Advice appreciated on where my T3 is at now.. I think half way so it's good?..I actually feel great again now I upped my dose..
I'm prescribed 10 mcg, but am buying 25 mch tablets splitting them into roughly 5 and taking a approx 5 mcg top up in the afternoon.
My Gp spent half an hour on the phone trying to convince me to reduce my T3 to bring my tsh back.. As its been undetectable pretty consistanty.. I kept refusing and trying to explain my symptoms and he literally told me I'm going to die of a heart attack and get osteoporosis..
Osteo called and says he's worried about my bones as my dexa scan results last time were worse than the ones before. They still say oesteopenina.. Not perosis yet.. the dexa scan dept won't test again yet , I think it's about 9 months till I'm due for another dexa scan.
Neither gp or endo are bothered that I feel soo much better on this dose or that i am actually able to have my afternoons back now.. Or that I've started loosing the 20 pounds I gained when i reduced my dose to try reduce the tsh for them.. Which didn't work.. I just got fat again and couldn't breath properly.. Very fatigued, cold and depressed..
Neither would offer me any advice on what I can do to minimise the risks they are saying I now have.. They only wanted to inform me of my impending death and document my wishes to overdose myself...
Even on the reduced dose my tsh was undetected so it made no difference to the risks they keep talking about.... They don't even recognise I have an improvement in the quality of this supposed shortened life?!..
I'm convinced this is the correct dose for me.. So I'm sticking with it.
I have more energy.. I sleep well.. I can stuck to my healthy eating as I'm not craving sugar and carbs because of exhaustion..
Anyone I meet says I look better.. I've got chronic hip pain and I am now worried.. But I have that when I'm on the lower dose too...
So.. how long before my bones disintegrate or I have heart failure?!
I take the calcium, mk7.. Vit d zinc and magnesium for my bones..
And b vits & iron..
I'm vegan gluten free.. Minimal lectins.
Any advice on what else I can do to avoid my impending decline and early death?!
Recent test results..
I split my T3 into 3 doses the day before.. Stopped b vits ( actually all vitamins) a week before.. Last T3 dose of 5 mcg at 9 pm. Blood test was 10 am next day.
Taking daily
75 mcg levothyroxine & 10 mcg liothyronine at 8 am.
& 5mcg liothyronine At 3-4 pm
( Total daily = 75 levo & 15 lio)
Tsh 0.01
T4.. 18.4 ( ref 11.10-22)
T3.. 5.1 ( ref 3.1.- 6.8)
(( last tests when they remembered to test T3.. I was on 75 mcg levo and 10 mcg lio.. But I didn't split dose day before. I was feeling awful at that time..
TSH 0.01
T4 =18.3 ( ref 11.10-22)
T3 = 4.2 ( ref 3.1 - 6.8 )))