Please can anyone help Analyse these results fo... - Thyroid UK

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Please can anyone help Analyse these results for me

Ellly profile image
30 Replies

I had private bloods taken with results below if someone can analyse for me

My results Range

TSH. 1.19. 0.27-4.20 mlU/L

T4 total 135. 66-181 nmol/L

Free T4. 12.8. 12-22 pmol/L

Free T3. 5.58. 3.1 - 6.8 pmol/L

ATPA. 15. <34. klU/L

ATGA. 12. < 115 klu/L

I’d had ferritin checked which was 3 and told normal was 26

Thanks if anyone can help. I’m sick of feeling so crappy xx

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Ellly profile image
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30 Replies
greygoose profile image

What time did you have the blood draw this time?

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to greygoose

10:05 am

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ellly

The TSH would have been higher at 8 am.

Even so, that low TSH suggests a pituitary problem, as I said on your last thread. But, I don't know how that would fit in with the mid-range FT3. But, your TSH should be higher with that low FT4, so I would still go for Central Hypo.

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to greygoose

I’m going to phone my gp tomorrow and see if I can talk to them xx

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ellly

Good idea. :)

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to greygoose

So just off phone to dr who has basically said it’s nothing as all blood tests are fine

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ellly

Yes, I can understand he thinks that, because he doesn't know enough about thyroid to spot the anomalies. He's probably going to take some persuading that all is not as fine as he thinks it is. And, why.

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to greygoose

She offered me an anti depressant instead. I’ve been dismissed and have. I where to go now

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ellly

Silly... woman! But, that's their goto solution when they have no idea what's going on. She just doesn't know that much about thyroid. All you can do is wait for things to get worse, I'm afraid. If the TSH doesn't rise, the FT4/3 will just get lower and lower. If they go below range, then you can start stamping your foot and demanding treatment/further investigation.

Marz profile image

I think you mean your Folate is 3 - not Ferritin ! I looked at your last post ! Are you still taking Folic Acid ?

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to Marz

Oops yes folate and yes still on the folic acid and not feeling any better or improvement in systems

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Ellly

I would try a good B Complex that contains Folate rather than Folic Acid. Some people find it works better in raising levels. Folate is good around mid-range ...

magsyh profile image

Hi you actually have a pooling problem due to low iron. No wonder you feel bad your ferritin should be at least 80 bottom of the range is 26. I hope your doctor is doing something about it? Your TSH is fine because what it is doing is shutting down to stop it from producing more T4. You are low on T4 for that reason but your T3 is being converted to try to get rid of it, this is why it's a bit on high side. Ferritin is the bus that transports your T3 round your bloodstream but you don't have enough busses! So you don't have central hypo you have an iron problem. T3 is not getting to your cells, I went through this too and felt terrible so get your iron fixed and the rest should fall into place.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to magsyh

No such thing as pooling/. Never been scientifically proved and the thyroid is doing its best to preserve T3 levels as T3 is needed by every cell in the body. Conversion doesn't happen to "get rid of T4", it happens to increase T3 to keep you alive - current level is good for many people, but everyone is different. As T4 is low, you'll gradually run out of T3 too and become really hypo. You do need optimal ferritin, folate and B12, but usually TSH rises to encourage more thyroid production. so with a T4 that low you'd expect a higher TSH. So might be central hypo or might be reversible impaired pituitary response from heavy metals or PCBEs. Ferritin is stored iron and AFAIK doesn't transport anything anywhere - however, thyroid hormone levels can affect the transferrin, which is the blood’s iron transport protein.

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Thanks. She’s just phone me back and said I’ve had every mineral, vit etc tested and other than folate being low every other test is normal therefore it is the antihistamine that I got 7 weeks ago (when I got bloods tested for these symptoms) are the cause of all my symptoms. I declined the anti depressant but I’m no further forward - well probably worse because now the dr is adamant nothing is wrong

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Ellly

Normal is not a number. You need the actual results with ranges. For example, ferritin needs to be at least 70, B12 over 500 (or over 75 if it is an active B12 test), folate half way through range, vitamin D at least high 90s, and so on. You could have B12 of 250 and it would be in range, but you wouldn't feel well or ferritin of 15. Did you ask about short synacthen test?

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Have never heard of that test

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Ellly

It's the proper test for cortisol and adrenal response

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to Angel_of_the_North

As it stands I’m not asking for anything else as it seems pointless and they won’t entertain it. I’m currently researching other practices in my town

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Just checked the results from 7 weeks ago

Vit b12 was 358 pg/ml range 197-771

Folate 3 ng/ml range 3.9-26.80

Ferritin 157 ng/ml range 14-186

magsyh profile image

I have just checked your last post your ferritin is high enough but for some odd reason your T3 is pooling? It's not getting to your cells for a reason? Could be high cortisol? Have you ever had it checked?

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to magsyh

Hi cortisol was 201 with range given as 11-456 nmol/L so I’m assuming pretty much normal

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Ellly

There lies your answer. Your cortisol is actually low like mine. When your cortisol is low you can't convert glucose very well as that is the job of cortisol to break down protein into glucose. You need glucose to let T3 into your cells. Your cortisol should be nearer the top of the range so you do need some form of adrenal support.

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to magsyh

Just off phone - apparently everything is absolutely normal and now I feel it’s all in my head!

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Ellly

No it's not in your head, your cortisol is too low!

Ellly profile image

I’m waiting on dr phoning me back this morning and I’ll go over those results with him. I’m just sick fed up being so tired all the time

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Ellly

I'm at this stage too doctors are terrible with adrenal problems you either need low dose hydrocortisone or adrenalvive. You will have a battle because of your TSH hopefully you can get him to concentrate on the low cortisol

Ellly profile image

Just compared my last 2 cortisol readings 1st one 7 weeks ago was 307 so it has dropped by 106 in a short space of time. Oth bloods drawn at roughly the same time

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Ellly

If you have low cortisol get GP do do a short synacthen test and an ACTH test first. If that's abnormal, you might well have a pituitary problem.

Ellly profile image
Ellly in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Nope she’s adamant cortisol is as well as everything else is normal

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