I have been having this first symptom for some time but I was hoping it would go away. So far as I know I don't have arthritis, but for some reason, just before it rains outside my hips ache a lot - and it's very vicelike sensation as if something is squeezing me there. My partner jokes that I should be a fortune teller as whenever my hips hurt it rains a few minutes later. So weird!
My scalp has also been very sensitive when I brush it. I don't have a comfortable brush anyway but it never used to be anywhere near as painful as it is now.
Also I've been waking up each morning with a stuffy nose, but I have no cold. Sometimes the stuffy noise is so bad it doesn't clear up until mid afternoon. This has been going on for quite some time.
With regards to the neck swelling the area over the right side of my thyroid is more swollen than the other. This I'm sure would be classed as a thyroid nodule but if I have raised anti-TPO antibodies that doesn't sound right. Also I've read somewhere else that a goitre caused by hashimoto's is longitudinal. Wouldn't that mean that it's longer on one side?
Any help is appreciated.
Jo xxx