Sorry for the super long post.... I would very much appreciate the help of you wonderful people on this forum. I am a bit confused with my latest blood test results that I just received yesterday, and am hoping that you will be able to help me understand what's going on.
I'll try to keep it brief, while hopefully still giving the relevant information.
I've been feeling unwell for about 2.5 years. Symptoms are mainly fatigue/tiredness, unexplained weight gain, exercise intolerance, decreased hair density, loss of outer third of eyebrow hair, sensitivity to cold, low mood, low libido, high cholesterol.
I have been questioning whether my thyroid might be struggling, and have asked multiple GPs, as well as an endocrinologist - all have said my thyroid is fine because all numbers are within range.
I have never been on any thyroid hormones/medication, so my symptoms remain.
Received blood test results yesterday, and the numbers are a bit confusing to me. I have posted results below, as well as previous results over the past couple of years, just for comparison.
I'm confused - my FT4 and FT3 seem to have risen (why? I'm not on any meds) and my iron (which has somehow always been excellent in the past) appears to have gone down quite a lot. I note that FT3 percentage is higher than FT4 - I read that this is a sign of a failing thyroid, but if my thyroid is failing, why are the overall percentages of FT4 and FT3 higher than previous tests over the last couple of years? Just to reiterate, I'm undiagnosed and have never been on any thyroid treatment.
Prior to this latest bood test, I thought a trial of NDT might be the answer to my symptoms. So I went into the Dr's appointment armed with my research, ready to (politely, but firmly) argue my case and request a trial of NDT. Initially, the Dr looked at the blood test results and said thyroid is fine, and went on to the rest of the results. I asked to go back to the thyroid results, and explained why I thought a trial of NDT might be worthwhile, just to see if my symptoms and numbers improved. In the end, he agreed, and gave me a prescription for 50mg NDT, plus follow up blood tests at 4 weeks to see how it's going, and blood tests again another 4 weeks later.
Initially, I was happy to finally be able to try something and see if it helps. However, when I got home and was able to look over the blood test results (had to wait for a copy to be emailed through), I'm a bit unsure whether I'm doing the right thing, because the FT4 and FT3 numbers aren't what I expected - I still feel rotten, but the actual levels have improved.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me, please?
Thanking you all for your help!
Also, sorry for the formatting of the blood test results. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, it displays everything spread out with double line spacing.
* Note: Not sure if this makes any difference, but will mention just in case.... For this latest bood test, I stayed up until 2am to try and get TSH higher (TSH rises with sleep deprivation), just so the Dr might take more notice (even though I know TSH doesn't give an accurate picture of thyroid health). I also waited until mid-cycle (I'm pre-menopausal) to do the blood test because I read that TSH is highest then. Not sure if any of that might have messed with my FT4 and FT3 values?
24 Jan 2024, 7:55am, fasting
TSH: 3.8 mU/l (Range 0.5 - 4) 94.29%
FT4: 14 pmol/l (Range 10 - 20) 40.00%
FT3: 5 pmol/l (Range 3.5 - 6.5) 50.00%
Anti-Thyroglobulin Abs (aTGII): <1.3 IU/mL (< 4.5)
Anti-Thyroidal Peroxidase Abs <28 IU/mL (< 60)
Vitamin D: 95 nmol/L
Serum Iron: 13 umol/L (10-30)
Transferrin: 29 umol/L (32-48) below range
Transferrin Saturation: 23 % (13-45)
Serum Ferritin: 63 ug/L (30-165)
Serum Folate: 38.8 nmol/L (> 9.0)
Vitamin B12: 536 pmol/L (156-740)
Prolactin: 226 mIU/L (40-570)
18 Nov 2023, 8:44am, fasting
TSH: 2.12 mU/l (Range 0.4 - 4.5) 41.95%
FT4: 12.6 pmol/l (Range 9 - 19) 36.00%
FT3: 3.9 pmol/l (Range 2.6 - 6) 38.24%
TPOAb: 0.6 (<5.6)
TGAb: 3.3 (<4.1)
Iron: 22.8 (5-30)
Ferritin: 87 (15-200)
4 Aug 2022, 8:22am, fasting
TSH: 3.08 mU/l (Range 0.4 - 3.5) 86.45%
FT4: 12.3 pmol/l (Range 9 - 19) 33.00%
FT3: 3.5 pmol/l (Range 2.6 - 6) 26.47%
TPOAb: 0.7 (<5.6)
TGAb: 1.7 (<4.1)
Serum Folate: 28.2 (>7.0)
15 Mar 2022, 9:50am, NOT FASTING
TSH: 2.01 mU/l (Range 0.4 - 3.8) 47.35%
FT4: 13.3 pmol/l (Range 10 - 22) 27.50%
FT3: 3.7 pmol/l (Range 2.5 - 6.5) 30.00%
Iron: 25.5 (7-26)
Ferritin: 183 (15-200)
Folate: 35 (16-71)