Would people be so kind as to comment on my vitamin test results and help me understand others?
B12: 616 ng/l - Range 145.00 - 914.00
Folate: 22.72 ug/l - 3.00 - 20.00 (just swapped over to methyl folate).
Vit D: 80 nmol
HbA1c level (DCCT aligned) 5.5 %
HbA1c level 36 mnol/mol range - 20.00 -41.00
I have no idea what the above HbA1c is, but I've seen it mentioned before.
Full blood count; ( really have no idea what the readings below mean, I'm assuming my iron/ferratin levels are in there)
total white cell blood count. 4 range 4.00 - 11.0010
RBC. 4.95 range 4.50 - 5.5010
Haemoglobin estimation. 146 range 130 - 1702.00
Haematocrit. .045 range 0.40 0.50
Mean corpuscular volume. 89.8 range 80.00 - 100
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin. 29.6 range 27.00
Mean corpusc Hb blood count. 329 range 315 - 345
Red blood cell distribution width. 13.9% range 8.00m - 16.00
Platelet count. 259 range 150.00 - 410.00
Neutrophil count. 2.2 range 2.00 - 7.0010
Lymphocyte count. 1.3 range 1.00 - 4.00
Monocyte count 0.3 range less than 1.00
Eosinophil count. 0.1 range 0.00 - 0.401
Basophil count. 0 range 0.00 - 0.30
Many thanks!