Bear with me because I am trying to get my head around this. I have hashis and take levothyroxine
Two years ago I had an iron test and the result was
Serum ferritin level 65.3 ug/L [10.0 - 291.0]
My GP said nothing but a few weeks later I had a rheumatologist appointment (Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus) and they mentioned it and said it's something they keep an eye on and to take a supplement.
I started taking spatone (5mg a day) and did feel a bit more energetic although I have so many conditions plus the menopause at the moment it's hard to tell what's causing what.
In June I had another iron test along with cortisol and got a result of
Ferritin 50.2 ug/L [10.0 - 291.0 ug/L]
I have had problems with my thyroid over the last eighteen months, due to the menopause and HRT and also me just being quite sensitive to the levo dose I am on. I didn't realise at the time that my iron levels had dropped, but my thyroid level was a bit low.
TSH 2.26 mU/L [0.35 - 5.50 mU/L]
Free T4 14.3 pmol/L [10.5 - 21.0 pmol/L]
My GP agreed to increase my levo dose a little. A couple of weeks ago I saw discussions on this forum about iron and its effect on the thyroid and how low iron can cause poor T4 to T3 conversion. I looked up the symptoms of low iron and I have quite a few including crumbling nails and falling out hair. I spoke to my GP and she thinks that my thyroid levels are moving around because of the menopause but offered to do an iron panel. I have the results back today along with the thyroid test
TSH 1.22 mU/L [0.35 - 5.50 mU/L]
Free T4 17.2 pmol/L [10.5 - 21.0 pmol/L]
Ferritin 81.2 ug/L [10.0 - 291.0 ug/L]
A normal ferritin may not exclude iron deficiency if levels are at the lower end of the normal range or in the presence of inflammation.
Serum Iron 21.5 umol/L []10.0 - 30.4 umol/L
Transferrin 2.13 g/L [2.50 - 3.80 g/L]
% Saturation 44 % [16 - 50 %]
So this all looks good and I am very pleased, but I am confused by how my ferritin has gone up so fast. I did take some extra supplements last week, but not in the last three days and as the doctor said to alternate the days I take iron because this helps with the iron receptors I have only taken a little extra iron. I started using the oral iron spray from Better You which is 10mg
Does sorting out your thyroid levels improve your iron ferritin levels or does your ferritin just wander around randomly depending on levels of inflammation? I don't have periods because I am on the mini pill so there has been no change there.
Should I carry on with both the spray and spatone? Or replace the spatone with the spray? I have felt better the last week, but my thyroid has settled down too, so it's hard to tell what has caused what. Than you for any help, it's all very confusing.