Hello I’ve been on T4 for about 15 years and it’s never agreed with me and if I’m over treated on it, it makes me a madman, a weeping, anxious, suicidal madman, the only way I can stop feeling like this quickly is to stop taking it and wait for a few weeks to get it out of my system, just cutting down doesn’t work, then I have to build T4 up again slowly, but recently it’s been harder and harder to build up the dose. Anyway long story short I asked GP for T3 and he’s a helpful chap, but said no it was too expensive, but did write to a local Endo for advice about T3 and she asked to see me. All well and good, although I was just expecting her to say T4 or nothing, So was actually amazed when she said, “I think that you’re allergic to T4 and I’ll prescribe T3” Actually she said she’s going to tell my GP to prescribe it for me. My questions are…
1. can my GP say no to this request on the grounds of expense?
2. I’ve been reading on this forum that some parts of the country are stopping the prescribing of T3 completely is this going to spread?
3. What if anything should I look out for when switching from T4 to T3. Endo said she was going to start me on 10mg.
I have huge hopes for T3 I only hope I’m not disappointed could really do with having my life back. Oh and Number 4. if they aren’t going to give me it I’m going to buy it online so could someone please PM me with a good place to get it I understand you can get it over the counter in Greece and Turkey I already buy B12 injections online and have never had a problem with it so I’m not a novice at self medicating or the “black market,”
Many thanks for any advice.