After about eight days of taking no metavive, adrenavive or any other supplements I tested as follows:
Ft3 4.6pmol/L (3.5 - 6.5)
TSH < 0.03 ((0.35 - 5.5)
Ft4 13.1 pmol/L (10.5 - 21.0)
Ferritin 79.0 ug/L (10.0 - 291.0)
Folate 17.44 ug/L (> 5.38)
Vitamin B12 482.0 ng/L (211.0 - 911.0)
Vit D 114 neologism/L (30.0 -50.0)
I was told after posting on here that I hadn't let enough time elapse before testing but obviously it went through the system because before I'd had time to arrange re-testing with a suitable gap without any supplements, I got a call from my endo's secretary suggesting I make a phone appt to speak with endo to discuss results - bearing in mind that I been discharged as being euthyroid and also bearing in mind that previously to being "euthyroid" my blood levels swung all over the place
Anyway, this was arranged for about 10 days ago and during the call she advised that I stop all supplements, including metavive and adrenavive for at least 4 weeks, after which time I'm to have a repeat blood test. This will take place on 18th August. So,far, so good ..,
Today I received the blood test form to take to the clinic and endo has asked that I test:
Cortisol (random)
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (I have a diagnosis of Hashi's)
What I'd like to know please is: shouldn't Ft3/T3 be tested too. The whole point is to get a base-line from which to work with going forward. My blood tests are erratic but mostly within normal range albeit only ever, just about normal, whilst I'm on the supplements listed above and what I wanted to establish is what my hormones actually do when left to their own devices. Good plan wouldn't you think but without the full picture what's the point?
So, can you advise - when I speak to gp in the next day or two - what other tests should be added to the form before speaking again to endo, post-tests on the 18th. I know it was the endo who requested these latest tests and the form merely came via the surgery but I feel that if I explain my rationale to my gp, she'll agree to add my suggestions. This does depend though on which one I get to speak with. One of them is excellent and listens, the rest are I'm afraid, like the rest and by that I mean that they don't like being questioned, even when it's clear they don't know that much about the condition or perhaps especially because they don't know much about the condition
Failing that, I'll have to speak with endo but as we all know, many of them think they think they know best and she may say I don't need any others, as she did during the phone call 10 days ago when I questioned the point of a random cortisol test
Would love your input please. I don't expect comments on all the other stuff in my post, suggestions for which tests I should have will suffice
Edited version. Apologies if you've already read the first one laden with sloppiness