Graves, thyroidectomy, fluctuating high blood p... - Thyroid UK

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Graves, thyroidectomy, fluctuating high blood pressure

leftbehind profile image
11 Replies

I am taking NP 30 mcg, and T3 10 mcg. I had a high blood pressure incident recently and went to the ER with BP of 198/70. My normal BP would be 120/76.

I had labs done 3/24/20:

TSH 0.034 Low range .450 - 4.500

T4 free (Direct) 0.82 range 0.82 - 1.77

T3 triiodothyronine 160 range 71 - 180

Free T3 triiodothyronine 4.2 range 2.0 - 4.4

Vitamin B12 1306 range 232 - 1245

Folate >20.0 ng/mL >3.0

Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy 79.9 range 30.0 - 100.0

Magnesium 2.2 range 1.6 - 2.3

My plan is take NP 45mcg, T3 5 mcg. Taking NP45 a.m., and T3, 5 mcg at 3:00 p.m. I figured out that this would give me a total of T3 of 15.1, an increase of 1 mcg of T3. My blood pressure has come down to 156/91. I will get a new lab on May 6, that will be 6 weeks. Your opinions would be appreciated? My GP was doing so well with my care, but now he seems completely lost, i.e., he said I am hyper and should take only 15 mcg. of NP, that's it. I'm definitely not following that advice.


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leftbehind profile image
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11 Replies
madge1979 profile image

Hi there .....trying to read your post .. but don't know what taking NP 30mcg. means

Can you explain

I too have Graves' disease ..


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to madge1979

NP 30mcg

I think that means 30 milligrams (not micrograms as written) of NP Thyroid, a USA desiccated thyroid product.

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to helvella

Thank you Helvella .... having Graves myself I didn't know what NP was .. but now, after reading history , I get the picture 🤦‍♀️


pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to madge1979

Hello Madge

if you don't know of the Elaine Moore Graves Disease Foundation website it is a truly useful place for all things Graves, and worth taking a look at this poorly understood and badly treated autoimmune disease.

Elaine Moore has the disease and had RAI treatment in the 1990's, and finding no help with her continued symptoms, wrote a book to help others who might be in a similar situation. She was as still is a medical researcher and has become a leading figure in all things Graves Disease.

I'm with Graves, diagnosed in 2003 and had RAI in 2005, becoming very unwell some 8 years later. I now self medicate with NDT and manage lingering Graves, thyroid eye disease and hypothyroidism.

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to pennyannie

Thank you Pennyannie..

I know well about Elaine Moore.. she's a wonderful woman .. thank you for that direction .

My friend is also a medical Researcher ( 35 years ) .. and studies Thyroid disease , particularly Graves in a large Hospital ... she is a keen proponent of natural medicine .. as I Am .

With her help , my own research and supplementary regime.... and the views and advice of so many great People on here .

.... I decided to keep my Thyroid as I felt it had done me no harm whatsoever.. it was my crazy inherited Immune System that was wanting ... and so I addressed THAT !

My Doctor said ..... . Huh .. well good luck with THAT !

.... I didn't need Luck .. I only needed Knowledge ..

......I have been Euthyroid for a long time now .. and I have recovered my Health ... which was very poorly indeed .. having had Thyroid storm twice .

Keep up the good work you do , sharing and giving knowledge to those who suffer from these diseases of the Thyroid 🦋

I'm sorry you are now trying to control HYPOthyroidism.. many in my Family also have that .. and the struggles are constant .. I hope you get on top of those issues you have ..

In view of the fact your health is not perfect yourself .. you are most kind and generous of spirit .

Stay well and safe .....

Luv Mx🌹

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to madge1979

Well it sounds you were very well briefed , and good for you, and just stay well !!

Wish I'd have known more back in 2003/5 : I simply trusted the professionals :

I've learnt of my own situation back to front becoming very unwell some 8 years after taking the RAI toxic substance to burn out my thyroid in situ : and when referred to as a conundrum by my doctor decided to take matters into my own hands and became my own self taught dyslexic doctor about 3/4 years ago now at age 70 !

Well, I was housebound by then, and started out with Elaine Moore's book.

P.S. I owe a lot to this site, and that's why I try and give back, where I can, to help others - I do read of some people who go the ' alternative route ' but see very little follow up feedback so it's good to know that it can be done with the right support.

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to pennyannie

Pennyannie ..

That's a sad story it really is .. but you're so knowledgeable albeit self taught virtually . You will make the most of a bad situation , manage it and control it ... till you find .. BALANCE .. that's my favourite word.

It applies to just about everything that I do .. and I swear by it . It's not easy to make people understand or believe though, just how important the word is .

Your tenacity shows through your nature and you're now making up for lost time and it's paying dividends .

Because once you understand what's wrong with you and you can see it in your minds eye .. then you're almost there.. instinctively you will know when you've found the answers that are right for you .. and then start to heal yourself .

You've found your niche on this site and you not only heal yourself .. but you try your best to show others how to do it too .. THAT is such a lovely Trait 🦋

Well done you 💐

Lovely to chat with you ..Keep well and stay safe

Luv mx🌹

leftbehind profile image
leftbehind in reply to madge1979

NP Thyroid by Acella is an NDT natural dessicated thyroid, from a porcine. I should have said 30 mg. Or 1/2 grain.

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to leftbehind

Thank you .. I did not know what NP meant .. and thought it related to Graves somehow .. but now understand ..

Thank you .. stay well and safe


pennyannie profile image

Hey there again leftbehind ;

I think I would slowly build up the NDT and drop the T3 :

Slowly add a 1/4 grain weekly, and if all ok, repeat a 1/4 increase weekly.

If you get to 2 grains, then hold for 6 weeks and then take a blood test to see where you are.

I'm only on 1 + 1/2 NDT, and if I go any higher I get anxious and uncomfortable :

The blood test I took after being on this dose for 6 weeks showed a low/suppressed TSH a low in range T4 and a slightly over range T3 but I was not hyper in any shape or form:

I then read I should have left a longer time gap between my last dose and the blood draw.

It seems had I left 24 hours, I would have had results that wouldn't freak out a doctor.

I'm self medicating so manage this myself now with a yearly blood test mainly to check that my ferritin, folate, B12 and vitamin D are optimal to aid conversion.

With NDT you dose to symptom relief, the blood test and ranges are secondary, and in fact were introduced with the arrival of Levothyroxine - deemed to be superior to NDT in the 1960's.

leftbehind profile image
leftbehind in reply to pennyannie

Previously I was taking 60 mg, 1grain, only. I felt good physically but emotionally I was crying about everything. This is why my doctor tried adding the T3, and reduced the NP to 30, 1/2 grain. I have been crying about everything sometimes hysterically since I had my thyroid out. It's very debilitating. It will start to go away and then it comes back. I have had reasons to be depressed, but a lot of the crying was just being over- emotional. It comes over me like a wave of despair. I started taking the T3 at 3pm because I seem to go down emotionally at that time of day. I have been doing the NP 45 in the morning and one T3, 5 mg at 3 pm and I am feeling better already after a week. Also, my blood pressure is coming down. My doctor said that T3 has more effect on the emotions is why we tried it. I don't want to give up the T3 entirely and go back to crying and feeling tearful all day. It is torture!

Thank you for your excellent guidance on the amount of T3 in NDTs. There is no end to learning with this hormones adjustment.

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