Not really thyroid related but need advice - Thyroid UK

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Not really thyroid related but need advice

Denise37 profile image
18 Replies

Hi I have been diagnosed hypothyroid and vit d deficiency I have a multitude of symptoms ,im not yet on the right dose of levothyroxine only on 75 mg right now ,I take other medications for nerve pain ,vit d , and depression lately past 4 weeks or so I've had an awful time sleeping ,I've got a constant noise in my head , it's quite distracting and makes me really anxious, I was convinced we had mice( paid for pest control and they confirmed defo no pests) I can hear it when my kids can't! I'm constantly on edge trying to figure out the noise , night times are the worst! I even hear my eyelids open and closing . I hear voices like I thought my grandson was talking to a girl in the hallway but it was just him ( stuff like that has happened on a few occasions) but I've lost my hearing a little bit in my left ear .And more recently and quite scary I see things I thought I seen something climbing the wall , a different occasion something running across the floor ,and something walking past my kitchen at the point in really feeling quite on edge and a bit insane ...earlier my hair fell a little from my bobble and brushed my shoulder and it had me screaming like a bloody lunatic! Could lack of sleep be causing this ? I'm sleeping 2 hours a day at the most .anyone experienced this ? I'd love some lovely person to tell me I'm not going crazy please :)

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Denise37 profile image
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18 Replies
greygoose profile image

No, I don't think you're crazy. Similar things have happened to me. Less so, lately, now my dose of T3 is good.

Low thyroid hormone can affect the brain in many ways. The brain uses a lot of thyroid hormone so not surprising if strange things happen when there's a shortage of it. And, for me, hearing things and seeing things that aren't there, coupled with my awful memory, sometimes convinces me there's someone else living in my house apart from me - and I'm supposed to be living alone! Like, New Year's Eve. I opened my wardrobe, wondering what I was going to wear, when there in front of me was a gorgeous midnight blue top, with sequins. I swear I have never seen that top before! It was brand new, never been worn, but I have no recollection of buying it. Anyway, I put it on, it was a bit big on me, but never mind. With my black velvet trousers I looked the bee's knees. lol My daughter remarked on my beautiful top and asked when I'd got it because she hadn't seen it before. And, I said 'no, neither have I'. And, even stranger, I'd been going through my wardrobe just a couple of weeks before, weeding out things I never wore anymore. And, I hadn't see it then. So, why was it right in front of me when I opened the door that night?

Apart from that, things disappear, and things reappear, and things are moved around. I could attribute it to the super natural, but I think a spirit or a poltergeist would have a hard job moving my latest missing object: a painting on wood, about three feet by three feet, and two inches thick. Weighs a ton! Or, I could put it down to me sleep walking. But, I think I'd have a problem moving that painting, too!

This sort of phenomena has been discussed on here before. But, I don't think any conclusions have ever been reached. And, frankly, after a while you just learn to live with it. But, you're not going crazy, no way. Your brain is probably just starved of hormone. And, of course, lack of sleep won't help - that's bound to cause halucinations, and what-not. And, I'm sure both the sleeplessness and the weird goings-on will improve once you find your optimal dose. So, don't worry - relax and enjoy it - if you can. :)

Denise37 profile image
Denise37 in reply to greygoose

My memory is just awful , glad I'm not the only one it brings me some comfort and thanks for the giggle I'm sure u looked lovely in the blue sequin top! :)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Denise37

You're welcome. :)

Mandy2007 profile image

I too can relate to what both of you have described/experience. Strange goings on that only I seem to see/feel. And ...I’m lying here typing this unable to sleep (nothing new 😳) at 01:27!! Your’e not going crazy....and it seems not alone.

Denise37 profile image
Denise37 in reply to Mandy2007

Sleep? What is sleep! I think my kids we're worried I was loosing my mind and it's great to know I'm not alone I find it amazing the amount of symptoms you can have with thyroid issues I thought maybe I had schizophrenia for a lil while 😂

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Denise37

Do they test your T3 ? - it's the Active hormone so lots needed 😊

Denise37 profile image
Denise37 in reply to Marz

No i have a hard time getting the tests needed with my doctor he's a bit of a pain goes on TSH only's like talking to a brick wall 🤦‍♀️

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Denise37

Have been reading your post/replies of four months ago 😊 Did you manage to have those Private Tests done ? Some of your symptoms sound like very LOW B12. Your result needs to be over 500 to prevent cognitive decline and neurological symptoms. Watch the video on YouTube - Could it be B12 ? - happy to help.

Denise37 profile image
Denise37 in reply to Marz

I didnt get the private tests I've not been able to afford it , I physically can't work and living off universal credit and have my 2 adult children and my 2 baby grandsons living with me (they are on uc also ) and my type 1 diabetic son with next to no money .

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Denise37

You could ask your GP to test B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD ...

Denise37 profile image
Denise37 in reply to Marz

I'm due to have my thyroid & vit d checked this week so I'm going to politely insist or I fear I'll end up in a looney bin.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Denise37

If your B12 is 500 + & your VitD a 100 you won't end up in the loony bin 😊 Don't forget to obtain copies of rrsults with ranges ...

SlowDragon profile image

Previous post showed extremely high TSH and much higher dose of Levothyroxine at 125mcg

Why the substantial drop in dose

You need to get B12, folate, ferritin tested by GP

Both TPO and TG Thyroid antibodies tested and magnesium

Coeliac blood test too

Referral to a recommended thyroid specialist endocrinologist

Email Dionne at Thyroid Uk for list of recommended thyroid specialists and insist that GP refers you to one

Denise37 profile image
Denise37 in reply to SlowDragon

The dr dropped my dose when i started havin really low heart rate , breathlessness etc said he would have to up it more gradual ! Due to be upped again soon , my doctor barely listens to anything I say but I've done some research and he's the best in my area but thank you so much for your advice , this week I'm going to take charge I really can't live like this anymore

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Denise37

Low vitamins are extremely common - these need testing

Low iron or ferritin often cause breathlessness

Politely insist on thyroid antibodies and coeliac tests too

Denise37 profile image
Denise37 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you so much I will :)

Denise37 profile image

Well I visited my lovely doctor who so kindly gave me ear drops 😂 She swears none of issues are thyroid or vitamin related the problem is my ear , I've my blood tests next week she wouldn't do the other b12 she said cos I'm not jaundice so said I can have b12 🤔 an I'm looking for a new doctor in my area , my health problems are so dibilitating on my life and I just want to get better well as much I can possibly can , and my lovely dad has so kindly offered to pay for my blood test for me :)

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Denise37

Have you had the tests done ?

Not what you're looking for?

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