I'm at a bit of a bump in what's been a fairly stable couple of years and hopeful for some advice to get back on track. I've noticed my symptoms have been gradually returning since around Sept/Oct, weight gain, dry skin, constipation, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, basically everything I had before. Not yet quite as severe but I have some days worse or better than others.
I am on 100mcg T4 and 10mcg T3 and have been stable on this since May 2018.
The last time I tested when I felt well was Jan 2019 and my results were
TSH 0.007 (0.27-4.2)
T4 20.3 (12-22)
T3 6.22 (3.1-6.8)
Before this in Aug 2018, feeling well, T4 was slightly high but Endo wasn't concerned and kept me as I was.
TSH 0.012 (0.27-4.2)
T4 22.7 (12-22)
T3 6.18 (3.1-6.8)
The only real symptoms I had at this time was long periods but I have PCOS also. I did have days where I would feel particularly fatigued and need a nap if I'd done too much but they weren't as often and I think that's normal.
So in October I had to see the endo nurse instead of endo (i think because endo was happy and I was stable so just for monitoring) at this point i could feel symptoms starting to return. Anyway we had a very heated discussion over my TSH because it was below range. She was telling me we NEED it otherwise I'm at very high risk of osteoporosis, fractures and heart problems. I asked why as my T4 and T3 were fine but didn't get a straight answer other than we need TSH too or i'm at risk. I kept challenging it and pointed out it had been below range for a while but endo was OK with it. So she has referred me back to his clinic and I'm due to see him end of May.
My results then were
TSH 0.009 (0.27-4.2)
T4 17.4 (12-22)
T3 5.93 (3.1-6.8)
Having just thought about it, at some point during this time, approx 1 year ago I had to drop T3 dose from 12.5mcg to 10mcg because it started being prescribed on the NHS and they could only get 20mcg tablets for me to split to 10mcg whereas I was buying 25mcg and splitting to 12.5. But they said it was such a small change it shouldn't make a difference.
My symptoms have continued to return and worsen so I retested recently. I have now regained 5.5kg of the 18kg I lost when well. The only things that have changed recently is I started playing 5 a side once a week since the end of Jan and I have been taking my folic acid and vit d religiously (i'd forget often) I'm struggling with recovery after football, I can barely function a couple of days after and have DOMS for about a week. I realise part of this will be due to not playing for so long whilst unwell but I'm really enjoying it and it's helping me feel a bit more like me again. My last 2 periods have been 7 and 8 days whereas before would be 9-17 days. I'm hopeful this is due to being more consistent with vit d and folic acid.
All my other levels are good. I have b12 injections every 8 weeks. Ferritin, folate and magnesium are all fine. I did have a slightly raised MCHC when last tested in october 352 (300-350) but they said it was fine. Vit D is 125.
My recent results were taken after missing football for 2 weeks due to holiday. I'm wondering if I should retest a day or 2 after I've played also to see if I need extra T3 to help recover?
They were:
TSH 0.006 (0.27-4.2)
T4 19.2 (12-22)
T4 5.58 (3.1-6.8)
I'm a little confused how T3 has dropped but so has TSH. T4 has raised but I think before my October test I'd missed a couple of tablets in the few weeks before it.
I don't think my endo is going to allow me to increase T3 as my TSH is so low. Is there anything I can do to get it a bit higher? Do we actually need it or am I just trying to please them?
I know these results don't look bad but I've never felt like my levels reflect how I'm actually feeling, even at my worst. At diagnosis my T3 was still 4.9, and the lowest it ever went to whilst on levo was 3.78, tsh was 2.52. So I think maybe I'm just one who needs my levels high/tsh low to feel well.
I want to act now so I don't end up back where I was before anyone will listen to me. We're also planning pregnancy so I want to make sure I'm as well as I can be. I've worked so hard to get well learning about it, getting all vits and minerals right, going gluten free, fighting with drs and self medicating
So I'm wondering about asking to drop T4 and increase T3? Possibly dropping to 75mcg T4 and adding in 5mcg T3 in afternoon to my 10mcg morning dose. Any suggestions on dose or ways to persuade my endo?
Also - my antibodies have been continually dropping since i started medication. They have now been in normal range since Aug 2018 and have continued to lower. Does that mean I don't have Hashi's anymore? And if I don't have antibodies attacking my thyroid any more, how can I feel unwell again?
I'm sure I had something else to ask but I've forgot