Previously I mentioned struggling with my breathing, which started when I had my thyroid levels crash on the change from NDT to T4. I'm back on NDT and trying to improve all the levels that I can. I haven't had a blood test yet as I'm waiting for 6 weeks to pass to give my meds a chance to build up again. I'm also trying to improve my vitamin and mineral levels. The breathing issues have definitely been less.
I guess I was just wondering if anyone here has experience with acid reflux and low stomach acid. I'm pretty sure this is the cause of my reflux so I'm after some tips of how to resolve it. Has anyone gone down the HCl Betaine route? My issues occur mostly during the late evening. This evening I decided not to eat anything after dinner at 7pm and actually having an empty stomach has made it worse!! I'm sat up in bed unable to sleep AGAIN because of GERD symptoms. It's so frustrating. I've had a glass of water with lemon juice to see if the acidity will calm it down.
So yes, any tips GERD/Reflux sufferers might have would be wonderful.