Yesterday my husband fell (there was a pothole) crossing the road and pulled me down with him. He is perfectly ok apart from a grazed finger, but I fell on my right side and the side of both knees. We were very near our medical centre, so went in and were seen by a nurse. She bathed and dressed my knees, but later my neck and back began to be very painful, and I've been up in the night.
I've had Epsom salts baths and have applied various stuff like comfrey ointment and Biofreeze, as well as using my TENS machine..My arms and chest muscles are also painful. It's an exaggeration and enlargement of an existing problem - neck, mid-back and rib pain, but now the pain is worse and over a larger area.The knees also hurt when walking, and the left one is very bruised.
I know no one can advise, so I'm just waffling really. The exact same thing happened last year, except then his shoe caught on the edge of a pavement. That time I sort of landed mainly on him, so didn't suffer, and he was all right.
I have a physio appointment on Tuesday anyway. Just wonder if there's anything else I could do till then - of course I'm also taking paracetemol.