I am 69 years old. Have had an underactive thyroid for about 30 years. Well managed in the first 15 years by a consultant in the Midlands. when I was taking 200 thyroxine and 20mcg Tertroxin.
Since moving away Dr's in my medical practice have lowered and lowered my Thyroxine and stopped T3. Endo's I have seen have been uninterested in my problems.
I had bloods taken 30th January 2020. At that time I was taking 125/150 Thyroxine on alternate days and was requested by the Dr to reduce thyroxine. I had had some palpitations.
Free T4 14.1 (11-24)
TSH 0.15 (0.35-4.5)
Serum Ferritin 69 (13.0-150)
Sodium 142 (133-146)
Potassium 4.7 (3,5-5.3)
No other test were given although I requested T3
I reluctantly agreed as I was worried that the Dr had said over prescribing Thyroxine could cause the palpitations and encourage a stroke! I had been to A and E with the palpitations and they could find nothing untoward in mechanical or electrical impulses of my heart.
I had bloods taken this week, having reduced to 100/125 Thyroxine on alternate days.
18th June 2020
Free T4 18.1 (11-24)
TSH 0.14 (0.35-4.5)
I requested T3 and vitamins but was refused.
In the last month I have suffered from tingling/numb cold hands and creepy throbbing pains in my legs, some so painful, especially when lying or sitting. I wondered if I had lowered Thyroxine too much or low B12 so requested a blood test and explained symptoms requesting Vit check and T3.
I was amazed that the TSH came back almost the same , in fact 0,01 lower even though reduced Thyroxine intake.
I also take rotating antibiotics and 40 Esomeprazole daily. (Renal problems and reflux)
I would be grateful for some advice. I have a phone consultation on the 22nd June.
Thanking you in advance.