My previous results
29.10.19 TSH 0.62(0.55-4.78), T4 11.1(10-20), T3 5.1(3.5-6.5)
03.10.19 before T3 therapy TSH3.57(0.55-4.78) T4 14.5(10-20) T3 4.1(3.5-6.5)
13.07.19 TSH1.01, T4 13.3(10-20), T3 3.4(3.5-6.5)
12.07.19. Medichecks TSH 0.556(0.27-4.2) T4 12.6(12-22) T3 3.28(3.1-6.8) TPO 178(<34) Tgab 541(<115)
29.04.19 Medichecks CRP 0.51(<5) ferritin 64.6(13-150) folate 16.94(>3.89) B12 107(37.5-188) vitD 62.8(50-175) TSH1.84(0.27-4.2) T3 5.08(3.1-6.8) T4 17.8(12-22) TPO 100(<34) Tgab 532(<115)
I'm currently on 75mcg levo, 15mcg T3 and 4.5ml LDN. I also take 4000IU vitD3 withK, omega3, selenium and magnesium. I am dairy free and avoid gluten as much as I can.
I have been feeling tired - slept for 12 hours today, have muscle aches, dry eyes, swolen hands and low mood. I do have a good day here and there but I think it's due to my willpower.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.