Seeking advice on Vitamin B6 in B Complexes.
Background: Diagnosed hypothyroid since the late 1990's; switched to T3 liothyronine only since about 2014 because levothyroxine didn't help me . Diagnosed with Parkinson's (finally!) in early 2023. Currently under the care of a movement disorders specialist, and treated not too successfully with a levodopa/carbidopa combo.
Very low-energy. Not sleeping well. Scoliosis; alot of trouble walking distances. Lately, I've been plagued with muscle cramping and bladder soreness.
I'd been taking Life Extension Complete B-Complex every other day, alternating with Vitamins B1 and B3.
Vitamin B6 in this B-Complex (as pyridoxine HCl - reason for the bladder soreness ?) and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate): 100 mg; 5,882% Daily Value.
Vitamin B6 in Thorne Basic B: as pyridoxal 5'-phosphate; no pyridoxine Hcl):10 mg; 588% daily value.
I immediately stopped taking the Life Extension Complete B-Complex, and ordered Thorne Basic B. Does anyone know how long it might be before the muscle cramping eases? Might it stop altogether?
Then I was shocked to read on the Mayo Clinic website that Parkinson's patients being treated with Levodopa should avoid taking Vitamin B6 altogether because it might reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Could any of you weigh in on this issue? Perhaps I shouldn't be taking any B Complex at all.
Heartfelt thanks to Slow Dragon, to Regenallotment for her B Complex Comparison chart; a link to an updated version would be useful, and to others for their helpful posts on this topic.
Wishing all of you good health,
chrysalis 56