Sorry if this all comes out as a bit rambling, but have a few different questions to ask!
I've got Hashimotos (the only thing that was right on a recent letter from my one and only Endo appointment, but that's another story!). Was on 50mg of levo until Friday, when the GP upped it to 75mg on the basis of my most recent blood test and me still being massively symptomatic.
Most recent blood test (2 weeks ago) on 50mg levo
TSH 1.39 miu/L (0.27 - 4.2)
T4 13.4 pmol/L (12 - 22)
Nothing else checked, usual NHS rubbish. This was a fasting test done first thing, and I hadn't taken my daily dose of levo, so had been 24 hours since last dose.
I had a blood test done on the 4th October, however it wasn't fasting and I HAD taken my levo (I had no idea they were going to test thyroid levels, it was a pre-op appointment). I'm a bit gutted, as my T3 was checked for this blood test, so really wish I'd know it was going to be done. First question, I know that not fasting and taking your medication before the test means that the TSH result is basically useless (mine was 0.12 for this test!), but does it also effect your T4 and T3 levels, or are they still a reasonable representation of what is going on? My T4 was 20.9 with the same reference range as above, so well up on the test 2 weeks later, which makes me think it was effected after taking my medication. T3 was 5.1, with a reference range of (3.1 - 6.8). The only other time I've had my T3 checked was on a medichecks test prior to being diagnosed, so I wasn't on any medication, but again, I didn't fast (was before I found this site and knew that I should). On that occasion my T3 was 4.7 with the same reference range.
So, if my levo didn't effect T3, and 5.1 is an accurate representation of what it is, does that mean with my most recent T4 being 13.4 that I should be considering trying to source some T3 to try to help with my symptoms, or not? The reason I ask is I am going on a Greek Island cruise soon, I've read that you can buy T3 over the counter in Greece, although can be hard to source, and I'm wondering whether to try when I'm in port. Would love any thoughts on this.
Second question relates to vitamins - I've recently bought the Better You Vitamin D with K3 spray as a test showed I was deficient ( was given a 6 week loading dose then told to sort myself out). I'm currently taking that spray after dinner, whilst having my levo first thing. Just wanted to check that was ok, as I think I read they shouldn't be taken together?
I've also bought the Better You Vitamin B12 spray, although I haven't started that. B12 showed as within range, but it was low, so thought it a good idea to supplement. Does that also need to be taken at a different time to levo? Can it be taken at a similar time to the Vitamin D? Is that spray enough, or is there anything else I should be taking to make it work?
Final question (sorry!) is to do with ferritin and folate. These were tested back in March, were in range but both low. Serum ferritin level was 58ng/mL with a range of 11 - 307, serum folate level was 9.9ng/mL with a range of 3 - 20. Think I've read on here that folate should be at least midway through for thyroid hormone to work, obviously mine isn't. I should point out that I am vegetarian before I'm told to start eating liver etc! Gp not interested, so looking for how best to get these up.
GP basically told me that she is happy to up my levo whilst I am in range for TSH, even if that is right at the bottom, but once it gets there she won't up it any more without the say so of an endo. I saw the endo in September, he seemed ok, but the letter he sent didn't bear much resemblance to what we actually talked about, and he said in that letter that he wanted my TSH to be between 0.5 - 1.5, so I guess I won't get any support from him. He also discharged my back to the GP after the one appointment, so if this recent increase to 75mg of levo takes my TSH under 0.2, I suspect I've got no chance of an increase, which is another reason I've asked about T3 at the beginning of this.
Sorry it's so long, I just needed to get it all down whilst it's all relatively fresh in my head.