Hi brilliant group,
I would be very grateful for your help regarding my recent blood test results. My GP is not very good on thyroid matters. I did post 8 months ago and I apologise for not replying to SlowDragon. I have had a lot of health stuff going on but now am thinking some of the symptoms are thyroid related.
I weigh 51 kg and height is 163.5 cm. I have osteoporosis and have annual Zolendronic Acid infusions so do not want to overmedicate. Also have low WBC and macrocytosis.
Sept 2023
Iron Binding Studies (I take ferrous sulphate 200mg daily)
Serum iron level 17 umol/L (14.00 - 30.00umol/L)
Serum transferrin 2.09 g/L (2.00 - 3.60g/L)
Transferrin Saturation 33 % (15.00 - 50.00%)
Serum ferritin 124 ug/L (13.00 - 150.00ug/L)
Total iron binding capacity 52 umol/L (50.00 - 85.00umol/L)
Serum B12 486 ng/L (180.00 999.00ng/L)
Serum folate 14.2 ug/L (3.89 - 26.80ug/L)
Vitamin D 110
I increased my Levothyroxine last August to 100mg a day but had only been taking it for 6 weeks
Serum TSH 0.1 (0.27 - 4.2) (taking 100mg of Levothryoxine)
Free T4 22 (10.80 - 25.50)
I increased my Levothyroxine last year to 100mg a day as suggested but felt overmedicated (palpitations and chest pains) and was tested in October 2023
Blood results October 2023 on 100mg Levothyroxine
TSH 0.07 (0.27 - 4.2) -5.1%
T4 19.1 (10.8 - 25.5) 56.5%
T3 4.1 (3.1 - 6.8) 27%
Reduced Levo to 100mg 5 days and 75mg 2 days a week
I am currently taking 100mg five days a week and 75 for two days. Symptoms feel rubbish - tired, no energy, brain fog, constipated, heat sensitive - can suddenly overheat and get sweats when everyone else isn't hot.
Most recent blood tests
Blood test result 12th March 2024
(I took Levothyroxine 2 hours before as did not know it would be tested but only water no food and also biotin the day before)
T3 2.9 (3.1 - 6.8) -5.4%
Blood test results 3rd April 2024
(blood taken at 8am only water before and last Levothyroxine 24 hours before and stopped B Vits week before).
Serum TSH 1.24 (0.27 - 4.20) 24.7%
Free T4 17.3 (10.80 - 25.50) 44.2%
(Lab wouldn't retest my vitamin levels)
Since results in Sept 2023 I have been supplementing with B complex and B12. I have been taking Vit D 20000iu and ferrous sulphate daily for years.
My question is: do I need T3 added to my Levothyroxine? If so how much? Do I need to increase my Levothyroxine?
I currently take 100mg Levothyroxine 5 days and 75mg for two days. I feel totally wiped out but do not want palpitations again. I want my life back!
Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.