day . I feel some improvement but still get very fatigued and have many aches and pains. Before my next. Appt I had blood tests done
Tsh 0.01(.27-4.2)
Free thyroxine 20.9(12.0-22.0)
Free T37.0(3.1-6.8)
Thyroid antibodies
Thyroglobulin 135.6(0-115(negative))
Thyroid peroxidase more than600(0-34)
The t3andt4 were bottom of the range previously and it has been 2 months of gradually increasing
I do not understand thyroid antibodies at all.
I would appreciate any help in interpreting these results