Hi all,
The earliest appointment I've got a GP appointment for is7 Feb. and by visio, for my sudden onset of vertigo.
I am visiting my elderly mum in UK for a week and woke up first morning with vertigo in bed as if I was very drunk and had to hold onto the mattress to get balance, eyes kept scrolling and felt very nauseous. It passed once I sat up in bed.
It then happened again when bending down to do my boots up, and I had to sit on the floor til vertigo passed. It has also happened when I look up or down but by adjusting my neck and looking straight forward it goes. After 3 days it has more or less gone but again this morning I felt it coming back (day 5)
To be noted I have had neck pain over past few weeks. I have arthritis in the cervicals (old whiplash injury from teenage years). But this time my neck pain included the muscles on the right side of my neck as if I had strained it. But cant think how I could have done that other than sleeping in a bad position.
I looked on list of thyroid symptoms and saw vertigo as one, hence coming on here to ask your opinion.
Does this sound like a thyroid problem to you all? Or a more mechanical problem like a trapped nerve. If thyroid, what to do, expect? It is very debilitating and frightening tbh.
(I am currently on 100 mcg L Thyrox, and supplementing vitamin D3. I am due to have new bloods done. I have low vit D despite supplementing and and am bad converter from FT4 to FT3 as seen in past posts. I have been trying to get my vit D levels up and to find a doctor who will prescribe FT3. Not found one yet in my home in France.)
Thanks for your feedback.