Feeling a bit lost again need some guidance please - Thyroid UK

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Feeling a bit lost again need some guidance please

10 Replies

Tomorrow I go for the dreaded iron panel and MMA testing ,I am so needle and blood phobic I dread it and as usual I can’t sleep so anyway Ive just noticed it’s a 16 day turnaround for the MMA results via medichecks and ive been stocking up on the recommended supplements but now I’m at a loss to know which ones to start first.im guessing that d3/k2 oral spray and magnesium supplement might be a good place to start because I’ve been confirmed I’m below range so in theory I could start that tomorrow after lunch or dinner,blood tests are just after 9am at Superdrug clinic.would it also be ok to start the selenium supplement at the same time then in a couple of weeks when I get my test results back I’ll know where I am with the b12 and pernicious anemia and I can then start the necessary supplements for whichever one of these I have.Im very reluctant to have b12 injections so I’ve bought some of the supplements that dissolve under the tongue as I saw them recommended on here,is it possible to use this kind of supplement to raise b12 levels and avoid injections or is it inevitable if I’m suffering p.a that I would need injections.Im sorry to be a pain but could someone give me a timescale / plan of best actual times to take these so I can write it on my white board as I have memory issues since head injury and I struggle day to day and have to write things down to refer back to. It just helps to keep my head in a good place if I have a plan or system that I can refer to then it means the anxiety doesent get to take over.Thanks so much for all your advice and help it makes things so much easier for someone like me and hopefully one day I’ll be able to pass it on and help even one person.x

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10 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

Only start one supplement at a time, wait 2 weeks and if no adverse reaction add the next one, if no adverse reaction then add the third one, etc. This way then if you do have a bad reaction you will know what caused it.

Nobody on here can tell you if it's inevitable that you have PA. When you have your results back then it may be prudent to post them on the PA forum here on HealthUnlocked for their comments healthunlocked.com/pasoc

B vitamins can be stimulating so best taken in the morning no later than lunchtime.

Magnesium can be calming so may be best taken in the evening.

in reply to SeasideSusie

Hi SeasideSusie sorry I meant if you do have PA is it inevitable you’ll need to have the injections rather than just dissolvable supplements.

Thank you as always for your advice it’s been a great help to me and I’ll do some reading up on the PA forum.

Many thanks again.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to

Sorry Hidden I misunderstood, re-reading it now you've said that I can see what you meant!

I don't know the answer so I'd ask on the PA forum as it's dedicated to B12.

Mitch27 profile image

Can I ask what is PA ? Also didn't know you can get b12 that dissolved under the tongue 🤔..lastly .. how do you get your test done at superdrug ? I'm waiting to see haematology doe very high ferritin ..🥴. Endo next week ....

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Mitch27

Can I ask what is PA ?

Pernicious Anaemia.

Also didn't know you can get b12 that dissolved under the tongue

Called "sublingual methylcobalamin", small lozenges.

how do you get your test done at superdrug ?

Some of the bigger stores have a Health Clinic. Whether the OP is just having a blood draw or whether Superdrug offers the actual tests she's having I don't know, I imagine it's just a blood draw service where you provide the equipment that the testing company (eg Medichecks) has sent you to get your own venous blood draw arranged somewhere.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Mitch27

You just might find this thread on the Pernicious Anaemia Society forum of interest:


Basically, there is little to no evidence that B12 can be absorbed sublingually.

Also, abbreviations are a problem and you might find my document of some use:


SlowDragon profile image

As SeasideSusie says .....only add one at a time

Suggest you start with either magnesium or vitamin D

Then add the other one

Then add selenium

Come back with new post once you get results on B12, MMA etc

in reply to SlowDragon

Sorry everyone I’ve been out most of today getting the dreaded bloods done so I’m grateful that’s over with for now.

I get the kit from medichecks which I take with me to Superdrug nurse to have the bloods drawn (after I’ve made the appointment )they are very good,I thought it was £25 Per test but it’s not I had two separate kits sent and they did both blood draws at one appointment. Nurse said she was super busy today she had another 18 clients after myself and my husband had our bloods drawn,it’s such a long wait here to even get gp/ nurse appointments never mind blood testing so I guess people are just going down the same route as myself.

I’ll get reading those links now thanks a million everyone x

mandyjane profile image

Have you thought about how to best manage the test. eg would it be helpful to wear a blind fold or an opportunity to lie down to have it taken. Have they been informed that you are needle phobic? It is pertinent to prepare the nurse as some people pass out. I have PA but no problems with injecting. I imagine it might be difficault for you not just because of the needle but because of the colour of the B12 given. I have found that B12 patches have helped me but prefer the jabs. I think you will notice if the supplement is helping you. the blood tests for B12 pretty hopeless. I had very high B12 in a blood test but continued to be very symptomatic until I started to inject.

in reply to mandyjane

Hi mandyjane yes I did tell the nurse I’m needle and very blood phobic,I haemorrhaged after last birth it was very traumatic for me and I freak out if I see a lot of red sticky blood it’s horrendous to me.

She said to me today your veins are so small it’s gonna be difficult but I’ll try, one of my ladies yesterday was the same and I’d to try three different areas,can you imagine my heart was going like the clappers lol.

All I can do now is wait 16 days turnaround for MMA test then take things from there,the likelihood is I’ll self medicate if necessary,not something I relish though lol.

Many thanks x

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