Studies have shown links with Thyroid disorders and low stomach acid.
Ant acids and PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) exacerbates low stomach acid, long term use is not recommended.
Low stomach acid can be caused by high cortisol, thus causing issues with the thyroid function. Low stomach acid can also be caused by low folate, zinc and B vitamins.
As a Nutritional therapist I recommend keeping a food diary for 10 days and note when the reflux is worse.
I am treating a number of clients who have digestive issues, more so silent reflux and reflux, which have many different symptoms. I asked my clients to have a blood test, which include a full thyroid panel, The Thyroid panel includes TSH, T4, T3, RT3, TPO-Ab. 85% of the clients who had the blood tests, all tested for increased levels of TPO-Ab. and high TSH.