Hi everyone,
I posted on here a couple of months back saying that I've been having a rough time with severe fatigue, brain fog, joint pain in my legs, sensitivity to cold and dry skin and have been back and forth for blood tests over the last six months, which included an initial diagnosis of underactive thyroid but ultimately hasn't led to any kind of treatment to date.
After seeing others on here being helped by some very kind people when posting their results I've got myself a print out of mine from my surgery and would really appreciate some advice on what to say to my doctor at my face-to-face appointment next week as I don't really understand what most of it means and I'm getting to the end of my tether...
May 2021 (first appointment)
Serum TSH level - unable to find on the print out but doctor said level was high, hence mentioning the likelihood of an underactive thyroid
Serum vitamin B12 level - 223 ng/L [144.0-915.0]
Serum folate level - 4.2 ug/L [3.1-19.9]
Serum ferritin level - 73 ng/mL [11.0-306.8]
Doctor wouldn't give me thyroid medication but told me to take a 6-week course of vitamin D and then have more blood tests.
June 2021 (when I was generally feeling a bit better, most likely due to a combination of the vit D, warm weather and being outside more)
Serum TSH level - 3.94 miu/L [0.34-5.6]
B12/folate/ferritin - not found on print out, may not have been tested this time
Doctor said everything was fine and that was that. I have continued to take vitamin D supplements since then and also omega 3 fish oil capsules.
October 2021 (back to feeling really rough again)
Serum TSH level - 4.49 miu/L [0.34-5.6]
Serum vitamin B12 level - 185 ng/L [144.0-915.0]
Serum folate level - 5.0 ug/L [3.1-19.9]
Serum ferritin level - 65 ng/mL [11.0-306.8]
Had a phone apt with the doctor yesterday but he didn't really say much except that he'd like to see me face-to-face next Tuesday, hence I'd like to be prepared after all the to-ing and fro-ing. My vit D levels have showed as very slightly low again, but only by a tiny amount.
I seem to have all the classic symptoms of Hashimoto's disease and my mum and cousin have this so it would seem to make sense but I'm not sure what to think. The fatigue and joint pain are starting to affect my work and everyday life and it's so miserable
I'm 33 and female.
Thank you so much in advance for any advice.