Hi everyone! I would appreciate some advice, I am going to mix a few things here but if someone feels related please answer to me.
Last visit to my gine in december she said I am nearly menopausal and my endo suggested starting bioidentical hormones because he believed my hormones were low and has been saying that for months and being 45 he adviced so because he believed it could help a lot and I found about bioidentical hormones and they required a vaginal ultrasound/scan and several test before considering it.
So I have been taking tests to understand where I am. However in these last months I spend 86 days without a period, then two consecutive 25-27 days- period with ovulation where I took the tests and now my last period has lasted 14days And I am also having some night sweats and constant cold sweats day and night since some months ago. I can cope with it however. Annoying if some days it wakes me up. Very tired and I decided to take daily isoflavones for three months, and vitex as adviced by gine who said it was a stupid idea to start on hormones.
Still on vitex but given up the isoflavones. My aim with vitex was treating my extreme sadness and tiredness during the period and force perhaps ovulation.
Wel so I did this scan somewhere else and I was found an endometrioma of 30per 24mm, the gyne said it is small and nothing to be done about it but the radiologist has asked it to be revised in three months and has ordered tumoral markers.
Not given any medication or advice by the gine. She said she was checking tyroid which was related and ordered just TSH and T4, so I doubt she is going to help much, and with a supressed TSH and osteoporosis dignosis she is going to panic.
I feel angry, I find they could have helped me earlier, years ago. 10 years ago I was told I had a quist which later was told it had dissappered but nobody mentioned endometriosis at all. I have had really bad stomach pain for 15 years, but that was specially when I was on monotherapy with plenty of different sympthoms, including night sweats at 35 years old.... since being well treated for thyroid I get stomachaches every once in a while. However I have a huge belly, I have always had it, and feel sometimes bloated. Since learning about the endometrioma, I feel more pain on that side and vaginal left side pain is back again. I had attributed everything to the very slow recovery I have had from hip surgery but now I have doubts. I felt a huge improvement since starting on T3 and now I am starting to panic if old sympthoms are coming back.
I would appreciate some help from someone who has endometriosis as well. I also have osteoporosis so this adds to a list of illnesses and it is somehow of a new burden when I am still trying hard to recover my general health due to my hip problems. But I think they are kind of separate things, the hip problem and this endometriosis issue, I dont know.
I´ll be visiting a private gine in some weeks to get a second opinion on the hormonal issues. Then apparently I´ll be getting vaginal scans every 3months as the procedure. However no mention to how to cope with it.My gine says with every test she sees Ï´m on ovarian failure but then in every scan I have folicules or have ovulated.
I am feeling a bit down and I think I might need to increase my lio meds a bit and would need some advice on how to do it. I wont see my endo until two months and he adviced to do it if FT3 went down sometime. I am currently taking 88levo plus 25 lio. Should I decrease to 75 levo and add 6extra lio? I wonder if FT4 wil go down excessively. Thanks.
Well, these are my most recent labs: APRIL 2024
DAY 3 FSH 34.57 UI/l (previous labs FSH was 40(sept), 30(july) and 75(december 2023)
TSH 0,01
FT4 1.16 ng/dL (range 0.92- 1.68)
F T3 3.07 pg/mL (range 2-4.4)
7days after ovulation:
Previous labs NOVEMBER 2023
TSH 0.02
T4L 1.01 ng/dL (range 0.92- 1.68)
T3 1.43
FT3 3.62 pg/mL (range 2-4.4)
Thanks for your priceless help.